Arcanix Darsonnia's Notepad (OOCness) [Fire and Water]

For the time being, Siham doesn't know that limit breaks are the result of an unatural effect. It will come up in his explanations for his actions when described to him but it has obviously happened to him before. He thinks he's suffering from some sort of psychological disorder (not helped by the Salesman's geas I must say) that has gotten somehow worse (due to the amnesia). He's therefore very anxious to learn how to keep control of his mind at all costs.

If he finds out that the Salesman did use a geas on him, he will be determined for that never to happen again. He is very touchy about losing his freedom of thought and action.

As for archery, remember these flame pieces we have taken from the Dove ? Siham's got one for study (and ermegencies) that he'll gadly offer her if asked. Heck, that holy gun in said GotMH would be an excelent themed weapon for her. What better than a holy weapon with blessed ammo wielded by a renegade abyssal to show how's side your on ?

That would make a good present from Siham, would it not ? Once the manse is up, this would be a good first out of the line artefact.
So much Integrity in here! I will be investing in it too, next turn of the wheel.

This has thrown so many of the Salesman's plans into disarray...

It'll be curious to see what happens at the trial, and around it.
Not sure yet. Depends on what charms Oren has. If he has judge's ear or irresistible questioning, that should be quick to settle. Otherwise:

Slightly going out of the limit break incident. I'd like to know, is there a habitable part of the Manse that is relativly close from the rest of the town ?

Siham has plans to save a lot on real estate by making a small flat inside one of the rooms of the Manse. Preferably, one with a window.

He would buy the furniture that would include bed, desk, and bath. Would build some plumbing if possible for convienience. And some sort of turtle pen with minny bath and house. All of it would be financed out of his pocket.

Note to visitors: his tidyness is comparable to that of a student room. Ie, watch out not to trip on something.
You could probably repurpose such a room, if you wanted. The place's enough of a mess already, and you'd need to import food, cooking utensils, appliances...Amenities are unlikely to be present unless you fashion them yourself.

My main issue now is coming up with appropriate punishments for the crimes committed, should you be found guilty, that don't result in me having to turn the downtime into several years worth due to prison sentences. ^_^

Additionally: I demand the surgery details! As well as Deliciously Described First Sight from Renna. ^_^
Only needs the room for sleep and keeping his stuff there. He'll just have takeway or eat out anyway.

I'm not worried about prison, I mean, I have an advantage, two witnesses ready to defend my actions. Bring on the interogation, I'm ready.

edit: Now that I think about it, could we have a brief description of Kala's, Oren's and Staar respective personalities. Our characters have probably intercted long enough to know about them but us players don't know much outside of job.
I will say this: The Salesman is also going to help Siham out. I figure he could explain that he doesn't believe it's Siham's fault, after hearing the details. He'll blame Dead Cat, but file no formal charges, believing (or so he'll say) quite honestly that she was proooobably not entirely responsible... Probably. Mostly for Siham's and WWS's benefits, though (again, or so he'll say).

That'd go a long to way to convincing a magistrate, right?
This is going to end up confusing.

On one side we have the abyssal describing the scene more or less as it happened but without understanding what happened.

On another we have the Salesman trying to deresponsibilise everyone (especialy himself) to cover his tracks.

And last we have Siham blaming himself and believing he's losing his mind and needing psychological help because he can't remember what happened.

The stories are just going to end up confusing each other and everyone. Gonna need a chart to keep up. May also need a second one for the in construction love dodecahedron.
Siham pretty much just out and out said he thinks he's developing a mental disorder. That almost made me want to do a little dance.

As for the Salesman, it's more about getting past the blame, it's also about making sure no-one even THINKS he's guilty. For him, the latter is just as problematic as a conviction.
Just a note/warning: My internet status for the next 5 days is unknown. I might have it, I might not, so... Just letting you know.
Midboss said:
This is going to end up confusing.
On one side we have the abyssal describing the scene more or less as it happened but without understanding what happened.

On another we have the Salesman trying to deresponsibilise everyone (especialy himself) to cover his tracks.

And last we have Siham blaming himself and believing he's losing his mind and needing psychological help because he can't remember what happened.

The stories are just going to end up confusing each other and everyone. Gonna need a chart to keep up. May also need a second one for the in construction love dodecahedron.
...and on the fourth we have a Lunar prepared to rip down a door or two.
CrazyIvan said:
Midboss said:
This is going to end up confusing.
On one side we have the abyssal describing the scene more or less as it happened but without understanding what happened.

On another we have the Salesman trying to deresponsibilise everyone (especialy himself) to cover his tracks.

And last we have Siham blaming himself and believing he's losing his mind and needing psychological help because he can't remember what happened.

The stories are just going to end up confusing each other and everyone. Gonna need a chart to keep up. May also need a second one for the in construction love dodecahedron.
...and on the fourth we have a Lunar prepared to rip down a door or two.
As long as she talks to Dead Cat first, Siham's safe...ish.
Midboss said:
As long as she talks to Dead Cat first, Siham's safe...ish.
Given her current woes, I wouldn't be so sure ;)

Although Renna helped. Wind might give you a pass for being her mate's boy-toy.

Anyway, can I assume Wind finds out where they're keeping DC? Without ripping apart Antipater? Because I'd prefer not to have to deal with the paperwork.
Edge is getting the girls up to speed on what happened, including where DC is being kept. Renna has offered to go with you to see her for moral support, and to try to keep Wind from going berserk at the first sight of the wounds.
CrazyIvan said:
Midboss said:
As long as she talks to Dead Cat first, Siham's safe...ish.
Given her current woes, I wouldn't be so sure ;)

Although Renna helped. Wind might give you a pass for being her mate's boy-toy.
I don't know. Maybe the fact that Siham beat the snot out of the Salesman while he was attacking Dead Cat might earn him some brownie points.
The Salesman can turn this the other way. He can be very convincing. After all, Siham has no memory and Dead Cat admitted to being possessed by the Neverborn, who do so love to torture people. The Salesman will profess no memory of accosting Dead Cat and, in fact, will blame her while simultaneously defending her and Siham, claiming that they were just too weak to resist the influence of the Neverborn.

And I don't think anyone has any evidence to contradict him, a man who has done nothing but help Antipater and is actively worshiped by some of its populace.

Dead Cat, meanwhile, is an Abyssal who will admit to voluntarily having given herself over the Neverborn (even if it was done under secure conditions and without essence to use), which makes any testimony she gives highly suspect.

Who're they going to believe? :twisted:

The most they can get him on is potential obstruction of justice, but even THAT, Oren has little to no evidence of.

And the Salesman will walk out of jail with a smile on his face, immediately trying to help his friends get back on their feet and sheltering them from the bad publicity that will no doubt batter them for one being an Abyssal and the other their lover (details that will no doubt come out, methinks, and, even if it doesn't, having assaulted the Salesman is still worthy of being insulted in the press).

Sarodinian said:
Rule #1 Of RPGs: "Dont Tempt the GM". :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
That's half the fun, though! If I don't tell you my plans and set them in motion through you, who is there to stop me? [/arrogance]

Plus, gloating exposition reduces my Limit.
In about one month I will quit my job and Greece, and will start travelling around.

I don't think I will have much possibility to play, and I will throttle around for almost one year.
OK. (Makes note of this development).

To be completely honest, I've hit a bit of a brick wall in my development of this particular series of bonus tracks. I'm open to suggestions.
Court Scene? Interrogation of the Salesman (or him at least getting to talk to his companions)?

I recommend the Court Scene being brief and mostly glossed over. That way, we can get done with this side-track and back on with the story.

Then again, I have half a dozen plans I want to set in motion just for that scene, so...

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