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Fandom Avatar: The Resurgence

Miss Ditzy

space monkey




"Air. Water. Earth. Fire.

This is the Avatar Cycle. Long ago, when we still knew the art of bending, the avatar would be reborn every lifetime. They were in the keeper of peace. The bridge between the two worlds. The protector of all. But the avatar disappeared. Though at first there was much chaos, humanity found a way to survive without an avatar. But the world soon began to forget its traditions, and a new age was brought. The world as we once knew became the subject of legends and children's bedtime stories Now a new threat rises from the dark. But I can feel it... the light is also reborn. The world will see its avatar again.

The world needs its avatar again."


The Dream:

(Up to you if your character has this dream)

You find yourself in an empty space surrounded by strange colors around you. You are stuck in place and cannot move, so look around. Everything is blurred, and you see no one. You look down, no ground touch your feet, making it almost as if you are floating in this strange place. You come to conclusion that you are probably dreaming, since that is the only possible explanation. But it does not feel like normal lucid dreaming. You can't even remember falling asleep.

A bright blue light shines, but you cannot see where it comes from and guard your eyes from the intense brightness. The voice you hear calling out to you is vague and muffled, however you can tell that it is of a female whom you cannot recognize. Its message is impossible to understand. The voice tries to reach you once more. This time, you are at least able to hear enough to get some sort of message.

"......moon...full...go.....meet your destiny....."

Everything around you begins to shift and you find before you the image of.... a parking garage? The address is labeled on a sign in front of its entrance. 4700 Ba Sing Se Avenue.

"....Go there." The voice says to you once again. It fades away, echoing through your ears. The bright light dissipates and soon all the colors around you begin to fade into nothing. It melts into shadows around you and you wake up, probably dazed or confused.

When the moon is full... you think to yourself. Meet destiny? Could that be real? You brush it off, the full moon wasn't until a few days, so you still had time to think on it. But for the nights following until the full moon you still saw that garage... And the strange voice was still calling to you in the distance.

Eventually the full moon finally appeared in the night sky. Will you listen to the voice haunting your dreams?

(OOC: Ari's dream will actually be *slightly* different than the dream here had by the others.)

Night of the Full Moon

Ari wandered down the streets of Neo Republic City that one clear night. It was almost midnight, meaning the moon was pretty much in the very center of it path across the sky. There were still people walking along the sidewalks and cars in the roads. Neo Republic City always was known as "the city that never sleeps", after all. She looked up and saw that there was not a cloud in the sky to block the moon. "Looks full to me.." She thought to herself. She began having second thoughts about listening to the weird voice talking to her through her dreams. Maybe she was just going crazy. Fin also had always told her that she had a wild imagination when she was little... She pushed the doubt aside. No. There was something different about these dreams. The voice also seemed...kind of familiar...familiar in a way that it was like she had heard it before she even had memories.

Her lost thoughts were interrupted by the sound of glass breaking. She looked ahead and saw a man in a waiter's uniform a few yards away on the ground frantically picking up dropped glasses and plates in front of the outside seating of a
restaurant. What a perfect opportunity. Ari smirked, the night was still young. It wouldn't hurt to keep the mysterious voice waiting a few more moments so she could "help" this man. She rushed to his side and bent over next to him.

"Here sir, let me help you with that." She smiled.

"O-oh! Thank you." The man stuttered.

As she used one hand to help pick up the dropped dishes, the other just happened to find its with into the man's pocket. He didn't even notice. Standing back up, the man gave a quick nod of his head and another thank you before rushing back inside. Ari grinned as she walked away and took out her latest "catch", a small leather wallet. Throwing out the unnecessary stuff like his driver's license and a few pictures, Ari was able to count out about 110 yuans. Not too bad for a guy that gets paid in tips.

Ari eventually found herself at her destination. The parking garage locating on Ba Sing Se Avenue. She looked around, hoping to find something waiting for her, but she couldn't make out anything out of the ordinary. There were a couple people talking in the booth at the entrance of the garage, a girl in an average hooded sweatshirt and a boy in one of those neon vests. Both of them looked to be only few years older than her. She was going to approach them but wasn't sure how she would put it into words.

Hey there! I'm just looking for a random voice that was haunting my dreams the other night, you know where I could find that? They'd probably think she was crazy and maybe even call the cops. She didn't want to deal with that. She already had to outrun the police three times this month. She glanced around again, hoping to find some kind of answer.


(OOC: And we're off! I strongly suggest tagging if you are going to interact with someone. If you are going to interact with any of the NPCs I have set, for example the people in the booth right now, tag me since I am GMing and in charge of most of the world including most of the NPCs. Reoccurring NPCs will be added to the Neutral Characters tab as we go along.)
Kalista ran her hand through her dark hair, breathing out in a long, slow sigh. Her apron was used to make sure no sparks hit her as she was welding, but now she pulled it off over her head, and hung it on a hook labelled with her name. Her boss handed her a pay check, made out to her for 640 yuans, for the work she had done over the last month or so. As she worked in one of the poorer mechanic shops, she was not payed highly, even though she worked full shifts and was quite skillful. "Thanks, Yuri," she said, sliding the check into her black backpack at her feet.

Swinging the bag over her shoulder, she exited the shop after waving goodbye to a few of her colleagues. She knew she had a long walk ahead of her, but strangely enough, she was wide awake, even though she had been working at various jobs since almost seven o'clock this morning. As she started her trek, she thought of her dream, her hands fidgeting at her sides. Maybe I'm going crazy, she thought to herself. Maybe I've finally just hit the edge. I mean, destiny - who even believes in that anymore? That's for little kids, and fairy tales. But for some reason, she kept walking.

About an hour later, Kalista came up to her destination. 4700 Ba Sing Se Avenue. This is it. Looking around, she saw another girl about her age, with a cybernetic arm, as well as two other kids a bit older than her talking in front of the old parking garage. What did she say? How exactly do you explain some random woman in your dreams giving you instructions on your "destiny", whatever that was? She stayed a bit behind, not exactly hiding, just observing.

(Mentioned: @Miss Ditzy , NPCs)
He walked carefully through an alleyway. The streets around here weren't exactly the friendliest, and he didn't have a whole lot of friends in low places anymore. Best to watch his back around here, so he didn't get mugged or something. Li finally got to the parking lot. It was nasty. There was trash scattered everywhere, and graffiti (though he didn't particularly mind this part) marked the walls on almost all sides. The moon cast dark shadows across the buildings and cars making anything lit pop out like a bright canvas. He scanned the area. A girl with a prosthetic on the left, a skinny girl on the right, and a couple simply talking. If this was the mystical place he was supposed find his "destiny" in, then they set his standards a little high. Y'know, whoever the hell "they" were.

A cold breeze blew by. Li flicked the hood of his jacket up and stuck his hands in his pocket. Well, what now? Do I start chanting things about spirits and hippies until something pops out and says boo? Maybe I could do a spooky dance on top of that car and summon the spirit of 'ha, you're a dumb ass for listening to a dream.' Honestly, he didn't know why he was here. He didn't believe in any of this crap, but he'd do just about anything to get the dreams to stop. He kicked his feet a little before walking towards the brick wall to lean against. As he moved he noticed the two girls at opposite ends of the parking lot. They looked like that had no clue what was going on. Like they were just blown off or something. Akio could relate. Hell, maybe they're crazy too. Maybe they get stupid reoccurring dreams that lead them to nasty parking lots that supposedly grant wishes. He sighs and cracks his neck before leaning it back. "Maybe, someday you won't fall for crap like this, Li," he muttered to himself.
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Why the hell was he even going to this place he'd seen in his dream? After all, all they were were vivid hallucinations one had while sleeping. Was it boredom? Curiosity? Both? Work had been quiet of late as it was, a few of his co-workers were currently behind bars and J was lucky he wasn't there with them. Being able to scramble high walls had an advantage when the group had stumbled into a alleyway that led to a wall with nowhere to go. In those moments, it was always every man for himself so there was no worry about them seeking revenge.

Well, so he hoped.

Ba Sing Se Avenue wasn't too much further, the skies were clear tonight, the full moon shining brightly down on the brightly lit city. Even at night, this place seemed to be lit up like daytime. Although the streets were somewhat quieter, but that wasn't to say there was no nightlife. There was quite a bustling night life in fact. The sweet smell of dumplings wafted from a restaurant as the redhead passed it and he inhaled deeply, his step slowing for just a moment. the temptation to slip in and grab one...

He had time.

Now, to continue to make his way to this parking garage. Biting into the fresh coconut-filled dumpling, the taste bought a smile to his lips as his shoes made barely any sound on the pavement. It was only a few more minutes before the building in question was in sight and he entered, carefully. Destiny was not a thing he believed in and he had no idea what he'd find here. Peeking around a corner, he could just make out a few people, two girls and a guy who looked to be just lurking for the moment. Lurking for now seemed a good idea.
Yeh-Lu was working in the gentleman's club. He was wearing a beautiful tux that made him look even taller and even more slender than he already was. The ladies wanting to have dinner with him were standing in line outside. He smiled to himself thinking of all the ladies wanting him.

"Why are you smiling so slyly Yeh-Lu" The lady, which name he had already forgotten, asked him.

"I was thinking of you" he said and then leaned closer to her ear, "And what's underneath that dress" he said, the girl almost swooned just as the clock gonged, signalling that all the men got new customers. But not Yeh-Lu, he was off now luckily. He hated wearing the tuxedo, and really he hated making all those girls happy. Most of them were middle-aged, fat women with no chance at getting a husband.

"I will take my leave now, my dear" It didn't even matter if he didn't now their names, he just used "my dear", "honey" or something else that sounded like something sweet.

"Here's a little extra for you" she said and stuck a 100 yuan note in the rim of his pants. "Sweet" Yeh-Lu thought, but he simply smiled and told her to come back another time. He smiled his charming smile all throught the restaurant area, but as soon as he hit the door for the backstage area, his smile turned into a look of complete boredom.

"Dude you HAVE to teach me some tricks" a new guy, which name Yeh-Lu had also forgotten, said to him.

"First lesson, don't take advice from anyone" Yeh-Lu simply answered and walked to his closet. He put on his normal wear. A pair of skinny black jeans, a t-shirt with an ironic caption, today it was "Hello means F*** off", not really that ironic but a shirt that expressed his feelings perfectly. he topped it off with a leather jacket and some chains around his neck. Then he touseld his slick back hair, so it look like he just rolled out of bed. Then he grabbed his hoverboard and made his way to the paycheck area.

"Hey sweetpea, can I get my money" he said to the lady behind the booth. She was old and reminded him of his mother, so he always treated her nicely.

"Sure honey, let me get them for you" she handed him the money and he counted them. 900 yuan's, not bad, and not bad at all since he had gotten about the same in tips. He went for the door and pulled his hood up, because he knew what was going to happen if the ladies outside reckognized him.

But of course the minute he stepped out the door he was surrounded by women.

"There he is!" they yelled and ran for him, he simply put a hand up and stopped them all in their tracks. Some powers, the power of stopping stampeeding ladies. He lid a cigarette and looked at them, as though he was going to say something, but instead he hopped onto his hoverboard and flew off. The ladies didn't stop though.

"Shit they're persistant tonight" he mumbled as he grabbed a dumpling from a stand. It wasn't stealing though, he would pay the owner tomorrow. He took a million left and right turns to get the ladies of his back, and when they finally dissapeared he found himself on Ba Sing Se Avenue.

"Wow lucky coincidence!" he patted himself on the shoulder, thanking his unconcious for guiding him here. He saw a group of people and boldly asked.

"Hey have any of you had a weird dream about this place?"
The cool night air was moist and fresh. Dax coasted the hover car slowly through the back alley, its lights had been shut off four blocks back.

The back of the vehicle was laden with the cargo he was set to deliver. Dax always checked the cargo, especially when he was told not to. Just watches this time, nothing like the last job. That one he hadn't completed and he might still pay for that.

The man was there, blending into the shadows so well not even Dax could have picked him out. Dax had his visor down, but it was adjusted to the dim lighting and didn't impdede his vision in the slightest, though his eyes were hidden behind the reflective plastic.

Pudge was asleep on the passenger seat, his wide, furry ear flicked when the motion of the car stopped. The man came round the back and checked the cargo as Dax got out.

"14 crates, solid gold rims. Loro say's hi." Dax said cheerfully.

Once he had made sure the cargo was all there he nodded and two more men separated from the darkness to help shift the crates.

His money was counted and Dax stuffed the wad of bills into the front pocket of his sweater. He turned to go, the business done when suddenly the man took hold of his shoulder.

"Watch out kid, Barlen's real mad about the botched job...he's coming for you."

Dax gritted his teeth but when he turned back to his business partner he was smiling. "Let him try to catch me, Mr. Tubbo's goons will be chasing their tails in days!" Inwardly however Dax started to panic. Barlen was not someone you messed with and Dax knew he was in deep.

Not ten minutes later Dax slipped the car into a steady line of traffic, heading to the East side of town.

"It'll take him forever to actually find me!" He said aloud, turning to the sleeping grey ball beside him. "Right Pudge? We'll be fine!"

The car gave a sudden lurch to the side as another vehicle slammed into it from the left. Both cars went careening out of the line. Dax reacted almost instantly, blasting the stabilizers on the right side and spinning the car about so it didn't lose any altitude. Dax shot above the traffic line while it took some time for the other to right itself. Dax didn't even wait to see what had hit him, or if it was an accident, he knew it was Barlen's men.

Dax soared over the traffic lanes and dove for one of the low streets, tilting the car slightly to fit into the narrow alley. The other car followed suit.

Pudge was awake now and clinging to the seat with a frightened trill.

"Pudge! Seatbelt!" The koala otter obediently slammed a button on the side of the seat as he was trained to do and straps flew over his back and about his chest, pinned by powerful magnets and keeping him in the seat.

The car flew down the street, being tailed closely by their pursuers. Dax took a sharp bank right, easing off the accelerator and using the horizontal stabilizer to slide the car around the turn. He wasn't familiar with anything here so losing them was going to be hard. Another bank took him right into a market. people screamed and leapt aside as fruit and fish went flying. A brightly coloured banner caught on the windshield and Dax had to reach out the window to haul it off. When he finally could see he was headed straight for an stone archway, flanked by two large fu dogs. Dax yelled, killing the hover engine in just enough time to slide under it, saved by the force of gravity. The roof was shaved clean off. He hit the now empty street as the car frame screeched on the ground, turning so he could see his pursuers hit the archway at full speed. They had tried to go up, relying on the elevation jets...it would never have worked.

Fire erupted from the crash, blowing back Dax's red hair in a hot wind. No way they survived that. His stomach twisted. Technically he hadn't killed them...but he felt like it was his fault. He grabbed Pudge from the seat, slung his backpack over a shoulder and left as quickly as he could, turning down a darkened street. Only just realizing that the name of the street was Ba Sing Se Avenue.

The dream popped into his mind, clear as when he had just had it a few nights past. He had opted to ignore it. He'd given up on dreams a while ago. the fact that he was here now unsettled him. He came to the garage at 4700 and stopped, just to prove to himself that the dream was just that. He walked straight out into the open.

"There's probably nothing here Pudge. We'll lay low for a bit and then grab what we can from home and book it to the North pole...I hear its slightly less frigid this time of year..."

Dax's voice was loud in the silence; it didn't take him long to catch sight of a girl, standing there and looking about as lost as he felt.

She had her back to him, but likely she didn't work for Barlen, so he was safe...for now. Dax also noticed faint silhouettes of people standing off in the shadows.

"So...can someone tell me why you're standing outside an empty parking lot...in the middle of the night?"

The loud voice that sounded behind him made him jump, but more for what it said.

"Whoawhoa, you couldn't possibly have had a weird dream about this place...because I did. And that's just..." He couldn't finish.

@Miss Ditzy @Alnasl @Kirko @Fus ro dah

@Anno Bane @Everyoneposting next
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Myra couldn't help but wonder if she'd lost it. Well, to be honest she was actually pretty sure she had. It was one thing to have strange dreams, sure, but as far as she could remember, you weren't supposed to actually listen to them. Certainly weren't supposed to go wandering around the city to try and find some random address. She sighed. 4700 Ba Sing Se Avenue. At least it didn't seem like too dangerous an area for her - she hadn't seen any gang activity yet, which was always a good thing. The amount of time she'd spent dodging their people in the past few weeks was kind of unreasonable.

From what she could tell, she was a few streets away at the moment. Really, it was her last chance to turn back, but why not go? Worst case scenario, there was nothing there and it confirmed she had a few screws loose. It was better than sitting there wondering about it. After a couple of minutes, she'd reached the address. A garage of some sort, it looked like. There were a few people there, and she couldn't help but overhear a couple of guys talking about having dreams about the address - wait, really? She paused for a second, but decided to keep walking towards them.

With a roll of her eyes, she walked over calmly, interrupting whatever conversation they were attempting. Myra couldn't help but smile a little as she spoke, shaking her head. "Is the idea of subtlety completely lost on you people? Newsflash, lurking around in the shadows and yelling about your dreams makes you look one of two things. At best, you look suspicious. At worst, you look insane." she said, with a pointed look at the guy who'd been talking loudly.

It took a couple of seconds for her to realise that she probably came off as fairly suspicious herself from her comments. Clearing her throat, she smiled a little awkwardly, looking at the ground. "I, um... I don't mean to be hostile. For what it's worth, you're not the only ones." she said, looking a little embarrassed.

@Miss Ditzy @Alnasl @Kirko @Fus ro dah @Anno Bane @SilverFlight + Next people
Sujin startled awake from the dream in confusion and surprise, wiping of the sweat of her browns rubbing her sleep. She was on a roof of a building laying against a wall of the small square which held the stairs of the roof inside. A head of her was the lit up skyline of Neo Republic City, something really to behold at night. Something she couldn't enjoy at the moment trying to make sense of the dream. She barely remembered falling asleep having been staking out a building when before she knew it she was dreaming. It made no sense: Destiny? Moon full? 4700 Ba Sing Se street? They whole thing sounded like something out of stories she heard about the ancient times before the war, yet it was oddly specific and clear. Why would she dream of something like this? These were not something she experienced before. She looked up in the sky, there was a full moon. Was she meant to go today.

There was ringing in her ear, interupting her thoughts. She tried to shake the dream of her mind angry at herself letting herself being taken in by her dream. She pressed a button on her earpiece. Report. Came a voice in her ear and see looked back down to the building opposite. She closed her good eye and pressed the side of her temple next to her prosthetic eye, making her eye zoom in at the building. "No movement or anyone coming in and out of the building for hours." She said checking her watch, she had only been out of it for a few minutes, making the dream stranger but at least it was unlikely she missed something."no triad activity in the area, the Intel was false."

Maybe, we need to be sure. The triads are locust even with the war and the new technologies they are still active, worse they harbor benders so we can be to careful. The voice said."Yes I understand sir."She said simply, she didn't need to be told twice about benders. Her body was proof of the danger of benders. We need you somewhere else, we have a suspicious congregation of people near your location. Some are suspected benders we need your to investigate. "Of couse sir." She replied. The address is in Bi sing Se Street. She raised her eyebrow. "4700?" She asked. Affarmative....How did you know? "Lucky guess."
Rufus woke up from his dream, it was the same one he had for a few days. Rufus looked at the clock and noticed it was already time to have breakfast. The nude man walked downstairs to prepare his food. On the table lays a letter from Myra. Rufus sat down and read the letter again.

He and Myra met a few years ago when she was trown out of her house. Rufus took care of her for a few weeks till she could move on alone. Occasionally Myra sent him letter, and Rufus tried to reply, but it was difficult because Myra was always moving around. Rufus took a sip of his coffee and walked upstairs to get dressed

The male didn't wanted to get dressed, he liked walking around without any clothes, buf at school he had to. Luckily for his he was nearly finished with school.


In the night, Rufus couldn't sleep. The light of the full moon shining trough his curtains were bothering him, the dream said he should go to a parking place at the 'Ba Sing Se Avenue 4700' Rufus decided to get towards there.

After an hour of walking Rufus arrived at the Ba Sing Se Avenue and saw a group of people standing there already. Did they have also the same dream? That would be very weird, wait... isn't that Myra? Rufus had recognized the girl who was standing at the group and walked over towards her "Myra! What are you doing here?"

@Miss Ditzy @Alnasl @Kirko @Fus ro dah @Anno Bane @SilverFlight @Lasrever
Li saw the group and couldn't believe what they were saying. Strange dreams leading them to the exact same place as he was. He wasn't a big believer in destiny or fate, but this was uncanny. This felt unreal, and even more like a trap. He knew the feds were looking for him, and what better way than to lure him in with curiosity or a feeling that he would finally find his purpose. How'd they put a dream inside his head though? And if they did, wouldn't that mean they already knew where he was? Why go through all this trouble when they could just capture him in his sleep? The more he thinks about it, the less sense it makes.

All in all, he doesn't like the look of this. It's better to play safe than going in head first with no idea what's going on. He slinks a little farther into the shadows hoping no one sees him. He'll keep an eye on them from the shadows. Once he knows enough he'll make a decision. Right now though, he needs to rely on his gut to keep him safe. The others so far were just talking and questioning each other. It seemed no one knew what was really happening. It looked like the guy with the visor knew the girl with the long dark hair and fair skin. Other than that everyone was a stranger. Someone that stood out from the others though was the girl with the prosthetic arm. She seemed to have a sense of mischief to her... and something a little more. He was probably just overthinking it, but whenever he tried to focus on the others questioning his eyes couldn't help but to drift over to her.
Though startled at first by the sudden appearance of everyone else out of nowhere, Ari was silently relieved. "Great.. So I guess this means we probably weren't going crazy?" She said. At least that's what she hoped. Even though there were more people who had the same dream as her telling her to come to this place, there were still so many unanswered questions. They still didn't know who called them here, or what this "destiny" our theirs that they were supposed to meet was.

Suddenly one of the people stepped out of the booth at the entrance of the garage and walked towards them. It was the boy in the neon traffic vest. He wore a white collared shirt under the vest along with a pair dress pants. His hair was dark and wavy, and on his face were a pair of wide rimmed glasses. He had a fairly scrawny build, making it obvious that he wouldn't be someone who would win in a fight. But his face was optimistic, and even when addressing the strangers in front of the parking garage his smile was friendly.

"What's going on out here?" He called out, "Are you guys lost? You certainly sound like it."

"No, you idiot." A female voice from the booth spoke. She stepped out of the booth as well and stood next to the boy. Her hair was black with one noticeable purple streak and was pulled back into a ponytail. Her hoodie and sweatpants were dark and baggy making look completely opposite to the neatly kept boy standing next to her. "They're who uncle was talking about a few days ago. The rambles about the full moon and stuff?"

"Oh yeah... There's more of them than I thought there would be.." The boy trailed off a little, "Oh man, I can't believe this is actually going to happen."

"Well then why don't we take them to him before you scare them away with all this talk that makes no sense to them?"

"Right!" The boy looked at the group, "Look, I know this is all a little crazy and confusing right now but I'm gonna ask you to trust us. Come with us and everything will be explained to you. But we can't talk out here..." He began to walk into the garage and motioned everyone to follow. "This way."

There's was a pause of silence as they stood there and watched him go in. Were they really going to trust this stranger? Maybe...he seemed genuine enough. The girl rolled her eyes and gave them an annoyed look.

"If you all just wanna stand here all night, then go ahead," She said making her way into the parking garage as well. "But just know we're trying to help you."

Ari looked back at the others and shrugged. "Hey, I got nothing better to do." She said with a grin, "Might as well get the answers I came for." She rushed in after the two. They led the group into one of the elevators, it was just big enough to fit them all in. The boy pressed the button the elevator and turned to them once more.

"I should probably introduce myself," he said, "The name's Hong. The brooding one there is my cousin, Jade." Jade just stood back with her arms crossed and gave Hong an annoyed look. "You probably have a lot of questions. But I'm sure you'll get all the answers from our uncle, Saizo."

The elevator door opened and reveal quite the sight. The room they all stepped in was fairly large but there were vines clinging to almost everywhere one the walls and floors, leaving the cement barely visible and making the surfaces pretty uneven. In the middle of the room was a large cluster of vines that was impossible to miss. It made some sort of ball shape and had some sort of strange light glowing from the inside. The glow seems somewhat familiar... In front of the ball of vines is a wrinkled old man who appears to be extremely old. He has very little hair left on his head and what is left is white and very thin. His tufted beard is a bright white and curls upward. He sits with his legs crossed and eyes closed.

"This is our Great Great Uncle Saizo." Hong says to them, "He often meditates, so it's best not to disturb him." The old man let out a loud snore. Hong let out a chuckle, "Or he probably dozed off again." he said slightly embarrassed. "Uncle! They're here! You were right!"

The old man snorted awake and eyes shot open. He stared at the group for a moment before hopping to feet. He already wasn't very tall already, but his severe hunch made him even shorter. He picked up an ornate looking cane and walked towards them. He looked over them all. "Well then, welcome young ones! Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Saizo but you probably already know that. Who might you be and what can I do for you?"

@Alnasl, @Kirko, @Fus ro dah, @Anno Bane, @SilverFlight, @Lasrever, @Savagai, Anyone who wants to hop in here has the opportunity to do so as well. (@gogojojo331 @NostalgiaOwl )

(This ended up being/taking longer than I thought, but I needed to introduce some potentially important characters *hint hint nudge nudge* ;) )
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Only when the group was started to be led away from where the growing number of people lingered, did J follow. He hung to the back of the group, listening and trying to not be -too- on edge. Although it was hard, especially since these people seemed to know about his dream. Well, their dream? He glanced at the backs of the people he followed, had they really all had the same dream? How was that even possible? He shook his head, the mop of red hair atop it flopping side to side before settling. This was stupid, they could all be walking into a trap without even knowing or apparently, caring.

His gaze fell onto the old man as he awoke from his sleep and apparently had no idea who they were.

What the hell was this?
Who the hell are these guys? Li thought. Why is a construction worker and a punk girl acting like they're our freaking spirit guides. Li followed and stayed at the back of the group. He noticed a red headed guy doing the same. He looked him over discretely, hoping the guy wouldn't notice. Calloused knuckles and slightly rugged clothes. This guy seems to be in the same boat as him. Been in too many fights and not enough pay off. A poor punching bag that learned to hit back harder. He looked ahead to the others. Everyone was being herded like sheep, including him. He wondered if anyone else sensed a trap.

Li packed himself into the elevator with everyone else. Everyone was looking at one another, seeing new faces, and hearing new voices. Li just stared ahead, but looked back at people when he felt eyes on him. He held their gaze until theirs shifted to someone else. As the traffic director hit the button the lift clicked and whirred around them. It gave a bit of a jump before the slow and steady ascension. He was ready for answers, and if this Saizo would give them, he'd go through a hundred packed elevators with tour guide hall monitors.

As the doors shuttered open he could see the plant life seeping into every space it could. This was weird, the most green Li usually saw was in graffiti, and weeds sprouting through cracks in the concrete. When the old man woke he couldn't believe his ears. If this man has all the answers shouldn't he at least know who the hell we are? He was absolutely dumbfounded, and it took every ounce of will power to not just leave right then and there. I hope to spirits that this starts to actually make sense.

@Fus ro dah, NPC's
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Kalista saw the girl who had arrived before her rush ahead, and decided in a split second that she was going to stick with her. She lurched forward to keep up on her short legs, keeping pace with the metal-armed girl. What if it's a trap, she thought, and then, What if it's real? She didn't know which scared her more.

When they were about to get into the elevator, Kalista hung back, a bit scared of getting into the tiny space. However, she finally mustered up her courage and stepped on, the last person. She ended up facing those who had been at the back of the group, a red-head and a guy with a scar running down his cheek who both towered over her. They had clearly been in a few fights, and Kalista tried her best to keep as much distance between her and them as possible. She studied them for a moment, looking away quickly as she met the eyes of the scarred man, and then glanced around to get a look at everyone for a few fleeting seconds before the doors opened.

She awkwardly stepped backwards off the elevator, but as she turned - trying hard not to smack someone with her bag - she was shocked speechless by the room. As she tried to pull herself back together enough to make a coherent thought, the boy - Hong, is that his name? - introduced his uncle, who shook himself awake. She stepped forwards and cleared her throat, fidgeting with the straps of her backpack. "My- ...my name is Kalista. I was wondering if you could tell me - um, us - about the dream I - we've - been having. The one about the moon, that told us all to come here. He said you'd been, um, talking about it..." She stuttered out, gesturing lightly to Hong at the word he.

(Mentioned: @Fus ro dah @Kirko @Miss Ditzy, NPCs)
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Myra span around, breaking into a smile when she heard a familiar voice. "Probably the same reason you're here, Rufus. I guess I don't have to post that letter any more, huh?" she said, looking very pleased to see him. Of course she was - she really did owe the guy for how much he'd helped her out recently. "Seriously though, it's great to see you."

She was going to say more, but was interrupted by a guy and a girl who'd been hanging around in the garage entrance. They started talking to the group, and it seemed like they knew something or other. The guy seemed much more friendly right off the bat, at least, and introduced both of them, although Myra got the impression that the girl was more practical. To be honest, Myra wasn't too thrilled at the prospect of going in the elevator, but figured it was the only way she'd ever get any answers from this.

Myra wasn't really hurrying - if these people wanted to speak to all of them, then they weren't going to leave just because she didn't walk quickly. Besides, it meant she wouldn't be stuck at the back of the elevator, which was a bonus. For now, she was trying to stick by Rufus, happy to have found someone she knew in this situation.

As they exited the elevator, she was surprised at the amount of green there was. Weren't they underground? She followed the path of the vines to the large ball, looking at the man inside. He looked old. There was no other way to put it, he just looked... Old. Almost dried out or something. She looked at the girl who stepped forward, and was less than impressed by her explanation.

Myra rolled her eyes and took a step forward as well. "If we have to have an introduction, then I'm Myra. And what I believe she's trying to ask is if you can explain why we got called here, and what for." she said, shaking her head. Normally she'd have just let Kalista stumble through her explanation, but today Myra really just wanted to get to the point already. She didn't have the time or the patience for mumbling.

@Savagai specifically, + everyone else
An angry female voice sounded behind Dax and he became slightly offended. "And you're better? Yelling at us yelling about our dreams?"

Her next sentence was almost apologetic and Dax turned to face her. He blinked several times and then grinned and said in a smooth.

"Not to worry beautiful, I'm actually really glad we have something in common."

Pudge wiggled in his arms. "I'm Dax, and this is my koala otter, Pudge. Both charmed."

Pudge kicked him with a flailing leg and Dax put him down. "Sorry buddy."


His gaze suddenly fell on the two garage workers who approached. What they began to say made very little sense to Dax. Their uncle was talking about a group of random people meeting at midnight outside an abandoned garage? He'd had a pretty rough night, but not bad enough to cause delusions.

"Oh-ho-kay, I've heard enough." He began to step back. "Toot toot! The crazy train has definitely left this station....I'll just be going now. Pudge, let's book...Pudge?" He spun around looking for the animal only to find him sitting happily inside the elevator. Dax smacked his forehead.

"Are you kidding me? Pudge! Come here right now." The koala otter didn't move.

In the distance someone shouted, vaguely in the direction of the crash. Dax thought he heard his name.

"Y-you know what? Elevator sounds good all of a sudden. Let's get off the street."

On the way up Dax allowed himself to examine the faces he could see. There were girls and guys, brooding, sweet, professional, unsure, there seemed a complete mix.

He shifted his gaze to the girl who had come 'because she had nothing better to do'.

"Frankly I usually need a better reason to follow strangers into an unknown building...does anyone have more of an idea about what's going on than I do?"

@Miss Ditzy

When the doors finally opened and Dax stepped into the room he froze. He'd never seen anything like it. This was beyond creepy! he desperately hoped that what he had just stumbled upon wasn't worse than Barlen.

Pudge seemed completely fine with the glowing ball of vines and light, as well as the wrinkled old man sitting before it.

Dax heard the man snore and suddenly the mystery melted a little.

"This is your Great uncle Saizo? Isn't he supposed to know what we're doing here? He should be all like: 'Ah, I expected you all, settle down here while I tell you about your very important destiny!'" Dax had adopted a sagely old man voice and mimed waving a staff around.

Some of the others didn't look anymore impressed than Dax was, but a graceful young woman with bright blue eyes stepped forward and spoke timidly.

Pudge wandered off and went to sit by her, pressing his fluffy head into her calf affectionately. Dax was floored. "That's weird. He usually doesn't like people..."


Dax didn't want to buy into whatever was going on, but there was a niggling feeling at the back of his head, something almost akin to what he had felt in the dream.

"Dax." He said finally. "I'm Dax. But I'm just a pilot."

Sujin watched the group from a shadow corner of a nearby alleyway, using her eye magnification feature to see what everyone was doing from a safe distance. She counted around six or seven of them, no sign of bending between them though she knew they wouldn't do anything out in the open like this. From what little she could hear, they didn't seem to know each other. She went to click on the communicator after a few minutes to update her handler when the garage door open and saw one of the people inside. She cursed as the thought of losing them stuck in her head.

Once everyone seemed to get into the garage she began to jog to it, trying to be as quick and silently as possible. She seemed to get to it without being spotted but not in time to get passed the closing garage door. She cursed and looked around for another way in, a back door or a roof answer and for a while she wasnt sure if she was going to find one.
Yeh-Lu really didn't like the idea of walking into an abandoned building with a bunch of misfits. But he just dropped his cigarette and followed them while he lit another cigarette. He walked into the elevator, normally one would feel chlostrophobic in on of these but he really didn't care because he towered over everybody else. And this way he could really see the people up close. His face was in its usual non-caring look, but really inside he was burstling for a chance to do something interesting for once. When they arrived, he saw the old man, and he thought this must be a joke. So he said:

"I'm Yeh-Lu, probably one of the most handsome men in the downtown area, and if I don't get coffee i'm going to join the snoozefest with the old man!"
Ari let out a chuckle, specifically at the boy named Yeh-Lu. "Well there, Mr. Good-Looking, it'd probably be hard to get yourself a coffee with this," She waved his wallet at him with the most smug look on her face. She was able to get it while they were in the elevator. A crowded space was such an easy spot to pickpocket people, even a child could do it. "You certainly carry a lot on you. This would really help me play for some debts I've been running from. But I like you." She tossed it back at him. "Just be careful about dozing off, or my hand just might 'slip' again. Got it, handsome?" She gave him a mischievous wink.

(@Anno Bane)

"Name's Ari by the way.." She said, turning Saizo. "So you don't know who we are, but you know why you're here, right? About our dream and destiny and stuff?"

"I may be old, but that doesn't mean I know everything." Saizo said plainly, "I cannot say I know for certain why you were called here... However, I believe I may have an idea. I'm sure you have heard at least some of the famous legends. Legends of the time before the Great Nuclear War. The tales of how humans were able to control the elements at will, the myth about the other world inhabited by spirits, and the stories of a time when spirits and humans once lived together in a world of harmony with each other and among their own. What if told you that those legends were all truth.."

"Well.. I'd tell you that you were a crazy little old ma- Hey!" Ari responded before being interrupted with a whack in the hand by Saizo's cane. She was struck in the cybernetic hand, so it didn't exactly hurt. Though he did hit it hard than Ari would have thought..

"That was rhetorical. Please let me finish. It is all true. And I am living proof. I was born during the era before the war, when all of the legends were reality and fact. I still remember the days of the Avatar, the one who could wield all the elements and were chosen to keep balance in the world. The world hasn't seen the Avatar for many years. Many had thought they would never reappear. But I recently felt the presence of the Avatar's spirit return... and I think that was what has called out to you.. The world is in need of its Avatar once more and now is the time for its resurgence."

(@.Everyone pretty much)
Li watched the thief throw the wallet back to him. He was glad he was smart enough not to bring anything along. It seemed the rich guys were always the most clueless on the streets. He chuckled a little at the girls smug look. He already took a liking to the bandit. He stifled his laughter as the man started talking.

Li looked at the old man in annoyance, "Listen, Saizo, I get why you'd want to talk to the lady who's gonna be the next biggest superhero or something, but what the hell does it have to do with any of us? I honestly don't give a crap what the world needs." He might've been a little rude, but he didn't care at the moment. Great great uncle had just wasted his entire night on a hopeless fantasy that he might actually find something worthwhile in a parking lot. It was stupid to even think coming here would be beneficial in any way. "I need to know why you dragged me into this," he said flatly.
Kalista stopped talking as another girl cut her off, clearly trying to get to the point. Thank spirits, she thought, feeling relieved. As the girl spoke, she swung her bag off her shoulder and sat down on a large vine that was crawling its way along the floor. Noticing a fairly large burn on her hand, she placed her bag down beside her and turned with a sigh to dig around for something in it.

She had almost reached the bottom of her bag when she felt a furry, alive something press into her leg. At first she jumped, surprised, but then she looked down at the animal and all alarm instantly vanished. Kalista cautiously stroked the top of the koala-otter's head, watching the owner out of the corner of her eye and listening to everyone talking. When the old man - Saiko? - started talking about the Avatar, however, she shook her head a little bit.

Crazy old man,
she thought to herself. The Avatar is a fairy tale, a legend. It's not real. It's just a story people tell their kids to make them shut up at night. She didn't actually say that, of course. Instead, she waited for the man with the scar on his face to finish, and then piped up with a quiet, "Even if I believe that you're old enough to have lived past the Great War, I'm just supposed to take your word for granted, am I? Some random old man in a parking lot pops out of some vines and tells me the Avatar has returned? Forgive me, but I feel pretty justified in being skeptical."

(Mentioned: @Miss Ditzy @SilverFlight @Kirko)
Dax snorted at Yeh-Lu's self proclamation as 'one of the most handsome men in the downtown area'. "Too bad modesty doesn't come with it." He said quietly. He watched as the thief produced his wallet seemingly out of nowhere and handed it back.

"Oh I like her." He said happily. Thumbing in Ari's direction.

Pudge stayed diligently glued to his new friend's side, he purred when she stroked him, tilting his head so her hand fell behind his ears. Dax glared at him. "Hey, I understand wanting to be close to a pretty girl, but just you remember who pours your kibble, alright pal?" the animal gave a tiny huff as if to say: 'deal with it'.

Dax listened closely to the old man, his eyebrows slowly creeping up into his hairline with each word. He heard the disbelieving comments of some of the others.

"The one whole stole my pet put it beautifully." Dax said after Kalista had spoken. "I'll need more than your word, but there's a very easy way to solve this." Dax adjusted his visor. "Show me some bending. If the avatar's really back then one of us here at least should be able to bend, am I right? So, let's see it."

He didn't dare hope. For years in his childhood he had listened to his grandfather tell him stories of when the elements could be bent to a person's will. His parents always waved them off as just stories, but Dax, deep down hoped against hope they were true...

@Miss Ditzy @Anno Bane @Alnasl @Kirko
Some girl jostled in front of the redhead and he almost got hit by the stupid pack on her back, he scowled a moment as it wooshed by him but he was feeling guarded right now, this whole situation was more than crazy. The Avatar was just a storytale told to kids to keep them in line, he knew, his parents had tried it with him in his younger years. Although he had a faint memory of being enamoured by the tales of people with the power to control elements.

Of course, that was nothing but a fable. Apparently this old man was senile and losing it.
Rufus smiled at Myra and followed the group inside. Rufus looked inside and noticed all the beautiful vines in the building. Rufus knew the stories about being able to bend the elements and he know they are true, some didn't believe it. The boy had spend many days in the old libraries of the City, exploring certain areas were never anyone had come in decades. He founded some stories about the old days, but it was very hard to read.

Rufus stood behind Myra "Which letter Mir?" Myra's letters were always beautiful, she was a good writer. Myra and Rufus have a very good bond, Rufus helped her in the hardest period of Myra's life.

The male looked at the old man "The Avatar? He has returned to our world?" he asked, if that was true, that would mean some people were able to bend. The male has always been fascinated by the fighting style of airbending.

@Lasrever @Miss Ditzy

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