Arcanix Darsonnia's Notepad (OOCness) [Fire and Water]

CrazyIvan said:
Operation: Wind's Questionable Judgement continues...
Is that one of those operations that involve, among the other things, killing DC? oO

I'm a bit at loss.

What is preventing us from accessing the Manse from the same way that the Breaker used?
I was under the impression that the Thunderchild is now sitting on the entrance to the underground systems and it would be blocked until it gets moved.
Ship Slammed---->Statue held up for a couple moments----->Breaker and Ghost rushed inside---->Statue collapsed.
Ok... need another explanation... What did WWS do to DC that requires an apology and cannot be dodged?
xarvh said:
Ok... need another explanation... What did WWS do to DC that requires an apology and cannot be dodged?
As Midboss said...

"Sorry I'm very possibly about to vaporize myself."

WWS has a pretty serious Solar Bond score, which means two things.

a. IF DC did something that stupid, it would probably do a number on her. Combine that with her nice, warped version of Compassion, and leaving DC in pain seems to be something to apologize for.

b. She doesn't necessarily realize the Bond doesn't go both ways.
CrazyIvan said:
b. She doesn't necessarily realize the Bond doesn't go both ways.

However, I consider DC having a pretty strong intimacy towards WWS, especially 'cause the Lunar is a solid connection to Creation and away from the Deathlords.

DC will definitely go out of her way to save WWS, whatever happens.
Since no amounts of stunts will manage to damage our enemies, can I switch Investigation for Archery, both dots and fav?
Sarodinian said:
You don't know that. In fact, Dead Cat could probably be very useful in the fight. ^_^

So far my stunts had neutral (artillery doing worthless bashing damage) or negative (the breaker crashing down the ship) outcomes, so probably I should stick to the more traditional approach?
xarvh said:
Sarodinian said:
You don't know that. In fact, Dead Cat could probably be very useful in the fight. ^_^

So far my stunts had neutral (artillery doing worthless bashing damage) or negative (the breaker crashing down the ship) outcomes, so probably I should stick to the more traditional approach?
First, that first stunt wasn't neutral. Artillery hitting them > Artillery hitting us, end of story. Sure, it did not such a big deal bashing damage, but enough bashing damage can take a non-combat character like WWS out of the fight.

Also, tons of shit to steal. Surely even the OHSA-nightmare that is a First Age Manse has the occasional "Remove before use" valve or the like you can make off with. Or bolts. Or floor panels.
Ironicaly, until I had control of the Manse's weapons, this was my first plan if I dealt with the Breaker. Use the setting and the big thing between my ears to harm him.

YOu don't need uber fighting skills to be lethal if you're smart.
CrazyIvan said:
First, that first stunt wasn't neutral. Artillery hitting them > Artillery hitting us, end of story. Sure, it did not such a big deal bashing damage, but enough bashing damage can take a non-combat character like WWS out of the fight.
Also, tons of shit to steal. Surely even the OHSA-nightmare that is a First Age Manse has the occasional "Remove before use" valve or the like you can make off with. Or bolts. Or floor panels.
The artillery was entirely targeted at DC, in fact it was such a powerful attack that bypassed perfect defenses (yet it dealt bashing damage... duh...)

Kinda overkill if you ask me.

But not much since a war fan apparently deals more lethal damage than said undodgeable-by-prefect-defenses artillery attack.

I was all going to mess with the ship if it didn't start to go down as soon as I hit the deck.

The only entrance hatch was 'sealed shut' and I had already spent 40 peripheral in the most useless 3-dice stunt the history of Exalted has ever witnessed... Not nice to infiltrate an enemy ship with a 40 motes anima banner flaring, considering also that my stealth charms apparently don't work against those with Whispers.

I would have tried a rouse of some sort, but they apparently knew already that I was there, not to say that a rouse would have been made moot in the very same way my stealth charm was.

Also, last time I tried a sleight of hand on the Breaker I was asked a MA roll despite a quite elaborate stunt that played on his arrogance to get close to him.

Midboss said:
Ironicaly, until I had control of the Manse's weapons, this was my first plan if I dealt with the Breaker. Use the setting and the big thing between my ears to harm him.
YOu don't need uber fighting skills to be lethal if you're smart.
I would believe you if you had already managed to deal actual HLs even once since the start of the game without using an actual weapon.

So far this has not been the case.

In short, I did the best my smarts could offer, but so far my smarts have not been to the level.

I do admit that it was probably a short-sighted and reckless choice not to have any martial skill at all.

So, please, can I have my Archery?
To be completely honest, I was expecting you to try a feat of strength on the hatch to open it anyway. They'd have stopped the submersion if they realized they'd be flooding the ship in the process.

Dead Cat didn't know it at the time, but apart from the commandos, the ship was only crewed by two other ghost/mortal equivalent beings, without the fancy armor.

Since when have I stated The Breaker as arrogant? I've been playing him as being the more analytical and highly cautious type of soldier, albiet knowing what his armor and commandos can do and acting accordingly.

As to the area-effect attack: Coating the entire shoreline in concussive essence cannon fire (which does bashing incidentally) necessitates a GTFO that you executed rather beautifully. Only reason that came off as ineffective when redirected against The Breaker and his commandos is that The Breaker has absurdly high levels of hardness, and the commandos' armor contains equipment that heals all bashing damage within a minute. I docked a few commandos with wound penalties cause they took enough to pass into Lethal from that.

The Dove was arrogant. He wouldn't have even considered retreating against a superior force. The Breaker does know he's at a disadvantage right now, and is attempting to find a way to turn this situation back into his favor. IE: Dead Cat may need to figure out how to keep the manse from going KA BEWM!

As to your request...I've not seen anything that Dead Cat has done, RP-wise, to justify the change as of yet. You'd be getting bonus exp anyways, but the transfer/acquisition of an extra favored is a reward I will probably consider for the completion of her part of the Super Sidequests disc. She'll also likely learn a few of The Breaker's tricks as a result of this.

Besides, she's gonna need the Investigation soon anyway. ^_^

Don't discount everything she's done. I give out three-die stunts with extreme rarity. The character stuff displayed by her is something I'd have killed for in any other game.
I agree with our ST. As someone who until recently played a character that wasn`t that much use in combat, sometimes even against war ghosts, I have learned that there are times when just distracting someone in the midst of combat can be helpful. And those distractions might actually yield up some source for stunts for the other party members, which will help in dealing with the threat.
Could not open the shaft.

I needed the essence to face whatever was inside, and was running dangerously low.

Besides, I don't see a warship flooded due to a single shaft.

And undead wouldn't care too much anyway.

The Breaker underestimated DC several times and never considered her a significant threat, this is kinda arrogant.

I knew already the Breaker would not have been affected by the shells and redirected none of them against him.

Artillery like that would not kill a mortal, even if B damage wraps around and becomes L.

DC does not even know that there's a manse and she does not have enough Conviction to go get killed by the Breaker or to insist going against him when everything so far has failed.

RP-wise, DC has never used Archery or Investigation, so we just could assume that she had Archery all along.


I'm complaining and whining 'cause I'm enjoying the game and I want to get the best out of it... I love my character and the others are awesome too.

There are a few things I'm not understanding and I prefer to vent it out.

So please bear with me. =P
I understand your frustration - I spent most of the battle doing doughnuts in an airship I'm only faintly qualified to pilot, and summoning an Elemental who can't hurt our big bad ;)

I'd pick up some combat skills at the XP dump, but honestly you've been meeting rule-of-cool so far. You did fuck up some commandos, even if you didn't kill them. And I thought the anchor idea was an awesome one - didn't work out so well, but was a pretty awesome idea. And, if we're talking about the consequences of your actions not mattering, you went and got WWS to blow 40 motes of Essence and most of her health levels on "No, fuck YOU".
There hasn't been any reply to "Battle in the Jungle". Did I manage to take out one of the Breaker's men, and do we need to post Join Battle rolls now?

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