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Realistic or Modern Anime Highschool

"Blehh! I don't wanna!" Hinata whined, the mop of silver hair he had slinging back and forth vigorously. He pouted once more, whining softly as Kenta poked him. "The teacher hasn't even started class yet," he stated, but it was muffled due to the fact that his face was buried in his arms.

Kenta laughed at Hinata's whining, he was very much the same when he was tired and wanted sleep. "Hin-a-ta." He said softly. "must stay awakee." Kenta thought he was being annoying. He couldn't help but laugh. @Zero Gravity

Suzumaki continued to wait for the answer as to where her yakisoba bread might be. She had looked very hard for it but just couldn't seem to find it...at one point she thought that maybe she ate it but couldn't remember so the search just continued on.

"Ya-ki-so-ba! Ya-ki-so-ba!" The girl cheered on in her mind; pumping her fists along with the beat.



Ryuzaki stared off into space on Omi Sensei's face as he bounced his eraser up and down on the desk. After a second he snapped out of it and looked up at the clock..."Tch...this class always feels like forever." He then began to rock back and forth on the two rear legs of his chair.

@Leaf Fi @Aero

Miyamura Sato

Miyamura was now in his own classroom, teaching his fellow students the lesson that will be taught in class A-2 as well.

((Oops I forgot to start class yesterday sorry!))

Omi was writing vocabulary on the board saying they'll have a vocab quiz every Friday on the vocab he'll give them. "Also, I have an extra credit project. For extra credit starting Sunday I would like you to write a journal about your school day and your life out of school up until summer vacation. After summer, you have the choice of doing the journal again up until the next break or not. Each entry needs to be at least a paragraph long whether it's some boring details or something interesting. I will not be reading these, I will just look to see if you did an entry each day and it is a paragraph." Omi said looking at the students. "You will receive fifteen extra credit points each journal you complete. So it's an easy A for you writers out there."

Jean listened to Gurīn-sensei her eyes sparkling. 'An easy A just to write a journal! Awesome!' She thought smiling.

Ryuzaki furrowed his brow at the teacher's words, "A diary?" with a click of his tongue he leaned forward on his desk, resting his head in his hands with a sigh. "Screw that. My grades will be fine." Which is fairly true...Ryuzaki keeps up with his work but has never done extra credit assignments. He's smart but doesn't use it to his full potential because he doesn't give a shit.

Makoto quickly took the pen, he had prepared earlier from his desk, and started noting down the vocabulary, that Omi wrote on the board. ...A Journal?... huh... well i guess i can at least try it.

After finishing the vocabulary words, Makoto pulled out his phone out of his pocket, and quickly set an Alarm for himself, reminding him to actually write the said Journal. It's not that he wasn't reliable, or forgetful, but since he was actually showing some Kind of interested in the whole diary Thing, he just wanted to be completely sure.

The male then placed his phone back where it belonged, and continued listening to Omi, his gaze shifting over to... Suzumaki, every once in a while. The conversation with her earlier really made him view the her from a whole different perspective.
Claire listened to what Omi had to say and took down notes. A journal, huh? Claire's grades have always been pretty good, but she supposed it was only a journal, which seemed more fun than work, she might as well give it a try. She looked at the clock, it wasn't near the end of class at all, she puffed out her cheeks as she took a brief look around the room.
Riika let her gaze shift over the teacher but didn't really pay attention. A Journal? She shrugged and grabbed her notebook. Not to make a journal, no just to doodle a bit. If I could time travel... The girl sighed and looked back to see Matoko, then she looked at Suzumaki and all the others. It was an fun class to be in, but they were all so silent when it came to school. She doodled a couple stupid things and silently wished that the time fled by.

After a while of...'Actually paying Attention to the teacher' Makoto was... quite frankly, bored out of his mind. The Boy briefly excused himself, claiming that he'd 'Needed to use the restroom'

stood up from his chair, and exited the Classroom. He wasn't going to just skip the whole class, that would be a bit suspicious after all, no, he was going to return near the end of the period.

Wow... skipping class?... i think my parents finally managed to rub their... General urge to just break rules.. off on to me. The Boy rubbed the back of his head, and just started wandering the halls, while sinking into his thoughts.
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Riika was done with doodling and looked up as someone shove his chair and left the room. Of course she had noticed that that someone was Matoko. Without thinking the girl raised and excused herself too. "Gotta pee," before Omi even awnsered she ran to the door and followed Matoko. Not that she was going to follow him into the boys restroom. She chuckled and searched around for him. When she saw the figure of the boy Riika quickened her pace at full speed and ran past him. "So Goldy." She smiled. Leaning against the wall when suddenly another femine voice could be heard. Riika quickly jumped into the girls restroom and waited for Miriel to pass. Which didn't happen. Crap

@BobbyW @True Queen Ashe



Mrs. Miriel was walking towards one of the classrooms reading a rather good book when she noticed a student out fo class, way past the normal time a student should be wandering the halls. She swiftly altered her course so that she stood in front of the improper student."Mister Makoto, why are you out of class? Also tuck in your shirt. If you are heading to the Men's Restroom, it is right behind you. I implore you to make haste back to class before I am forced to give you a swift punishment." She huffed and adjusted her glasses. However she looked around the boy as a girl came running up. However she seemed to be heading to the restroom so Mrs. Miriel gave her the benefit of the doubt and continued to glare at Makoto.

Currently I am: Scolding Mr. @BobbyW and Miss @Hobbesisalive

The time of day is: Class time, not mine.

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Let me guess... that's Ms. Kitty-Cat, following me. A smile was beginning to form on Makoto's face, when he then discovered that the Girl was indeed Riika, who was approaching him. He turned towards her, when suddenly, another... familiar voice... stated his Name. "O-Oh.. uhmm.. Hello.. Mrs. Miriel..." ..Damnit... not HER! The Boy had a defeated look on his face, when he then turned his head towards said woman. Really, tuck in your Shirt?.... "Yes... Mrs. Miriel..." He stated, in a rather monotone voice, now moving back towards room A-2. He turned his head back, wondering where Riika went,. ...What the hell?....

But quickly continued towards the classroom.

@True Queen Ashe

Riika sighed and didn't want to go back to class at any costs. So she left the restroom and walked next to Matoko, but when they almost arrived at their own class she grabbed his sleeve and pulled him further. Pretending they had class somewhere else. "Ah our classroom was upstairs, haha I forgot that there are restrooms too!" The girl said laughing, shotting a gaze at miss Miriel before walking up the stairs. Dear God let her believe it.

@True Queen Ashe




Mrs. Miriel started escorting Makoto back to his class when the girl had come out of the bathroom. MIriel also gave her a stern look and began to escort both of them lecturing them both on their course back to class. When Miss Riika suddenly grabbed Makoto's sleeve and brushed Miriel aside she let out a gasp."Why I never! No Miss Rikka your class is right here, Reading/Writing with Mister Obi Gurin! How dare you try to deceive me that is detention, see me after my class Miss Riika!" She opened the door to the class and shoo'd them in. "MY apologies Mr. Gurin I found these two wandering the halls. Miss Riika attempted to deceive me so she now has detention. Please attempt to issue out bathroom passes when you dismiss your students." She then swiftly left the classroom. With a huff she returned to her book and made her way down the hallway.

Currently I am: Bringing @BobbyW and @Hobbesisalive back to class.

The time of day is: Class time. Not mine.

Makoto just nodded from time to time, giving a few "Uh-huh"'s as a reaction to Miriel's lecture, when then, Riika approached him, pulling him towards the stairs, and giving the Teacher a sad excuse, on why she did so ...Of course she didn't buy it. Makoto sighed heavily, and then moved towards his seat once more, after listening to the woman's... Explanation, to Gurin. God! she makes it Sound like we're criminal's! The Boy exchanged a quick glimps with Riika, once at his desk, and decided to just start doodling a few drawings into his Notebook. "....I hate that woman so much..." The male mumbled to himself, Once Miriel actually left.


@True Queen Ashe
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Riika frowned and just sat down at her desk, ignoring the female completely. Ha as if I am going to show up! Riika was a nice girl and would mostly do thing for others, even when it meant that she had no benefit for it. Or if it worked in her negative. But the girl hated everything on school and around. She didn't care about grades, teachers and lessons. Well lessons could be okay and most of the time Riika managed to get a 'mwah' grade which balanced on a positive and negative. But she wasn't going to show up for a old hag like that!

@True Queen Ashe

Hinata continued to complain, however, as soon as the teacher began to talk his head shot up. He let out a quiet snicker, sending a sly wink and paying attention to the assignment that was now on the board.

[[ Sorry, Fourth of July stuff is keeping me preoccupied. ]]

(( No worries haha it's understandable. we all have lives. well not me xD ))

He smiled back at Hinata, and looked at the board. "Vocab. joy." he said writing down the words to study. "I won't be doing that extra assignment. I'm not good at a lot of writing." he added. He leaned back into his chair and stretched. Kenta whispered. "Are you going to do that journal?" @Zero Gravity
Suzumaki Arakai]((I've just been here reading everyone's posts xD my life isn't much better lmfao [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/18336-nickonthereg/ said:
@NickOnTheReg[/URL] ))
>.> I posted to you...
"I'll probably do it. I'm really good at writing. This is probably one of my best subjects," Hinata whispered, humming softly as his blue eyes shifted over to look at Kenta. It was better if he went ahead and did the journal. If something happened and he got a really low grade, that journal would help him severely.

"Oh you're lucky, I'm terrible at writing. Math is my best subject." Kenta said. "I won't let you get a bad grade. I got your back." He added. Kenta quickly turned a bit red. The words kinda flowed from his mouth. @Zero Gravity

I am interacting with: No one.

I am currently: Attending my Writing/Reading Class.

The time is: The end of Writing/Reading Class.

Aaron woke up with the soft sound of his alarm. He groggily got up and turned it off. He then stretched and made his way to his large bathroom and took a shower. After he had dressed in his uniform he moved towards his messenger bag and he realized he had slept in his mansion instead of in his dorm. "Oops..." He said laughing at himself nervously. He finished packing and made sure to tuck his essay away. Once he was finished getting ready he went down stairs for lunch. He was met as usual, by his Butler.

"Sir, the Mistress wishes to speak to you.[/color Aaron let out a massive groan and moved back up the steps and headed for the study. Once he entered he dropped into a seat inf ront of the desk that his Great Aunt was sitting behind.

"I don't want those commoners in this house again. In fact I don't want you going anywhere near them again. It won't due to have a man of your station talking to such common filth." Aaron didn't say anything but inside he was screaming. Still he was taught at a young age to not let his emotions show so he just stared at her with a blank look. "And to ensure you will stop interacting with the common rabble and you'll be focusing on your studies. I will be placing my brother as the new school principle, as such, his son will be attending the school." The moment she finished Aaron got up and left. He slowly stepped down the stairs and made his way to the dining hall. The usual lunch time feast was set out for him. He lost his appetite, as a matter of fact he felt sick. He sighed and just left the room and wandered back into the entrance hall and walked out the front door and got into his limo. It took him back to school and back to the place that used to matter to him. He sighed once more and made his way to class. The lunch period was almost over so he made sure to arrive in class on time. He looked out the window in Obi's class and didn't pay attention the whole time.

The moment the bell rang he moved out before any of his friends could speak to him and quickly rushed towards their next class.


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