Arcanix Darsonnia's Notepad (OOCness) [Fire and Water]

Are there Abyssal mirror charms to Racing the Sun and Inescapable Eye of the Sun in the Glories of the Most High: Unconquered Sun p31?
There is a hearthstone I'd like to pick up for Renna. The usual cost that I've heard for new background points is 3 xp per, but I just wanted to make sure that it was ok with the big guy before setting my plans in stone, so to speak. 8)
Yes, as do I... I have plans, you see. Heheheh... Heeeheheheheheh... AHAHAHAHAHAAAAAA!

From pg 382 of the main book the Gem of Adamant Skin. It changes Lethal damage to Bashing. I would probably find it in some nearby mountains, since it is a Earth-aspect stone.
CrazyIvan said:
Yeah, and one wonders why Wind's might be a little worried about taking a jaunt in the Wyld with you.
She doesn't know any of this. To her, he's perfectly normal. Or as perfectly as a masked man who can summon things from nothing can seem... :twisted:
Axelgear said:
CrazyIvan said:
Yeah, and one wonders why Wind's might be a little worried about taking a jaunt in the Wyld with you.
She doesn't know any of this. To her, he's perfectly normal. Or as perfectly as a masked man who can summon things from nothing can seem... :twisted:
As perfectly normal as a Solar who expends great acts on visible charity while asking for absolutely nothing in return, conjures stuff from the Wyld, has a decidedly odd nature, and an intellect that almost matches her own?

CrazyIvan said:
Sarodinian said:
What mountains? You're in the middle of the ocean!
Hawaii has a number of sizeable mountains. Or, it was part of a old landmass that was destroyed eons ago and sunk below the waves, and I turned into a little fishie and found this Earth manse below the ocean.

On a different note, it seems the best person to get Renna's sight back is the Salesman. I just wonder what his bill for new eyes would be... :shock:
CrazyIvan said:
As perfectly normal as a Solar who expends great acts on visible charity while asking for absolutely nothing in return, conjures stuff from the Wyld, has a decidedly odd nature, and an intellect that almost matches her own?
Aaaah, so it's a rivalry, then, is it?

Sherwood said:
CrazyIvan said:
On a different note, it seems the best person to get Renna's sight back is the Salesman. I just wonder what his bill for new eyes would be... :shock:
He can get you eyes. They just won't be new, and I'm not sure how much good they would do you.

Seriously, though, if you want to regenerate Renna's eyes, you'd need someone who has Wholeness Rightly Assumed, and the only person close to getting that is Siham (19 xp is what it would take to raise his medicine enough and buy the pre-req Charm and the Charm itself).

If you want an artifact, on the other hand, well... That the Salesman can help you out with. His bill will be surprisingly cheap, too. All it would cost her is a little bit of time later on. Some of Edge's too.

I'd just need the ST's approval to add it to my list of things I'll be growing in the Wyld. Already got a new coat on that list, along something for Antipater as a whole.

How's this, though?

Eyes of the Sun and the Moon. Artifact Rating 2

These orbs of white stone are smooth and feel faintly gelid to the touch. In the centre of each stone, a mark akin to a pupil and iris are visible, with the colour of one running the purple of the night sky, and the other a blue tinged slightly gold like a morning sky. When placed into empty eye sockets (meaning they must be vacated of any other contents first), the stones instantly begin an attunement process that takes two hours. Sending out long chutes into the optic nerve of the attuner (or directly into their brain if it is damaged beyond repair), for four motes that cannot be uncommitted without removing the artifacts entirely, the stones grant the user the ability to see with perfect clarity.

More than that, however, the eyes also grant the user a special gift. Forged of essence themselves, the stories woven into these false eyes are stories of essence, and they do not know that normal eyes are not meant to see such things. As such, the user also gains the equivalent of All-Encompassing Sorcerer's Sight being constantly active.

Incidentally, a small unrevealed oddity to the stones is that anyone who uses them finds themselves unable to see the Salesman doing anything iniquitous. Any attempts to see such an act are instantly distracted from as meaningless and the eyes guide the user to something more interesting, imposing a -4 penalty on any Awareness check to notice such actions. Fancy that? What an astonishing coincidence! Of course, it'll never come into play. The Salesman never does anything bad.

I just realized how powerful the Charm I took to upgrade my GSS can be, considering that with the artifact armor I have, it causes 24 Damage, without using any Charms besides creating it. Which means I can cause 24 Aggravated damage to CoD as a base damage, before extra suxxes. Which will suck for all of us, since it might create too much of an arms race between Edge, and any CoD the ST will throw at us, so I'm reconsidering it.
Arms races are always fun. It's not like Renna isn't essentially the reason we had the Breaker (super-combo and all that), after all.

We're Exalts. We're getting all rather ridiculous in power level. Edge can evaporate Creatures of Darkness, Renna can turn anything else into paste, Siham is now able to mass-produce artifacts, the Salesman is a monster in social-fu, Dead Cat can run faster than the speed of dark...

As time progresses, we're only going to get better at being beyond mortal ken.

Besides, there's always other forms of foe besides Creatures of Darkness. Other Exalts, for example.

Edit: To list just a few:

-Behemoths (Technically don't count as CoD)

-Other Exalts (Non-Abyssal or Infernal types, or perhaps even them if they're using guile)

-The Wyld Hunt

-Realm Army

I have a good combo, but it wasn't enough to do more than ping damage against the Breaker. It was Edge's Solar Saber that was doing the real work. I just took out the commandos and a part of the bridge that everyone was standing on.
The Salesman gets minimum 10 successes on any Presence roll for 8 motes. That's before any dice are rolled, with the results of every dice doubled (2 successes for 7,8,9, 4 for 10).

For giggles, a test roll (Manip + Presence + 2 stunt dice that I usually generate): 9,4,7,10,6,5,1,8,7,7,6,4,+0 - 7x2 succeses, or 14.

That's 24 successes on a persuasion attempt.

We are Exalted. We have high Essence by this point.

We are RIDICULOUSLY powerful.

Besides, the Breaker had Plot-Deviceum empowered armour anyway.
Heck, I just wanna live through the next battle. That's why I had the idea of the one hearthstone to convert damage to bashing, and a Charm that lets me heal bashing damage quickly. That didn't seem like it was coming through, so I went with one MA charm from my technique tree and a essence builder for when I burn through the motes in two to three attacks.
Besides, the narrative of Exalted should be just as much about what you do with the power as you having it.

After all, when all you have is the Magma Kracken, everything starts looking like a nail...


Sherwood, in addition to the Salesman, Wind's can probably help. I've got some crafting ability, and all that shiny XP (even if its going to be spent on spells which are stupid expensive in this game BTW). Prosthetics of Clockwork Elegance are 1 dot for an unaugmented sensory organ. Two dots can get you one with a +1 perception bonus, or a single eye with Essence sight. Given its a high precision object, Winds Whispered Secrets could easily make a 1 or 2 dot version for you, with Siham in place to help with the installation. I can make *up to* a three dot version, at which point you could see better than her, but it would probably need Siham's manse working, and cash.

It would also give her something to do while she's laid up avoiding physical activity.
Axelgear said:
Aaaah, so it's a rivalry, then, is it?
That, and you'll note WWS has a *truckload* of Compassion, even if she expresses it in a weird way. Its a rivalry, and you are essentially her Virtue opposite.

And beyond the whole *you* thing, WWS has been essentially entirely on her own. She's just met DC, and isn't really sure what to do about him. She did her initiation on her own, and sailed across most of Creation on her own. "You're gonna need other people" makes her squirm.

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