Arcanix Darsonnia's Notepad (OOCness) [Fire and Water]

Sarodinian said:
That's assuming certain things don't happen as a result of The Breaker being tied to your anchor. That armor of his is very heavy...
She doesn't know *that* either.

Although taking *him* out in the ensuing Essence Conflagration will work too.
Sarodinian said:
Incidentally, I'm intrigued by this sort of "impromptu" spell casting...
Well, don't have the Breaker fuck up my ship immediately, and maybe you'll get to see it ;)

Basically, stunting a multi-turn Shape Sorcery action without a end-sequence spell to dump the gathered Essence into. Which will, in the process, do all kinds of fun things to the surroundings.

The reason I've called for the Neomah incidentally, is to get her and my strongbox off the ship.
Attribute+Ability is the limit of essence you can spend in the excellency.

The second gives you 1suxx per TWO motes spent.

If you are running things in a different way I would love to know it, 'cause it so happens that DC has the II Athletics excellency too.
Yeah, the way it works with the Second Excellency is that you spend two motes (and two potential dice) for one automatic success. That's why the limit for successes with 10 dice is 5 successes or 10 extra dice.

This still puts them head and shoulders over any other Exalt, though. By Essence 10, Solars are adding up to 20 extra dice or 10 auto-successes with excellencies, when a Lunar can add a max of 10/5.

If you're running it any other way, things will get unbalanced swiftly.
Well, I could do this. I could state that that the Success cap for the Second Excellency is whichever your Exalt type's normal maximum dice pool, which would allow this sort of action (personally, I think burning 20 motes for such a stunt is punishment enough). Or I could keep it as normal, and have The Breaker only spend enough to get the 5 successes (which still means the Thunderchild crashes), and have him hang onto the 10 motes he would not have spent otherwise. At Essence 5, that is not an insignificant number of motes he just burned. In fact, I'll let you guys decide on that.
Either suits me.

Remember the law, the DM is always right.

So how many dice to I get for my sucking up roll ?
Midboss said:
Remember the law, the DM is always right.

But in order to play properly I must understand what rules apply.

Sarondinian, I was referring to the (Ability) Infinite excellency.

I don't want to think what would happen should the Breaker spend 40 motes on Melee Infinite.
xarvh said:
Midboss said:
Remember the law, the DM is always right.

But in order to play properly I must understand what rules apply.
This. Especially in a play-by-post campaign, where a "That's not how its going in this campaign" isn't a 5 minute revision.

Regardless, I'm alright with the crash. I warned you all she wasn't a warship, and the more this particular Lunar comes unhinged, the more I like playing her.
Question: Can I still try to pull off my impromptu sorcery attempt? Because there's an undoubtedly ruined moonsilver summoning circle that needs to be torn out, liquified, and hurled at the Breaker.
Axelgear said:
I say use the rules as they are in the book. Max 5 successes bought.
There is not even question that this is what we're going to do, unless we want the game to become more mechanically insane than it is already.

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