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Realistic or Modern Anime Highschool


The boy wasn't necessarily expecting her to give him the phone but he showed no reaction as he then pulled his phone out of his own pocket and transferred each others information through infrared; all this while hanging his head upside down.

Sitting back up he turned a little and handed Yumi her phone back then returned to facing the front. Looking down he could be seen typing something but only by people in front of him or beside him. Once he sent the message he waited for any type of reaction.

The message read: "The back of your skirt has been lifted all day."

Of course Ryuzaki's actually just pulling the poor girls leg because he enjoys her facial expressions and reactions.

@Leaf Fi
Rin stared at everybody,once again.It's most she does everyday,like 70% of her activities.Sighing,she takes out her phone and decided to play a game.
Yumi gladly took back her phone, locking it before placing it back into her bag. The red colour from her face had finally disappeared; the only evidence it was ever there being a light dusting of peach across her cheeks. Even so, it was barely noticeable. The brunette took her pencil into her hand and began to work on the History homework that had been assigned when her phone began to vibrate.

"What...?" The girl's brows furrowed as she leaned over to collect her phone once more, reading the message with pursed lips. By the end of the sentence, a gasp escaped her throat and she dropped her phone on her lap, both hands darting to the back of her skirt. "Y-you..." Yumi's face went cherry red once more. "You're horrible!" She whined, one of her legs raising up before kicking the back of Ryuzaki's chair, face now hiding behind her hands. Of course, she knew it was a lie, but God was she still embarrassed by the possibility.

@Suzumaki Arakai
"Do you wanna walk to class together? I have absolutely no desire to walk alone anyway," Hinata stated, shrugging softly. He was still a bit red from when the other said that he could come and see him in his dorm any time he wanted to. He began to walk, slinging his bag over his shoulder with a smile. "Come on slowpoke!" The male chided, snickering softly.

"yeah im good and thank you i do appreciate it" He said as he then looked at her "My name is Connor Connor Gray and no im not from Fifty shades of gray" He said jokingly laughing a little "What's your name" He said as he then looked at her wondering if she would tell him

@Zyra Charlotte

Ryuzaki started laughing as soon as she kicked his chair; turning around halfway he dropped his head for a second, laughing, then moves her hands from her face. "Chill out. It's a joke kid." a smile was still slightly plastered on his face, not a big one though of course.

He then turned back around and decided to leave the poor girl alone; laying his head down on the desk and closing his eyes to wait for class to start.

@Leaf Fi
Kenta laughed at Hinata's remark. "Coming speedy Gonzalez." He responded with a smile catching up to match his pace with Hinata's. He put his shoulder bag around him. His legs sore but didn't stop him from walking at the others' pace. "What subject is it anyway? Kenta asked. He completely forgot what the schedule was but that's not new for him. @Zero Gravity
Jethro put his head down on his desk and waited for whatever it was to happen. There wasn't really anything going on at that moment that caught his attention anyway. Well, I can do my history homework? He thought to himself before lifting his head up and taking out what he needed to complete that assignment. Doing that was better than doing nothing. With that thought, Jet began to work on his homework.
"I'm not totally sure," Hinata stated, humming softly as he thought about it. "I guess we just pick the classroom where there are the most people we recognize, and then we figure it out from there?" The silver-haired male shrugged, eyebrows furrowing as he thought about what class he was going to next.

Yumi just pouted in response to her hands being dropped. A mixture of anger and embarrassment was contained in her eyes, and it was a battle on whether or not to keep wide eyed or narrowed. The brunette chose the latter. "Really? 'Cause the joke was so funny I-" The sentence hung in the air for a moment before the teen shook her head madly, refusing to finish that sentence. Enough trouble had come from those words already. "I'm not a kid..." That was better; the words were gently muttered, just audible for the other to hear as he faced the right way once more

@Suzumaki Arakai
"Um...You dont' want to know trust me" He said looking at her she was so innocent. He then looked at her "Hay im was going to thinking since we both have problems maybe we can both help eachother out" He said smieling at her he then rememberd "oh i remember still owe you a hug" he said smiling hugging her properly this time smieling

@Zyra Charlotte
Claire let out a yawn as she looked around the room, looking if there was anyone to talk with, she did spot yumi and would have made her way over to talk if that rude boy from before wasn't talking with her, Claire crinkled her nose up a little as she rested her head on the desk, giving a sigh of defeat, this making friends thing was so difficult.
Kenta started peering into the classrooms as they walked by and then saw theirs. "This one" he said grabbing Hinata's arm to stop him from walking. Kenta then let go fast and turned red. "S-Sorry." He added looking down. "I saw it last minute and stopped quick." @Zero Gravity
Jean walked into the classrom yawning. 'Next class is reading and writing, yay!' She thought with a smile. This was pretty much the only class she liked, well, she starting to like gym but only because Mitsurgi-sensei is awesome. Jean sat down in her seat in front of Jethro and got out her notebook for the class and a pencil. She opened up to the page where her notes stopped. @Anyone in the classroom

Omi watched as students started to walk in. The first bell rang, and he stood up grabbing the maps on his desk. He went around putting a map of the school on each desk.
Ichigo's eye brightened, then her shooting out of her seat like a mad person. "Yay....okay" she said as she sat down on her seat. Awkward. She sat down as put her stuff on her desk and buried her head into her arms.

Jethro managed to finish about a fourth of the history homework before the teacher began to pass out the maps. The teen put his other work away as he shifted his gaze around the room. Who looked like someone he could mess with? Jet crumpled up a small piece of paper and threw at some girl's head while the teacher wasn't looking. He quickly looked away though so as to not get caught by anyone.

"haha you can't be any more right" He said as he then let go off her "hay want to nip in my room for a bit i made some rice cakes before i came here want to try one" he said smieling as het hen looked at hte girl she seemed like him in a way shy quiet and kind thay could be best frands

@Zyra Charlotte

Suzumaki suddenly had the urge to use the bathroom so she shot up and darted out of the classroom to do just that. Once she was there she once again took the largest stall and did her business.

After she finished cleaning up; washing her hands and giving herself a wink in the mirror, she left the bathroom and began heading back to class until she noticed someone outside the window. It was girl standing outside the gate; wait for someone? "Why would someone be waiting for someone this early?" Suzumaki looked over at a nearby clock and figured she had enough time to help the lady out.

Once she made it down there she tapped the lady on the shoulder; startling her a bit.

"Hi! Nihihi!" She beamed up at the tall woman with her hands locked behind her back, with a tilt of the head she spoke again. "Are you lost!? If so I can help! Shishishi!" The first bell rang through the school building but the short girl didn't hear.

The tall, blond lady stared down at Suzumaki with a snobbish look for a split second then forced a cheerful smile upon her face.

"Um...aha-ha...no thank you. I'm just waiting for someone." turning away she begins digging through her purse only to pull out a stick of lip-gloss to smear it all over her face...no not literally.

"Uhm...school wont be over for a little bit y'know? If you're waiting for someone from here that is." Suzumaki wasn't meaning to pry or anything but apparently she was being annoying because the lady furrowed her brow and looked down and her, puffing out her chest, "Listen kid. I don't need your damn help, got it? Now get the hell out of my face!"

Suzumaki didn't flinch when the girl raised her voice; she just sat there and continued to smile then when she finished talking she gave a nod, "Un, got it." Quickly, the short girl jerked the bag from the ladies shoulder; breaking the strap, and threw it on the ground, giving it a thorough stomp. She then made her way back to class, "Sorry Gurin Sensei!~ I was helping this nice cat-lady!" she said as she darted back to her seat and looked down at the map.

@Aero @Class
Claire was idly daydreaming until something hit her on the head causing her to quickly sit up, she looked at the piece of paper in front of her, picking it up to examine it before narrowing her eyes and scanning the room to see if she could spot the culprit.

Connor suddnly became quite happy he felt like a millian buck "why thank you i guess i an be abit of a gordan ramsy swearing included" He said with a genuin laugh "excuse me one moment" he suddnly went towards suzumaki "hay su...zuuuumakiiii want to come round mine tomorrow yumi and the other's are coming it's going to be awsome" he said smileing at her almost beaming one. "Im so excited i could jump on the desk and sing" he said smiling at her hopeing he wasn't weairding her out.

@Zyra Charlotte @Suzumaki Araki

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