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Realistic or Modern Anime Highschool

Emiko didn't get a chance to offer to pay before he paid for her. Then he just walked away so she followed behind him quietly. She enters when the song ends and looks at everyone. She smiles at them all then sees Kazue. She makes her way over to him and smiles.

Kazue nodded to Jean and watched Suzumaki sing. She was pretty good. Everyone was pretty good to him. He looked at the door when Emiko and a guy he hadn't met before walked in. He raised a brow and looked at her.

"Hey, Em. Gonna sing?" he asked her already knowing his answer.

Jean not looking up from her phone to make sure she doesn't mess up the video, chuckled at Jet's joke. "Yeah, well I'm not a big fan of being up front with a blonde guy and a ginger head girl on his shoulders. Brings too much attention." She said. Jean didn't mind joking around with Jethro, well it was more Jethro joking than Jean, her jokes sucked. Once Suzumaki was done, Jean hit the stop button and saved the video. She looked over at who Suzumaki was pointing at and sighed. It was Ryuzaki, the guy who kissed Yumi. 'Dun dun dun.' Jean thought. @RyanJXavier @Leaf Fi @Suzumaki Arakai
"I love this song! you made a great job!" congratulated Koichi "May i go now as well?" asked he, giggling. Koichi then proceeded to do the usual voice warming exercises, which were just a bunch of weird noises, and the red-head didn't really believe on its efficacy, but still did them as a good luck charm. "Well then, I'll sing Not like me"

I want to see you

Can’t even stand here, be here

I dashed out of the house

To the weekend city

The centre of the car’s horn

In response to these

Earnestly overflowing emotions

I just wanted to hit it

For me to be

So obsessed with you, it’s crazy

Some (screw) is loose (somewhere)

Heart’s accident


Not like not like (not like) me (me)

I’m not my usual self

Losing my calm, I can’t control it

Is this (is this) romance? (romance?)

Just thinking of you

Makes these passionate dopamine

Dash through my body

Just let me

Scream your name! Yeah!

When I find you

What kind of things should I say?

Just seeing you

Will surely make me frozen

In the gaps of the crowd and noise

Just being able

To meet with the one I love

Is happiness

Wiping away my sweat

And panting hard, satisfied

The refreshing (wind) blows at (me)

Filling up my heart


Not like not like (not like) me (me)

More important than the answer

I don’t remember when I started running with all my might

This is (this is) romance (romance)

Feelings from an innocent me

Unable to hold you in my arms

I can definitely feel it now

Just let me

Scream silently! Yeah!


Not like not like (not like) me (me)

I’m not my usual self

Losing my calm, I can’t control it

Is this (is this) romance? (romance?)

Just thinking of you

Makes these passionate dopamine

Dash through my body

Just let me

Scream your name! Yeah!

The boy couldn't help but think about Aiko when singing the song he chose
Aiko sat in one of the booths and watched Koichi sing. It was quite hypnotizing and... awesome. She felt her heart beating abnormally faster than usual and she felt her cheeks warm up. 'This isn't even about me..' She thought, but there was some hope in her heart that made her continue to blush.

Suzumaki took a spare seat beside Ryuzaki who was sitting next to Jean.

She looked up at him a little, "Hey, hey. What's your name?" She asks with a blank but curious expression.

After he answer she announces her own name to him and begins telling random but funny stories.



Ryuzaki had seated himself at the nearest couch; he didn't like all eyes on him because it gets him irritated.

Without noticing he had sat down with rooftop girl and her friends he continued to stare down at the floor with a blank face with a slight bit of regret.


He was lost in thought until shorty sat down beside him and began interrogating for his name. He raised a brow and spoke up, "Tanaka...Ryuzaki,"

His voice was low as he spoke.

After a second he realized that if the short one was there then that means so if rooftop girl, he looked over and noticed her somewhat sunk down in her seat then smirked to himself after looking back down at the ground as the short one began talking about random stuff.

@Leaf Fi @RyanJXavier @Aero
No wonder it started to smell like smoke. Jethro thought to himself before standing up. "I'm gonna get a drink" He said to Jean before exiting the room. Jet knew that he could just drink in the room, but then drink service would take a while and bla bla bla. There were way too many people in there anyway. Well, for the average karaoke activity at least. Jethro exited the room and leaned against the hallway wall before swiftly moving a hand through his hair. The teen sighed while going up to an employee, "Can I get a root beer or something?" The person nodded and quickly walked out of his sight.

Motoharu Jushiro

Was doing his thing; taking orders and fulfilling them when another customer appeared. A blond boy who he was pretty sure had came in with a large group of high-schoolers.

The kid asked for a root beer and he nodded.

"Just a hundred yen sir." He says with a smile.


((Huehue...I butted in.))
Yumi watched the new boy walk up and make a few weird notes with his voice before singing. Of course, Yumi knew that they were vocal exercises, but she still found it a little strange for him to be doing them. He did have a nice voice though... The brunette zoned out for a minute, forgetting her worries with the smoker, before remembering a question Jethro had asked her earlier, but she was distracted and didn't answer. "Oh!" Quickly, she shifted in her chair, facing the spot where her dorm mate was. She frowned, watching him leave. Didn't he know who had sat beside them...? Yumi sighed before standing up, following after the teen in a rush. She spotted him talking to a nearby employee and sighed in relief, heading over to him. "Something up?"

@RyanJXavier @Suzumaki Arakai
Jean looked away at Ryuzaki. The guy maybe a douche but she should't make him an uncomfortable douche. Jethro left to go get a drink, leaving the three girls and Ryuzaki. Jean looked at other people who were singing trying to distract herself from the smell of smoke. "So... Ryuzaki. I never say you as a singing type of person." Jean said trying to make small talk and an actual conversation instead of crazy Suzumaki talk. Yumi then left leaving Jean alone with the douche. Oh, and Suzumaki. Great. @Suzumaki Arakai

Ryuzaki had already zoned Suzumaki out and was just staring away at the ground when he noticed blond boy leaving then rooftop girl shortly after. He was about to get up to 'go to the bathroom' until Jean spoke up.

"I'm not. The pink haired chick was persistent."

The urge to 'go to the bathroom' continued to swell up inside him.

@Aero @Leaf Fi @RyanJXavier

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/57a8c30e0b34d_TanakaRyuzaki.jpg.d523b0ebcd46deb101733437171b53bb.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="59012" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/57a8c30e0b34d_TanakaRyuzaki.jpg.d523b0ebcd46deb101733437171b53bb.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Jethro eyed the man for a bit before giving him the money. It was only about eighty American cents anyway. "No, just getting a drink. Did you want something?...Why'd you leave?" He replied looking back at Yumi. His thoughts paused for a bit as he looked at her. It was just at that moment that he noticed her eye color was almost similar to his. ...nah it's just the light. Jet thought to himself before looking back off to the side.

@Suzumaki Arakai @Leaf Fi
Jean nodded. "Oh, okay." She said and looked at her phone, feeling awkward. 'Why am I the one stuck with this guy? It's bad enough I have to sit by him and another smoker in school!' Jean thought. Jean let out a sigh and waited patiently for her friends to return. @Zyra Charlotte Sure but please use the Out of Character chat to ask questions and stuff. Also make a character using the character sheet and you can join once approved)
[QUOTE="Zyra Charlotte]..........Can I-i Join??

Sure! Head to the sign up sheet, and we'll see you here soon!
[QUOTE="Leaf Fi]Sure! Head to the sign up sheet, and we'll see you here soon!

go to bed my child))
[QUOTE="Leaf Fi]Sure! Head to the sign up sheet, and we'll see you here soon!

sleep omg rest your cute little head okay
"No, thank you, I don't want anything. I didn't know why you left, was all." Yumi explained as she rested her hands behind her back. She paused for a moment before an awkward laugh arised from her throat."That, and Ryuzak-... Smoker guy was next to us. I didn't feel comfortable sitting without you there." The brunette admitted awkwardly and lightly scratched at her cheek, glancing to the side.

@RyanJXavier @Suzumaki Arakai


Corgi said:
go to bed my child))
mikko said:
sleep omg rest your cute little head okay
Guys I'm okay omg ))
Motoharu Jushiro

The brown haired man went back and grabbed a root beer then brought it down to the teen; but there were now two students there.

"Here you go sir." He studied the boy for a second and guessed at his age, including the girl. "Are you two a couple?" He asks with an attractive smile.

Before giving them time to answer he speaks up again, "You teens are so lucky, living young. You better enjoy it while it lasts. Tsk, my poor cousin Suzu-chan has no chance at romance." He sighs and drops his head but then notices another teen approaching the stand.

@Leaf Fi @RyanJXavier


He began to tap his foot quickly and eventually got up without another word and left the room.

Stopping outside the door he looked both ways and noticed blond boy and rooftop girl then begins heading towards them; his eyes stayed on the floor.

@Leaf Fi @RyanJXavier


Suzumaki was talking away when she realized that Ryuzaki had disappeared. She then scooted closer to Jean and smiled, "One time! While I was visiting my dad in America...I was seventeen; but, I borrowed my dads car and took it out and when I got done shopping for food I came out and accidentally got in someone else's car and got arrested for it! Why was their car unlocked?"

Jean let out a sigh of relief when Ryuzaki left. But then Suzumaki scooted over and started talking about some car and the wrong car. "I don't know why there car was unlocked Suzumaki." Jean said, since the question was the only part of her friends rambling that she retained. 'Okay I'm kind of missing the smoker guy.' She thought. Jean still smiled though, her friend may be crazy and annoying at times but she can still make her smile. @Suzumaki Arakai
Emiko heard someone mention 'pink' and knew she was being talked about. Probably by the guy who she walked in with. Emiko stood up and looked around.

"I'm hungry." she said and walked out of the room, walking down the hallway and looking for food.

Kazue just sat there. Because that's what he does. And I'm feeling too lazy to make him do something.

"What are you worried about? Jean's a good friend. She and the others were with you there" Jethro responded looking back at Yumi. He received the drink from the man and nodded a thank you. The man's question caught him off guard though. What Jethro thought was the usual "are you happy" question, turned out to be a couple question. "Yes...wait no. No" Jet replied to the man before followed his gaze to Ryuzaki who was heading toward them.

@Leaf Fi @Suzumaki Arakai

She sighed and clicked her tongue, "Me neither. Who doesn't lock their car? I mean I don't but that's me? No oneneeds my car if they've go their own y'know?"


Motoharu Jushiro

The man smiles at the blond boys reaction, "It's just in the air aye?" He looks over at the girl and smiles then looks at the tall, dark blue haired boy.

"Can I help you sir?" He asks with a smile.

@Leaf Fi @RyanJXavier


Ryuzaki overheard rooftop girls statement about him and forced out a laugh to himself, "Wow..." he thought as he stopped near them but looking at the man behind the register. "Sure..." He looks down at rooftop girl, "Rooftop girl, want anything?" He pauses for a second then exhales sharply along with a smirk, "Wait...nevermind, blondie here probably asked you already."

@Leaf Fi @RyanJXavier
Aiko noticed that there suddenly wasn't many people around. She sighed quietly and hug her legs. The room they were in was rather chilly and she often didn't like the cold, but she didn't want to complain so she sucked it up and conitnued to stay quiet and work on her essay.

Suzumaki nodded, "I know!" She begins to bounce up and down on the couch.

With a sigh she looks at Jean, "My cousin is the manager here." She states randomly but continues to hold her smile.


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