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Fandom Avatar: The Resurgence

"Wow tough crowd!" Yeh-Lu sighed. "Why I must have stepped into the never joke around commity!" he said and walked over to the girl. He put on an evil smile as he pulled his real wallet out of his underwear.

"You must think i'm stupid!" he grinned, "I'm surprised a thief can't even see the difference between real and fake money". He walked back to his spot and leaned against a wall, lighting another cigarette.

"This all sounds really fun and sh** but I really don't want to hang out with people who don't even bother to make their own money" He looked at the girl again, his eyes sending lightning strikes at her. He hated thiefs, they were the one who killed his father when he turned 13.

"Your kind makes me sick!" he spat. He really needed to come down, because his body always got really hot when he got angry. He took another whiff of his cigarette and then flicked it so it landed right at her feet.

"Well unless you tell me i'm the avatar, i'm out of this lowlife hole!"
With a small smile, she turned her head and looked at Rufus. "It was mostly about the dreams, actually. There doesn't seem much point in sending it anymore." She laughed a little, then turned at the sound of an argument breaking out.

Myra looked irritated, to say the least. She shook her head, and spoke coldly. Her words were directed to the old man, but she accompanied them with a steely glare at the two who were squabbling. "Are you sure you've got the right people, old man? Seems like you've got yourself at least a couple of moronic children with more ego than brains." She said, with a hand gesture that made it fairly obvious that the insult was directed towards both Ari and Yeh-Lu.

She sighed, rubbing her forehead. "Listen, I agree that the old guy sounds crazy and all, but we might as well hear him out. After all, none of you can deny that we all had the dream lead us here - there's clearly something going on, and there's nothing to lose from listening." Myra felt as though none of these people were looking at the big picture. If there was something happening and they just dismissed it, innocent people might get hurt, and she couldn't have that happen. If she had to come off as patronizing and unpleasant, then so be it.

@Savagai @Miss Ditzy @Anno Bane + everyone

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