Arcanix Darsonnia's Notepad (OOCness) [Fire and Water]


No Offense to Edge, but if a specialized, 267564565 XP Dusk Caste loses the fight against a not-so-specialized 100 XP Dawn in a straight combat, Reality loses its consistency, and does so screaming in pain.
xarvh said:
No Offense to Edge, but if a specialized, 267564565 XP Dusk Caste loses the fight against a not-so-specialized 100 XP Dawn in a straight combat, Reality loses its consistency, and does so screaming in pain.
None taken. But if a 100 xp Dawn managed to wound the Dusk Caste a few times already, and he just now activated that charm, Reality doesn't have much consistency. Especially coupled with the mind-boggling soak and hardness casually thrown around.
And I know for a fact that my dinky little fans would do little more than bounce off this guys armor with a cute little 'tink' sound. All I can do is take out the support troops :(
People, people, people... You need to work smarter, not harder. If hits bounce off his armor, then there are many many other ways for a smart player to deal with a threat. You are currently fighting in a place that has definitly not OSHA compliance and has a lot of hazards.

Maybe the whole point of the fight is to win with smarts rather than brute force.

Time to take off your fighter helmets and black mage hats and put on your thief caps and red mage hats here.
Like turning his own artillery against him?

Or trying to give him some sudden acceleration trauma or all the other possibilities available when he's hooked to the anchor of a flying ship?

So far Edge was the only one that managed to inflict him actual damage.
Your ideas were good, didn't perfectly work as planned, but had a good basis.

Notice how his essence is getting dangerously low. And remember that abyssals have more problems than solars regenerating it without a supply of bodies. Therefore, he isn't going to be able to throw many more fancy charms at us (or himself).

Now lets compare strenghts and weeknesses:

Breaker and co:

Strengths: As hard as a mammouth tank in mating season. Hits rather hard. Powerful gear. Higher level. Good sense of tactics.

Weaknesses: Essence getting low. Rather heavy looking armor here, I wonder how much that impededs his agility. Squadmates not quite as dangerous as us. Cut off from help.


Strengths: we (well I) know the terrain. Agility, lots of traps and safety hazards (see 1), numbers,

Weaknesses: 1 down, 1 non fighter, no one realy specialised in heavy combat outside Edge, some getting low on essence a bit.

By this comparaison, a straight fight is not to our advantage. Therefore, numorous plans can be considered:

1) The Midboss patented anti spell turtler tactic (developed while playing Baldurs Gate II where every mage and his dog has contingency with every shield spell in the game): Retreat, wait for Laughing at 1000 cuts to run out of time. CHARGE!!!!

2) We are standing over open essence vents. I wonder what would happen if an abyssal fell in there ? While pushing him down might be near impossible, destroying the bridge he's standing on might have good results. Might not kill him if he has the right selection of charms, but by the time he makes it out, he will be in such a weakened state that we can finish him off.

3) Like 1, but use my map to coordinates ambushes along in places with defenses and traps.

4) The standard big boss killing technique: Lure him in front of the giant essence cannon ? It did hurt rather bad a whole ship made of soulsteel.
Midboss said:
Notice how his essence is getting dangerously low. And remember that abyssals have more problems than solars regenerating it without a supply of bodies. Therefore, he isn't going to be able to throw many more fancy charms at us (or himself).
I wonder whether are you telling this to me or to the ST...

The rest seems a good assessment and a good plan.
Commes from playing World of Darkness with a tought but fair gm for 2 years. Considering everything is more powerfull than the PCs, you learn real fast that outsmarting is the best way to make it out alive.

I personaly prefer RPGs where victory is decided by how smart the player is than how big the numbers on the character sheet and how generous the random number god is feeling today are.
Midboss said:
I personaly prefer RPGs where victory is decided by how smart the player is than how big the numbers on the character sheet and how generous the random number god is feeling today are.
So far SRC has been definitely smarter than me.
Where exactly is this battle taking place? What is the room like? I want to use environmental hazards to my best effect.
I had originally wanted to try and tackle the Breaker to send him over the edge, but with only 1 in MA, there`s little chance of success on that roll for Edge. And as for pulling large numbers, if you`ll read through his character sheet, you`ll see that it happens far more easily with the spear thrower, and that weapon is useless against the Breaker, since it would do no damage, due to the crazy soak.

Also, he might be getting low on essence, but his combat stats are already fucking big, and he is Essence 5, so he could easily have more of these strange charms that we have little to no hope to work around.

Edit: If we do decide to retreat and come back later, hoping to change the scene. we`re screwed. Because my sabre will be gone too, and I don`t have enough essence to bring it back on.
There's more than one way to throw someone off the bridge. And he's got 3m remaining himself, apart from an excellency, that charm's his last. And he's operating under what amounts to a -3 wound penalty. And that charm only negates damage, not secondary effects.
I had originally wanted to try and tackle the Breaker to send him over the edge, but with only 1 in MA, there`s little chance of success on that roll for Edge.
Simple solution: Hit the helpless Hex. There are two ways to make the Breaker fall: 1) Push him. 2) Destrow the ground under his very feet. Guess which is simpler.
Other thing, been a while since Chaka has posted anything in this game. I remember him saying a while ago he wouldn't be available that much but it's been quite a long time.

Should we consider him MIA or....
You all could always just keep him in place long enough to WWS to heal up, get her Essence back, and then dump her soul back into a spell she has no business channeling.

So like, a month or two. No biggie.
Well, no big deal about Ghaba, he's a blacksmith, so we can just leave him in his shop and bug him when we need hardware... =)
Hm. I should probably come up with something for Dead Cat and WWS to do while this whole thing is going on...
No prob, we can weep on each other's shoulder.

Jokes a part, you can't always be at the center of the attention.

Is the fight with the Breaker going to take long? I thought it was more or less over. oO
Guess it wouldn't hurt for you to play the carry Winds to safety and medic part during the fight. It would save time. Until we're sure how well the plan will go, considering it nearly done isn't a good idea.
Sarodinian said:
Hm. I should probably come up with something for Dead Cat and WWS to do while this whole thing is going on...
I'm content to tragically twitch in the ruins of my ship while they kill things.

Although Thunderhead or whatever his name is better get back in the fight if I'm going to live up to my end of our deal.
In 8 days, this arc will have entered its 5th month. Let's try and not have it take quite so long, hm? :D

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