Arcanix Darsonnia's Notepad (OOCness) [Fire and Water]

Before producing the prostetic eyes artefact, there are a couple of issues to solve:

1st, you actually need an appropriate facility to build them. Considring the precision required, just a regular workshop won't really do. Once the manse factory is up, that will be solved.

2nd: Before building the thing, engineering and designing it is required. That or getting the patterns from some outside source.

3rd, do these count as air or magitech for building ?

4th: Building an artefact takes rather a lot of time. If we wait for the facility to work again, we can drasticaly reduce this time.
Midboss said:
Before producing the prostetic eyes artefact, there are a couple of issues to solve:
1st, you actually need an appropriate facility to build them. Considring the precision required, just a regular workshop won't really do. Once the manse factory is up, that will be solved.

2nd: Before building the thing, engineering and designing it is required. That or getting the patterns from some outside source.

3rd, do these count as air or magitech for building ?

4th: Building an artefact takes rather a lot of time. If we wait for the facility to work again, we can drasticaly reduce this time.
Addressing in order:

1: Yes, and? Thunderchild, while wrecked as an airship, had the needed workshop. Its not terribly difficult to get the needed supplies out of there. And if my XP expenditure is accepted, I can raise the physicality of a workshop with ease. If not, well that can be solved with a single Charm. Considering her inclinations, it was likely Air specialized.

2. Yes, it is. And? That will be true for any replacement of Renna's eyes. As mentioned previously, Wind's Whispered Secrets has literally nothing to do but sit in bed and think for two months. There's no reason she can't think about this.

3. This is the biggest hurdle. I'd argue that if Wind's is designing them, they could count as Air rather than Magitech, because they'd be an entirely different approach to the problem that happened to have the same cost and mechanics as the artifact listed. Perhaps they are very intricate lenses that interact with the core of her Essence, bypassing her eyes entirely. Or a thousand thousand moonsilver filaments replacing her damaged nerves.

4. This will be true for any artifact. Wind's cannot help here - she's far to injured to be tooling around in an OSHA disaster factory-manse. However, for a 1 dot artifact (assuming Renna just wants her eyes replaced), 5 successes involve the design of the artifact, and 2-3 of those can be done entirely theoretically, with the rest involving tooling around with prototypes and the like - a Manse won't speed that up. It will give more successes, and thus require less rolls, but 5 successes on a single season's roll when WWS has stunts, excellencies, channels and the like is just not scary. That doesn't really *require* a Manse-Factory, and Siham has better things to do with his time - like fix it. Now, if he wanted to help with raw materials (we're gonna need moonsilver) or the Salesman wanted to provide exotic stuff spun from Wyld (a child's first vision of their mother or some such) that would be awesome. Although making two one-dot versions - which will admittedly take 2 seasons, but the second one will be faster and easier, because we'll already have the designs, is something WWS could bankroll herself.

Frankly, the thing that worries me more is getting the prosthetic into her, considering Siham's medical ability is...modest. Honestly, if it means enough to Sherwood, I'd also take Flesh-Shaping Technique, if Sardonian would allow something like this to count as an appropriate stunt. Or summon a demon, which is the Sorcery solution to *everything*.
Renna is getting close enough to try just about anything reasonable. Her hearing is good enough for most situations, but she is having her disability pointed out to her in such a way she is interested in trying something. It was a fun character hook at first, but one that I"m ready to move past.
I guess that works.

I seem to recall that Kala is quite good with medicine. The operation could be a 2 man job. Chaneling compassion also helps.

Just to ask, what kind of anestetic exists in the exalted world ? That may become a relevant question.
Midboss said:
I guess that works.
I seem to recall that Kala is quite good with medicine. The operation could be a 2 man job. Chaneling compassion also helps.

Just to ask, what kind of anestetic exists in the exalted world ? That may become a relevant question.
Summoning a Stomach Bottle Bug to do the work is a pretty trivial task for WWS.

Sweet Cordial is probably the best, although its a Resources 4 purchase.
Basic Framework of the Artifact Plan (in which we assume WWS is crafting the Moonsilver lens as proposed):

WWS has Int + Craft of 7. Combine that with channeling her Compassion (+4), -1 for the working conditions, her Excellency adding 4 dice, and we've got a dice pool of...14. That's not great, as we need 13 successes (3 for the difficulty, 10 for the cumulative successes) to get this done in a single season.

But wait, its party time! Assuming the Salesman does nothing but provide a rare ingredient, or doesn't participate at all...

If our NPC Lunar Smith and Siham can both check my work, we're sitting at 8 successes. If I summon a pair of Heranhal, that's an extra success, which puts us at 9 automatic successes. Which means I only need to get 4 off a roll of 14 dice, not including stunts.
The Salesman can provide rare components and bonus successes by offering notes, advice, and insight throughout the building process without actually limiting himself for it. I figure a mote of Renna's Compassion (which would regenerate after a day or week) would provide the perfect ingredient for them.

All in all, according to Oadenol's Codex, he could get you an extra 4 successes on every craft roll, especially theoretical ones.

Sounds like an awesome plan, really. You could also summon a stomach bottle bug to ensure the surgery is successful.

That's assuming you don't just summon one to cure her blindness anyway.
Axelgear said:
The Salesman can provide rare components and bonus successes by offering notes, advice, and insight throughout the building process without actually limiting himself for it. I figure a mote of Renna's Compassion (which would regenerate after a day or week) would provide the perfect ingredient for them.
All in all, according to Oadenol's Codex, he could get you an extra 4 successes on every craft roll, especially theoretical ones.

Sounds like an awesome plan, really. You could also summon a stomach bottle bug to ensure the surgery is successful.

That's assuming you don't just summon one to cure her blindness anyway.
Yeah, I didn't necessarily want to speak for The Salesman, and you seemed to be the one with the busiest plan that wasn't so long term he couldn't spare a week (Siham's poor Manse). If he'll help, we can either sub out Siham or Gahba, or the summoned demons. The last is my preference, as I'll be summoning a Stomach Bottle Bug for the surgery itself. Who sadly doesn't look like they have the ability to solve her blindness.

If we can get all three Celestials to help, WWS has to essentially not fail utterly (4 successes on 14 dice, not including stunts). Since the rest of my plan involved "moping around", if this meets with everyone and the GM's approval, I'll get started on a crafting vignette?
Sounds good to me.

That said, I have to wonder now about the Salesman building himself a new coat. That's fairly easy with Gossamer-Forging Art but the time it would take is still longer than desirable.
Just another thought I'd like everyone's opinion on. It's unrelated and therefore worthy of a new post, not just an edit.

Each of our crafting Exalts has a particular specialty. For the Salesman, it's gossamer. For Gabha, it's the forging of magical materials. For WWS, it's magic. For Siham, it's likely to be magitech at this rate.

What's got me thinking is, the next time I raise the Salesman's Essence, there's a charm that, taken twice, would allow him to initiate construction of an Artifact 5 item. I was thinking...

Why not pool our crafting and forge something the likes of which not even the Silver Prince could imagine? With the Salesman's gossamer to provide materials and organic components, Gabha to forge armour, Siham to design magitech components (and mass-produce designed objects, of course), and WWS providing enchantments to hold it all together, we could forge a machine the likes of which has not been seen since the First Age.

This leviathan, whatever it would be called, could defend Antipater from even the ships of the Silver Prince, which would be of immense value.

However, I think it could be epic and, along with Staar Shipyards providing First Age quality ships, it would mean that we might even be able to not only oppose but turn the tide on the Silver Prince. We might not be able to charge on Skullstone just yet, but it'd be a step in that direction.

Who knows? Antipater could be the first step in defeating the Deathlords! It would have to start, however, with us being able to keep them at bay.

Edit: Further notes. This wouldn't take place even as discussion until the next bit of downtime. The essential concept involves forging an Artifact 5 Behemoth and strapping guns, armour, and magic to it. A Deep Wyld Horror armed and armoured by a group of Celestial Exalts would be a thing of beauty to send into battle.

2nd Edit: I brought pictures for inspiration too!



Certainly more manageable. That's more a Daikaiju, though, than a Deep Wyld Horror. Or a Warstrider.

Still, I figure if we decide we like this idea, this could be a fun thing to design and have the characters work on.

Makes sense. If nothing else, Big Artifacts are actually assemblies of smaller artifacts as well. WWS can do modest 1 and 2 dot components, possibly up to three, while Siham and Salesman work on the greater components. That also spreads us out to being able to use both Moonsilver and Ori heavily as components with no penalty.

WWS can do much of the theoretical design work, because thinkin' is what she does. Also, by the time that's feasable, she'll be able to summon Second Circle help, which puts us at another Celestial-equiv crafter assistant. Or truckloads of minor assistants, and the Neomah necessary to keep them working.

Personally, I like the idea of a warstrider-type weapon with vaguely Fair Folk stylings.
I can make coffee for you guys as you do all your craft stuff.

Its not quite my field. :roll:
Sherwood said:
Its not quite my field. :roll:
But you have an eye for it!

Seriously, though, if you guys think it merits discussing, I'd love to do it. The Salesman can provide the behemoth base templates to build on, but we need to know what we want. I recommend everyone pitching in ideas and concepts for this so we can all come to an idea we like. So far, we have:

-A giant super-weapon

-Smaller Warstrider-style monsters

Any other ideas/suggestions/preferences?
Most of Renna's Charms do not work with armor, so the idea of building her a Warstrider type weapon would not do well. Unless the 'Strider has some kind of AI to be self-operating, I would suggest other items that would be useable by the mortal military of the island. Stuff like rechargable firewands for infantry use, or advanced ships that are stronger and faster, with better artillery.
I'd go for something more self-sufficient, so we can just go around and keep the monster to defend the city.

Then again, we can have Ghaba pilot it while we are away...
Ok, I think I'm done with the IC... ^^

This is her lastest insult to the Neverborns.

Uh, and just in case, she will use Messy Celestial Contraceptive that can be found at pag 227 of the Core.

Regarding the downtime...

DC will take off her bracers, vent off all her Essence, then ask Siham and Ghaba to lock her in the deepest and most remote room of the Manse, to vent off the huge amount of resonance she has gained.

She will ask that her wrists and ankles be locked, soldered on the ground, and not free her before a few days, ignoring her pleads (maybe some water from time to time).

This is a good opportunity for Siham to study a lot about Abyssals, and using the facilities of the Manse.

DC will tell him everything she knows.

She will ask Wind to help her dress a bit more girly (just when she's not in service) and continue to study the Exaltation device with all those interested.

Then I will decide how to spend my XPs.

I would like to ask once more to our ST if I can describe a mirror to the Racing the Sun charm.

I will probably raise Valor and Conviction, both due to her recent behaviour AND to gain the necessary insights into the Four Virtues required by the redemption.
So you're gonna ask Siham, the guy who has red rage of compassion as a virtue flaw, to lock you deep inside the Manse and ignore the screams....

Now who can guess where that can go wrong ?

While he will oblige on the locking for her own good thing, he will visit her every day and what he can to help with the pain and just generaly comfort her. During these visits, he will avoid bringing Tama just in case the ressonance could hit him. He's not afraid of taking a hit. (if the neverborn, do strike him, he will do the most mature thing he can: taunt them, pull faces, moon them, question the specie of their mother's parentage...)

Good thing he has these fast heal charms.
Siham just kissed an Abyssal, (and we left the rest outside of the camera).

Indeed, what could possibly go wrong? ^^
I may end up making a Bonus Track for the Salesman and his mad little meeting.

Also, the Salesman would be excellent for watching over Dead Cat. Only problem is that when Siham next comes to meet, he may find the Salesman conversing with the Neverborn through DC.

That does open up interesting avenues, though.

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