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Fantasy As Shifting Shadows; Worlds Merged

She decided that she would just wait there, struggling with her thoughts until the none blind person left. Thats when she would make her move to feed. While she was in the middle of thinking about the upcoming attack on the human, she was scared from a voice behind her. She jumped, turning around quickly and hissing slightly. There was a man standing in front of her, tall, sharp features, dark hair and bright eyes. She narrowed her eyes as she looked up at him, her fists unclenched for a moment as she looked at him, he didn't look particularly threatening. "Who are you?!' She asked, trying to sound as threatening as she could. She felt as though he was most likely a vampire, but there was something else off about him. It almost was close to the feeling she got from the silver haired man that interrupted her meal.

He snickered as the woman jumped and hissed, does she think shes some kind of cat? "Who am i?" he strokes his chin as he contemplates the question, he knows he was human, then he bacame the first vampire, but not much besides that "im not too sure, but i go by Damian, i really like that name" now that he could see her up front he could tell she was a vampire. he sniffed the air, she just recently fed too. He took a couple steps towards her obviously not threatened in the least. "So who are you miss bloodsucker?" he gave her a smile hoping it would put her at ease.
Markus had just finished double checking his gear when the streetlight outside of his window flickered on. It was a signal to him, a nightly ritual; his hunt would begin. Stepping outside he noted the gentle breeze, it would be a mild night. A sigh of disappointment escaped him, cold nights were better... humans chilled; goosebumps, condensation of breath and the odd shiver made it easier to tell. With a last comforting pat on the holster beneath his jacket the hunter set off toward a darker cluster of alleys.


Up ahead there was an alley that offered enough cover for an ambush, the blond had scouted the spot a few days prior and had been rather pleased with his finding, maybe today it would come in handy. The irony of it all wasn't entirely lost on him though he pushed any flicker of amusement aside as voices drift to his ear. It really wasn't unusual to catch a few stranglers on their way home, maybe some fools daring the curfew in a test of courage or even a pair of lovers trying to hide their affair... then again it could also be ancient monsters who sucked human blood. Markus wasn't going to take any chances.

Slipping a hand beneath his jacket he approached, at first glance the similar hair color might have hinted at a familiar relation, though Markus was hesitant to draw any conclusions about the pair. “Don't you know its dangerous to be out beyond the curfew?” he asked loud enough to catch their attention. A pale woman leading the presumably blind around town in the middle of the night was odd enough to rouse his suspicion.
"Um, I ran into her as she was coming out of the building." Noah answers him.

Noah turns toward the man's voice and 'looks' at him. "My house is just about a block down."

Noah shakes his head and takes off his cloth eye cover, he unties it and then puts it back on and ties it tighter. "I'm not trying to cause trouble."
Alistair had gone silent, just watching the werewolf, when she moved forward as if to catch Eleanor, he turned slightly towards the human. Most of his attention was on the wolf though, trying to make sure she wasn't attacking, so he couldn't quite catch the human before she fell. Kasimir was too slow, simply for the fact that he was a human, and Eleanor fainting was happening behind him, but he turned when the werewolf moved, a frown on his lips because he wasn't sure what was happening.

When it was clear that Fia wasn't attacking Eleanor, Alistair relaxed a bit, and began to mostly ignore her. His attention rested on Zamani as she checked the female human and offered to take her home.
"Kasimir and I would accompany you, I am involved and so I feel somewhat responsible for the well being of this girl." He then lowered his voice to a whisper. "Her blood is different, it smells different, it very well may attract others."

Kasimir gave a slight shrug, not saying much, just eyeing the werewolf now.
Rowan glared at the taller figure, it was almost as if he welcomed danger. She was sure that he was a higher power of vampire, although she didn't get the sense that he was a Pureblood. As Rowan watched him take a step closer her immediate reaction was to take a couple steps back. At this moment, she realized she had taken a step back into the light from the street lamps. Rowan frowned slightly, but there was not way she was going to get that close to an unidentified vampire. She heard him speak about how he wasn't sure who he was. 'how can someone not know who they are?' She thought to herself before she opened her mouth to speak. "If you must know, i'm Rowan" she said hesitantly.

Fia looked at the pureblood for a moment, meeting his gaze. He hadn't rushed to help the human, unlike the witch or even the blonde haired man, and Fia couldn't help but smirk a little; he wanted preserve human life, and yet, he would not help the girl when she fell. Glancing at the blonde haired man and seeing him frown, the werewolf let out a sigh. It was becoming a bit too hostile for Fia's tastes, and she'd rather not lose control of herself then and there. Bowing her head, she dismissed herself, turning and taking a step away from the group. She took another step away.

"Kasimir and I would accompany you, I am involved and so I feel somewhat responsible for the well being of this girl."

Fia rolled her violet eyes: could this vampire have fallen in love with a human? That would've been somewhat entertaining. In the presence of a witch and a human, she began to feel like the pureblood would be put in check.

"Her blood is different, it smells different, it very well may attract others."

She stopped walking and looked over her shoulder at the pureblood, "You sense it as well?" Fia took a pause and turned round to face the group again, "If it does... attract others perhaps she might be safer staying with me. I'm not sure many less... controlled and sophisticated cousins of yours would like to provoke a werewolf around a full moon. And I can guarantee she won't get hurt." Fia wasn't expecting the pureblood to accept: if she was forced to be honest, Fia wasn't entirely sure she could actually guarantee the girl's safety. But leaving the girl by herself or even in the hands of a witch or pureblood made Fia uneasy.
Markus wasn't sure what to make of the blind mans actions, which had him hesitate for a moment before speaking, “That's good, not too far off then.” The hunter had no wish to endanger others and in fact no great interest in them this nigh; at least if they were truly mortals.

Suspicions still tugged at the back of his mind, cautioning him. “Regrettably trouble can find even those who do not seek it. You've not come across any signs of unrest tonight, I assume?” Markus attempted to remain neutral, keeping his tone calm and steady.
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Alistair hadn't rushed to help the human because he had been watching the werewolf closely, to make sure she wasn't attacking the human. Such tiny details were unimportant now though, and when the wolf spoke again, Alistair gave the slightest of shrugs. "I can smell it, it is the blood of what once were called Seers. Their blood can be addicting for those that drink it. It is powerful and that power is addicting and the flavor is strong." There was that ghost of a frown on his lips again, a hint of worry in his eyes. "Also, young pup, no one can ever guarantee the safety of another, even I cannot guarantee that this girl or any other in my care is completely safe. One never knows what may happen, I can only guarantee that I will not harm anyone unless it is completely necessary."

Kasimir had moved around them and bent down on the otherside of the human, he watched Zamani for a moment, then he slipped his hands under the human girl and lifted her.
"If Hiro is right, we ought to get moving soon, the longer we stay here with this scent lingering around us, the more danger we'll all be in. I dunno about you lovely ladies, but I've no intention of being bitten by anyone or anything." He then looked expectantly at Zamani expecting her to lead the way.
"Oh no, I have no agenda for the evening." She said to the apologetic blind boy as he finished getting her caricature, and placed his hands down.

As she regained her focus on the night, she swore she could sense a motion and presence in distant shadows. "Vampire?" She thought scanning the dark as best she could. She reached to her pocket for a flash light, just before her suspicions seemed to be answered. A man emerged from a nearby alley. She didn't immediately recognize him, either by appearance or renown, but felt a certain commonality between them. She listened to his greeting and let the blind boy reply at first. She watched him while he removed his bandage for a moment to retie it. This gave her a glimpse, for the first time, of his eyes. They looked drained of color and purpose to her, "dead".

When the alley man spoke again, she decided to respond, "The most troubling thing out here tonight is me" she said with a joking smile, "in my absent mindedness I managed to become and obstacle in some form.". She felt no threat from either of them, but still decided to playfully keep her guard up before becoming to personal with either.
"I should get home, my family will be worried." Noah turned and walked down an alley on the opposite of side of the building, he heard strange sounds from the first one.

He walked at a brisk pace through this one, a cold and damp tunnel, and makes it safely to the other side. He smiled and breathed in the cold night air and nears his apartment. He walked into the lobby and greeted some people, kind people (the usual sort), not waiting for responses. He walked up the stairs to his apartment, as he entered, he's barraged by questions from his mom.

"Where were you?" She asked him. "Were you in danger?"

"Calm down." He raised his hands. "I ran into someone by accident, and was checking to see if she was okay, I wasn't in danger."
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His attempt to put her at ease had obviously failed, he watched as she took a couple steps away from him. He didn't think he was intimidating but he did just pop out of nowhere so he understood where her caution came from. "You probably shouldn't go out into the light like that" He said with some concern in his voice "The people out there give me a bad feeling" He's had his fair share of run ins with hunters, and for the average vampire they could be a bit overwhelming. He listened as she shared her name with him "Rowen" He said clarifying the name "Well Rowen if you were planning on feeding on one of those humans over there I should probably inform you that one of them just walked away" He referred to the boy with the cloth on his eyes who walked out of his line of sight "Well you probably shouldn't feed on humans at all but that's just my opinion" After that comment he sneezed as he took a bloodbag out of his jacket, whoever Rowen had been feeding on had some strong smelling blood and it made him hungry. He poked a straw into the bag and began to drink. The cold blood that rolled onto his tongue wasn't as good as fresh blood but he'll survive.
She glanced behind her when he mentioned the people giving him a bad feeling. She rolled her eyes slightly as she slinked back into the shadows, still keeping her distance from him. She watched the blind human walk away. 'damn' she thought to herself as her hopes of getting some more food tonight vanished. It seemed like there wasn't much time left in the night, and most of the humans were at home anyway. As the man named Damian pulled out a blood packet, she sneered slightly. That fake blood stuff was so disgusting that it made her stomach churn. A small smirk came upon her face as she created two new plans to feed. Rowan could possibly just drink blood from the vampire facing her, sure it wasn't as good as the regular stuff but it was something. The other idea was to get the attention from the people across the street. They looked like they might possibly be interested in taking out this strange type of vampire. Odds are, she could just scream and accuse him of trying to feed off of her. Then while they would be busy with killing them, she could go in for the kill. It was a good plan.....She pondered weather to execute it or not.

Zamani nodded and whispered back. "Something is different about her, and I intend to find out once we get to my home. Please keep an eye out." When Alistair explained what this human girl was, a short sigh escaped her lips. This is probably the oddest night I've ever had, and that's saying a lot. She wished for this situation to be handled with much more grace on her part, but with what's happened, she was just glad for this to be over. She allowed Kasimir to take the girl and began to walk with pace quickening.

She stepped just past the werewolf before stopping. The witch didn't look at her, but she began to speak.
"I know what I'm doing. I have protected many humans from vampire attacks before and I intend to do it again now. Hiro, Kasimir, and I will head to my house. It is too dangerous to be out here while the scent of blood is in the air." She motioned for the young men to follow her before moving again. "I hope to see you again soon, young pup. And make sure you get home as well; vampire and werewolves don't tend to mix very well." She looked back for a moment. "Would you like to come with me, too? I have plenty of room at my house and you can help me watch the girl, just like you wanted."
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Fia had to admit that this situation was entirely beyond her; Fia did not know what a seer was or what it could even entail, all she knew was that this apparent human had something special about her. The pureblood had a point as well, the young werewolf knew nobody could really guarantee the girl's safety; perhaps she would have been better in the company of a creature that had considerable power and respect rather than in the presence of a werewolf that couldn't guarantee she would be in control when the full moon took to the sky.

At first, Fia felt as if she had been dismissed by the witch and she would have been happy to comply and leave.

"Would you like to come with me, too? I have plenty of room at my house and you can help me watch the girl, just like you wanted."

Sighing, Fia looked the witch in the eye, trying to see if she was being sincere; she had no concern for the girl but the werewolf's curiousity often got the better of her, this
Seer, as the pureblood had called it, intrigued her and, after a moment, she nodded at the witch's proposal. She'd made a mental note earlier to take her serum when she got home, but Fia was almost certain that the witch would have what the werewolf needed.
The white haired woman's comment managed to summon a spark of amusement which sent the ghost of a smile across his features. “I certainly hope you're right. Lord knows this town's seen its share of trouble.” Exchanging a bit of banter was far more pleasurable than the strenuous business of climbing about dark alleys though it did little to calm the nagging voice in the back of his head that demanded action.

Whatever had been going on seemed resolved as the blind man excused himself before walking off; shattering Markus first the impression of the two being related. After wishing the man goodbye, he was left with the pale woman who seemed perfectly comfortable staying out of arms reach. An onlooking poet might have found inspiration in the scene, two strangers eyeing each other from across a small pond of light shed by the lamp.

Regrettably Mark wasn't a poet or even a very good speaker for that matter, “You should head home as well miss, there's nothing to be gained from wandering the streets aimlessly at this hour. Besides, its supposed to rain.” As he spoke the blond weighed the benefits of trailing her, it wasn't much of a plan but it seemed better than crouching behind boxes in wait for another target.

If you're heading this way I can walk you part of the way. Cobbles make for poor conversationalists after all.” Mark offered, jutting his thump towards the market district; it was a good as guess as any. Still unaware of the pair that was watching from the shadows down the street.
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Alistair was not too keen on inviting the werewolf to come along with them, but he made no verbal objection when Zamani invited her along. The vampire merely fell into step very close next to Kasimir, their arms were nearly touching and it was very easy to see how much taller the vampire was compared to the human male.

Kasimir glanced up at Alistair, and smiled at him, then he shifted the girl a bit in his arms to a slightly more comfortable position. He wasn't sure he could carry her the entire way, his human arms might give out, depending on how far away Zamani's residence was. Though if that did happen, he could just Alistair to carry the girl for him. Those green eyes looked to the werewolf when Zamani had invited her along, and he smiled at her, though he still had a bit of suspicion, he didn't think she would do anything to them. She didn't quite seem like the type.
Satisfied, the witch continued to walk down the dark street. The only sources of light were the bright bulbs of the street lamps and the nearly full moon illuminating the cobblestone ahead of them. She kept a steady pace in front of the four people directly behind her. "My house is only about a block from here. We'll be there in just a few minutes." Her voice was soft and low to keep from other people distracting her.

Down the street were two people Zamani didn't know.
Damn, probably just a few stragglers, she assumed. She continued her pace, looking straight ahead, trying to look busy. As she passed, she made no noise, just a simple nod. She hoped the others would follow suit and not cause any trouble. She just wanted to be home at this point.

Eventually, Zamani reached her house. It looked like a large black block at night, so there wasn't much to see. Fiddling through her pockets for her keys, she waited for the others to catch up.
Curiously, the young blind boy simply walked off. "Well, he got to touch my face and I never even got a name." She watched him stride away, with surprising directness and little issue. She guessed he must have lived within the city for some time then. Or she hoped that was the case at least. She took a couple careful small steps closer to the blond man as he spoke. Getting a better look at him, she was sure they had never met before. And none of his features rang any bells from reputation or gossip. She kept a little attention down the road, making sure to keep some perception on the figures still in the shadows up the street. But her attention was pulled fully to the man once he mentioned her heading home. She immediately began to form a plan.

"That would be wonderful" she said, "I live a few blocks in that direction, past the Fanged Lady. If you could walk me at least that far I would appreciate it." She gave a sincere sweet smile, she had been seen by people while patrolling for vampires before, but none have ever offered such a courtesy. Plus, this would take her past the shadowed figures up the street. He looked tough enough to defend himself, or at least smart enough to run if he wasn't, should they turn out to be vampires. She pocketed her hands, slipping her right thru a slit that allowed her to grip the handle of a solid silver knife attached to her belt. "Lead the way, sir" she said, motioning with her hand still in the jacket. She remained pleasant, while mentally steeling herself for the chance of doing battle.
Damian only drank half of the blood in the packet, that was enough to hold him till later. He walked closer to the woman until they were only inches away, he held the blood packet out to her "I know its not as good as the fresh stuff, but food is food" He smiled and hoped she would take the blood, he didn't want to see anyone be fed on tonight. He looked over her shoulder at the people in the street, he kept seeing the woman glancing over at the alley, he began to think she knew they were there. Maybe he should take the vampire away from here to avoid conflict, he wiped that plan from his head, this woman won't willingly go anywhere with him and he won't try and force her. 'What to do, what to do' He calmly thought to himself.
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Rowan didn't complain when the man walked closer to her, if she was to go with the screaming plan the closer the better. As he held the blood out to her she turned her nose up at it "I don't do the fake stuff" she muttered quietly to him. She glanced behind her shoulder when she saw him looking. The people were still there and now one of them was glancing at them. It was the perfect opportunity to execute her plan and hopefully it would work. She'd turned her head to him and gave a slight smile before she let out a per icing scream. "Get the hell away from me!! Someone help!" She yelled at the top of her lungs before winking at him.

Usually the people one met past curfew were hectic, reserved, too aware that they were breaking the law or hiding something and those were the good encounters; the ones were they didn't try to eat you. This was a nice change of pace. “It would be my pleasure. By the way, the names Mark.” He responded with a smile of his own; it was becoming increasingly difficult to keep up his guard. The blond had barely taken a few steps in the appointed direction when a piercing scream rang out.

There was a heartbeat of suspense as Markus spotted the source, wasting no time he started into a sprint even as his gun cleared the holster. The angle was bad, a sudden move and the victim might get hit... he had almost drifted into the illusion of a quiet night, goddamn monsters.

A shot rang out like thunder, echoing off the walls. The hunter hoped the noise would buy him a few seconds as the bullets sailed harmlessly into the air. “Freeze!” he shouted, still mid run. Hopefully his newest acquaintance wouldn't do just that and run. Without the element of surprise the children of the night were no easy prey and he didn't want innocent blood shed. Gritting his teeth he barreled toward the pair, pistol shakily trained on his target; a young, black haired boy.
Damian slightly raised a brow when the woman screamed, however what she said after she screamed made him frown "Really?" He looked over to the man firing and running towards him, he frowned and looked back to the vampire as she winked. He thought she must still be hungry if she was going to try and trick us into fighting. He had one hand in his jackets pocket and the other was holding the blood bag, he leaned onto the side of the alley and called put to the man running towards him "I wouldnt recommend falling for this vampires trap" He said as he gestured towards the girl "It wouldnt be very smart" He didnt think talking would work with the man if he was a hunters, it never does because they try not to listen to the creatures they call prey. If push comes to shove he wont run away, he never did like to back down due to being stubborn, but he wont try to kill anyone.
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Zamani finally got the door to unlock and the door opened with a slight creaking sound that echoed into the night. Looking back, the others were coming down the street at a reasonable pace. Her eyes met with the werewolf's; they signaled a warning, a message saying that this house and all of the belongings in the house were very important. The contact only lasted for a few seconds before the witch broke it off and walked inside. The porch lights came on, a dull white light in the middle of the darkness.

She flinched at the sound of distant noises, but she shrugged them off. The noises seemed too far away at this point. Zamani left the front door open and the warm glow of the interior lights struggled to get outside. Inside, she rummaged through different parts of the house looking for a blanket and pillows.

The house itself was a mess. It was organized mess, so there would be a lot of 'junk' lying around. Stacks of paper were located in every corner of the front room. Bookshelves lined the numerous walls and were contained with books in many different languages, most of them haven't been spoken in centuries. The hardwood floors that were in nearly every room were kept clean. About fifteen feet from the front door was a flight of stairs leading to guest bedrooms and bathrooms. Just beside it was a wooden door that led to the basement and it appeared to be locked. Through an opening just across from the front door was the family room where events were held and therefore was the cleanest room in the house. Two large sofas and an armchair sat facing a coffee table and all were surrounded by paintings and gifts that hung on the walls.
They reached Zamani's home, Alistair and Kasimir were not too far behind her, and waited patiently for her to open the door. Though Alistair glanced around every now and then, his grey-blue eyes very alert. At one point he was sure he heard a gunshot much further away, it was too far, even if he did want to go and investigate. Once the door was open, Kasimir stepped in right behind Zamani but right before Alistair.

The vampire rolled his eyes.
"Kasimir, do not touch anything." Alistair's voice was stern, it was a tone that did not invite argument and the look he gave Kasimir was a very stern one. The blonde human pouted at his friend for a moment and then shrugged, that pout disappeared almost instantly as Kasimir looked to Zamani. "Where should we put the girl?" Occasionally those vibrant green eyes strayed to objects in the room, and his fingers twitched, as if itching to touch something.

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