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Fantasy Ashfallen Academy

Dark wasn't sure what he was supposed to be doing at this school. It wasn't as if he was even pretending to be human--anyone could tell that wasn't the case, and even were frightened by that fact because of his lack of... well, any face or body at all. While being made up of complete and pure darkness had the perks of warding off potential threats early, it also came with the disadvantage that he was never able to talk to anybody. Ever. They were usually too busy shitting their pants that a literal shadow was talking to them. So he didn't and minded his own business and went through the ways of life.

It was then even stranger he was suggested to go to this school in particular. He signed up, and after scaring the hell out of the one in charge of student enrollment, he was in. The main problem was that he was late. With a quiet sigh, he made his way through the hallway and decided to head for the gymnasium, ignoring the pointed looks from other students. He entered quickly and made his way to a corner away from the rest of them, sitting down and watching silently, observing the fights breaking out. Deciding best not to question it, he just looked down at the floor and did nothing. Maybe somebody would eventually notice and tell him what he was supposed to be doing.
Misty listened to the announcement from the back of the gym. When he said that they would be fighting she got a bit scared. 'No I can not be consumed by the blood lust.' She thought to herself as she backed up more. At this point she was standing against the wall. She tried to make herself seem as far away as possible, so no one would come to her. She hoped that it would not end badly for her, but knew that it would for any who challenged her.

Avery took another step back hovering himself above the ground. He knew he would have to end this quickly before things got out of hand and someone was injured. That other fairy had been looking at him the way the fairies back at home had, in disgust. He bit his lip remind himself to hold back and flung his arms away from his body sending the fairy flying again. He had held back most of the force luckily so the fairy couldn't have been too badly injured. He wasn't sure if the fairy was going to come back for more so he quickly sat down and took off his socks finding it easier to fight like that, and much more comfortable.

@Nenma Takashi
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Dapper Charmer] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/37122-firebright/ said:
Michael smiled at the girl who had bumped into him. "It's no trouble really," he said happily, "you were probably just distracted with the fight." Michael suddenly got an idea, "you wouldn't happen to have a fighting partner would you? Cause if you don't I could fight you." He outstretched his hand to shake hers, "I'm Michael by the way. But you can call me Gargoyle."
Arianna grinned at the handsome boy. "Why yes i would love to fight you", She raised her eye brow at him "if you can handle it". She shook his hand and was startled by how hard his grey skin was, "I'm Arianna. Nice to meet you Gargoyle"

@Dapper Charmer
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"It's nice to meet you too Ariana," Mist said with a friendly smile, "and don't I can handle anything. They don't call me gargoyle for nothing." Micheal gave a slight chuckle before sitting back down, leaving a seat for Ariana. "So what brings you here Ariana?"
Firebright said:
Arianna happily sat next to Michael. "I just...needed a place to go", She twisted the rings on her fingers and smiled at the half-demon. "what about you?"
@Dapper Charmer
"Take a wild guess," he said with a chuckle, "I ain't exactly normal. So this was the only place that I could go where i wasn't chased with pitch forks and torches." He sighed then looked at Ariana, "so do you have any cool powers or whatever?"
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[QUOTE="Dapper Charmer]"Take a wild guess," he said with a chuckle, "I ain't exactly normal. So this was the only place that I could go where i wasn't chased with pitch forks and torches." He sighed then looked at Acacia, "so do you have any cool powers or whatever?"

Arianna shrugs and snaps her fingers. A small flame lit upon her finger tips and danced around before she blew it out. "just some fire manipulation", She tucks a lock of flaming hair behind her ear. "And for the record I wouldn't chase you with pitch forks and torches" Arianna giggled a bit at this.
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Cleo made her way to the gym along with the other mass of students. Her mind was already wandering to why they could be called so suddenly. Did they get a new instructor? Maybe they were adding new courses for the upcoming year? Eyes drifting from one student to the next, she was careful to not step on a tail or bump into some wings of the less human students. Living in a normal home growing up, Cleo was not quite used to seeing someone with horns or a forked tongue. With the ability to manipulate life force, she had always assumed she had a dangerous gift, but the longer she stayed here the more she realized that she was small fish a very big barrel. The mass of students soon began to bottleneck at the entrance to the gym and warm bodies began to bump Cleo. She brought her coat closer to her and stuffed her already gloved hands in her pockets.
Firebright said:
Arianna shrugs and snaps her fingers. A small flame lit upon her finger tips and danced around before she blew it out. "just some fire manipulation", She tucks a lock of flaming hair behind her ear. "And for the record I wouldn't chase you with pitch forks and torches" Arianna giggled a bit at this.
Michael chuckled along with her. "Well I'm glad I don't have to watch my backaaround you," Michael said with a smiled, "and your powers are pretty hot," he chuckled at his own pun. "As for my powers. I got stone skin and..." he stood up and took off his singlet, which showed off his muscles and his wings.*
Misty looked around hoping no one would come to her. She needed to get out of the gym. She didn't trust herself to not want to fight and try to kill. Her lust for blood had become great and she needed to get back to her bag to get the blood she stole on the way here. 'I just need a way out.' She thought looking around nervously.
[QUOTE="Dapper Charmer]Michael chuckled along with her. "Well I'm glad I don't have to watch my backaaround you," Michael said with a smiled, "and your powers are pretty hot," he chuckled at his own pun. "As for my powers. I got stone skin and..." he stood up and took off his singlet, which showed off his muscles and his wings.*

She raised her eye brows. "whew, if anything is hot its you". Arianna blushed at her own comment. "Gosh, did i really just say that?" she covered her face with her hands.
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Firebright said:
She raised her eye brows. "whew, if anything is hot its you". Arianna blushed at her own comment. "Gosh, did i really just say that?" she covered her face with her hands.
"You kinda did just say that," Michael said with a smile as he put his singlet back on. He had to admit this was a pretty good first impression he was making. "You're not to bad yourself," he said with a wink.
Dark glanced up underneath his hood, watching the rest of the students with a small amount of wonder. He had never seen so many other mutants in one place in his entire life. However, his eyes rested upon a pale, nervous looking girl in particular. Seemingly to be a vampire, he noticef she was flustered. Perhaps the many warm bodies were getting to her? Nevertheless, he raised his hand slightly and soon as she stepped near a patch of shadows she would've been swallowed by them and popped back out in the hallway, just on the other side of the wall of the gym. Afterwards, he just continued to look down at the ground, trying to appear as inconspicuous as possible.

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[QUOTE="Dapper Charmer]"You kinda did just say that," Michael said with a smile as he put his singlet back on. He had to admit this was a pretty good first impression he was making. "You're not to bad yourself," he said with a wink.

Arianna turned even redder at the compliment. Being perfectly honest she was surprised by his interest in her. Lets just hope he would still be willing to be friends with her after their fight. "So how old are you, Gargoyle?"
Atro crossed his arms stubbornly. "I still think its wrong... many of us don't want to fight." He could never admit she actually had a good point. The thought of fighting actually intimidated him, though he wouldn't ever say it. He was a scrawny kid that lacks muscle tone. Because of this, he still has a hard time wielding Urias. It had powers of its own that you had to keep under control while using it. He tried to keep his mind off his match, focusing at the match at hand.

@Nenma Takashi
Misty started stepping around and suddenly felt herself falling. Everything went dark and then she was suddenly outside of the gym. "What the?" She questions but then noticed no staff out where she was. She used her speed to quickly rush to her room, grabbed some blood, drank it and rushed back in a matter of seconds. She came back in telling the teachers that she was sorry to be late. Walking back in she looked around for any rhyme or reason to what happened to her. She walked closer to the students trying to act a bit more normal now that she had calmed down. She bumped into a dark looking figure with a hood on. "Sorry." She said walking past. @Deathrattle BB
Dark lifted his head to look at her. "It's fine." He said, his voice sounding distorted and the slightest bit demonic. It wasn't something he could help, darkness really wasn't made to speak clearly. However, he pointed up at her face. "You have a bit of blood dribbling out." He informed her meekly. "Might want to clean it off before the teachers see."

Misty quickly wiped her mouth with her hand. She blushed a light pink on her pale skin. "That is so embarrassing." She said smiling a bit. "Thanks for telling me. I'm Misty." She said holding out her other hand as to not wipe blood on him. She was nervous, she kinda expected to be ignored because she was a vampire. But she had no idea what could happen. @Deathrattle BB
Dark nodded. "You're welcome." He responded. Though he expected her to leave immediately, he was surprised when she held her hand out to him. He wasn't sure what to do and so tentatively took it and shook her hand in return. His hand dispersed into mist and returned to the rest of his body after. "I don't have a name. A... old acquaintance used to call me 'Dark.' I'm more familiar with Monster now though. Use whichever?" He gave a noncommittal shrug.

Misty giggles softly. "Dark it is." She said looking back towards the rest of the students. "How long have you been here? I just recently got here." She said trying to keep the conversation going. She didn't know what else to say or do. @Deathrattle BB
Dark seemed as if to squish in on himself from her giggling, whether embarrassment or something else was uncertain though. "I have not been here long. Perhaps 15 minutes at most." He looked over at the other fighters. "This school seems... unorthodox in it's methods."
Joe continued to watch the students below from his spot on the support beams. "How did he even manage to convince the god of death to be his battle class teacher.? Oh yeah, he said he'd get me an extra year in the mortal realm." Joe smiled a wry smile, slightly irked at taking the job."On the bright side however, I do get free wine." He smiled and took out his flask, gulping down a large quantity.,He sighed and looked over the student's once more.
Firebright said:
Arianna turned even redder at the compliment. Being perfectly honest she was surprised by his interest in her. Lets just hope he would still be willing to be friends with her after their fight. "So how old are you, Gargoyle?"
"I'm 19 at the moment, probably a bit to old to be in school still, but hey what are you going to do," he said with a happy shrug, "what about you?"
[QUOTE="Dapper Charmer]"I'm 19 at the moment, probably a bit to old to be in school still, but hey what are you going to do," he said with a happy shrug, "what about you?"

"I'm 17" She began to nibble at one of her finger nails almost nervously. "Well im glad you are here, at lest I have a friend"

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