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Fantasy Another Chance (Always accepting!)

"Oh? Ok.. um-Sorry. No-I mean, thanks", Finn stammered and managed to give a bashful smile. He doesn't normally invite people to go with him to somewhere so he's not used to this. And during the rare occasions when he wants to bring someone with him, he ends up not doing it anyway. Although he doesn't want to, he ends up going alone since he's overthing things like 'What if they don't want to go? what if they think this is a waste of their time?'. But he's glad he did it properly this time.

In the library, he went looking for the sequel of the book he read. "Have you heard of the series 'The kane chronicles'?", he asked without looking up. "It's loosely based on Egyptian mythology. It's a really fun book and you don't need that much knowledge on Egyp-", he looked up and noticed that she tied her hair in a bun. Finn may have failed to notice this earlier, but Nona actually looks cute. He was about to look away since he's staring too much when he noticed the mark between her shoulder blades. "Birthmark?", he pointed at her mark.

(I have to go somewhere, so this might be my last post in a few hours xD )

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Sure why not." Marcus said as he sat down at the island. "Oh and thank you for making me lunch you didn't have too." Marcus said pretty bashfully. "So is lasagna you favorite food." Marcus asked as he tilted his head and looked at Nicole.
Alias said:
"Oh? Ok.. um-Sorry. No-I mean, thanks", Finn stammered and managed to give a bashful smile. He doesn't normally invite people to go with him to somewhere so he's not used to this. And during the rare occasions when he wants to bring someone with him, he ends up not doing it anyway. Although he doesn't want to, he ends up going alone since he's overthing things like 'What if they don't want to go? what if they think this is a waste of their time?'. But he's glad he did it properly this time.
In the library, he went looking for the sequel of the book he read. "Have you heard of the series 'The kane chronicles'?", he asked without looking up. "It's loosely based on Egyptian mythology. It's a really fun book and you don't need that much knowledge on Egyp-", he looked up and noticed that she tied her hair in a bun. Finn may have failed to notice this earlier, but Nona actually looks cute. He was about to look away since he's staring too much when he noticed the mark between her shoulder blades. "Birthmark?", he pointed at her mark.

(I have to go somewhere, so this might be my last post in a few hours xD )

Having flushed slightly from his staring she almost didn't answer, blinking out of her trance she looked at him, hand going to the back of her neck, "oh...um yeah."

(Kk, I like in the UK so idk if I'll still be awake when you come back but if it's the case that I'm not then we can just carry on later I guess)
"No problem, Marcus!" she said as she poured out the wine in the glasses. Placing them in front of the plates, she sat down opposite to him. "No, it isn't. It's actually the only thing I can cook well." Ugh, dammit, why did I say that? Now I'm this weird girl who can't cook. Great. "My favorite food is actually red velvet cupcakes. What about you?"
Well, mine is the cherry, chocolate fudge I make. Though red velvet cupcakes are a close second." Marcus said as he ate a bite of lasagna, and smiled at how good it was. "Wow Nicole this stuff is really good. Maybe next time I can make lunch for our second date." Marcus then blushed as he realized what he said.
The first thing she could think of was, wow he can make cherry chocolate fudge. She smiled, glad he liked the lasagna. At the mention of their second date, however, her smile was replaced by the red tinge in her cheeks. Nervously fidgeting with her fingers, she said, "I thought this was supposed to be a friendly lunch?" But she knew better. They certainly had crossed the borders of "friendly."
Well it was, but you and me both know that it has become more than that. Though I did realize neither of us have complained about it." Marcus said as he blushed a little too. He then went to take a sip of wine and he dumped some on his shirt. "Awe man this was one of my good shirts too. Well Nicole could you pass me a napkin please.
"Um...Marcus, you do know that wine stains don't come off clothes, right?" she said. (true story m8) "You could borrow one of my shirts for the time being! I sleep in men's t-shirts...and they'd probably fit you." Nicole couldn't believe she just said that. Real nice, Nicole. Way to chase off the guys. She smiled nervously, lowering her eyes to the ground. Why in the world would you say that, stupid, stupid girl?
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"Really that would be awesome." Marcus said as he took off his shirt revealing his tattoo. "Are they a xl, because unless you want to see me in a skin tight shirt, I would need a xl." Marcus said as he blushed a little, and rub the back of his neck.
"I also have one", Finn showed the mark on his right wrist: the cloud. "Although it's not as detailed as yours", he said then wondered how could a birthmark be so detailed. Finn found the book he was looking for and bought it. They ended up wandering around the mall without a clear destination. They didn't even talk to each other. Quick, think of a topic, he panicked. "So... what do you plan to do this summer?". Nailed it.

"They are L's but I suppose a skin tight shirt wouldn't look bad on you, I mean you have a great body." What did I just say? "I mean, uh, like - woah.." Her words trailed off as his entire tattoo was revealed. Until this moment, she had thought that the tattoo covered just his hand, but it stretched down to cover almost half of his back and front. Her hand instinctively reached out to race the intricate lines on his bare skin. "That's a beautiful tattoo," she said to him, as she admired the tattoo.

Realizing her hand had stayed on him for too long, she blushed and drew it away. "Er...um...my bedroom is this way," she said awkwardly as she led him up the stairs.
Marcus couldn't help but moan as she ran her hand across his skin. He just blushed after that and said, "Yeah o...o...okay." Marcus the proceeded to follow her to her room to get a shirt.
Alias said:
"I also have one", Finn showed the mark on his right wrist: the cloud. "Although it's not as detailed as yours", he said then wondered how could a birthmark be so detailed. Finn found the book he was looking for and bought it. They ended up wandering around the mall without a clear destination. They didn't even talk to each other. Quick, think of a topic, he panicked. "So... what do you plan to do this summer?". Nailed it.
She chewed on the inside of her mouth thinking for a moment, "well..I um.." She sighed softly, "nothing probably, you?"
Nona tilted her head in a cute manner. Realizing this, she turned her face away and apologized. Finn simply smiled. "It's okay. It looked adorable", he casually replied not knowing that it might sound like he's flirting. "I don't hang around with them often. They're not bad people, I just don't feel like doing so most of the time"
Alias said:
Nona tilted her head in a cute manner. Realizing this, she turned her face away and apologized. Finn simply smiled. "It's okay. It looked adorable", he casually replied not knowing that it might sound like he's flirting. "I don't hang around with them often. They're not bad people, I just don't feel like doing so most of the time"
Nona flushed fidgeting slightly.

"How come?" She bit her lip slightly, looking around the mall but not at him.
"Most of the time, it's because I don't feel like getting out of my comfy bed", he laughed a bit. "You? do you have friends?"
Alias said:
"Most of the time, it's because I don't feel like getting out of my comfy bed", he laughed a bit. "You? do you have friends?"
"Friends...well if you haven't noticed already I'm really a bit of a bitch." She shrugged, "people don't like how blunt abd forward I am. They don't like hearing the truth when it's harsh."
Marcus couldn't help but moan as she ran her hand across his skin. He just blushed after that and said, "Yeah o...o...okay." Marcus the proceeded to follow her to her room to get a shirt.

Nicole opened the door to her bedroom and sighed. It was a mess: clothes were littered around the floor, make up was hastily stacked in different parts of the room, multi colored consoles and video game Cd's where everywhere, and the wires were all clumped together. Posters of bands hung off the walls, and some where fallen on the floor, and her trash can was overflowing with crumpled up paper. Hastily kicking a bra she had left on the floor under her bed, while walking towards the closet, she said, "As you can see, I'm not the most organized person around." She threw open a closet doors, which only a slight improvement compared to her room, and handed him a black t-shirt with the Metallica logo in white. "Here you go."

(Sorry for the late post, my WiFi just randomly shut off)
(It's okay. I was asleep all do so.)

Marcus gladly took the shirt and put it on. "Thanks for the shirt, and I like your band choice." Marcus said as he sat down on your bed. "Hey Nicole I have a little wager. If I beat you at a video game you have to come have dinner with me at my house tonight." Marcus then walked over to Nicole and hugged her from behind. Marcus then whispered in her ear, "Though if you win I do whatever you say for a week" While saying this Marcus made sure to breath on her ear every word. When he was done talking he lightly bit Nicole's ear.
Nicole could feel the goosebumps rise every time he whispered a word. Her eyes involuntarily closed as he bit her ear, and a tiny sigh escaped her lips, though she couldn't helping thinking where this was leading to. But for the first time in her life, she didn't care. Whatever Marcus was trying it felt good.

"Accepted," she said as she turned around to face him. "Either way, I win." She laughed, and picked up the first disk she could see. "Let's go for a classic. How about Mario Kart?"
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You are so on." Marcus said as he in front of the t.v. "Though since you are a master of video games I think I need some advantage." Marcus said this as he slowly took off his shirt and pulled you close and looked deep into your eyes. Marcus then lightly kissed your lips and bit the bottom lip leaving the taste of wine. The reason for Marcus doing this was to mess with Nicole so she couldn't focus on the game. "So are we gonna play the game or not." Marcus said as he touched his forehead to yours.
Nicole licked her bottom lip, cherishing the taste of wine his mouth had left behind, but she couldn't help wondering, what did he mean by needing some advan - oh. Realization struck her. He's playing with you, idiot, so that you won't be able to play the game. She stepped away from his piercing gaze. "Oh no...you're not fooling me with you little pretty boy acts," she said, unconvinced.

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