Arcanix Darsonnia's Notepad (OOCness) [Fire and Water]

Did they actually say to the Salesman to be honest?! wow, i never realized how mad the Neverborn are until this very moment... :mrgreen:
Good thing at least you have regular perfect defenses. You may need them in the following minutes.

If you need help about the description of Siham's particular take on Red Rage of compassion, think of Revy's Whitman Fever in the Nazi boat episode of Black Lagoon.
Never saw that show, I'm afraid. Incidentally, say hello to the Salesman's Limit Break: Deliberate Cruelty.
Hurray, our first intra party fight !

Note: I am assuming that at that moment, Siham hasn't had the training for dual wielding specialty and the extra point in melee, due to chronology.

By the way, can I have the stats for that replacement straight sword the commandos had ? May come in handy.
Yep. To touch, you'd need a Dex+Martial Arts roll against Siham's Dodge DV. Parrying is still touching in this case.
Only if he can convince them to do so. They have to submit to the oath voluntarily. Besides, after Siham's hit, he might have some wounds, and those are gonna be visible, and will raise questions, along with Dead Cat's battered face.
Sarodinian said:
If she finds out. The Salesman could just geas everyone into silence. Assuming he KOs Siham first.
Indeed if.

Unless he can geas DC's face back, she might just lay into both him and Siham until it becomes clear.
And the thing is: This was actually -the- best way for the Neverborn to act in this situation. What better way to use Dead Cat's resonance to their advantage than by manipulating the Great Curse in such a way as to eventually divide the Exalts of Antipater City?
If the Salesman touches Siham, it's actually likely to be all over fairly swiftly. The Salesman's touch is like snake venom...

That is, if Siham doesn't kill him first. I doubt Siham is in the mood to take prisoners...
I talk to Saro over AIM pretty much constantly. If you ever notice me stating I've done something already, or that I have dice for this or that, it's because I've spoken to him about it over AIM first.
Oh, nice, I leave the computer for one night and my poor PC is battered and everything happens!

Too bad DC didn't have the opportunity to bite the Salesman's hand! ^^

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