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Fantasy Ashfallen Academy

Dark glanced over at the door when it suddenly opened without knocking. He was inclined to believe that it was Gargoyle coming in but instead saw it to be Stella. He narrowed his eyes in confusion and suspicion... Which were confirmed when he saw the weapons in her hand. So she has come to try and kill me? Good luck, I guess. He stepped out of the shadows in a corner of the room. "It's not polite to enter without knocking first. Didn't anyone teach you manners?"

The real Dark, however, appeared outside. He looked around for Gargoyle, groaning when he saw him way in the sky and leapt into the air. He crossed his arms. "Yo, Gargoyle! We've got trouble in our room!"
Light went to see how Dark was since it was a long time he didn,t saw him. He entered the room and saw that everything was messed up "What happened here?" He asked

@Deathrattle BB
Stella quickly turned around when she heard Light speak. Her face was shocked. He wasn't suppose to be here. She expected Gargoyle or Arianna but not Light. It was easy to see the throwing knife in her hand and 'Dark' laying on the floor. Stella's breath trembled. She rushed past Light and outside. "Not Light... I don't want to hurt him... I don't want to... Hurt..." Stella fell onto her knees. She looked at the knife. "Anyone."

Stella began to cry. Too much was happening in just two days. She just needed to get home. Home where her father is. "Home... I need to get home... To dad... And... And when... He sees me... He'll... He'll smile... And I'll smile... And... We will leave all of this behind... And... Be happy again... I... I don't need... To learn to control... This... I can be happy... With dad." She smiled yet tears still ran down her face. She laughed and she cried. She cried and she laughed. "Home... Where dad is."

((Guess I'll have to wait with that fight as I literally didn't expect @Darkhan to show up.))
Light gently took the knife in her hand. "This is you home now. We all are in the same place. We are your family." He sat beside her and hugged her saying. "You'll be fine ok?"


(Sry I'm off to work. Comming back in 5-6 hours.)
The clone of Dark wasn't harmed by any of the physical objects, besides showing minor annoyance at holes being torn into his clothing. He shook his head slowly. "You've already let he nightmares consume you. Fight back." He muttered. "You won't see the world truly until then." The clone of Dark evaporated into a cloud of smoke and disappeared into thin air.
Dark shrugged. "Arianna's roommate wants to exorcise me or something. I left a clone of myself in there, it should be gone by now."
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Raya had sat throughout the commotion, quietly observing them. She finally stood up and stretched. Yawning, she walked out of the room and sat down outside the room, waiting for Ariana to return. "I'll just wait until she comes back. Then I can get to know her.." She muttered, yawning again.
Stella was shaking. She was scared of Dark. He was dead now but she was still scared of him. She just wanted to get home right now. Home was the only place she felt safe.
Dark shrugged. "I don't know. She thinks I'm made of nightmares... I'm not. Darkness can create them but that doesn't mean it has to. Some people have their best dreams in the darkness, you know?" He pointed back at the school. "She's in mine and Gargoyle's room. Go talk some sense into her."
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Raya felt herself start to doze off. She could faintly hear Stella whimpering and smiled to herself. "How sad.." She said sleepily. Her eyes closed and she drifted into a deep sleep

(@Tiagirl001 )

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