Arcanix Darsonnia's Notepad (OOCness) [Fire and Water]

Mmh, ok.

Shopping cart:

24 for Essence OOOO

8 for Integrity OOOO

9 for Dodge:Unarmed OOO

3 for Valor OO

3 for Conviction OO

8 for Racing the Sun mirror: Phantom Escapes Light

Going 1xp in debt.

EDIT: no need to go in debt, as my stunt 3 was worth 1 xp.
Its kinda freaky if you think about it. I'm going to have a demon cut my eyes out and replace them with moonsilver constructs. :shock: This takes quite a bit if trust in my friends, I hope you know.
Sherwood said:
Its kinda freaky if you think about it. I'm going to have a demon cut my eyes out and replace them with moonsilver constructs. :shock: This takes quite a bit if trust in my friends, I hope you know.

Yeah, it is a little freaky. On the other hand, awesome.


Swapping out Celestial Circle then. Taking Infallible Messenger instead, to solve our rampant party communication issues.
You know, we could use Renna's eyes an exotic component in an artifact later. The eyes have strong associations with a number of things and, even if we cannot use them per se, we can use the fluids for similar effect (and they can be preserved longer). Plus, they come from a Celestial Exalt, which has to make them potent for something.

... Just being practical here.
xarvh said:
Mmh, ok.
Shopping cart:

8 for Integrity OOOO
Integrity 4 will only cost you 6 xp. It's current rating x2...

Also, sorry for not responding earlier, my internet connection is sketchy for some reason, so I might not be able to post as much.

The idea of a Behemoth decked in artifacts to defend Antipater would be great, though Edge might be skeptic of it at first.

As for the Artifact eyes for Renna, maybe Siham can look into the archive in the Manse, there are said to be a multitude of Artifact designs in it, maybe it already has the designs for the prosthetics, and that would ease up the crafting, as you do not need to take time to create the designs, and you need less successes to actually make them.
That was part of Siham's plan until WWS took over the project and designed her own. The archives require a little repairs before really being usable.
Speaking of Behemoths, I wonder if I could have the Salesman do some mental crafting of designs for an Artifact 1 Fey Beast. I'm currently deliberately having him ingratiate himself to others, and I figure a flying steed of some sort would be a decent gift for SOMEONE...
Speaking of Limit Breaks, as this is just as good a time as any for many full moons have we had?
Also, swapping out my Celestial Initiation for Third Appearance Excellency.

For reasons that will become obvious shortly, WWS is going to become even *less* grounded. It's awesome.
Just remember to keep some time open to go clubbing with Renna. She's going to need to do some bonding time with another hot Lunar chick. 8)
Are there posh clubs in Antipater?

I will need to use the Athletics Excellency to get DC wear high heels without killing herself. :shock:
Sherwood said:
Just remember to keep some time open to go clubbing with Renna. She's going to need to do some bonding time with another hot Lunar chick. 8)
Absolutely. :)

Now that WWS can feel her lungs again, she'd be happy to go
Possibly. It did cause berserk rage when my neighboor played it ultra loud at 3:00 AM back at uni hall..... every other bloody night.

Another point I also just thought of. The Silver Prince might not be our only problem on the short term. Remember the Realm ? That place with a kill on sight polic towards solars and lunars. I can't help but imagine the heart attacks their leaders are going to have when they find out that a group of them has a doom fortress capable of churning warmachines and superweapons and access to a metric f**kton of magical materials.

I mean, Antipater's reputation is probably going to end in the uncomfortable zone once knowledge of the Manse spreads. Even if not, it would just be the Silver Prince's style to leak that info to them and let the Peleps fleet erase us for him. They did send a whole legion for the Bull after all. We may want to work on making sure they get the same success this time too.
The Bull of the North also wiped out their legion and crippled the house for any consideration in the race to the Scarlet Throne.

Maybe they'd be less happy to go Anathema hunting again?

What I've heard whispered, though, is that the Realm is going to be coming by very soon...

Edit: And now, I think anyone reading the side track probably has noticed the Salesman's true colours a little...
Whether the Realm decides to knock on our door or not, it might still take them time to learn about the Manse, and to get there. Also, with the Bull they had to deal with a solar circle, and here they have several Solars, and some Lunars.

And if they do come knocking, if we can get the Manse's cannon operational, we can make them regret it. Even if it doesn't kill any Dynasts, the fact that it can destroy their fleet will make them think long and hard about trying that again. And in close combat they will feel the wrath of a Dawn caste, and his Lunar mate, as well as the abilities of the rest of the circle.
And if they do a stealth landing with a large number of well-armed and armoured Dragon-Blooded wielding Celestial Martial Arts?
Axelgear said:
And if they do a stealth landing with a large number of well-armed and armoured Dragon-Blooded wielding Celestial Martial Arts?
We flee to the Wyld. Ironically, the Wyld Hunt is particularly poor at pursuing people into the Wyld.

Or we kill them all and sell off their stuff.

I mean, you can eventually come up with a scenario where we lose. "What if TEN JADE WARSTRIDERS show up in your SLIPPERS?!" but that's dull.
Besides, pulling out two plot things one after the other might backfire, and make the game less interesting. Even Exalts need to have some things they can just trample through, because they are Exalts in a world of mortals.

Edit: Also, Siham can talk to Kala, and maybe get another chapter on the Dragon-Blooded. That knowledge can also be valuable. And it will cover all of the known Exalt types, minus the Infernals and Alchemicals.
It's on the to do list. But to be honest, Siham put it to last since everyone already knows about dragon blooded and their powers.

On the Realm attack possibility, I was merely thinking ahead. I tend to do that a lot. My typical role in rpg party is a mix of only sane man and Cassandra. I tend to see disasters coming before the dm drops them on us. (or thinks of them for that matter) World of Darkness and Call of Chtulu does that to people.
Yeah, the only problem with things like that is that these warnings sometimes give the DM/ST the idea to go through with it... :mrgreen:
Sarodinian said:
I've some plans that put The Salesman's there to shame. ^_^


Hee hee, always wanted to do that. :mrgreen:

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