Arcanix Darsonnia's Notepad (OOCness) [Fire and Water]

I have a possible solution I want to run by people.

This game's been slowed to a crawl by the Salesman assaulting DC and, frankly, I think the incident will be an impediment to play. However, with Dead Cat out of play, I have been given an inspiration.

What if the Salesman were to be exiled too? I figure it's fair and equal punishment; Dead Cat exiled for being a threat (and possibly mind-controlling Solars) and the Salesman for beating a potentially innocent person senseless. The Salesman leaving would not be a permanent goodbye, but he would set about events that would mean he could return later as a villain.

As a nod in the direction of game balance, it'd also mean that you'd no longer have to deal with Fair Folk charms being a nuisance for Saro.

I'd toss in a replacement character, but, in the meantime, I can plot with Saro to prepare for his return at a later date to unleash a little hell.

So, how's this sit with everyone? It'd eliminate a lot of tension, I hope, and make this into a dramatic plot point, rather than something we'd all like to forget..
Personally, I've been enjoying the game quite a bit, so anything to get it back on track will be a good thing. Switching characters will solve some of the looming issues of what to do with the Salesman, and leave it open to bring him back later on at some appropriate moment. If my opinion means anything, I'd say yes to this. But, this is ultimately up to Sardonian and Axlegear.
Might be a good idea. It's not that I don't like the Salesman (he is a really inspired character... in the same way that that the practical incarnation from Planescape Torment is a great character) but he is indeed more vilain material.

In my experience, the token evil teammate always ends up more a problem to the group than any vilain can ever dream to be. Although I must admit, the Salesman has been less tiring to keep a leash on than others I dealt with (No ! You can't kill that NPC ! No you can't disrupt our important planning ! He stole WHAT from the museum ?!!). I definitly look forwards to him as a vilain. I need really smart vilains. It helps me keept my mind sharp.

On the other hand, I'm not sure exiling Dead Cat will end well, plot wise. At least two exalted in the group (her excluded) are going to be very hostile to the idea and potentialy never forgive the one who made that choice. I think it would be best for her to just end up in the background (like Ghaba) or a x dot ally for WWS.
Perhaps with Dead Cat in the hands of the ST, doing her best to keep her head down and understand what just happened instead of tearing her away from WWS and the budding relationship that is going on with Siham. That way, we can continue with the next story arc after getting some more xp for the awesome job of role-playing we are doing in the bonus tracks!
Trying to milk that situation for all its worth, Sherwood ? :mrgreen:

On another matter, what new character is Axelgear thinking of ? He does always comes up with some rather interesting concepts.
Thank you for the compliment! After speaking to Saro, I might not be, though; I'd be continuing to play the Salesman while he's away from Antipater.

However, I'd still like to play one because, if the Salesman dies, it'd leave me out of the game for a long time. Plus, it'd let me interact with everyone else, which is fun. I also don't mind playing two characters.

If you want to know where my mind rests at the moment, it's with a Zenith. I figure Fire and Water could use someone who can compare with the Salesman in terms of social-fu to replace him.

The Zenith would be a collectivist who loves everyone. Literally. Epic Zeal of Compassion (that's the Solar mirror to Cosmic Transcendence of Compassion, not the charm from DotFA) would ensure it. They want to work for the greater good and ensure other people do so as well.

The creepy part comes from their extreme devotion to the greater good. If a man were given a chance to cut out his own weeping daughter's throat in exchange for the safety of a village, with no alternate solution, they'd comfort the man, tell him they understand, take the knife from his hand, and then calmly bleed the girl's life away while informing both her and her father that it's for the good of everyone. This would be in addition to chastising them if they intervene.

And the man would thank them later for shaking him of his selfishness and doing the right thing.

An irresistible social force that, unlike the Salesman, does not hide. Everything it does is entirely out in the open and made all the worse because one can understand their viewpoint.
OK. Xarvh leaving has kinda derailed my story ideas for the next disc, and with plans for possibly replacing The Salesman and other things...

I'm looking to try to get the next disc started this week after my final paper is done for this class, and my stress level will be down. Unfortunately, best laid story plans go awry.

So. Next disc is Super Sidequests. Chuck ideas at me! ^_^
Good to know!

Also, I've decided to toss out another concept, also Zenith, to replace the creepy collectivist.

Clover Riverride. Born to a beastman tribe in the North-East, and abandoned to die of exposure, the lynxwoman who would become a Solar was adopted into a small village out in the middle of nowhere. Intelligent and gentle by nature, she grew up quickly, learning the ways of the village shaman and wise-woman, though rather vicariously for the former. She never married, despite at least a few opportunities, preferring to act as the adoptive aunt and, eventually, grandmother of the village children. Every apple-cheeked boy and dimpled girl knew the smell of Grandmother River's freshly-baked sugar cookies or pies, stopping by in the afternoon after they promised they'd finished their chores (and any who dared lie received a knowing glare until they fessed up, then got a treat anyway for telling the truth if they promised to finish them later).

Clover became one of the Chosen after a group of raiders came upon her village while she was out gathering herbs. Had she been there at the time, the emotional drive might not have been there to turn her into a Solar. When she returned, however, all the men of age were dead, the woman either dead or suffering another terrible fate somewhere private, and the children were in chains to be taken away as slaves. With the roar of a beast unleashed, Clover became a glowing golden wave of fiery doom to anything that so much as looked at her funny.

In the aftermath, she gathered up the children and the few adult survivors and took them with her to nearby villages, leaving them where they had friends or family. She did not linger, however, having been gifted with a holy vision by the Unconquered Sun that she was to become the defender not just of these children, but all those in Creation who lacked a mother to care for them.

Heading south, she eventually wound up in Nexus, where she found many lost miracles, setting about founding a herbalism and general occult needs shop to fund her works to care for the orphans of the City of Black Snow. It was here she met another Solar, who taught her of her kind and her abilities, as well as giving her a rudimentary understanding of Sorcery.

After several years of this, building a fairly successful business and raising a few of her wards to help run it, she received another vision, telling her that she was needed elsewhere. Realizing that she had laid the foundation stone well enough with those she had raised, she packed her things, said her goodbyes, and headed out west towards Antipater.

So, what do you think? Someone who is a master of Headology (Granny Weatherwax is a big inspiration here), gentle, caring, and generally good for Antipater. Not every Social-Fu artist needs to be manipulative, it would seem.
Sidequest idea for Renna. I'm interested in picking up various terretory Charms to mark the boundries of her lands. One thing that I could be required to do is explore the land in detail to make sure I have my connection to it in order to be able to make the Charm purchase and have it work.

This idea keeps me local for the adventure, and it is easy enough to bump other people into my thread or me into someone elses story for a quick interaction. Plus, it gives me time for a Sacred Hunt or two of local wildlife to add to my shapes collection.
Like the character. She actually makes me think of Wynne in Dragon Age.

As for sidequest ideas, well Siham already has many options: the Manse itself is already one hell of a project, the fallout on his limit break too, there's the love triangle of Siham-Dead Cat-WWS and finaly any element of his past catching up to him. The choices are limitless.
sorry for keeping silent, Rl is kinda messy right now, though if things work out I'll be much better come july 5th, when I'll finally start working.

I agree that it might be best if the Salesman faded to the background for a while. He's an awesome character, but he did bring about more trouble than necessary in the last episode. Even if was a great role-play.

As for a side quest. Edge would like to go out and see if he can find islands nearby who would like to form an alliance, or maybe join Antipater. It can lead to diplomatic mission, sea adventures, and/or lost treasures, in whatever combination our ST desires.
I'd be up for something with Siham, as there is indeed a developing...well, its actually more of a Love-V than a triangle, but yeah...

There's also the matter of her and Renna.

And coming up with another way to access Celestial Circle sorcery.
V type was what I meant. Sorry for the confusion.

So, that new disc coming, does that mean we know how the limit break incident ended ? Because I've been wanted for a while to do a bonus track (training sessions between Siham and Edge) but the whole incident makes it hard to determine everyone's state of mind.
Yeah. My final paper is today, so later tonight I'll just post the results of the bonus tracks.

Since SRC will be best available on the 5th, I'll start the next disc then. I think I have a decent idea as to where to go with the next disc, though since it doesn't involve you guys splitting up, doesn't really make for much of a sidequest. ^_^

I'll come up with a better name and flesh it out in that time.
And so we begin Disc 3: Black Sky.

Reactions to the intro welcome. ^_^

Hopefully my choice of intro songs'll indicate the sort of direction we're probably going for the next disc.
Orchicalum cast purple haired hottie who fights conspiracies ?

Just kidding. On the other hand, some orchicalum sentient spider tanks seem like a good defense idea for Antipater. Suddenly, my worries about a wyld hunt coming here don't seem so unfunded now.

When you say reactions, do you mean in character or out of ?
I have to say, Kneecap Carjack has some bronze (heh, get it?) spheres if he directly sent a challenge to Sol Invictus himself.

Also, I have changed my concept for a replacement YET AGAIN, but this time for good. Sheet's up in the character section.

Negotiator/Sneaky type!
So - if Dead Cat is actively gone - any chance I can get a refund on the 2 additional dots I spend on Solar Bond. What with them, in actual play time, never having shown up in the slightest?
Note: Wind's intent is not actually to leave the game. Dead Cat will hopefully be talking her down shortly.
Talk about funny coincidences. Just as Siham is about to want to begin research on the abyssal redemption thing, Keychain of Creation goes about that subject. And with a day caste ex silver prince follower...
... That IS a pretty remarkable coincidence.

Also, we have a Lunar with a fox as their anima, a high Compassion Twilight delving into his past life...

If Edge loses his voice, we'll be swimming in coincidences.

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