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Realistic or Modern Anime Highschool

Hobbesisalive said:
Satsuki thought that they were in the middle of a stare battle when suddenly the girl said something. He blinked and was immediately caught of guard. Because he didn't excpect her to say something like that, it was Hajime after all. The boy quickly brought his hand to his face to avoid the blushing. He was normally the one who gave the compliments. To give them was easy, to earn them was another story. 'Eh? Thank you.' He mumbled almost unable for her to hear.
Hajime broke the stare and looked anywhere but at him. "Y-your... Welcome." She mumbled. Why did she say that? What the hell was wrong with her at the moment? Her face was warm, her head was spinning, and her heart was beating out of her chest. 'Am I dying?!' She thought, taking a few deep breathes and calmed herself down. 'What is this feeling? God, this is so weird.' She thought, using her hand to cover her mouth, preventing her form saying anymore.
drummerboi said:
Connor smiled at her "sure i guess" he said as he then begun to walk to calculus with her he then looked at the camara "hay do you ever think of becomeing a photographer im being seriuse you take good pictures i kind of have this hobby when i take pictures of arden flowers i have this beautifle sakura tree at home and i maniged to take one at sunset" he said smieling @Corgi
Miyamura Sato

Miyamura stopped writing on the board and sat down in his chair at the desk. "I'll give you time to write this down while we wait for a few other students."

He began typing on the computer.

Corgi said:
Hajime broke the stare and looked anywhere but at him. "Y-your... Welcome." She mumbled. Why did she say that? What the hell was wrong with her at the moment? Her face was warm, her head was spinning, and her heart was beating out of her chest. 'Am I dying?!' She thought, taking a few deep breathes and calmed herself down. 'What is this feeling? God, this is so weird.' She thought, using her hand to cover her mouth, preventing her form saying anymore.
Satsuki acted exactly the same as Hajime, looking everywhere but there and finally turned around in his chair. He was suddenly very interesting in maths and quickly took the notes from the board. Don't think, just write. The boy leaned his head against his hand and became a little bit calmer. What the hell just happened?
Yumi hadn't even noticed the boy in front of her leave the room; once the bell had rang she was straight into the History work that was left for the class. It was quite a lot, and she wanted to try and head to the closest store that evening to buy something for all her friends, so the less work she had to finish, the better. The brunette could smell Ryuzaki however as soon as he entered the the room once more, and she winced, her nose wrinkling.

"Really?" The girl pouted. Honestly, it could be taken for either the fact the teen smoked or that he, once again, ran his fingers through her hair. She'd let him guess the difference. Before he could answer though, Yumi was already on her way to the next class. She took her seat, jotted down the notes alongside the others, and just zoned out from there, really.

@Suzumaki Arakai



[QUOTE="Suzumaki Arakai](( Guys you should join the RP I made with Aero and Hobbit!...well Hobbes.))

(( I shall be joining, don't your worry your pretty little head! ))

Ryuzaki just smiled a little at the girls sarcastic, "Really?"

The boy listened as Miyamura Sensei explained calculus; Ryuzaki already knew everything about it. He figured he'd take notes while he was at it though.

After bit, Miyamura sat down and gave them time to get everything down while waiting for other students to arrive to class.

"Surprisingly I'm not one of them...huh."

He then turned around and looked at Yumi, then down at her notes. "They're neat."

@Leaf Fi
Yumi just about finished after the words from the teacher; so she concentrated on getting the last of them onto paper. Normally, she wouldn't take so much time or jot everything word for word; but Maths wasn't really her subject, so she'd take all the help she could get. After a moment or two, the girl finished her last sentence and exhaled in relief. Yumi straightened herself in her chair, catching Ryuzaki's eye momentarily before he examined her work. 'Huh?' She coughed to catch his attention, raising an eyebrow curiously.

@Suzumaki Arakai

Ryuzaki looked up at the green-eyed girl and pointed at her paper, "They're neat." he repeated himself, following it up with a secondly smile before returning to a blank expression.

"But..." he said as he then turned her noted to face himself; examining them.

The boy pointed at the top of her notes that explains about 'What is calculus?' "You got the formula on linear functions right here mixed up with the one for the quadric functions."

He then looked back up at her and raised a brow back like she did him, "Were you rushed?"

@Leaf Fi
The girl didn't raise any objections as soon as her notepad was turn in Ryuzaki's direction, but her blood ran cold. The 'but' filled her with both dread and intrigue. At the explanation, the palm of her hand immediately slapped Yumi's forehead and she sighed softly. Sheepishly, she glanced back at Ryuzaki, "Maybe a little..." She admitted with an embarrassed smile. "Thanks for pointing it out... I'm not the best at Maths, after all." The girl turned her notes to face her once more, and set off to fix them.

@Suzumaki Arakai
Jean wrote down everything on the board writing it down. 'This is boring.' She thought. She started to zone out on her notebook.

Ryuzaki chuckled and shrugged, "You don't look like the type." of course he's joking but she doesn't need to know that. He turned around and faced towards the front again, listening as Miyamura began to write on the board once more.

@Leaf Fi

Miyamura Sato

Miyamura stood up and gave a nod to a few of the students before continuing to write about 'derivatives and functions'.

"We do, don't we," Hinata smiled, blushing slightly as they continued the walk. Calculus was a bit boring, but at least Kenta would be there to make it interesting. They had become quite good friends over the course of the day, and he would enjoy it even more if they became even better friends. I mean, after all, they had learned a lot about each other.

Kenta smiled as calculus was going by. He was very happy he met Hinata and can't believe how much they clicked and got along so fast. "The work doesn't seem that bad." He whispered to Hinata. "Are we done after this?" He added with a smile. @Zero Gravity
Riika was laying with her head on the desk and silently napped the time away. Only managing to be awake due to the sound of scribbling pencils over the paper. The girl closed her eyes and smiled, somehow she felt really good. A feeling like nothing could go wrong this year. She just had to be sure that she well...kept attending this school

Hinata nodded, his silver hair bouncing up and down. "I think so..." He whispered back, biting his lip a bit as he watched the teacher. He wrote the important things down in his notepad, tapping his pencil on the notepad quietly.

"Want to go grab some food after this?" Kenta asked Hinata. "My treat." He added. With Kenta's size he got hungry rather quickly and often. He took his notes, and looked at the clock. Letting out a yawn and stretching, cracking his back. @Zero Gravity

I am interacting with: I was talking to @drummerboi , but now I'm alone.

I am currently: In class.

The time is: Class time.

Aaron forgot that unlike in America, they stayed in the same classroom and the teachers rotated. Still, he didn't want to go back in just yet he needed to mull things over in his head. He heard a voice from behind him, it was that Connor kid. He nodded to the thank you and shook his head at the request to come over to his house. "I-I can't... The Mistress banned me from talking to... Everyone..." He pursed his lips and looked away sadly as he quickly moved past Connor and moved back to class. He quickly returned to his seat and pulled out his notebook to take down notes. He avoided the looks coming from his friends and just focused on his work. Something fell on his note book and smudged his writing as he moved a hand to wipe his cheek. He adjusted himself so no one could see.

Miya was in class, copying down all that Sato-sensei was writing on the board. As she reached for an eraser, the table shuddered for the hundredth time in the day, and she hastily settled it with her unoccupied arm. Just her luck she had landed with what seemed like the only unbalanced desk in the classroom. Granted, it was bearable if she invested the full weight of her right arm on the table, and she could always sacrifice one of her rubbers to wedge below the shorter leg, but the thought of it would present another problem: which, if any, should she use? She hadn’t any particularly disposable ones—quality over quantity, she always went by—and the pack of novelty dessert-shaped rubbers a younger cousin had given her a few weeks ago were too meticulously well-modelled for her to ever think about condemning to an existence spent beneath a table leg.

Recalling the past few days, she couldn't believe the speed at which they dived into their scheduled routines; orientation had occupied barely any time, and their teachers had bundled them off to their dorm rooms immediately afterwards. Most of her classmates had hit it off with everyone else; one guy had been whispering to another silver-haired guy just a while ago, and it sounded like something fun, judging from their faces. Save her emergence for classes and meals, Miya had been well-nigh invisible; she had been in her room, and little time for socialization had remained after the finishing touches to her room décor, a few miscellaneous errands, a glance in at the expansive library, traversals of the labyrinthine corridors while deaf to the world and listening to a Gumi song the auditory equivalent of an epileptic attack—the rest of the school, from what she had seen, was as vibrant and cheerful as she had anticipated. Here, by contrast, the atmosphere was dull and drawn. Miya had done this coursework before, and she had worn each and every question in the textbook threadbare; each line, each instruction that appeared on the board she predicted long before it came, and little time passed before she, too, found herself mired in the monotony that a roomful of lacklustre gazes and impatient pen-clicking could not previously get to her.

Sato-sensei paused again. Miya dropped her pacer. She let out an impatient sigh, and stretched against the back of her chair to relieve her neck of its strain. Her desk toppled to the side again. Shuffling back into position, her eye fell on the ponytail of a blonde girl sitting in front. The girl who'd left English for the bathroom, apparently, and hadn't returned until much later. If there had been a scene, she hadn’t noticed. The scratched notes in front of her called for her attention, and she unwillingly gave it; it was boredom, pure and simple, and in one of her favourite subjects, no less. She was probably a weirdo for that alone. Amongst the woolly haze of thoughts flitting in and out of her mind, one rose, sharply defined, to the surface:

my earphones. I need them.

She hadn't had the opportunity to immerse herself in her playlist for hours, and every neuron of her brain, roused by the sudden thought, was joining in a jarring onslaught of protest; returning to school was almost emotional whiplash in a sense, and it wasn't that she didn't like her studies—not at all—but rather that, for the first week at least, the prohibition of music in class would maintain the rift of separation for unbelievably lengthy periods of time. She would be at her desk, slowly suffering through the torment of withdrawal. Dare I? But there's a Mendelssohn trio I really wanna listen to! Her fingers inched to her pocket; halfway there, they stopped. The situation wasn’t ideal. Her earbuds were white, and would be plainly visible against her hair. She was placed in quite a prominent position. Sato-sensei didn't seem like the type of teacher who would forgive the usage of anything that could become a distraction, either. No use for aggravating him this early on.

The blonde girl shifted in her seat. Miya resumed her writing. Her brain was stagnating in the simplicity of these concepts, and she itched for her music, for the liberty, even, to begin the exercises on the next pages of the textbook. Ugh, she thought with displeasure. I hope he gives us something interesting soon.

(First post, so it's very long. Riika, Hinata and Kenta are mentioned up there. @Hobbesisalive @Zero Gravity @NickOnTheReg. Also, @Suzumaki Arakai I'm sorry, I had Sato-sensei pause in his writing for purposes of flow. ._.)
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Riika was thinking about the events that occured the two days. Just a week ago she had been living with her parents, not caring for anything at all. And about a year ago she was trying to conquer Otani, which succeeded and ended in him having an affair. The girl sighed between the sounds of pencils on paper. Was she the only one barely managing to keep her eyes open? Her chair creeked a bit as she adjusted her position in the desk. Behind her Riika heard some creecking sounds too. She looked up and turned around, facing a girl with brown hair that met her shoulder. It looked like she was planning to grab her? Riika followed the gaze of the girl and saw a white dread leading to earbuds. Was she trying to grab those? Again she shifted her gaze towards the girl and back towards the earphones. Quickly she turned around in her seat, ripping of a piece of paper writing: -Want me to grab those? >_<- Now the only thing that must been done was delivering the paper to the girl. With a quick throw over her shoulders, Riika managed to let the paper fall on the desk of the girl with not too much sound. Gotcha

Miyamura Sato

Miyamura looked back and forth between the clock and his work, turning around to face the students he handed out a worksheet that was to be finished by the end of class and another that was for homework.

"The rest of what you do is up to you. Of course though, if you don't do this worksheet and turn it in by the time the bell rings; it effects your grade. Remember that." He then returned to his seat and sat down; slapping his head down on the table in thought.

"I wonder what Omi's doing...wait, wait, no! Stop it! Miyamura!....stop it!"

He began pulling at his hair, which caused his ponytail to go all out of wack.

@Aero @Class
Jean blinked when she was handed the worksheets. 'Great.' She thought and started working on the one due before the end of class. Jean looked at Miyamura-sensei before starting her school work. "Um, Miyamura-sensei are you alright?" She asked tapping her pencil on her cheek. @Suzumaki Arakai

Omi sneezed. "Excuse me class, now..." He said and continued on his explaination.
"That would be nice. Thanks," Hinata smiled, a slight pink rising to his cheeks. He hadn't had anyone treat him to food in awhile, especially a friend, so it was quite nice. He then quieted down as the teacher told them they had to work on that worksheet. He began to answer some of the questions on the sheet, pausing every now and then to give himself a break.


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