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Realistic or Modern Anime Highschool

Kenta smiled and sat next to Hinata. He liked having a friend in class he can talk to. "Oh what's this?" Kenta looked down at his desk and saw a map. "Interesting for writing class." He added. Kenta couldn't help but smile. "If it's drawing I may need your help." @Zero Gravity
Hinata smiled back, humming softly. He studied the map for a moment, before his mouth formed an 'o' shape. "It's a map of the school, oh. I'm totally keeping this!" He stated, hair swishing upwards as he brought his head up to look at the other. He then went red as he saw a girl standing there staring at them. "Oh, did you see that? Nevermind that, actually, completely erase my idiocy from your mind. Anyway, I'm Hinata!"

@Zyra Charlotte

"Suzumaki, Suzumaki, Suzumaki" Jethro said before looking the opposite direction. There was nothing else for him to do and the boredom was getting to him. A few more moments, and he would just jump out the window to miss the whole lecture . . . if it was even going to start. Jet kept his gaze away from the orange haired girl though. Hopefully he could get away with it. He didn't blame it on Jean this time around.

@Suzumaki Arakai

Suzumaki turned around, shooting her wide eyed gaze right at Jethro as he stared off in another direction. Confusion swept over her but she continued to stare at the boy; determined. "Maybe he's telepathic!?" She then sharped her stare, furrowing her brows as her fingers rubbed her temples.

She was trying to send telepathic waves as well, "Jethro...I can hear you! Can you hear me! Beep boop bop boop!" She then shut her eyes really tight, continued to massage the sides of her head, "Jethro!"

Jethro quickly glanced at the orange haired girl to see what her reaction was. What . . . is she doing? He thought to himself while slightly raising a brow. Suzumaki's eyes were tightly shut as if she was about to explode. "Suzumaki, are you okay?" The teen questioned a bit concerned for the girl. She was in a state he had never seen her in.

@Suzumaki Arakai
"I'm Kenta" he added after Hinata introduced himself. "Map of the school?" he was confused as to why they got it but ignored it quickly after. @Zyra Charlotte

Suzumaki continued to strain as her eyes closed even tighter; suddenly Jethro spoke again and her eyes shot open along with a large smile. "I heard him!" She sent him a thumbs up, "I'm great! This is so cool!? Say, say, what am I thinking!?" The girl was oblivious...she actually hoped to get an answer as she stared at him; both hands balled up from excitement.

Letting out a little whisper, "Come on, come on!" the girl continued to stare with anticipation.

"Probably school policy or something. I dunno," Hinata shrugged, folding it up and putting it in his pocket. He would most definitely need that later. He looked up at the teacher, then looked back at Kenta. "What's up with the teachers at this school? They're so chillax about literally everything. Someone literally walked out of the classroom and the teacher said absolutely nothing. Not like it was unusual though. He shrugged again, leaning back and relaxing in his chair.

@Zyra Charlotte

Jethro noticed Suzumaki whisper something, but couldn't quite hear her due to their distance away from one another. " . . . Hm? What'd you say?" He asked while tilting his head a bit. It was a known fact that Suzumaki wasn't really one to whisper her words. Is something wrong with her? Jet thought while examining her clenched fists.

@Suzumaki Arakai
Ichigo looked at Suzumaki, "Are you trying to read his mind or something?" She asked as her as she waved to Jethro. She sighed as she said to Suzumaki. "Look, I can read your future with cards, Would you like that?" She asked as she looked at her red face. She might as well explode an eyeball while she was with Jethro

@Suzumaki Arakai


When Jethro spoke up Suzumaki's smile faded a little...she tilted her head a little, "Y-...no....wha-...." the disappointment rendered the poor girl speechless. Her arms dropped and dangled as she slightly hung over the side of the chair; looking up really quick she shot Jethro a pouty face but also a bit of a glare as she then faced forward and began jotting something down on a piece of paper.

After she finished, she balled the entire page up, turned around, and launched it at the blond boy. Doing this was necessary because Suzumaki either whispers...or yells. There is no in between so it was either she whisper and not be heard...or speak normally and be heard by the entire class. On the paper it read, "Was it telepathy!?" and a few hundred angry faces scattered all around. She began to pout on her desk when suddenly Ichigo spoke up towards her. Suzumaki turned to face the girl and smiled, then turned back around and wrote on another piece of paper; tossing it at her once she finished.

It reads,
"No, no. We were speaking to each other with our minds! Maybe...I don't know yet..."

Kenta nodded in agreement. "I know, I thought it was a tough school." he added looking at Hinata leaning back. Almost muttering the words be careful, but bit his lip. "As long as I don't get a bad grade because of their lack of teaching, that's all I care about." Kenta said. A yawn escaping from his lips. "Sorry. I guess I'm a little beat." he smiled. @Zero Gravity
As soon as Kenta finished his yawn, Hinata let out one almost exactly the same. "Don't worry, I'm tired too. I stayed up for a while last night doing homework," the silver-haired male stated, blinking his eyes slowly as he tried to get the laziness out of them. His eyelids were quite heavy, he really just wanted to lie down and never pick himself back up. He would rather sleep for ages wrapped in fluffy blankets than actually go to school and do work all day.

Ichigo smiled at her and said, "Well, I can do your fortune and help with questions, if you want that is." She replied. She sat down between them, just in case of them wanting to have a fortune. She knew that Suzumaki was loud and she was trying to be quiet which was cute of her to do. "I have a pack cards here..." She offered to Suzumaki. "You too, Jethro..." She added half jokingly.

@RyanJXavier @Suzumaki Arakai
Kenta laughed at the yawn. "Contagious no?" he smiled. "I'm always up late at night. I know how you feel." Kenta added. He never slept much. Always just working out and homework. If it wasn't for school he'd sleep the day away. Kenta then poked Hinata. "Stayyy awake." he said smirking. "If I can't sleep here you can't either." He added in a joking tone. @Zero Gravity

Suzumaki somewhat forgot about the telepathy deal with Jethro once the girl mentioned fortune telling; she almost jumped up out of her seat but held it in, although, the urge still remained. Sending a nod towards the girl Suzumaki giggled with excitement and tightened her fists once again.

"What do I gotta do?" She added with a confident narrowing of the eyes.

@Kawaii @RyanJXavier
Jethro was now really concerned about Suzumaki after seeing her sudden change of facial reactions. What's going on with her? He thought before catching the paper ball with one hand. After straightening the page out, Jet momentarily eyed the angry faces that surrounded the main message. "Was is telepathy?" The teen silently read to himself then shot a glance at the girl. "No, don't be mad though" Jet wrote down onto the crumpled paper. His hands then pressed the paper down onto the desk in attempt to straighten it out. He folded it in a few areas to create a paper airplane that would probably be able to reach Suzumaki despite some crumpled areas. Ichigo's voice caused Jet to look over at her for a moment. "Nah I'm okay. Thanks for the offer though" He replied with a slight smile that followed right up. With that, Jet threw the paper airplane over to Suzumaki. To Jet's surprise, it stopped right on the girl's desk.

Ichigo replied, "Just sit here and ask anything to me " She said as grabbed some cards out of her pocket and shuffled them like if she was in a casino or something. She then asked, "Ask away..." She said as she payed all her attention at Suzumaki.

@Suzumaki Arakai

Suzumaki nodded as she was then about to ask a question when suddenly a paper plane flew and landed on her desk, she turns and looks at Jethro in amazement then shoots him a 'good job' kind of thumbs up. Opening it up the reverse of how it was folded she reads the inside; tilting her head she wrote back down, "Don't be mad about what?" Of course...she has forgotten. Lifting up out of her chair a little, the girl makes a daring attempt to throw the plane back but forgets to let go...

On her next try she lets go too soon...

And on the third try she finally got it; the plane soared over to Jethro...and a little farther, landing a little bit behind him. Suzumaki then fist pumps the air and looks back at Ichigo, "Okay...let's see. Where did my yakisoba bread go? I couldn't find it after I went to help Jethro earlier." the girl whispered these words...somewhat loud but it works.

Jethro watched Suzumaki's three attempts to throw the paper airplane. He leaned in his seat once it landed somewhere behind him in order to pick the paper airplane up. After unfolding the paper, Jet quickly read through the words then looked back over to Suzumaki. Hm, nevermind. Jet thought to himself figuring that Suzumaki would forget about the paper airplane soon as well.

@Suzumaki Arakai
Claire looked over to Jean and chuckled lightly "Yeah, I'm Claire, nice to meet you" she then turned to jet raising her brow slightly at his 'maybe' before returning the smile to him then turning her attention to the map she had been given.

@Aero @RyanJXavier

((Sorry for late reply I fell asleep ;- ;) )

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