Arcanix Darsonnia's Notepad (OOCness) [Fire and Water]

Well, he's still active on the forum I know that since he's DMing the Eclipse Phase game based on Alpha Centaury. Can't help thinking he may have decided to let that game go.
I managed to talk to him on AIM, apparently he's got writer's block, but he does wish to keep this game going. it jst might take a bit more time to do so. hopefully we won't lose more players by then.
Oh well, that's good news I guess. Does the writer's block have a specific source ? Maybe we can help someway.
With Dead Cat and the Salesman out of the pic, some of things he's planned for us have fallen through and he seems to be having some problem on what new course to take.

Feel free to contact him on IM. I believe he's got it listed in his profile.
I just got a new tablet!



What're you thinking?

I know it's supposed to be the Salesman, but for some reason I can't put my finger on, I can't stop thinking of George Bush Senior.
I know, Midboss, it's because of that vacant look in the eyes that makes you think of George Bush, though i'd say it applies to both the senior and the junior George bush.

I can see what you mean. George Bush Sr. has some serious jowels but he still has a rather boney face. He also has this brow and glassy eyes that make his stare look vacant.

If you gave the Salesman proper jowels, he'd probably look a lot more like GB Sr.
Gibbs, that it. That's who he actually reminds me of. I couldn't put my finger on it. There's even something about the smile that reminds me of him. He also has a touch of Jack Skellington with it.

And it fits considering how they both mess with other's minds.
I just hope that doesn't mean we'll see the Salesman's son come to Antipater and begin o wage a war against Skullstone/the Neverborn just to finish what his father began.. ;-)

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