Arcanix Darsonnia's Notepad (OOCness) [Fire and Water]

Well, just be glad that you have players that are interested in the game. 8)
And that it didn't collapse into a multi-page OOC argument between players over a single sentence of IC fluff, unlike a certain other game did for me tonight >.<
Sarodinian said:
To be completely honest, I was expecting you to try a feat of strength on the hatch to open it anyway.
Never once in the history of RPG the players did what the ST expected. :mrgreen:
True enough. On monday, while playing with a group my Zenith called upon Ahlat in a grand ceremony of sacrifice, and ignited a war between Harbourhead and the Realm, while stealing all the Jade from the big mine the Realm used to have there.

Oh, and he left a note saying that it was the First and Forsaken Lion that took it. Was so worth it to see the look on the ST's face.
Or the time in a old DnD game, we were trying to overthrow the evil ruler of a massive citystate. At one point, I got bored, and since I was playing the thief, I sent a message to the Dm asking how much gold I woulld get if I betrayed the party to the overlord. He quoted me some massive boatload of cash number, and I replied "Done!" The army showes up and arrests the other players but I manage to escape since I'm the 'sneaky thief'. I then went to the jail where they were being held and broke them out one by one, saying that they all should be glad to have me on thier side to keep them out of trouble. The players wanted to kill me, but I managed to keep the secret from the other characters. It was wonderful.
I have a feeling that this is going to hurt.....
Someone give SRC a kick so he'll post for his character. :lol:
Sorry, but it`s the second time I`ve tried to write a post, and my computer crashes and it`s lost...

Am trying to go for a 3-die stunt against the Breaker.
I have to ask: How the hell does the Breaker have 30 Aggravated Soak? Even Oblivion's Panoply only has 15 Lethal soak.
That can be reached by a specialized Lunar.

Hardness 20+ however... A friend of mine described it as "script immunity".
Yes, but the core point is that the Breaker is not a specialized Lunar...

Edit: Wait, how can a Lunar reach it? Natural Soak cannot affect aggravated soak.
The non-specialized Lunar just added 10suxx to his Str+Athletics roll...

Anyway, for the Lunar: Artifact Armor Tattoo, Armor-Forming Technique and a nice Moonsilver Super-Heavy.
Regardless, a soak like that is headed towards "bonkers". Especially since "Aggravated Soak" essentially negates that whole Critter of Darkness drawback.
It still is one. His whole schtick is that few things short of the Kukla or the Searing Judgement of the Unconquered Sun can hurt him. And even that's questionable.
Sarodinian said:
It still is one. His whole schtick is that few things short of the Kukla or the Searing Judgement of the Unconquered Sun can hurt him. And even that's questionable.
That's a pretty powerful schtick.

Just saying.

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