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Fantasy As Shifting Shadows; Worlds Merged

"We are vulnerable while feeding, our senses lost to the taste, so precautions need be taken lest we get taken out by a hunter of monsters." The one at the end of the alley had left, and Alistair's nose had wrinkled again in disdain. "Did you even notice that other person watching you feed? She arrived before I, and she could have easily killed you while your senses only focused on feeding." He was half watching the human and half watching the other vampire. "Feed quietly to lessen the risk of your demise."

Alistair's lips gave the barest hint of a frown, he didn't want this human to die, he would much rather take her to a hospital, but she had seen them. She knew what they were. Turn her or kill her, those were the main options, but Alistair was not willing to do either of those things for a multitude of reasons. The tall vampire stared down at the human girl for a long few moments, as if trying to reach some decision, he also stepped fully in front of the human on the ground. Putting himself completely between the vampire and her meal. He knew it was rude to interfere when another was feeding, but that fact had never stopped him before, why should it stop him now? "I cannot allow you to harm this girl anymore, now that I am fully involved in this situation." His cold eyes watched the vampire, how would she react to that? He was older, stronger than her and a pure blood, surely she wouldn't dare to challenge his authority.
Rowan clenched her hand into a fist before walking out of the alley. Every few seconds, she glanced back at the girl who had collapsed to the ground. His words rang in her mined 'your vaunarable' She cussed quietly under her breath as she walked in the shadows. As she passed past the blonde haired man that had formally been with the pureblood she glared at him. He was with another woman that was not human, not vampire. Normally she would have been curious to know, but at the current moment her mind was bombarded by anger, hunger, fear and disappointment. Her emotions were wrapped up like a little package of tourture. As she passed other people, she used profanity to get them to move.

She was angry, so very angry, and she had every right to be, Alistair had done his best to anger her, though not entirely on purpose. It was just how things had turned out, given the circumstance, if he were in her shoes, he would have been boiling over with anger as well. Perhaps. He had half expected her to challenge him, she seemed particularly feisty, but he was glad when she walked away. Alistair had no desire to fight with anyone, to hurt anyone. He watched her go and when she was out of sight he turned to kneel in front of the human.

The girl was staring at the blood on her fingers.
"I will take you to the hospital, and you will be alright." He spoke the words gently, his eyes also didn't hold the same coldness they had earlier when he had been facing that vampire. Alistair sympathized with humans, adored them, and wanted to be human, but these were things he kept to himself, mostly. "Can you stand? I have a friend that will help, but first we must go to him." His voice was gentle, and he tried to keep his tone soothing.
"Well I..." Zamani's voice was stopped by a high-pitched scream in the distance. Something seemed to be happening in the distance, possibly a vampire and its victim. The witch shook off her initial shock and a serious nature took over her voice. The screaming ceased and she took the time to straighten herself out while Kasimir spoke.

"I'm sure he is," Zamani stood full facing Kasimir. "Ones like himself are sure to take care of themselves. But it looks like one of them forgot how to eat quietly." There was no emotion in her face, just a sigh escaped her lips. She wasn't fazed by what vampires did and didn't do anymore.

Something was staring at her. Watching her, trying to judge her intentions. It wasn't Kasimir because it was behind her. The witch turned around swiftly and completely faced the girl.
"And what are you doing out her so late?"
Kasimir was frowning deeply, he was worried for his friend even though he knew better. Though he quirked a brow at the woman when she agreed with him, it was her use of words that caught his attention. "So, you know about vampires too?" This woman seemed to know about vampires. From Kasimir's point of view this city was wholly ignorant on that fact, well not even just this city, almost every where. He did know for a fact though that for every couple hundred ignorant humans, there was at least three or four well educated vampire killers out there.

His green eyes watched her, and he wondered if she too were a vampire, until another lady stepped past them and then stopped a short distance away. Kasimir's attention shifted to the new lady and he flashed her a smile. As far as he was concerned, everyone was human until proven different, but should still be approached with caution. The thief however, very often, threw caution to the wind.
"Lovely evening tonight isn't it?" He called out to the other girl, putting on his charming smile.
Fia rolled her eyes, hearing the human's greeting. Honestly, his smile seemed somewhat creepy and insincere. Her mind was always suspicious; it was a habit she had gotten into when she started living by herself. Tilting her head ever so slightly, Fia shrugged off the human's question and looked the witch straight in the eye. Internally, she was smirking, but on the surface her expression was neutral, bordering inquisitive. Pausing before she spoke, Fia took a step forwards, "I could ask you the same question."

She took a glance of, what might have been considered, disgust at the blonde man next to her and shook her head: human's could be blunt when they wanted to be, and Fia didn't mind that. What annoyed her the most was the smile he had plastered across his face.

Turning back to face the woman, Fia waited patiently for a response. She wasn't normally like this, in fact she was surprised she had let herself get goaded into a conversation so easily. She made a mental note:
Drink serum tomorrow.

Someone was speaking at her now, far more gently than the red haired girl had. But she was still staring at her trembling fingers. Her mind replayed the situation continuously. Red inhuman eyes, impossible strength, those fangs... "She, bit me," Eleanor finally breathed. The girl had really bitten her. And then... Dull green eyes had lost their normal color, and grey ones shifted to the man who'd spoken to her. And then he had shown up because the girl had been, feeding too loudly? "Feeding," Ellie mumbled almost inaudibly. It was obvious that she was in shock, that her mind was trying to process what had happened, and what the girl was to be that way and to need Eleanor for sustenance.

She was staring at the man with a light frown, though she wasn't really looking at him, but lost in her own thoughts. When she finally blinked it was because she realized that she wasn't holding her book or her art pad any longer. It was strange, but it seemed to be the only thing holding her together at the moment. "I-I need my books," she said, as if that was the most important thing. Her voice was somewhat quiet, weak sounding, as if she were extremely tired. And she was. She turned her head to look for them, perhaps nearly ignoring the silver haired man. She hadn't made a full thought on it yet, but she knew that he was the same being as that girl, in the way he'd said 'we'. But Eleanor also knew that it was because of him that she was alive. She just wasn't ready to think of those things at this moment. So she occupied her mind in searching for her things.

When Ellie spotted the book and art pad, she leaned to reach for them too quickly. Her head spun and what little light trickled into the alley faded quickly. She placed one hand on the ground to keep from falling over and the other on her own forehead. She blinked until the blackness faded away. Suddenly, the weight of the situation crashed over Eleanor and she began to cry. Her entire body trembled violently and she buried her face in her hands, succeeding in smearing blood on her forehead and over the forearm nearest to the scarlet liquid that ran down the front of her dress. The small girl suddenly couldn't handle the overwhelming emotion of having almost died at the hands of, something she could only assume to have been a myth, up until a few moments ago.
The girl seemed to be in shock, at least to Alistair that is what it seemed. So he stood there, silently, just watching her. She mumbled some things, but it seemed like her thoughts hadn't quite been completely collected. Not at first, at least, then she was attempting to pick up her dropped books. They must have been important to her. Alistair could wait until she had her things and was ready to proceed. Suddenly though, she began to cry. Well perhaps it wasn't sudden, it was a normal, human reaction.

If he had a heart, it would've ached in that moment. For now, all he could do was drop to his knees next to the blood stained, traumitized girl and pull her into a hug. He pulled her against his chest, resting his chin gently on the top of her head and his strong arms wrapped around her. The hug was gentle, she could pull away if she wanted, one hand rubbed soothing circles on her back and the other lightly touched through her hair some. Attempting to calm and comfort the human as best he could. His skin was cool to the touch, but not uncomfortably so.

(this would've been longer, but I gotta run and I'm already late. so carry on.)
In her current state, Eleanor welcomed the embrace. At least it wasn't an awkward painful experience, like most hugs were for her. She allowed herself to cry, face still buried in her own hands and rested against his chest until she began to feel better. It wasn't a cry caused by self pity, but one from a place of pure shock. The pains of her neck and shoulders weren't even something she currently recognized. The gentle rubbing on her back helped to calm Ellie and she was able to start thinking more clearly. She may feel somewhat embarrassed later; she never ever cried in front of other people. But for now, she was just glad to be alive.

Ellie finally lowered her hands and leaned away so that she could see the one who'd not only kept her from being killed, but who had gone so far as to comfort her as well. She sniffled. He was one of them, too. There wasn't any denying it. With the way he'd spoken with the other, and now with his cool touch matching that girl's. Still, Eleanor wasn't the sort to lump all of any one kind of being in the same category. No, she wasn't that simple minded. "I'm sorry," she finally said. "I got blood on you..." she added, gesturing. She was very sincere in her apology, seeing as how it was possible that his clothes could be ruined.

Before they parted completely from the embrace, another one of those random images popped into her mind. This time it was about this man, and another that she had seen somewhere before... She wouldn't recall now that it had been the blonde man leaning against the wall on the street. But the clip in her mind was laced with an almost unbearable sadness, as she got the idea that the pair were destined to be removed from each others' lives. She was looking beyond her savior once again, though her eyes remained on him, distant, as her eyebrows drew together in an obvious sudden confusion. If she stood, she'd be dizzy but could make it to where she needed to go. She would graciously take the help of the silver haired man, if he was ready to leave the alley.

(I ended it like that so you can get them going if you want to Kry! She'll go along if you want to get them back to Kas, so you're welcome to say so.)
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Zamani leaned backwards for a moment. She's a feisty one. A small smile gathered on her face as she stared into the girl's eyes. Something was off about this girl, but the witch didn't know exactly what, and that made her all the more curious.

"You know you shouldn't speak to your elders like that, little girl," her smile spread a little wider across her face. "But if you must know, I was just having a polite conversation with this delightful young man here." She gestured towards Kasimir before continuing. "Oh, speaking of, I forgot to introduce myself. I am Zamani Nontobeko, but I prefer you just call me Zamani or whatever."

She went back to Kasimir's question, head turned slightly in his direction.
"Of course I know about vampires. I know a lot about many things in this world. Oh, and in case you were wondering, I'm not a hunter. Too dangerous." Playful eyes switched back to the girl. "And I bet you know about them, too?"
Alistair would remain like that for as long as the girl needed. Human's were such fragile things, and one needed to be delicate with them. He had learned that in his long years, and that fact had only been hammered into him more deeply by spending a great deal of time with Kasimir. That blonde acted tough but on the inside he was one of the most fragile human's Alistair had ever known. The human seemed calmer now, and she pulled back some from him and apologized to him.

A ghost of a smile touched his lips for an instant.
"It is alright, there is no need for you to apologize." He wouldn't even be here next to her if she had not screamed. Alistair had been inclined to ignore the situation, because it might not have been a situation at all. He couldn't very well follow every vampire and save every human. No matter how much he might want to. Slowly he stood, pulling her up very gently to her feet as well. Those hands stayed on her for a few moments longer as he watched her with his grey-blue eyes. As if to make sure she was steady on her feet before he began to lead her out.

"I have a friend waiting for me, he is human so there is nothing for you to fear from him, except his forward personality." The words were spoken with a calm, reassuring tone, and he kept one arm around the girl to help keep her steady as he led her back to Kasimir.

Kasimir might be insincere at times, and his expressions could change at a rapid speed, but that's just the way he always was. Had always been. The new girl looked at him with something that might've been disgust, but it didn't affect him. As far as he could tell, he hadn't done anything disgusting, unless talking to pretty girl counted. When Zamani called him delightful, that charming smile turned to her for a moment. Did she really think he was delightful? He did try his best.

"I'm Kasimir.." His attention, and smile, had redirected to the other girl. That smile faltered slightly though when Zamani spoke about vampires and mentioning the other girl probably knew about them to. Those green eyes narrowed slightly as he stared at the werewolf, trying to figure out if she was a human or something else. Kasimir always had trouble telling, but he was only human though.

He carried on, as if nothing was out of ordinary, which it wasn't, unless one of these lovely ladies attempted to attack him.
"We were just talking about how there's nothing to do in this town once the sun sets." There was a slight pout as he said that. "I hate being bored."

Alistair was approaching them now, with the human he had saved, his grey-blue eyes narrowed at the werewolf and when he was close enough, he placed a hand on Kasimir's shoulder and pulled the human back a few steps. Widening the distance that was already between the German and the wolf. Lips parted and Alistair spoke quickly in German. Kasimir's expression didn't change, he merely shrugged and responded in German, for a moment the vampire's grip on Kasimir's shoulder tightened, causing the human to wince, then he let go.

Kasimir glanced at the human girl next to Alistair, flashed her a charming smile and a shrug, then locked eyes with the werewolf.
"My friend says you're a wolf, he's worried you might bite me...But he's overprotective, besides I like a bit of nibbling now and then." The German glanced at Alistair for a reaction as he said those words. Alistair's lips quirked down in the ghost of a frown for a moment, and that was what Kasimir had been looking for.

"Kas, be serious. We must escort this young girl home, she has had a very trying evening." Alistair motioned towards the girl he had rescued.
When the silver-haired vampire reappeared, Fia instinctively took a step back, glancing at man's hair every couple of seconds. She stopped, looking him in the eye and every instinct in her body told her she shouldn't be there, in the presence of a pureblood. Resisting her urges, she took a look at the others: the woman had a playful smile laced across her lips, that taunting line of her's ringing in Fia's mind. That coupled with the blonde man's suggestion of "nibbling" made a nervous growl rise in Fia's throat. She stopped it after a moment and shook her head, her eyes darting between everyone in attendance. Taking in a breath, she calmed herself and let out a sigh, "I hear it's not wise to taunt wolves."

Fia was not normally one to start conflict, at least not when she had control of herself. Her curiousity was probably her flaw; it often ascended other priorities like survival. Ironically, this felt more like a curse to her than being a werewolf. That was nature's cruel joke, she kept telling herself. She looked at the pureblood; perhaps he was the only one that was truly trying to help anyone, the human girl Fia had seen being bitten earlier. She looked pale, drained, that vampire had probably taken a lot from her. The young werewolf could only feel sympathy for the girl; vampires were somewhat untrustworthy.

"I don't think that you should take her home by yourself, sir," she suggested courteously. "Even with another human travelling with you, I feel... unnerved that
you should be escorting an already weakened girl home." Fia took a couple of steps towards the brunette and tilted her head, directing her speech further towards the pureblood, "I think I should come along, just in case you... decide you'd like a fresh meal." A hint of unease had found its way into Fia's voice and she glanced at the silver-haired vampire expectantly. SHe didn't feel any real attachment to this girl, she just didn't want there to be another vampire in this world.
Alistair was content to wait for Kasimir to decide if he wanted to continue to flirt with danger or not, when the wolf spoke to him. Spoke of him not escorting the human home by himself, even with Kasimir there. His grey-blue eyes were extremely cold when he looked to the werewolf. "What makes you better suited than I? You are just as dangerous, and just as untrustworthy as any number of my cousins." He used the word cousins to refer to other vampires, When the wolf moved towards him and the human girl he had saved, Alistair put his body between the two. Honestly, if Alistair had wanted this girl, he could have just had her in the alley.

Kasimir would've responded to her remark about taunting wolves, but then she began to provoke his vampiric friend. Of course, the girl probably didn't know she was provoking the pureblood, but Kasimir wasn't surprised when Alistair reacted the way he did. The German rolled his eyes at them both.
"Please, if Hiro here wanted to eat her, he probably would've done it already. Hiro takes humans way to seriously, he doesn't save them so he can eat them. He saves them 'cause he enjoys their existence." Kasimir glanced up at his friend's face and frowned deeply when the vampire's cold gaze turned on him. The German deserved that glare though, standing there and spouting Alistair's secrets like that.
Going along willingly and grateful for the help, Eleanor felt like she was having some kind of out of body experience. She didn't feel like she was inside her own body, much less controlling it. She felt light, and dizzy, and was focusing intently to make sure she was putting one foot in front of the other. As her savior helped to support her, she held onto him as well, for fear that if she didn't she might fall. She clutched her book and art pad with her other arm holding it close to her body as if it was the only thing keeping her weighted to the earth.

She looked up as they approached a group, dull grey eyes looking between the three. As they fell on Kasimir, Ellie's breath hitched. It was, him. The one she'd seen in that image in her mind. Why had she seen that? Instantly she realized that this man was the friend they'd come to find. And the other two? It took her a moment to rip her eyes away from the blonde as he spoke in a language unfamiliar to Eleanor. She wondered what in the world all of these people were doing out here passed curfew. Were the women, one of
them, too? She clung somewhat tighter to the silver haired man, though she hadn't realized she'd done it.

If any color had been left in her face, it surely drained when the blonde accused the furthest woman of being a wolf. Eleanor's head spun again. What in the world was happening!? She reached up and held onto her forehead as Alistair placed himself between her and the "wolf", no longer hearing anything exchanged in the group. These people, they... they weren't people at all. They were
vampires, and.... werewolves!? Is this.... why they set the curfew....? Suddenly Ellie couldn't handle the overload of emotions, physical endurance and information. The buildings around her doubled, swayed and spun, and before she could stop it, someone pulled the ground right out from under her and everything went black.
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Noah walks home in the dark, seemingly walking around obstacles, despite being blind. He smiles and turns a corner, he's memorized this route, so he knows exactly where he is going. He walks around a corner and stops in his tracks to avoid running into a woman.

"Sorry." He walks around her and keeps walking toward his home.

His hair blows in the slight breeze, the white locks flowing in the wind. His blindfold is firmly tied around his eyes to block out all light. He may be blind, but his eyes still get dry from light.
Donning her somewhat signature red scarf and wrapping it loosely around her neck and face, Victoria prepared to head out to the city for the night. She patted all the various small pockets and compartments in her trench coat, her habitual weapons check. "Check, check, and check" she thought to herself turning to head down the stairs. Not a moment had her door squeaked barely ajar when a small young girl burst into the room, and an excited Lily was standing there holding a well packed satchel to hand to Victoria.

"Here you go! All packed and ready as you asked!" She said in a hurried pace.

Victoria had only time to grab the strings and get out a slight, "Tha-" before the girl was turned back around and out the front door to play. Victoria chuckled slightly as she threw the bag over her shoulder and walked down the stairs. Her chuckle faded slightly when she thought about the many weeks that have passed without word from her parents. At the bottom of the stairs, the other long staying boy stood looking very serious. "Hello there Jobe, how are we this evening?" she flashed him a smile as she walked past to the door. Jobe walked obediently behind her.

"I'm going tonight." He said hesitantly, the words coming out waveringly but with a moving ounce of passion. Victoria sighed in protest before turning around to face him.

"I understand Jobe, I really do I promise. But it is my duty to hunt in the city, and yours to be here in case the worst happens." They shared a silent glance, his eyes were rife with the desire to disobey. "Now, the garlic will be ripe for picking soon, we'll get it picked and replace them on the border in a couple days. Make sure the rest of the children are in soon, especially Lily. The rest of them can still choose their own way, but she is literally my responsibility." He nodded in agreement, though was clearly disappointed and cursing her silently. "It won't last, I promise. It gets better." She walked out before he could work up the courage to say anything. As she walked past the small plot of farm land, she could hear the sounds of a couple children laughing nearby. Even in this growing darkness she could make out Lily's figure.

It was not long before she reached an outpost at the wall of the city. There stood a handsomely gruff man adorned in guards uniform. Holding a torch and with a rifle strapped around his back. "Going to rain tonight I bet, I hope you remembered your jacket." She said handing the satchel to the guard and shaking his hand.

He laughed and took her hand gently,
"Sure didn't. Gabriel reminded me on my way out the door but my mind was elsewhere. What's all this?"

She opened the top for him to show off the goods. "Well, Lily loved that pie Gabby made so much that she made me bring you the last of our apples. And of course some nice ripe cloves of gar-" She was cut short by the lack of garlic in the bag. The guard gave out a laugh and gave a gesture that it was no problem. "Sorry, Lily packed." She gave him a small hug as he let her enter the city, "I'll have it for you tomorrow, promise."

As the door shut behind her, she could hear him saying, "I'll tell Gabriel you said hi, and don't get killed. I don't want to be the one cleaning you up." He joked with a big smile.

She stepped onto the familiar streets, and heard the last locks clicking shut as the sky began to reach its peak of clear darkness, the moon shining brightly. "Well, maybe it won't rain after all."
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Noah walks right into a someone. "I'm sorry..." From the long hair he assumed a woman was who he ran into. "Miss?"

He brushes himself off and 'looks' at the woman, or where he thought she was, in reality he was 'looking' about four inches to the left of her head. He smiles and 'looks' at her kindly.

"Are you okay?" He asks politely.
Too busy looking into the night sky, she didn't notice as someone was walking by and bumped her. She was sturdy and didn't budge much, but her hand went instinctively to her side to grab a knife. "Thank god that wasn't a vampire! Jeez!" She composed herself and looked over the boy. Noticing his bandages she took it upon herself to reach over and grab his hand in greetings.

"So sorry about that, I was gazing at the uh-" She stopped, unsure of what the rules for politeness were when telling a blind person you were gazing at a beautiful moonlit night. "It's much darker tonight than I anticipated." She finished. "I'm usually a lot more attentive. Where are you headed tonight?"
"I'm just headed across town." Noah tells her and rights his gaze, 'looking' straight at her now. "I'm blind, so I didn't see you."

Noah smiles and looks up. "The air feels clean today, and the wind is blowing, so I assume you were looking at the sky." He smiles. "But I wouldn't know what it looks like."

He runs a hand through his hair and then asks a simple question. "Can I feel your face? Just so I have an image of who I'm talking to."
Fia glanced at the pureblood as he stepped between her and the human woman. She paused, studying him; she couldn't fight him, that would be impossible in this form and he'd kill her before she could become another wolf. That and she didn't want to transform unless she absolutely had to. Although the pureblood's word's stung her, Fia took a step away and bowed her head in a sort of apology. The blonde haired human interjected on his friend's part, but Fia barely paid any attention to it as she noticed the human woman begin to look even weaker than she had before.

Eyes wide, the werewolf reached forward, trying to catch the girl before she fell. Fia felt her hand claim purchase on the unconscious girl's arm, but this only effected her falling speed just a little bit. Something felt strange about the girl, something seemed... off. She had expected to sense something vampiric flowing through the girl's veins, or even something that was entirely human to an extant. But like the witch, she felt human with something... changed. Fia let go of the girl's arm after a moment, glancing at the pureblood before taking a step away from the unconscious body.
Eyebrows were raised at the girl's comment. So, she's a werewolf. I haven't seen one of those in a while. The idea of werewolves wasn't hers, even though she kind of wanted it to be. She couldn't place exactly who created werewolves, but they must be dead by now.

Zamani's attention was taken by the pureblood and the young girl who he had by his side. She took a long look at the human; she was pale and weak and confused. The puncture wounds were still a little fresh and a queasy feeling grew in the witch's stomach. When the girl fell, the witch shook off the feeling and walked towards her.
"Poor girl, having to go through such an event this late at night must have taken a toll on her."

As she was making sure the girl wasn't dying, Zamani turned back to face Hiro and the werewolf.
"You two can fight later. I'll take this girl to my home for the night and alert any of her family in the morning, alright?" Checking for any signs of additional struggle, she noticed something. The curse wasn't taking affect in this girl as expected. Immune, Zamani thought. She carefully lifted the unconscious body up and into her arms, struggling a little due to the lack of upper body strength.
"Yes, I noti- um..." She stumbled over her words again. What a casual and positive first impression it would make to say, "Yeah I noticed you were blind while I was gazing at the moon! Lovely evening!" She watched intently as his would be sight line shifted to her direction, and he asked to feel her face. She took about a few seconds to think it over, before saying "Yeah I.. I don't see why not actually. That makes sense." She leaned her face froward, and gently lifted his wrists so that his hands landed on her face. She closed her eyes and let be what would be. Not thinking about how silly the scene might look to someone passing by or taking a glance out their window.

As he began, she imagined this blind boy heading, "across town". That could mean anything really, any distance. And he would presumably be doing it alone and possibly have nowhere to go for shelter. She has her own business tonight, but she would inquire more to his whereabouts and living situation. Maybe she could forego her usual night dealings just this once, to aid a blind young man to safety.
Noah touches her face gently and traces the outlines. He feels the cheekbones and her chin, making small circles with his thumbs. He feels her eyebrows and jaw then lifts his hands.

"Thank you." He 'looks' at the image in his mind, she's a pretty woman, but he doesn't judge by looks, because it's one of the things he can't see. "I'm sorry if I've kept you from your plans. I kinda blocked your way." Noah moves aside.

Rowan thought about how close she had gotten to killing that girl just a little while ago. The taste of Eleanor's blood still lingered on her tongue, leaving her hungry for more. Now other vampires may not feel this way, but to Rowan there are certain people that have better tasting blood then others. Although she was still quite hungry, the scream of the girl that she had fed on was stuck in her head. The red haired girl knew that the only reason she went crazy and bit the girl was because of vampirism. Granted, she had never been the nicest person, but some people use to be able to bring out the best in her. For some reason she had a strange feeling that Eleanor could do that. As her mind raced through all of this, she watched from the shadows as a man touched a girls face. She didn't understand at first, but then realized he was blind. Quite a perfect prey. Her mind had faded back into the crazy mindset, and it probably wouldn't change until she fed. As she watched them, her eyes glazed over and her stomach growled. She started to walk out of the shadows, but then quickly stepped back in.

Rowan remembered what the Pureblood had said to her about hunters. She wasn't sure about the woman that was standing there with the blind man. The assumed blind man that is. If the girl was infact a vampire hunter, she could be caught fairly easily. She ruled that it was best to stay in the shadows until they parted ways.

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Damian was traveling across the rooftops glad that he was able to enjoy the view of the night sky from up here that the city buildings would normally obscure. "WOOOOOOOH!!!" he screamed as he jumped from one building to the next using his telikinesis to help him clear the gap, when he landed he decided to take a break and he sat on the edge of the building. He couldn't even remember if hes ever been here before yet that doesnt bother him in the least, hes bored and this place has been a decent enough amusement for the time being. He sighed, when was he going to find a purpose for his life, as he had this thought he looked down to the streets below and saw a male touching a females face. "Well thats a bit strange". He sees another woman step out of the shadows directly below him but quickly return to them, well that was just suspicous enough for him to get involved. He let himself drop from the ledge, he quickly closes the diatance between himself and the ground but 20ft or so above the ground he disappeared, almost as if he was never there and he instantly appeared behind the hiding female "Yo" he really hopes shes not a vampire, hes getting sick of being mistaked for a human because of his plain features.

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