Arcanix Darsonnia's Notepad (OOCness) [Fire and Water]

Can you even use mind control on an unconscious foe ? That seems kind of strange to me. Just being able to recieve said mental order requires some form of ability to process the information.

If it is possible, then at least the chance of using willpower to block it should be possible.

I rather admit being rather biased against the idea of unblockable mind control.
It's on my to do list. Heck, the really big changes in plans might mean a change in xp expendenture plans.
Not if he's Inactive, I don't believe so. Plus, if the action is already taken, spending willpower won't reverse it.
I still have problems believing that the compulsion can do all that without it being blocked in any way.

By the way, if it applies, Sham's MDV is :

Dodge: 6
It could be if Siham was awake. If the Salesman took a sword and plunged it into an unconscious person's neck and killed them instantly, that'd not be overpowered, would it?

Just saying, attacking an opponent that simply cannot defend themselves is always gonna be potent.

Edit: Should note that only the memory wipe would be problematic for Siham. He'll forget what occurred, but thinking he was to blame is something he can stop as soon as he has the 5 willpower to spend.
Oh well, I'll just roll with it. It just seems a little odd that's all. Anyway, can't wait for the interogation scene. Lets just hope Oren doesn't bring out... (dramatic music plays) The comfy chair !

On the other hand, that arrest was not done according to procedure: Neither Oren or Edge have made a pun, put their sunglasses on, and gone YEEHAA !

Edit: quick question to Axelgear, how far does the memory wipe go ? The wording is forget all that happened here. Does that include every event that happened in that room ever since he discovered the Manse or just that fight and what caused it ?
BTW, that Charm only lasts for (Charisma) days, so if Siham spends the next 5 days away from the Salesman, he will recover from the compulsion, and therefore restore the memories, and know what happened...
Actually, wouldn't the memories be gone for good ? I think only the guilt thing (which is a lasting effect) would leave. It's a bit like if the compulsion was drop the vase on the floor. It being over doesn't make the vase fix itself by magic. (although that would be cool)
AFAIK the entire command he gave you is the compulsion, so everything will be back once 4 days are gone. It's ultimately up to the ST, but even this use of it seems too much like it's stepping on the toes of Memory-Reweaving Technique from Performance.
Midboss said:
On the other hand, that arrest was not done according to procedure: Neither Oren or Edge have made a pun, put their sunglasses on, and gone YEEHAA !
I guess you could say they were Charmed...


... into Inactivity.



Midboss said:
Edit: quick question to Axelgear, how far does the memory wipe go ? The wording is forget all that happened here. Does that include every event that happened in that room ever since he discovered the Manse or just that fight and what caused it ?
Now you're getting it. Everything that happened in that room. From the moment he restrained DC to now. That'll make Siham's increasingly erratic behaviour rather interestingly unusual, won't it?

If that's deemed too powerful, though, just the few minutes before/during the fight.

BTW' date=' that Charm only lasts for (Charisma) days, so if Siham spends the next 5 days away from the Salesman, he will recover from the compulsion, and therefore restore the memories, and know what happened...[/quote']
Eheh... Not quite. Salesman has Mind Yields to Glory (Solar mirror of an Abyssal charm). Aside from making the cost to resist a potent 5 willpower, it also makes HTT last for 1 month.

That said, I figure the memories are gone for good.

Midboss said:
Actually, wouldn't the memories be gone for good ? I think only the guilt thing (which is a lasting effect) would leave. It's a bit like if the compulsion was drop the vase on the floor. It being over doesn't make the vase fix itself by magic. (although that would be cool)
This, essentially. He told Siham to take an action. Siham's mind takes the action. If he told him to actively misremember something, that's another story, but forgetting something banishes the memories.
Just want to add that if I'm ruffling any feathers here, please, let me know. I don't want the Salesman's plans to run rough-shod over everyone's fun.
Not yet, but too late for ruffling feathers. Edge's feathers have been ruffled, and he's not happy about it.

Anyway, I talked to Sarodinian, and while the memories are gone, they can be jolted back. This is not Memory-Reweaving Technique after all.
As both player and ST, I have never enjoyed seeing players at each others' throats, but there are times when it is completely in character and necessary.
(nods) I've sent an apology to Xarvh regarding what happened to Dead Cat. In hindsight, I probably should have given her a bit more of a chance to avoid it, Resonance eruption be damned.

Just a fair warning to everyone: This next disc is gonna be very drama-heavy. Expect your characters' motivations to be tested. Hard.

And as always: Appreciate questions, comments, rude evil things you guys have to say about my STing. I try. ^_^
You're pretty much the best ST I've ever had. Ever. That's for any gaming type too. I admit that's not a very high bar, in retrospect, but you're still epic.

As for ruffling feathers, I mean you guys, not the PCs. I don't want to make this un-fun for anyone.
You are not the best ST I've ever had. In your defense, that's because I'm currently in a game that is...fantastic in ways that cannot be described.

This is however, for a PbP, both stable, and a pretty damned good game. I'll admit the past few days have made me...skittish...however.
No apology necessary.

That's just what happened, DC was deliberately helpless and could not have avoided the punching.

I'm actually liking the drama of the recent thread.

This said, I wish the ST gave a bit more attention to her escape attempt, however.

DC's actions have been already largely useless and the frustration is mounting.

Also, please remember that Ghaba helped (gladly) to restrain down DC, since the shackles where soldered to the floor, as I declared explicitly in my post, and he will be able to testify what were DC and Siham intentions: viewtopic.php?p=75975#p75975

Also, DC broke her hand in her (failed?) escape attempt, so Oren will have to come up with an explanation of how she wanted to be restrained in the first place but she tried so badly to escape.
xarvh said:
This said, I wish the ST gave a bit more attention to her escape attempt, however.

DC's actions have been already largely useless and the frustration is mounting.
This. That was pretty badass, and got rode right past in pursuit of Anti-Social Solar Time Fun
In other news, altering plans slightly. Abandoning the Manse, for now, and spending those two dots raising Solar Bond to 5.
Edited post to comply to that version.

Don't worry Axelgear, all that was fun in its way. I got feather's ruffled yes, but I enjoy that. (what do you mean too kinky for torture ?) Afterall, ups need downs and that gives me a good opportunity to act. What, do you really think this was his first limit break ? Character development time.

And I can also say that this is the second best rpg game (and DM) I've ever been in. (the other is an Amber game with a very dedicated GM and group of players) Albeit I'll admit that these two are the only one that lasted more than a month, that helps. Kudos to both ST and players for making it work.
Mainly, I'll just be upset if this manages to avoid what I consider the overarching narrative theme of Exalted: "Your actions have consequences".
I don't think this will avoid that. Even if the Salesman gets away with it, for now. it doesn't mean it can't come back to bite him in the ass at a later time. Also, just based on what Edge got from using Mastery of Small Manners, whatever the outcome of the trail, he's not gonna be very trusting of the Salesman, even less than he was before.

I think now it's time to start giving him Charms for things other than physical combat.
Feel free to join the Integrity train.

In light of events in the game, I'm changing Siham's xp expendenture.

I cancel the essence to 4 rise and specialty 1to 2 in dual wielding and use the 35xp to instead go in these:

1st integrity excelency: 10xp

Temptation Resisting Stance: 10xp

Elusive Dream Defense: 10xp

Integrity up to 4: 5xp

The events which will lead Siham to decide to learn these are about to be played. In short, either he is horrified about what he did and doesn't want to lose his mind again or he is really angry that someone brainwhased him like that.
Why not Truth Shines Trough from GotMH?

I am tempted to go Archery.

Heck, at this point I'd probably do that even if it's not fav.

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