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Realistic or Modern Anime Highschool

COnnor looked t aaron knowing something must be up since he's never like this he got up from his deask and walked towards him "hay aaron wait up" He said putting a hand on his shoulder "hay i just want to thank you for letting me come since you know im kind of a street wise kid i was thinking maybe you can come round my place tomorow the other's are comeing as well" He said smieling as he continued to wonder what's wrong with him "also is there anything wrong?" he said looking at him

@True Queen Ashe
After explaining the Journal project. Jean lost interest in the rest of class. She still wrote down the notes but all she could think about was the Journal. When Aaron came into the class, Jean smiled at him but he just sat down with a sad expression. 'I wonder what's wrong with him.' She thought resting her chin on her hand staring at the back of his head ((I can't remember the seating chart, so correct me if I'm wrong.)) When the bell rang she got up to ask if he was alright but, he was gone. Jean sighed, and just sat at her seat waiting for the next teacher to come. @True Queen Ashe

Omi wrapped up his explaination before the bell rang. "Remember, turn in the Journal if you want extra credit and study your vocab!" He said. He packed uo his things and left before Sato could come into the room. Omi was starting to give him the silent treatment, though Sato probably won't mind it since he too was avoiding Omi. He doesn't know why but after class he started to become really mad at his purpled haired friend. 'Ugh, I rarely get mad! What is my problem!' He thought to himself his eyebrows furrowed. @Suzumaki Arakai
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(Text in this color indicates Gaelic speech. Or at the very least, accented English.)

Kyoto High School. It would be her new school. Blair didn't know what to expect, but from what her father told her, it sounded like a nice place. It was a sort of boarding school like her previous school, but she doubted it'd be anything like St. Agnes, partly because of one irreplacable person, but that was all in the past. She'd only get nowhere fast by thinking about it too much. To be fair, forgetting a farewell with a beloved other was difficult even for her. Even now, several weeks past that fateful day, her present was clouded by her past. As her eye took in the unusual Japanese skyline, every building her uncle's car passed became the stone walls of St. Agnes and the face of every woman she saw became her face. Every sound she heard was laced with taunting whispers of her name. You left Alexis....You broke her heart...

"...Tavish!" the boisterous voice of his uncle Max snapped her back to reality, her senses going back to normal. She could now see that the car had fully stopped and that they were evidently within the expansive grounds of her new school. How long did she fade out?

"Yes, I know...We're here," she replied, with a barely noticeable hint of melancholy in her tone. Predictably, he didn't notice it and shrugged it off.

"Well, I'll take your stuff to your dorm room, whichever it is. You should get yourself sorted out with the administration or whatever the bloody hell is in charge of this place," he suggested. Blair couldn't help but smile at both her uncle's consideration and his decisive use of casual profanity. That level of cussing is far beyond her, maybe she could convince him to teach her.
Education in profanity. I can only imagine, she wistfully remarked as they both exited the car, uncle Max heading for the trunk to begin heaving her bountiful luggage. Before that, though, Blair gave him a compassionate hug of gratitude. What followed was an odd squeak of surprise from him.

"I must thank you, uncle Max. For everything," the crass redhead eventually gave in and hugged her back.

"Ach, it's nothing, lass. Least I can do for ol' Gwendolyn is taking care of her kin, eh?" he replied with that airy jovial voice of his. After several straight seconds of hugs, the two broke away and headed off, Blair to the main school building and Max to the dorms. First day of school once again.


Suzumaki was paying attention and taking crappy notes in class when suddenly she noticed Aaron enter the room; sending him a goofy wave. The boy didn't seem to pay attention though; he just darted in and sat down.

She continued with what she was doing before until the bell rang then she shot up and darted out of class...but then she came back in because they don't switch classes and she forgot.

Sitting down at her desk again she gave a funny smile then pulled her Math Book our of her back and plopped it down on the desk.

"Yoshaa!" She began writing the date and her name at the top for some reason.

@Class @True Queen Ashe


Ryuzaki just did what he always did; he slept. Once the bell rang he stood up and left the room to go smoke a quick cigarette before Miyamura Sensei's class starts.

Once he was on the rooftop, he sat down in the usual spot and lit one up; relaxing. After a little while, he finished the cigarette and put it out, placing the butt in his pocket then heading back down to class. Ryuzaki sat down in his seat after running his hand through Yumi's hair; front to back.

@People @Leaf Fi

Miyamura Sato

Miyamura waited in his office a little bit after the bell rang..."I'm not going until there's only one minute left!" avoiding Omi was his main priority at the moment. If he saw him he'd probably flip over a desk or something...not flip the desk over, flip over it.

Once there was only a minute left, Miyamura stood up and darted to class with his things in hand, throwing them onto the desk after entering.

Looking at all the students, he smiled.

"Evenin' class. Evenin'? Eh, oh well. Today we're not going to do anything to difficult, we're just learning calculus." He then approached the board and picked up a piece of chalk.

The first things written down were the simple basics and, of course, your typically cliché term, "What is Calculus?"

The man turned his head with a creepy smile, "Better take notes, I'm not stopping for no one." He continued on and soon the bell rang.

Ichigo looked wilted but happy at the same time since she got to see people again walk into the classroom. Sh forgot about Suzumaki answer to her question but, she just tell her later. She sighed relieved and just looked at the teacher. Actually, it was more of a glare.

Hinata blushed slightly, humming softly. "Well, our next class is Calculus, so maybe you can help me in there, and I can help you in here?" The silver-haired boy stated, standing up and gathering his things. He was definitely going to do that journal, after all, it gave him an extra boost anyway. As they walked, Hinata began to chat a bit. "Math is one of my worst subjects, if that surprises you. Usually, when someone is good at one subject, they aren't good at the opposite of that subject. If that makes any sense."

Kameko sat in the classroom, continuing to clean her camera again. She did this... A lot. The blonde haired girl often tried her best to keep her camera as clean as possible. Despite her personality, she's actually quite the neat freak. She likes things being clean and in the right place so that she can find it easily. She had lost interest in school a long, long time ago. Impressively enough, she's learned to teach herself through the homework she was given. Kameko soon finished cleaning the camera and sighed, wondering what to do. She then saw the red headed boy. "Koichi... Right?" She mumbled to herself, thinking it was right. She quickly ripped a piece of paper out of a notebook and writing, "Hi! :3" Before crumbling it and somehow managing to throw it onto his desk.


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"pssst Kameko pssst kameko" he said looking at her wondering if she heard him he didn't forget meeting her he wondered if she till remembered him. He then begun to look at her he smield glad that even though thay only met eachother at lunch she was so energetic then as if she treated him like a childhood fraind. He continued to smile wondering still if she heard him

drummerboi said:
"pssst Kameko pssst kameko" he said looking at her wondering if she heard him he didn't forget meeting her he wondered if she till remembered him. He then begun to look at her he smield glad that even though thay only met eachother at lunch she was so energetic then as if she treated him like a childhood fraind. He continued to smile wondering still if she heard him
Kameko turned her attention towards Connor and beamed. "Connor!" She whisper yelled, not wanting to get him into trouble. She had her chin resting on her hand. Her brown eyes staring at his in amusement. "What's up?" She asked, still smiling.
Satsuki grabbed his stuff when the bell rang and headed off towards their new assigned classroom. Ugh Calculus, the only subject I am bad at. The he searched for people he already met, but couldn't find any close by so the boy just wandered alone towards the lesson. I guess that they are already in the class. When he arrived he quickly sat down on his chair and looked behind, somewhere there sat Hajime, he knew that. Satsuki felt slightly guilty about what he had said about her uniform. He tried to make eye contact, scared that he may have insulted her. @Corgi

Riika arrived in the class and sat down, she was naturally good in this subject and could just lean back the whole time. Another energetic teacher...great. She sighed and leaned her head on her hand. The girl quickly gazed behind her to Matoko, but didn't make eye contact with him. She was tired from the day and only wanted to sleep, or eat. CRAP. She slammed her head on her tabled and grunted. I HAVE DETENTION. She had asked around about Miriel and all students said the same: ''Attend to the detention or she will burn you alive,'' Riika may be a bit of a delinquent but she wasn't stupid. Guess I have to sleep here then

@None yet
COnnor looked at her smieling "im good thanks and nothing much how have you been its been a while since we talked" he said wispering smieling at her he really liked that attitude of her's always smieling and happy go lucky he liked evryons attitude at tiems and it made him feel safe here like nothing can possibly go wrong

Kenta smiled "Of course I will help you Hinata." He picked up his things and walked out with him. "Math is my best and English is my worst." He laughed. "I guess we are opposites that way. But we balance each other out." Kenta added with a smile as he looked at Hinata. @Zero Gravity
Hajime sped out of the room and into Calculus. For some reason, she was mad. She didn't remember and/or knew why. It was just.... There. Once she arrived, she huffed and stared at her desk, thoughts filling her mind. When she felt eyes in her, she looked up slowly, staring at the owner of the stare, which would be Satsuki. She didn't say anything, she just stared. For some reason, she didn't feel annoyed anymore. It just suddenly dispersed. Hajime said nothing and continued to stared right back at him.


When she heard the bell, she slowly started to pack up. "I've been great!" She said, using her usual, loud voice. "Wanna go to Calculus?" She asked, continuing to smile as bright as ever. Kameko put her camera over her head.


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Miyamura Sato

After the bell rang, Miyamura looked around the classroom and tapped the board. "Get this written down. I feel bad for the students who aren't here to take notes right now." He gave the students a minutes to write it all down, once the bell rang he stood back up and began writing about "How to find the instantaneous change of various functions."

"Alright, I'm erasing this. Hope you've got it all down."

Satsuki smiled a bit when the girl stared back...and stared...back..only..stared. At this point he became a bit confused and wanted to avert his eyes from her, which he didn't. He tried to make some signs in the air, but that just ended up looking stupid. The boy rubbed the back of his head and finally turned around, and back again. He blinked a couple of times and decided to join her little stare competition. @Corgi
Connor smiled at her "sure i guess" he said as he then begun to walk to calculus with her he then looked at the camara "hay do you ever think of becomeing a photographer im being seriuse you take good pictures i kind of have this hobby when i take pictures of arden flowers i have this beautifle sakura tree at home and i maniged to take one at sunset" he said smieling @Corgi
Corgi said:
Kameko sat in the classroom, continuing to clean her camera again. She did this... A lot. The blonde haired girl often tried her best to keep her camera as clean as possible. Despite her personality, she's actually quite the neat freak. She likes things being clean and in the right place so that she can find it easily. She had lost interest in school a long, long time ago. Impressively enough, she's learned to teach herself through the homework she was given. Kameko soon finished cleaning the camera and sighed, wondering what to do. She then saw the red headed boy. "Koichi... Right?" She mumbled to herself, thinking it was right. She quickly ripped a piece of paper out of a notebook and writing, "Hi! :3" Before crumbling it and somehow managing to throw it onto his desk.
Koichi was looking out to the sky, even though his seat wasn't particularly close to the window, there were times he would do that and be completely oblivious to everything around him. Kameko's note worked as some sort of wake-up call to the guy, who took some time to answer. "Hey! Aside from drawing, you can can also take photos?! So cool! I wish i was this skilled ヾ(゚д゚)ノ" and when he realized it was already time for Calculus. He was going to deliver it to the girl, but she was talking to another boy, and he definitely didn't want to interrupt the two. So he put the note in her hand, and winked. After that the red-head walked away in a carefree manner.
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Hobbesisalive said:
Satsuki smiled a bit when the girl stared back...and stared...back..only..stared. At this point he became a bit confused and wanted to avert his eyes from her, which he didn't. He tried to make some signs in the air, but that just ended up looking stupid. The boy rubbed the back of his head and finally turned around, and back again. He blinked a couple of times and decided to join her little stare competition. @Corgi
Hajime did he best not to smile back. When he did the air signals, she glanced up, furrowing her eyebrows before quickly looking back down at him. When the turned around, she sighed and was about to look back down but he turned around and she stared again. She never noticed before, but his eyes were pretty. Before she could stop herself, she said, "Your eyes are pretty." When she realized what she said, her face turned bright red, but she continued to stare.
Kameko walked beside him, listening about the photography hobby he has. "I want to be a photographer. I've been told that my photography skills are amazing and so I've come to think of it all. No need to be modest. Also, that's awesome! I love taking scenery pictures. Taking pictures is what helped me develop my drawings as well."

She said, starting her rambling spree. She could probably talk for hours if anyone was willing to listen. Right when she opened her hand to gesture, she felt paper on her hand. Kameko looked over at it just to catch Koichi winking at her and walking away. She blushed lightly and laughed. The blonde quickly unravelled the paper and read it. The few sentences written on it made her smile even wider, if possible. She was really, really happy then... For some reason. She kind of knew why, but she literally just met the boy. 'Doesn't mean I can't have a crush.' She told herself, silently thanking herself for not thinking out loud.


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Connor listend to her that was one thing he was good at listining to people to what thay have to say but once she opend up te papper he sighed. He felt almost evryone has crushes and what about him. He didn't have a crush or someone haveing a crush on him. It was only the second day for crying out loud how desperet are these people..... He then continued to smile at her forgetting his thoughts for now "Anyway you were saying im listining" he said smileing

The Moment Makoto's Math teacher, Sato-Sensei, entered their classroom, The Boy completely zoned out. Not that he didn't enjoy the one Teaching Math, No, it was the subject that just completely destroyed his Attention span. Ugh... i just can't take any of this right now. The male had himself a stare-off with the front board, at least trying to act like he was actually listening to Sato. A few words actually managed to enter his mind every once in a while, but definitely not enough to understand what was going on at the Moment. Calculus... his... that... evenin'... hard...

It was like he just went through a Portal, into a completely different world.

Corgi said:
Hajime did he best not to smile back. When he did the air signals, she glanced up, furrowing her eyebrows before quickly looking back down at him. When the turned around, she sighed and was about to look back down but he turned around and she stared again. She never noticed before, but his eyes were pretty. Before she could stop herself, she said, "Your eyes are pretty." When she realized what she said, her face turned bright red, but she continued to stare.
Satsuki thought that they were in the middle of a stare battle when suddenly the girl said something. He blinked and was immediately caught of guard. Because he didn't excpect her to say something like that, it was Hajime after all. The boy quickly brought his hand to his face to avoid the blushing. He was normally the one who gave the compliments. To give them was easy, to earn them was another story. 'Eh? Thank you.' He mumbled almost unable for her to hear.
[QUOTE="Suzumaki Arakai](( Guys you should join the RP I made with Aero and Hobbit!...well Hobbes.))

((I'm probably going to join. ^-^))

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