Arcanix Darsonnia's Notepad (OOCness) [Fire and Water]

Well we just need to complete the intereogation for a start.

Other than that, since Xarvh is leaving the game soon, maybe a last event involving Dead Cat in some pivotal role could be a good way to say goodbye to the player.
Are we going to post out the court scene or just move on to the next track?
Still thinking. Problem is, I have to come up with something that doesn't outright cripple everyone's ability to do things in Antipater, whilst still ensuring that the consequences are at least annoying.
I don't think there's any way you can. Dead Cat is the victim, Siham is probably going to have existential angst to deal with and fear of becoming a monster but is actually the heroic one here, and the Salesman is stitched together from so many Chessmaster tropes that his entire right arm and one of his kidneys is Karma Houdini, so him suffering consequences besides any potential mistrust (which will probably be mixed into the confusion everyone will have after he's done) feels unlikely. Not unless someone can get concrete proof of what he did, and I don't think there is any.

So I'm not sure what can be done here...
I leave that in Saro's hands, but I would assume that his lack of having decided yet means that he's aware that, if the little manse gods see things, it means that the Salesman will be exposed and that'd put the character out of play.

Plus, gods of objects tend not to view anything except what they're directly responsible for. Glorious Divinities explains that, I believe; they're barely sentient little things, after all.

It'd also ruin future plots because, if he ever wants to keep something hidden, he'll have to find a way around our omniscient Exalted magnifying glasses.

So, for play, in-world, and meta reasons, I'm gonna guess it wouldn't work. I could be wrong, though; Saro may expose me, make the Salesman a new villain, and totally surprise me in the process. Hmmm...

Edit: I hope this doesn't sound offensive or aggressive in tone...
Well, there is the Manse's AI. Which has the Exalted equivalent of Security cameras. The main thing is, do I have Oren realize that the Neverborn consider The Salesman to be a better instrument of destroying reality when he's arrayed against them as opposed to learning from them, or not, do I have you guys all take an oath not to harm Antipater in any way or not, do I have Oren bring formal charges against anyone, or does he decide he lacks enough credible evidence for a case...
considering the Manse's AI, I can see something like the following unfolding:

The AI makes it's presence known, but his ties to Siham do make his evidence somewhat tainted. Then again, his words do corroborate Dead Cat's accusation, so there might be a degree of truth in them, but probably not enough to bring to judgment, what with the Salesman's ability to twist words and meaning.

On the other hand, there would have been rumors on what transpired, and that is not good for the morale, and will be worse if the populace sees that Exalts get a better treatment under the law.

So maybe a binding oath on all parties. Dead Cat, to swear never to do that unless under strict guard, probably with a suitable facility built, under Oren's guidance. Siham, to compensate the Salesman for the bodily damage, and to swear to excuse himself from others when his rage gets the better of him. (Probably isn't gonna work much good, but at least makes a show for the populace). And last, but not least, the Salesman, to swear never to act against Antipater, and in a private ceremony, to never try and make contact with the Neverborn again.

The above might put some restrictions on the characters, but probably not ones that will completely obsolete them, and will make sense within the context of the story.
Well, that IS problematic...

Also, the whole "oath to never act against Antipater"... I imagine the Salesman wriggling his way out of that one. I've been over it with Saro in the past how he has reasons lined up never to agree to that one and, believe it or not, he actually means them. The Neverborn one, he'd be more willing to agree to.

That said, I have got plans in place to turn this in the Salesman's favour again, but I think we need to determine how things will turn out in the sentencing department first...
While Siham will accept to repay compensation and some restrictions, he will explain that excusing himself when about to be overcome by rage is impractical at best. Not exactly something he can control. He will be giving advance warnings if he feels he's getting closer to it.

However, the evidence brought by EDI (that's what he nammed the IA) and Dead Cat will more or less kill any trust he has in the Salesman. And also possibly when the geas placed on his mind vanishes and he remembers himself.

From then on, he'll probably vaguely pretend to give the Salesman the benefit of the doubt but he'll covertly be keeping an eye on him.

I must admit this is a problem I don't think solar exalted often encounter, the law. Old day exalted have that "screw the rules I'm exalted !" thing and modern ones tend to be on the wrong side of the law per default so don't care much anymore.

If we really really can't find a way out, we can always cosmic retcon the whole story out.
Well, none really has to show the mortals that they are treated as the Exalted.

The Exalted ARE above the law.

They ARE better, and this is part of the physics of the game.

The world of Exalted is not a fair one, the manual makes it clear.

And mortals in Exalted have to accept that reality.
The Salesman is still going to be playing up everyone's doubts over this. After all, from what they know, none of it fits.

To the public eye, the Salesman is:



-Pretty much the nicest man in Antipater

-Has no known political ambitions

And suddenly they're expected to believe that he'd try to deal with the Neverborn and is some psychotic monster? That's a bit like someone producing a video of Mother Theresa summoning a demon via baby sacrifice; you're going to be innately suspicious of it, aren't you?

And the Salesman will then show how easy it is to fabricate images with his gossamer and point out that, if he can do it, there is no doubt that the Neverborn can, then follow it up with a display that, if he had wanted to kill DC or Siham, he would just blow them up with gossamer-fu.

As for the memories, Siham will only remember them after a long time, if at all, which could easily be explained away as inventing memories (a real behaviour). You rewatch the same video and get told that you did something enough and you might start to believe it.

And, lastly, he'll point out that Dead Cat purged all her essence and exposed the manse to necrotic power for DAYS. There's no way that the broken dragon lines weren't affected by that, and they should probably keep a good eye on the manse itself.

Sure, they might distrust him, but he can browbeat the hell out of them whenever they bring it up.

It's not a perfect solution, but it's the best I have to salvage my operations.
Axelgear said:
I leave that in Saro's hands, but I would assume that his lack of having decided yet means that he's aware that, if the little manse gods see things, it means that the Salesman will be exposed and that'd put the character out of play...
It'd also ruin future plots because, if he ever wants to keep something hidden, he'll have to find a way around our omniscient Exalted magnifying glasses.
Alright, I might be biased because this whole damned thing has rubbed me the wrong way. But this feels a hell of alot like you trying to hold the game hostage. If you couldn't deal with the possibility of consequences, perhaps you shouldn't have beaten another PC to a pulp?

Axelgear said:
The Salesman is still going to be playing up everyone's doubts over this. After all, from what they know, none of it fits.
To the public eye, the Salesman is:



-Pretty much the nicest man in Antipater

-Has no known political ambitions

And suddenly they're expected to believe that he'd try to deal with the Neverborn and is some psychotic monster? That's a bit like someone producing a video of Mother Theresa summoning a demon via baby sacrifice; you're going to be innately suspicious of it, aren't you?

And the Salesman will then show how easy it is to fabricate images with his gossamer and point out that, if he can do it, there is no doubt that the Neverborn can, then follow it up with a display that, if he had wanted to kill DC or Siham, he would just blow them up with gossamer-fu.

As for the memories, Siham will only remember them after a long time, if at all, which could easily be explained away as inventing memories (a real behaviour). You rewatch the same video and get told that you did something enough and you might start to believe it.

And, lastly, he'll point out that Dead Cat purged all her essence and exposed the manse to necrotic power for DAYS. There's no way that the broken dragon lines weren't affected by that, and they should probably keep a good eye on the manse itself.

Sure, they might distrust him, but he can browbeat the hell out of them whenever they bring it up.

It's not a perfect solution, but it's the best I have to salvage my operations.
Wind has never liked the Salesman. She's always treated him as a bit of a disingenuous schemer, and as far as she's concerned, Dead Cat's word is Luna's Own Truth .

You're welcome to try to "browbeat the hell out of her".
You're right on the first count and I feel like a dick over that post, so I'm sorry there. However, I do think that talking to Little Gods would be a bad thing. After all, it'd make Investigation Charms totally pointless, right? Besides, EDI saw it all.

On the segue-way of Luna's Own Truth, one does have to wonder... What will WWS do after this in regards to the Celestial Circle Initiation?
Axelgear said:
On the segue-way of Luna's Own Truth, one does have to wonder... What will WWS do after this in regards to the Celestial Circle Initiation?
What Lunars always do: Find another way.
Perhaps its best if the Salesman is given a few hundred hours of Community Service and sealed an oath to do so and we can then move on to the next part of the game. That way, the Salesman is recieving a punishment for what he did, and Antipater gets the benefit of his skills with building up the city's infrastructure. Stuff that he probably would have been doing on his own anyways, but now its court ordered and the people can see that even the Exalted are subject to diciplinary actions.
Siham might also be getting some of that community service thing. It'll probably be what he was doing anyway but more directed by the town authorities.

He'll also be starting an analysis of his mental condition and attempt to confirm or debunk if this is due to exaltation or something else. He'll be chronicling his mental state as time goes by, just to have a point of reference to compare to if he goes first age.
Since we have reached a stalemate and my RL is kinda taking me in for the upcoming changes, I think it is best for me to leave the game now.

At ST's convenience, DC will just believe that the Neverborn brain-washed an innocent Salesman, or will recognise things for what they are (after all she has first hand experience of the ways of the Neverborns) and take a more wary stance against the Salesman, possibly considering his exaltation close to being twisted.

In both cases she will stay vigilant and slightly paranoid.

This said, thanks a lot to everyone.

DC is one of the characters I loved and enjoyed most, and credit for this goes the the great players in this game, and especially to Crazy Ivan that played a great Lunar mate.

I will definitely miss playing Exalted, but hopefully not so much. ^^

All my best!
Yeah, we're all gonna miss you here.

Have fun with your life.

And remember to wear expensive jewlery and walk alone at night.
All the best Xarvh. I do hope you'll be back to this game in a time where you've returned from your travels, after suitably enjoying them, of course.
(nods) Was good having you. Hopefully, when you return, we'll still be going. ^_^ '

I'll start making preparations for the next disc within the next couple days. Papers have been kicking my ass recently.

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