Arcanix Darsonnia's Notepad (OOCness) [Fire and Water]

The one time I'm doing well in a fight and it has to be against a fellow PC. Funny, usualy I'm the casualty when those happen. Goddam dark sided ewok jedi (looooonngg story).
A story I'm interested in hearing...

Also, the Salesman is going to take an interesting strategy, assuming that Siham spent the willpower to resist. When you can't win... Cheat!
Actually, if Siham spent the motes to perfectly dodge the attack, he wouldn't need to spend the willpower to resist the touch, because it never happened. That's the beauty of perfect dodge.
That's why I'm waiting to see what I do next. I've asked Saro to decide whether the Conviction Flaw alteration from GttMH is in effect or if betraying Intimacies will prevent the Charm from working.

It makes sense to me that the Conviction Flaw should actually be a flaw. Siham's Motivation is so open-ended that I really don't see HOW it could be used to activate it (since there's never likely to be a situation where getting injured will cause knowledge about his past life to be gained). If all he has to do is pay an extra three motes, that still means he's got a LOT of Perfect Defenses in him, and this fight will just go on, and on, until one of us runs out of Essence and the other one beats them into submission.

That's hardly Exalted-level epic, is it?

Edit: It occurs to me that I could also have the Salesman twist Siham's arm into obedience in a much more creative way... Hmmm... I'll wait for Saro's decision either way, but if the Salesman didn't spend that 20 motes, that just means things will go very differently...
Actually, Siham's current motivation is repairing the Manse to former glory, but I get your point. I guess it would make more sense for his flaw to be compassion, but that wouldn't really change the situation.

I agree with the perfect defenses spamming being annoying. Playing Soul Calibur III and Dissidia has rather antagonised me towards dodge/parry spam.

Lets see Sarodinian's opinion on the subject matter.
Just to remind, whatever happens in the game, stays in the game. I'm not the sort who will go berserk if a party member harms my character and so forth. That would of made a lot of frienships mighty awkward. Especialy after diplomacy games.

I do get the feeling that scene may derail the plot and plans of characters quite a bit depending on what happens.
Yep yep. Intra-party conflict can be a tad hot-blooded, but it's just a game.

As for changes to plans, it all depends on who wins the fight. If Siham wins, I doubt the Salesman will even survive. Rolling up a new character is one heck of a change, heh heh. :mrgreen:

If the Salesman wins, meanwhile, Siham is probably likely to have a nervous breakdown.

So whomever wins, it's gonna cause major changes, I think, and I don't really mind either way.
I think even if Siham wins, he's going to have a breakdown. Lets see, he just had what is essentialy a psychotic episode and killed one of his comrades. And problems. Explaining to the group what transpired is gonna be awkward at best.
Err, shoudln't the Salesman be having penalties due to wounds and the effects of his limit break ?
Wounds? No. Wound penalties don't apply to social rolls. Limit Break? Kind of. -2 to all social rolls not based on intimidation so deduct anywhere from 2 to 4 successes in the end result. However, one has to remember that he's convincing Edge to defend him against an innocent defender of justice. What crueler thing is there to do?

Either way, the Salesman is damn convincing and his words have effective Appearance 5 thanks to his mask, too.

All in all, he's a convincing fellow.
Sorry, thought they applied to all rolls. One of these days, I'll understand the rules of this game. Oh well, anyone want to bet how many rounds it'll take for Edge and Oren to knock Siham out ?

edit: I've just noticed irony in the Salesman's lie. He claims the neverborn are the cause of Siham's madness. He just accidently said the truth.
Hooray for our group learning about the Great Curse!!!! though right now it seems like half the group is struggling with the effects of the Great Curse... :twisted:
We don't know about the great curse. We just know Siham has had a psychotic episode. Well, and Siham and Dead Cat know about the Salesman being crazy.
Which the Salesman will swear he doesn't remember in the least... Unless everyone believes him.

It'll be horrible if the Salesman touches Siham while he's down and geases him into forgetting everything before he gets a chance to testify. If he's inactive, he can't resist, after all, and the only one whose word we have to believe is Dead Cat's, who is an untrustworthy, vile Abyssal!

Oh, this is just sadistic now.
The geas actuallly requires all involved parties to agree to that. He can't just take someone unconscious or unwilling and do that. At least as far as I understand the eclipse power.

As for the dodge, can only be used once if I recall. Hence why Glories of the Most High has the upgraded version that enables dodging multiple attack from the same source. At least as far as I understand.
Geasing someone doesn't mean oaths. It means Hypnotic Tongue Technique. The Salesman could force Siham to forget it all.

As for the GttMH version, that was so that the dodge need only be used once per person per action. For example, if I attack you three times, you'd need to pay three perfect defenses to save yourself. With that charm, you only use it once and all the rest of that person's attacks automatically miss.

Bit of an incredibly potent charm, in my opinion.
Exalted is many things, but clear isn't one of them.

Can't be bothered to change the post. We'll just say he didn't see the second attack coming, that's all.
SRC, I'm not entierely sure Edge would notice the blood on the Salesman's fists. Considering that Siham did quite a number on him during the fight with that sword, the Salesman is likely to have blood on other places too.

Also, Siham does has a soak of 5b/3l. Was that taken in account on that 1-hit KO ?
He wears a chainshirt rather diligently ever since the Dove incident. Getting shot does that to a man. But welll ,considering the fight is one sided anyway, lets save time. The conclusion is the same anyway.
Didn't Edge have three attacks? One was perfectly dodged, one was a hit, and the other likely struck. I'm going to post as if it was a 1-hit KO, but if it's wrong, I'll delete my post and we can carry on from there.

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