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Fantasy As Shifting Shadows; Worlds Merged


They say I'm caught up in a dream

As Shifting Shadows; Worlds Merged

In a world where vampires and humans have waged unseen wars for centuries. Where the leaders of the humans and the vampires have come together in their crooked and deceitful agreements to bring the two species together. And where pureblood and original vampires have their own agendas at work, tension is as its highest. Most humans still aren't even aware of the existence of the supernatural. Some hunt them down. With the webs of fate and despair ever intermingling and grasping at your existance, where will you find your place?

April 29th - We still need a few more players and are only about 20 minutes into actual story time! ♥

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A fragile girl, brunette hair pulled into a low style at the back of her head and a simple old fashioned dress not too fancy, stood under the light of a lamp post. Breathe in, breathe out... Calm yourself down Lena. She clutched her art pad and book tightly. The crowd was squeezing in around her, and Eleanor Robinson was on the edge of a full blown panic attack. The pale skin of her delicate hands was developing a thin layer of sweat as they trembled, and she brought them up with her things to cover her ears. It was so loud all around her. The people; she could hear everything they were doing. Their talking, breathing, shuffling, coughing, laughing... like trains in her head. Her dull green eyes searched frantically for the trolley. No matter how hard she tried to tell herself that nothing was wrong and that she was okay here in this crowd of strangers, her brain just wouldn't stop overreacting.

Her breathing quickened with her heartrate and she became dizzy, her head spinning like she was on some kind of festival ride at the park.
I... have to get out of here! Her own voice screamed in her head over all the noise. She was backing up and bumping into people. "Sorry! I'm sorry!," she breathed, nearly inaudible in her breathlessness. Everyone was looking at her strangely. The crowd had actually been relatively quiet and patient. Ellie knew that she was being ridiculous, but she couldn't stop. She never could. And she hated that about herself. As she broke free from the crowd, she began to run, down the cobblestone pathway and away from the people. A police officer yelled after her, "Wait miss! The darkness is coming! You must go home!"

His shouts rang in her ears like a thousand alarm bells as she ran in the direction of her house on the other side of the square.
The darkness is coming.
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Rowan watched the crowd of people that were gathered so closely together. She hid in the shadows, going unnoticed as usual. She could practically hear the savory blood coursing through the veins of her soon-to-be victims. The sun would be down within the next hour or so, which meant someone would be dead soon. Her eyes closed as she thought about how hungry she was. "don't worry" she whispered to herself, giving a slight smile "You won't be hungry for long" she muttered. Her eyes opened quickly as a small girl, someone almost as small as her, ran by. One side of her mouth quirked up into a half smile as she watched the brunette run down the street. "Oh how I love the ones that run" she said in a cheery voice. There were already parts of the street that were covered in darkness.

Her thin legs stepped out into the light for a split second before she disappeared back into the dark streets. The buildings, although not very large, casted a shadow that fully engulfed her body as she ran down the street after the girl that had seemingly wanted to get home. Her red hair flowed behind her while she ran past the girl. Once there was a narrower street Rowan turned and stopped in front of the girl, having to glance up a bit at the slightly taller female.
"Where you going dear?" she asked in a grim voice.

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Kasimir's hands were shoved into the pockets of his jeans, and he stood there leaning against the corner of a building. The blonde, seemed to be waiting for someone. Kas didn't even know if the other would show, he had been waiting in this spot for five evenings in a row, and Alistair had yet to pop up. The human wasn't worried, Alistair could take care of himself, he was very adept at that, but it still made Kasimir worry a bit. Alistair was never late unless something had happened. The German began to hum lightly, some old Germanic nursery rhyme or other.

People walked past on the sidewalk, though there weren't many people out now. Most were hurrying home, rushing to the safety of their houses before the darkness fell. Kasimir wasn't worried about the darkness either, vampires didn't frighten him, he had never been out right attacked by one either, but the German felt certain that he could fight one or two off if need be. Kasimir was a bit overconfident on that front. Those green eyes blinked, and his humming stopped mid tune, as two girls ran passed him, he turned his head and watched them. They were probably in a hurry to get home as well.
Not seeing the woman running in the shadows, Elena's shoes clapped against the cobblestone as she hurried towards her home, oblivious to it all. It wasn't until the woman stepped out in front of her that she stopped. Her breathing was labored and she opened her mouth to apologize for nearly running into the girl, but she asked where Eli was going before she could. The pale girl brushed strands of hair from her face that had fallen in her rush to get away from the crowd. Her chest still heaved and she glanced over her shoulder, as if expecting the entire crowd to be following, though none seemed to be. In fact, the street was nearly clear aside from a single man leaned against a building as if waiting for someone.

Her side hurt now. Eleanor wasn't incredibly active. She'd say she could thank good genes for a fast metabolism that kept her at a constant 110 lbs., and that alone. She didn't partake in sports, and she could never add 'running' to the list of things she loved to do. As she caught her breath, she clutched her book and art pad to her side while she tried to tuck loose hairs behind her ear. "It's nearly curfew," she responded, wondering why the other had asked. Wasn't she headed home, too? "I'm sorry," she added earnestly, "I didn't see you there." But had she been there? Why was she staring at Elena? Was there something on her face? Certainly her cheeks were a deeper red than usual from all that running. Did she look sick? Had she been rude in the way she responded?

Immediately, and as always, Eleanor was positive she'd been weird. She was feeling incredibly awkward already and cleared her throat quickly. "We should both get home," she said, offering a kind smile. Lena wanted to back away from the other slowly and disappear into the shadows, as she usually did on first meetings, but refused to be rude.
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Two girls were standing there chatting, night was falling fast, and he moved past them with a grace and fluidity that no human could possibly possess. His very long silver hair caught in the wind of his own movement and seemed to trail behind the tall, pale figure like elegant streamers. He gave the girls a slight nod of acknowledgement and the slightest hint of a smile as he passed them by. If they were smart, they would be heading home before the more dangerous of his kind came out to play.

Those grey-blue eyes of his found the blonde male leaning against the building a small distance behind the girls, and that is where he went. Approaching the male without a second glance to the girls he had passed by. When he was closer, the man leaning against the building pulled his hands from his pockets and began to approach as well, the human and vampire met almost halfway.
"It's about time you showed up, it's been days. I was starting to worry about you, Hiro." The blonde's voice was laced with a bit of a German accent, and there was an easy smile on his lips as he poked the taller male in the chest with a finger.

"I am sorry for worrying you, Kas." The taller man's accent was slight, Lithuanian almost, and he gently swiped away the poking finger with a cool to the touch hand. Alistair had turned slightly, his eyes watching the two girls that were a small distance away, the slightest hint of a frown on his lips. "I wonder if they know one another.." It was a small thought, spoken quietly. Alistair could tell that the red head was a vampire.

Kasimir had followed his friend's gaze and shrugged a bit.
"Dunno, but they probably ought to head home quickly, before your cousins come out to play." There was a playful tone to his words, but also a hint of seriousness in them. Kasimir stared at the girls a while longer, almost as if trying to discern if both were actually human or not.

Alistair shook his head slightly
"The red haired one is not human...Really Kasimir, you should be able to tell by now, considering how much time you spend with me." The German had pouted at the vampire's words, and then started towards the two girls. Alistair followed, only a step or two behind his human friend.

The girl that she had approached seemed to squirmy. "Not the greatest choice of food" Rowan thought to herself as she waited for the girl to talk. "It is almost curfew, but this street is almost completely dark" Rownan pondered to wheat her the girl knew of the existence of vampires. Surely a small frail girl like her wouldn't be running in the dark if she knew.

As Rowan opened her mouth to speak, her words were delayed by the silver haired man walking by them. No doubt he was a vampire, but something about him seemed all too familiar. She watched him walk over to another boy and then turned her attention back to the girl standing in front of her.
"Yes I suppose we should go home. What might one do if they don't have a home though?" She asked In a dark tone. This question was only trying to stall the girl from leaving, Rowan wanted to find out what this strange vampire was. She watched as another man walked out from the shadows. Her thoughts were cut off by the overwhelming feeling of hunger. She turned her head quickly to the girl and bit her lip, trying to control the sensation. "Damn" she muttered to herself.
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Eleanor had nodded and glanced around the street at the mention of its darkness. The dark had never really bothered Eli, unless it was pitch blackness that couldn't see in. But she brought her attention back to the girl with the vibrant red hair with a slight, almost inaudible gasp. Her eyebrows drew together and her features took on a look of concern. This girl didn't have a home? Did she just wander the streets after curfew? Where did she sleep at night? Eleanor suddenly felt an overwhelming sadness for her. Had her "uncle" not taken her in, she'd probably be just like this girl. Homeless.

Still, it was a great question. Elena had never considered what one might do at curfew should they not have a place to call home. "There's a shelter," she offered, "For women and children of abuse, people of disasters, orphans...," she trailed off. Which category did this girl fit under? Where were her parents? Wouldn't they let her stay with them? Perhaps like Elena's parents, they were dead. Or "dead", rather. She felt as if the meeting had gone from excruciatingly awkward, as always, to really heavy.

"Hey, I'll walk you there. If you want...," Eli offered now with a friendly smile. "It's not far from here, just around the corner really. We could take the alley and get there faster." She was very aware that curfew was upon them, and that she could get in a lot of trouble for breaking it. Her heart rate picked up at the idea, yet when she thought about it, she wasn't sure she could say she knew why the city officials had suddenly imposed the curfew. She'd toyed with the idea that crime rates had spiked. But in recent years, they had actually dropped. She toyed with the idea that brilliant artists were hard at work painting a giant portrait of the night city. Why hadn't they given the populace a reason anyway? Perhaps the boogeyman was real, and he and all of his relatives came out after sundown.

Eleanor shook her head lightly at the silliness of the assumptions, yet, the hair stood up on the back of her neck. The sun had finally disappeared enough behind the city and surrounding forests and mountains that it could be considered 'after dark'. Curfew would now be strictly imposed, but, it wasn't that that had the hairs up on the back of Elena's neck. With her brunette locks pulled into a bun, messy as it was now, at the bottom left side of her head, she brushed off the prickle as her own hair tickling her. Yes, her own hair. For now, she would suppress the anxiety, for the sake of helping this girl.
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Thoughts ran through Rownas mind as she continued to glance breifly at the possible 'pureblood approaching them. "Would he kill me? Does he know?" After the girl offered to walk her to a shelter she smiled. It was a fake smile of course, but quite convincing. "Oh thank you so much" she said in the most tankful voice she could muster. Getting away from the silver haired male and getting food at the same time. She fiddled with her nails for a second as she waited for the girl to move. "It's that way right?" She asked, starting to walk the opposite way of the approaching vampire. She motioned for the girl to follow, a dark smirk appearing on her face. She flicked a piece of hair from her face and then slowed down a bit to ensure that the other vampire wouldn't interfere with her meal.

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The red haired woman turned to walk and none the wiser to the man approaching, Eleanor's friendly smile faded into a pensive frown. It's that way right? So the other knew of it? Instantly Lena's mind began to overanalyze everything, as it always did. If she knew of the shelter, why wasn't she staying there already? If she was, why didn't she say so? If she wasn't because she didn't want to, why would she want to walk there with Eleanor? And finally, Elena was offering to walk her to show her where it was. If she already knew, Eleanor would be better off getting herself home before she got in trouble with the police. Somehow, it wasn't adding up in Eleanor's mind. But she brushed it off. She did this with absolutely everything. She overanalyzed and delved way too deep, making something out of nothing in everything she did.

She shook off the thought that something must be wrong and moved forward, catching up to the girl. "I'm Eleanor," she offered kindly. "But I sort of hate it, my name. You can call me... pretty much anything else." She laughed outwardly, but inside she was rolling her eyes at herself. Who said that sort of thing? She sighed. "Turn here," she said as they approached the alleyway, motioning with her book and art pad. "It's a little dark, but I take this shortcut all the time. I know my way." Eleanor turned, but glanced sideways at her company. "So, why don't you stay at the shelter? You don't sleep... on the streets or anything?" She cleared her throat quickly. "I mean, it just seemed like you already knew of the place." Her cheeks turned a deep rosy color when she realized she'd probably been too nosy. "I was just wondering. You don't have to answer that." She closed her eyes tightly for a brief moment. Why did she have to ask about that? Couldn't she have talked about anything else? Typical Elena.
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Zamani casually strolled down the cobblestone streets. The short dress she wore swayed in the gentle breeze as she went by. She wasn't in any real hurry to get home and she liked the nighttime and the moonlight. It was only an hour or so before darkness would cover the town, so she figured she had some time. She listened as people hurried past her with whispers of confusion, irritation, or distress. Everyone knew it was time to go home and retire for the night. But what they didn't know why. But the witch did know why and that was what made her a little uneasy. Those vampires, she thought. They must do their job and feed. Of course, she cared about humans (she was one), but there needed to be some form of population control. And Zamani had provided just that.

She eventually passed by two people standing near a building. She recognized the one with long silver hair immediately as a vampire; a pureblood at that. The other was just a human. It wasn't odd for her to see vampires befriend humans, but it confused her. As with anything that intrigued Zamani, she decided to investigate herself. She stopped about three feet from the two men were standing.

"Excuse me gentlemen. Isn't it a little late to be loitering? It's almost time for curfew." Her soft voice carried in the air. It was obvious that they were not causing any trouble at the moment, but she wanted to engage them in some talk. She had all the time in the world.
Kasimir stopped mid stride, when Alistair's pale hand landed gently on his shoulder, the taller silver haired vampire shook his head slightly. Stopping the German from following the two girls any further down the street, it wasn't their place to interfere with the business of other vampires, if the red head wanted to feed on that girl, it was her right to do so. Alistair's lips parted slightly, about to speak to his companion, when a voice filled the air behind him. His hand dropped from the blonde human's shoulder and he turned to face the woman that had spoken.

The blonde thief turned as well, a slight pout on his lips as his eyes met this woman's, and then that pout turned to a charming smile. Kasimir moved past Alistair and a bit in front of him, those green eyes of his were bright, almost sparkling with life and vigor.
"Why follow the rules when you can have more fun breaking them?" That voice held a bit of a German accent, and Kasimir had shrugged slightly. "Are you in need of an escort home? My friend and I would be more than willing to get you home safely." Kasimir had no idea what this woman was, who she was, as far as he could tell she was just a normal human woman. His words had held a hint of sincerity in them, no ill will or ulterior motives could be discerned from his offer.

Alistair was silent, as he often did, he let Kasimir handle situations involving other humans, though he had shifted slightly on his feet, grey-blue eyes narrowed a bit as he studied the woman. As far as he could tell she seemed human, something was off but he couldn't quite place what it was, the vampire nodded slightly in agreement with Kasimir's words.

Rowan fidgeted a bit as they turned into the dark alley. Her smile grew larger and she ignored the questions the brunnete was asking her. Truth was, she didn't know why she didn't just go to the shelter when she was a human. Too much pride maybe? The thought of this girl trying to bring back all of these memories made her slightly angry. It was none of her business, did she think that these questions were approprite?! Rowan grounded her teeth just thinking about the girl prying into her personal life. "Eleanor" she thought in her head.

As Rowan slowed her pace to an almost stop, her stomach felt like it was churning, her insides felt as though they were being ripped out. Finally she snapped and grabbed Elanors shoulders, trying to pin her to the wall. A growl escaped from her lips as she let her fangs come out.
"Don't scream, or I will not let you live" she seethed.
Her company had chosen not to answer and Eleanor groaned internally. She was awful at making good first impressions. The girl beside her had slowed and Eli began to turn. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to offen-," but she was cut short. The quieter of the pair had pinned Eleanor against the wall with freakish strength. "Wh-what are you... doing?" The brunette was genuinely confused, and because of the sudden shock and confusion, wasn't currently putting up any kind of fight. Even after the red headed woman's words not to scream, and the situation was quite obviously a bad one, Eli's mind was working hard to judge it all. To pull it apart. To figure out why and to put the pieces of the puzzle together.

In what little light shined through the alley from the sliver of a moon above, Elena could see the girl's fangs. Were they fangs? Could people be born with those? Nevertheless, her intuition was catching up to her mind. No matter who this girl was, she was threatening Eli's life and she needed to get free. She squirmed and tried to pry the hands from her shoulders. "Let go," she half demanded, half requested. Part of her was becoming scared, while another part of her was somewhat angry. She'd gone out of her way to risk breaking curfew and getting in trouble with the police, to help this girl. And this was the way she was thanked? "I was trying to
help you you know," she strained to say, still trying to work herself free to no avail.
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Fia was never comfortable walking around at night, but it was more comfortable than in the day. Yes, she didn't feel accepted in either human or vampiric society, but something urged her to be among the supernatural. It wasn't a full moon, as far as she was aware, which always made her relaxe a little more as she began to walk throughout the ever-darkening city. The familiar warning from the police, encouraging her to return home, was ignored by the seventeen year old. She wasn't actively pursued by them, she doubted many didn't care. Shrugging, she relaxed her shoulders, took a calm, slow breath and strolled forwards.

As she walked, she noticed a few individuals talking among themselves, and a few spared Fia some curious glances before they continued with their conversations. She didn't mind the odd bit of attention from those that were left on the streets, but she didn't look for it. Meeting new people was somewhat scary for her; a part of her was always paranoid of new people, what they might be thinking, what they could be considering. She shook it off and padded down the street, wrapping her jacket around herself.

Ear's twitching, she turned to find herself facing an alleyway. Her senses blared in alarm, noticing a woman holding another woman against a wall. She opened her mouth for a moment, as if to say something, but slowly closed it a couple of moments later. What could she do in this situation, like this? She felt an annoyed growl rise in her throat but she suppressed it a second later. With a sigh, she took a step into the alley, but did not continue any further.

Rowan pushed down on her shoulders harder, most likely causing them to be bruised later, but not enough to break the bones. She stared at the ground with her hair over her face, listening to all of things Elanor was saying. She started to chuckle, it was a deep evil laugh that could make the hairs on some of the most fearsome beasts stand up. Her face lifted as the laughing got louder. "You think I care?" She hissed, her red eyes shining in the darkness as a bit of light hit them. It was artificial light from a street lamp, nothing that would actually harm her.

Her smile became crazed and her eyes were wild. It had been a couple of nights since the last time she fed. Rowan was damn ready to get some food In her system. She buried her face into the girls neck and took a bite, sinking her teeth into the side of it. Her eyes became calmer as she continued to feed off of the girl.

"That's very kind of you, but I'll be fine," she looked up towards the sky for a moment. "I'm not in any particular rush to get home myself." Zamani shifted her stance slightly, but remained facing the boys. She smiled back at the blond-haired man for a moment before straightening herself up.

The witch felt the gaze of the pureblood upon her, but it didn't bother her. This was not the first time she's been stared at. In fact, she reveled in the spotlight; it made things fun for her. She figured that the pureblood was just trying to figure out who or what she was and decided to have some fun.

"And how about you? You're awfully quiet back there," her attention was on the pureblood. "You and your friend trying to have a fun night on the town?"
Kasimir's smile had turned to a grin when the woman mentioned that she wasn't in a hurry to get home. His lips parted, ready to say something, when the woman spoke to Alistair. Kasimir was still grinning, and there was amusement dancing in those green eyes of his as he half turned to glance at Alistair. "Don't worry about him, he's the strong silent type." Kasimir had reached over and poked the vampire in the chest lightly, getting his hand promptly swatted away. The German's attention returned to the woman. "I'm Kasimir and my quiet friend is Hiro."

Alistair bowed his head slightly when Kasimir introduced him to the woman.
"It is a pleasure." Alistair spoke the greeting softly as he bowed his head, that Lithuanian accent dripping lightly off of each word, and his voice was a rather quiet voice. Though it seemed almost velvety. His grey-blue eyed gaze had not strayed far from the woman, he was still trying to figure her out solely by quiet observation, the vampire had gone back to his silence. Though even if he had wanted to say something else, it wouldn't have mattered. Kasimir was already speaking again.

"Not much to do by way of fun in this town though. Everyone hides and locks their doors, nightclubs are almost nonexistent, and if you do find one it's usually just full of trouble." Kasimir was almost pouting, then he leaned towards the woman. "What kind of fun are you looking for?" That German accented voice also held a rather suggestive tone to it, and he had winked at the woman, his almost pout gone, replaced with a charming smile.
A gasp escaped Eleanor when she was asked if she thought the other cared. What kind of person...? Her skin was prickling all over now, not just the back of her neck. Sharp pains shot through her shoulders as the redhead squeezed them so tightly, keeping her against the wall in the back alley. Ellie was unable to remove the hands keeping her in place, and the more she struggled the more her shoulders dug into the wall. She looked at the girl's eyes for the first time, as she rarely looked people in the eye for the sheer awkwardness of it, and they glistened a red hue that Eleanor had never seen in another person's eyes before.

Suddenly Eleanor became paralyzed with fear. The girl lowered her face to the soft pale skin of Elena's neck and she felt the pain of what she might relate to double bee stings, only the area didn't necessarily feel hot with poison, only a pressure like feeling as the girl sucked blood from the inflicted wounds. Eleanor's heart pumped so quickly that the vampire probably wasn't having a lick of trouble drinking her blood. It would be flowing generously in her panicked, yet frozen state. Her dull green eyes stared upward to the double storied building tops above. Her breathing had become shallow and quick, and her mind reeled, in equally short and jumbled thoughts.

What's... happening? Like the great majority of other humans, Eleanor had been oblivious to the existence of creatures of myth and lore. She could only assume now, but could she believe it? Was it just some horrible nightmare? Some anxiety induced hallucination? No. While her extreme anxiety could cause physical pain, it wasn't like this. This was really happening. This crazed, psychopath, was really biting her. She could die if she didn't do something. But would she die if she tried? Instinct kicked in and Eleanor decided her life was worth fighting for. How could she trust the words of this lunatic?

Pushing against the girl with all the strength she could muster while she was losing blood, she began to scream. It was loud, laced with terror but growing ever weaker by the second. Soon it would fade out entirely as her head became cloudier. What were these images popping randomly and briefly into her mind? Images of the red haired woman's... death? Even in this state, Eleanor knew in her own heart that these weren't images she would imagine on her own. No, even now, she could never be that cruel.
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A loud scream, growing weaker by the seconds, pierced their conversation. As Kasimir turned, Alistair placed a hand on the blonde's shoulder and shook his head. "Kas, stay here." The tone was one that brooked no argument, Alistair would keep his human friend safe. The scream hadn't come from far away either, and Alistair could only assume it had been the red haired girl finally attacking the brunette she had been walking with. The tall vampire turned in that direction, and moved quickly towards the alley where the scream had come from.

That red head should've known better, should've taken the girl further away from potential witnesses, though it probably would've been fine had the victim not screamed. Alistair could've ignored what he knew was going to happen had the human not screamed. It didn't take long for the silver haired vampire to reach the alley, grey-blue eyes narrowed slightly. The vampire and human were approximately in the middle, pressed against the wall. Another person was standing at the opposite end of the alley. Alistair sniffed the air, and his nose wrinkled in disdain for a moment, then he was moving again.

He came up to the red haired girl, and put one hand on her forehead, and shoved three fingers of his other hand into her mouth, prying the teeth out of the human girl. At the same time, the hand on the red head's forehead pushed her back, moving her head away from victims throat, without tearing the wounds, without making them bigger. Once the female vampire was no longer biting the human, Alistair's hands would move to grip that vampire's wrists and squeeze them very tightly. In hopes of the pain making her let go of the human.

Alistair said nothing, he only stared at the vampire with eyes that seemed colder than ice.

Kasimir pouted as Alistair ran off to help whoever hadn't gotten in trouble, that pout turned to a frown as he watched his friend dash down the street. Green eyes narrowed a bit as Alistair had turned down an alley some distance down. The German shifted on his feet slightly, he knew he didn't need to worry about the vampire, but he did worry about the vampire.

Kasimir wanted to chase after his friend so badly. He glanced at the woman they'd been speaking with, that frown still on his lips.
"He'll be fine, he's good at handling dangerous situations.." It was hard to tell if he was trying to reassure the woman or himself.
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As the dark red liquid filled her mouth Rowan gave a light chuckle. She was almost convinced that the brunette was going to submit to her completely, Letting her drain her. Right as she was thinking these thoughts, the gave a valiant effort trying to get away from her. It had almost worked, but row whe it had almost worked, but Rowan was too strong for the already weak Eleanor. Almost at the same moment Roman started to go back for the girls neck, she started wailing. The sound pierced her ears, But rowans sanity level had dropped so low that no sound in the world could make her stop. She latched her teeth back into the girls neck, using the same puncture site from before.

Right when Rowan was almost hundred percent positive that this girl was dead meat, the pureblood vampire from before came into the alley. She started to drink Eleanor's blood as fast as she could, but a few moments after the other vampire had a grip on her. He was forcing her away from Eleanor. She struggled to stay on the girl, but his strength was too much for her to handle. She released Eleanor and glared at the other vampire. "That's my goddamn meal" she growled at him in a menacing voice. The voice inside her mind was telling her to just snap the girls neck, the pureblood wouldn't interfere then. If she was already dead there would be nothing to save.​
The red head yelled at him, but Alistair kept his hands around her wrists. "You were causing too much noise." Those words were spoken as if it should be obvious as to why he had interfered. His grip on her wrists tightened a bit, then he shoved her back, he let go of her as he shoved, not really caring if it caused her to stumble or fall. "Too much noise attracts unwanted attention." His eyes were still cold as he stared down the other vampire. "That scream could be heard a distance away, and there are those that do indeed hunt our kind. If I had been one such as that, you would be dead already." His tone remained cold though, insinuating that he didn't particularly care or not if the red head did end up dead at the hands of such people.

He turned from her to the human girl, that cold gaze softening a bit. She would need medical attention, a way to replenish the blood that had been taken from her. Sugars and liquids would be the best way to do that, or rather, he could just drop her off at a hospital, surely the doctors there would know what to do.
Fia should've known better, it was after curfew and somebody was went down an alleyway with another person: it was practically guaranteed one of them was vampiric in nature. There were a few apprehensive moments when Fia tensed, watching as this vampire bit down on this seemingly innocent girl's neck. Shoulders relaxing, Fia shook her head, waiting for that normal victim reaction. She couldn't help but smile when she heard the human scream. She didn't take any pleasure in the fact she did scream, in fact she despised it, but something seemed wrong when a human didn't scream when they were bitten.

It wasn't long before a man with silver hair approached the alleyway. Fia shuffled almost nervously when the moonlight reflected on his hair and she stepped away. He would have the situation under control, at least, that's what she though. Turning, she started walking back down the street, noticing a blonde haired man standing next to a woman about 36 years old, Fia estimated. Fia sighed silently; nobody was what they appeared to be any more.

As she passed them, her pace slowed down as she took a glance at the blonde haired man. Human. He was human. And the woman was a bit more than that. In fact she was ancient. She probably didn't even count as human any more. Fia's curiousity got the better of her. She stopped just past them, taking a glance over her right shoulder at the woman.

Rowan stared at the pure blood as he tightened the grip on her wrist. She jerked her hand, although it didn't do much. She collided with the ground when he let go and pushed her back at the same time. She brushed off her hands and listened to his words. "By the time she would have been drained, I could could be long gone" she said, sneering at him as she stood up. The girl would most likely have been dead in a matter of minutes if the pureblood didn't intefer.

Her stomach growled, for some odd reason the girls blood she just consumed barley made a dent in her hunger. She glanced around quickly, focusing her eyes back on the girl. Rowan grounded her teeth in order to restrain herself. She feared that if she went in to finish off the girl, the other vampire wouldn't hesitate to kill her.

The fangs left Eleanor's throat, though the area still felt painful and irritated. There was someone else there, but Ellie was having a hard time focusing on things very efficiently at this point. It wasn't until the redheaded girl released Eleanor's shoulders that she realized it was she who had been holding her up. Weak legs trembled as she tried to remain standing, to no avail. The brunette fell into a sitting position on the ground, with legs on either side of her and hands supporting her in front. She frowned, staring forward almost blankly otherwise, as if confused or disoriented.

It was the vampires' exchange, and the mention of a meal that had Eleanor reach trembling fingers up to her neck. Her fingers brushed delicately over the puncture marks. She felt the wet substance against her fingers and brought her hand out to view. In the very dimly lit alley, Eleanor could see the stark contrast of the blood against her pale fingers. They trembled more violently now, and her breathing hitched every few breaths. She couldn't form full thoughts anymore, and her head spun. She sat there frozen, staring at her own blood.

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