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Realistic or Modern Anime Highschool

"Jean, I saw that" Jethro began to say while leaning back into his seat. In his peripheral vision, he could see Claire scanning the area for the paper throwing suspect. Jet didn't need to elaborate on his blame though. He could just build off of Jean's reaction. Hopefully his plan would work out.

Connor then saw jethro "Your invited to jethro your like a bro to me" He said as he then looked at him "want to come round mine the other's are comeing too" he said as he smiled he was becomeing more and more happy by the muinite he ryu made him realise he had frainds and rin only made that absolutly sure he felt happy for once in his life he felt happy but still those feelings are still there and sometimes he might be depressed in some day's but he knows suzumi jean rin and even dear yumi will always be there for him always


Suzumaki looked over at Connor and smiled, "Hey Conooooor!~" she held out his name with a laugh then listened as he spoke with a smile. He looked happier than usual, "Maybe he hit his head again?" she thought as he then asked is she would like to join the others in visiting his home.

Chewing on her thumb nail she sighed, "I don't know...if my papa doesn't come in than sure!" She gave a soft toothy smile.

Her dad lives in America in which he owns many bars around the country; then man likes to travel...Anyways, he only comes in sometimes because he also owns one bar called 'Shady's' down here in Japan; plus he loves his daughter and wants to check up on her when the chance is available.

@drummerboi @Aero
Jean blinked when she heard her name. "What?" She said looking at Jet behind her. She was too busy staring at the map before hearing her name. She looked at Claire who was looking around. "Jet what did you do?" She asked looking back at the blonde boy. Her brown eyes were narrowed but she had a smile on her face. @Nonalaka @RyanJXavier
"Hm?" Jethro looked over at Connor then paused for a few moments to register what Connor had just said. "Invited to what? Where? When?" The teen questioned while slightly raising a brow. Within a few seconds, Jean's voice intercepted Jet's attention. " . . . nothing. I was just studying this map until I saw you make a sudden movement. Kind of distracting, ya know?" He explained while smiling a bit.


Ryuzaki was still asleep when the bell rang; he intended to wake up before so but that didn't work out too well. After a second, a sudden buzz came from the phone resting in his pocket. Wondering who it was he pulled it out with a yawn and read the messages, not message, messages. In his inbox was:

Re: Sakura

"You still wont answer me!"

Re: Toni

"Aye man, wanna get drunk!?"

Re: Sakura

"Fine then."

Re: Kouta

"Hey, Toni wants to get drunk."

Re: Sakura

"Honey! I'm at your school! I'm outside! Come rescue me babe!"

Flipping through each message he just sighed...but then there was that last one. His eyes shot open as he then stood up like a mad man; almost knocking his chair back onto Yumi's desk, and darted out of the classroom with a wave towards Omi Sensei, "Sorry Sensei! I'll take whatever you throw at me, I just gotta go!"

@Aero @Leaf Fi @Class
It took Claire a moment to process the situation as she looked between Jethro and Jean before her eyes stopped at the blonde haired boy, she had seen that trick 100 times before in her old school. "I believe this is yours?" She said to the boy, holding up the piece of paper in her hand and raising a brow.

@Aero @RyanJXavier
"To my place tommorow around after sch-" he said as he then saw ryu's troubled reaction he then went towards the teacher "sorry snesai i need to use the bathroom he then tailed reu wondering where he was going he then went up to him "hay ryu you okay you seem torubled is there anything i can help you with?" he said looking at him to be honest even though he was a prick he knocked some sence into him "I kind of want to thank you you'v knocked some sence into me even though i still have those thoughts and some day's i might be depressed i know i have frainds here so are we even" he said looking at him lending his hand to him "so what seems to be the problem"

@Suzumaki Arakai
Jean rolled her eyes and chuckled. She looked over at Claire as she tries to hand the paper back to Jet. "Hehe, seems like Claire didn't fall for it." Jean said. "Your name is Claire right? I just assumed it would be since your name was on the board next to mine on the seating chart." She continued. @Nonalaka

Omi blinked and watched as Ryuzaki and Connor left his room. Ryuzaki just walked out, at least Connor gave a reasonable excuse. "Okay..." Omi said blinking. He looked at the rest of the class. "Anyone else wants to leave the class?" He said jokingly.
Rin saw a new girl talking to Jean.She walked over to them,said hi to Jean and the newbie. @Nonalaka
"Y-you're fine!" Hinata blushed again, opening the door and stepping inside. He didn't know if the teacher was in there, or even if they had started class yet. He went and sat down in the first empty seat he saw, patting the seat next to him for Kenta to sit down in. It was nice having someone to talk to, because he was a bit socially-awkward. After he had warmed up to friends though, he could be outgoing and friendly.

Jethro paused and eyed Claire for a moment, " . . . maybe". He glanced at the paper before hearing the sensei call the class's attention. "Nope. So, what are these maps for?" Jet questioned in order to escape Claire's questions. The teen smiled at her momentarily though. He'd probably get to know her better a bit later.

Ichigo looked outside, daydreaming as her eyes seemed to see light years ahead of time. She snapped out of it as she made an quick paper football. Ichigo was bored out of her mind at that time, the teacher just standing there, her waiting for some instructions. She threw it at Koichi, it read, "Wanna play some paper football?, Sincerely, Ichigo S. " she had played paper games since elementary.


Ryuzaki was running down the halls when suddenly Takanashi Sensei told him no running in the halls; he slowed down to a speedy walk. Even as Connor appeared by his side the boy never once slowed down; he just listened with a furrowed brow.

"It's nothin' just leave it alone." He spoke in a low tone; not meaning to be rude or anything...that's just how he is. After Connor thanked him he sent the boy a nod, waving his hand. "Yeah, yeah. Thank me later though." As he darted around the corner; the school exit came into his line of view, edging him to speed up.

Once out of the school building he began running again and headed for the school gate; leaving Connor behind. Suddenly a tall, blond woman popped her head out from behind the school's surrounding wall and gave a large wave, "Baaaaabyyyy!~" the girl yelled as she ran towards the now halted Ryuzaki. She jumped on him, causing them both to spin around as Ryuzaki struggled for balance. His face looked disoriented as she hung from his neck; placing a hand on her face to guard the kiss she attempted. He pushed her away and furrowed his brow, "What the hell are you doing!?" his voice wasn't raised or anything...it was more of a low, low growl due to him gritting his teeth. The girl just pursed her lips and spoke with the voice of a pouting child, "Aww come on baby, don't be like that! I'm here for you! Don't you wanna see me?" she asked with a tilt of her head; arms still around Ryuzaki's neck.

Connor tailed him and listend "is that....a girl...hmmm maybe a ex of ryu's *sigh* il only interfear if she dosn't leave" he then noticed she was toching him he then knew she wasn't leaving "Hay your not in this school it's best if you leave before the teacher comes" He said as he then begun to walk towards the girl hopeing she would leave he then continued to look at the girl. She was kind of hot what made ryu dump her in the first place. Maybe it was her clingyness. "also its best if you take my advice" he said to her not in a rude way he atculy wanted her to get out of this not hirt

@Suzumaki Araki
"The maps are just for those who are still finding their way around the school. You can do whatever you please with them, I was just required to give them to you." Omi said. @RyanJXavier
Kawaii said:
Ichigo looked outside, daydreaming as her eyes seemed to see light years ahead of time. She snapped out of it as she made an quick paper football. Ichigo was bored out of her mind at that time, the teacher just standing there, her waiting for some instructions. She threw it at Koichi, it read, "Wanna play some paper football?, Sincerely, Ichigo S. " she had played paper games since elementary.
Koichi wasn't paying any attention to his surroundings, when suddenly he got hit by the paper ball, the boy looked around confusedly and shortly after wrote an answer to the girl "Please don't laugh at me, but i don't know how to play this (*´д`*) Mind teaching me though?, Yours truly, Koichi I." and threw it back at Ichigo, feeling a little bit bashful for not knowing how to play it

Ryuzaki looked back at Connor who was approaching him and Sakuragi; it was also a good way of dodging another oncoming kiss as he continued to push her away. He was somewhat relieved when Connor stood up to the girl but at the same time he knew that she'd never let it go.

The girl let go of Ryuzaki and stepped towards Connor who was just a bit taller than herself, "Excuuuuse me? Learn how to speak to someone whose older than you. Got it kid?" she said; her broken bag dropping to the ground once again due to tying the strap pieces back together in a lousy fashion.

Ryuzaki raised his brow and placed a hand over the girls mouth to keep her from talking even more than she already does.
"Sakura. Leave." he said with a stern look. The girl puckered up again and attempted to look cute, "But baaaby! I lo-" her demeanor changed when she then saw Ryuzaki's terrifying expression; almost stopping her heart. She then picked her bag back up and left in a hurry, stopping once more at the gate with a long wave.

"I'll see you around baby!"

The tall boy then face palmed and let out a long-drawn sigh; squatting down to relieve the horrifying strain the girl caused on his neck.

"Thanks man..." he spoke towards Connor as he returned to standing up straight. Heading back towards the classroom, his blunt face returned and it was almost as though nothing ever happened.

He and Connor bother returned to class and Ryuzaki took his seat.

@Aero @drummerboi
Jethro looked back at the teacher and nodded, "Got it, thank you". Wonder what we're going to do next. He thought to himself before opening up his notebook. His hand withdrew a pen from his pocket to prepare for the excessive notes they were probably going to take yet again in that class.

"Oh hey, Rin." She thought as she then saw a paper football with Koichi not knowing how to play. "Oh well, I guess teaching him won't be bad" she said as she chuckled. She sent him a paper air plane with instructions on how to play. It read, "1) Just throw it to the goal or to me. And your ready to play!( =' v '=)." She threw him the paper football with a note, "Throw it in the goal on my desk...".

Ichigo looked up at Rin who was asking about the paper thing. "Oh, it's just paper football, nothing to special. You can play after this quick game." She explained.

@Zyra Charlotte

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