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Realistic or Modern Anime Highschool

Kenta smiled at Hinata when he accepted the offer. He took the sheet and started doing the problems pretty quickly. "How are you holding up Hinata?" Kenta asked looking over towards him. "I'm glad it's only one sheet." @Zero Gravity
Miyamura Sato

Miyamura heard one of his students call out to him in question, he lifted his head; only halfway though, and let out a long groan. "Yeaaaaaaaaaah~ I'm fffffffffffine." The man was talking like a two years old...or a drunk old guy; either of the two works.

He continued to wait for the bell to ring and for the students to turn in their worksheets when finished.

Jean blinked and decided not to push it. She went back to focusing on her worksheet, struggling to finish. 'Ugh.' She thought.
The paper had landed directly in Miya’s line of sight. The blonde girl was looking at her over her shoulder. So she was the person responsible. Besides her roommate, the girl was just about the first person who had acknowledged her presence here. She kept her suspicions about her, however; all too often, Miya had elatedly opened a passed note to find a derogatory message and a roomful of sniggering classmates, and she had no desire to become the subject of an orchestrated prank in the first week. Building a reputation for naivety was not on her bucket list.

She gave a polite nod to the girl, who then turned back to face the front of the classroom. She gingerly unfolded the paper. Want me to grab those? The earphones. Miya looked at them, and the familiar ache came on again. Only a few minutes to end of class, she repeated to herself. She grabbed her pen to write a quick response. Interestingly, however, Sato-sensei seemed to be finishing up on the great mass of writing, and was turning as if to address the class.

Why are you doing this now, Miya thought helplessly.

She sat through his talk, and was only mildly cheered by the sight of the worksheet. Graded work, yes, but still too easy for her liking. The sight of extra work did not appear to have as positive an effect on her classmates, all of whom seemed to have sunken into an even further state of depression.

The air was hanging in sheets, shrivelled and dry.

No, I can’t now
, she finally wrote on the torn paper. Thanks though.

More than a few heads were raised at some small commotion issuing from the front of the class. Here’s to hoping that Sato-sensei isn’t a certified idiot, she wanted to add, but thought better of it. The poor guy’s head was hanging like a rag doll’s, and it was only the first week back. And their class hadn’t been too bad that period. It must have been something else. Not her business to interfere with, though. Miya smiled grimly and tossed the paper back.

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The past two classes just seemed to zoom past Jethro. This class didn't even feel like math to him. For some unknown reason, Jet just seemed really out of it that day. The blonde completed the class worksheet before leaning back in his seat and crossing his arms. That section of Calculus was alright. He expected it to get a bit challenging toward the near future though. Jet sighed as he looked up and stared at the ceiling. There was some kind of feeling in him that he didn't seem to understand. I'm doing things, but I'm still kinda bored. I don't understand. His thoughts ran through his mind in an unorganized fashion. Maybe he just needed more adrenaline rushes.
(This might be asking much, but will anyone really mind if the teacher of the next class formally introduces Blair to everyone? -3-)
Miyamura Sato

Miyamura liften his head and checked his watch right as the bell rang, "Oh...okay then." He stood up and began taking up everyone's worksheets, "Remember to do your homework kiddos."

Once all papers were collected, he made his way to his office and placed them on his desk before staggering over and throwing himself; stomach first, onto his couch.

"I wonder if Omi's mad." The man's thoughts began to wander in many different directions, "I think imam go back to Shady's again tonight...I need it."

Closing his eyes he began to fall asleep,

@Aero @RyanJXavier @Classy

Suzumaki Arakai

Suzumaki was still working on her worksheet when the bell rang; she even made an attempt to keep her paper from Miyamura but his mood was slightly foul so he stole it away eventually.

Standing up; the short girl pouted her way out of class with her bag hanging from her shoulder, she had already stuffed her homework down into it before leaving.

She was making her way down the hall when suddenly she realized that school wasn't over, "Wait...Mrs.Miriel..." The girls head shot back and her hands pulled at her hair as she let out a loud yell, "Gaaaaah!" After a second, Suzumaki turned around and returned to class; taking her seat once again.

While she was sitting there, she noticed people getting up and leaving. That was when it occurred to her; once again, she was in the wrong place.

Her head shot back and she basically repeated her little hallway stunt before standing up and stomping towards the science room.



Ryuzaki watched the clock as it reached the time for the bell to ring; he had already packed up his stuff and began making his way to Mrs.Miriel's classroom. "Damn I hate that woman." The tall, dark haired boy thought to himself as he made his way down the hall.

He didn't say anything to Yumi as he left, normally he would've but he feels that his last joke was enough for today. "I'll get her tomorrow." He chuckled to himself then returned to him normal demeanor.

@Leaf Fi @True Queen Ashe
Jethro immediately stood up from his desk and began to make his way over to the science room. There was only one more class until school ended. Right? Just one more? Ah, whatever. He thought to himself while continuing his walk throughout the halls. If there was another class, Jet just wouldn't attend it. There was no motivation for him to attend a class he didn't even recall. After a few moments of thinking to himself, Jethro finally concluded that it was for sure the last class of the day. Both of his hands rubbed his face and went up to move through his hair. He didn't understand how anyone could space out so much in one day.

As Ryuzaki was making his way to science, he noticed a familiar blond haired guy; whom which he still has no idea the name of.

The boy stopped beside him and took a glance, "You good man?" He asked; not really caring. He just wanted to satisfy his curiosity for the unknown name.

Riika sighed when she saw thag Sato-sensei turned around. Now the girl behind her had no chance of giving back the paper. So she was surprised when there actually fell a piece of paper next to her feet. Swiftly Riika stretched her arms to the ground and grabbed the little note with her, her eyes scanning the words as she sat normally again. Ah she was right, it was only a couple minutes before the bell rang so it was not really needed. When the bell rang she jumped up, happy that the class was over. Surprisingly she had done the sheet and delivered it by Sato. Then the girl waited for the unknown brunette with which she had been passing notes. "Hey," Riika smiled when the girl passed her. "I am Riika,"

No sooner had the first hoarse word of dismissal issued from Sato-sensei's lips than Miya, scrabbling for her earbuds, was flicking through her playlist; she found the Mendelssohn, and, popping her earbuds in, sighed in relief. Her other hand was fumbling through the piles of books on her desk. Earbuds were inconvenient in that the wire would always-- and always--get in the way, and disturbing it in the slightest would cut the sound. Not ideal at all, and she was only adding to the din of scraping chairs and with her botched attempts at attaining some speed in the process of packing up her materials. What mattered right there above the dropped books and knocked chairs, though, was that she, after so many hours of deprivation, finally had something playing in her ears.

That, in itself, was pure relief.

As she absent-mindedly replaced her last book in her satchel, Miya wondered vaguely whether or not she would have done better to bolt down to the science labs ahead of her class so that she could reserve a good seat; she knew that, owing to varying degrees of concentration from students in more or less prominent spots, a student's grade could be predicted simply by where they were positioned in the room. Of course, there was no telling just yet how much freedom Miss Miriel would allow her students in the way of seating, and how she would organise it, should she insist upon full responsibility. Miya headed towards the open door. Someone was waiting there for her--the girl from before, she realized with some surprise.

The girl smiled openly.

"Hi. I'm Riika."

Riika. She had guessed correctly, then. Miya gave a small smile in reply. She wasn’t one for spontaneous conversation, and even now, she could feel her voice constricting with apprehension. It was better during out-of-school hours, perhaps, when she was fully expecting it...no time for deliberation, though, for there were few loiterers left in the room. The music in her ears was ascending to a higher, more frantic pitch. Any continuation of that would completely block external sound; she therefore removed, grudgingly, one of her earbuds and responded to the girl, settling with initial formality:

"I'm Miya." Her manner was bolder than she felt. Might as well express her gratitude now, while she remembered. "Thanks for that, by the way."

They set off for their next class. One of the other students, standing off to the side, was inspecting them quizzically. She looked as though she had something to ask. If it would happen to be about where on earth the next class was, none of their classmates would actually know without consulting passing teachers, Miya thought with some amusement. The school was huge.

@Zyra Charlotte

(I'm heading to bed soon, so I regret to say that a conversation now mightn't be possible. Perhaps we can let it slide to the beginning of the next class.)
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Riika nodded when the girl thanked her for her note. 'Ah no problem, I know the struggle.' She chuckled and waved a little good bye before she searched for Matoko. The girl wanted to see him before they had to be silent again. In the class of Miriel...When she found her culprit she started to smiled and darted towards the boy. 'landing' before him. 'HEEY Goldy,' A bright smiled could be seen on her face before she started to walk next to him, putting her hair behind her hair while doing so. 'Looks like I got detention.' Riika sighed heavily and adjusted her bag before heading towards the science building together with the boy.

@KalmiaLatifolia @BobbyW
Makoto barged out of Classroom A-2 the Moment he heared the bell ring, and, although he might not be a fan of Mrs. Miriel, anything, ANYTHING, was better than math, in his opinion, even Science with... that woman. Finally... whew... He headed directly towards the science building of Kyoto High, when he then, coincidently crossed Riika's way once again. "What's up, Kitty-Cat?"

He returned the smile she gave him, and added a Little wave to his greeting. "Yup... uhh... are you going to attend to that?" The reason Makoto asked was basically, to Change her mind, in case she's too stubborn, to give in. Miriel was no-one to be messed with, he could see that.

once he noticed rin leave the class connor hugged her form behind "hay rin" He said smieling as he contineud to hug her he treated her like a little sister "remember me" he said smileing covering her eyes smileing. He continued to wait for her to speack up

@Zyra Charlotte
Riika chuckled and slapped him on his back. "Meow," she laughed and gazed at the massive building in amazement. "Yeah I am going to attend it, I don't want my school life spending with a nagging hag." The girl rolled her eyes and started walking next to Matoko some closer. She had to admit that the feelings she got from him were something she enjoyed.

Makoto laughed at Riika's Imitation of a actual cat, and analyzed the science building of which they were now in front of, himself. "That's probably for the best, really, that woman's no joke..." The Boy rubbed the back of his head, and noticed how Riika closed the small gap bewteen them, by moving closer to him. Frankly, he did enjoy just generally being near her. ...I'm still not sure if she... actually likes me too... But, she didn't back down from the hug.. so i guess that's a... yes? maybe? ugh.... The two of them were now about to enter the Science building, on their way to Mrs. Miriel's class.

The bell to signal the class was over couldn't have come sooner. Relief washed over Yumi as she packed away her things, just glad to leave. The worksheet given to them wasn't the hardest; but with her earlier mistake being pointed out by Ryuzaki, she was a lot more on edge than usual. So getting rid of that sheet was a complete blessing.

Getting up, Yumi paused to glance around the room. The teen in front of her has already left, and she was just about to chase after him when a familiar mop of black hair caught her eyes. With a wide smile, the brunette practically skipped over to Aaron, wrapping her arms around his shoulder. "Hello you!" She greeted, squeezing him gently. "I haven't seen you all day! Were you not feeling the best?"

@True Queen Ashe

I am interacting with:

I am currently:

The time is:

The boy filled out the worksheet with ease and when he finished he worked on his homework. It took him only a few minutes but when he completed everything he returned his stuff to his bag and stood up and placed the worksheet on the teachers desk as well as his homework. Once he finished the bell had rung and he left the classroom eager to just get the day over with. He stopped however when Yumi attempted to talk to him. He made an effort to hide his face. "I don't come to school till after lunch remember? Also we saw each other last night. U-Um excuse me."He said moving away quickly heading towards science.

Jean packed her things up and headed down to sciene. 'Great, it's time to learn from the demon.' She thought to herself and looked around. Jean spotted Aaron and Yumi, smiling but then frowned a little when Aaron walked away from Yumi. She ran past Yumi waving and caught up with Aaron. "Hey Aaron what's up?" She asked concerned. @True Queen Ashe
Riika smiled when she and Matoko entered the massive building, they walked towards there class and said nothing anymore. Although it wasn't awkward at all. Just relaxed. The moment the two entered the classroom Riika grabbed Matoko's arm and dashed into the classroom claiming two seats next to eachother. "Is it okay for you to sit next to me?" Suddenly an insecure feeling struck the girl. She had been pulling him around and maybe just maybe she had to ask before she did something. Riika smiled slighltly and gazed at Miriel, she was going to see that face for another hour or so.

The Moment Makoto and Riika entered the Science classroom, the Girl suddenly pulled said Boy towards two free seats, next to each other. He WAS taken by surprise, but, he would've tried to get a seat next to Riika anyway, therefor, there wasn't really a Problem concerning that. "Uhmm..." the Boy rubbed his head... her, ask for permission... seemed odd to him. "Sure, why wouldn't it?" He smiled at her, making sure all of the ossible doubt regarding her question, would disappear.

BobbyW said:
The Moment Makoto and Riika entered the Science classroom, the Girl suddenly pulled said Boy towards two free seats, next to each other. He WAS taken by surprise, but, he would've tried to get a seat next to Riika anyway, therefor, there wasn't really a Problem concerning that. "Uhmm..." the Boy rubbed his head... her, ask for permission... seemed odd to him. "Sure, why wouldn't it?" He smiled at her, making sure all of the ossible doubt regarding her question, would disappear.
Riika rubbed her neck too and shrugged. "I don't know, I am kinda forcing you to be friends with me.." she gazed sheeplishly at the boy and blinked. "I-I mean not that I know I force you.. I-I just force you to like me...ehm you know I am around you everywhere...you don't have a really other choice.." The more she spoke the more her voice faded away. What was she saying! It sounded all so strange...so Riika like.

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