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Realistic or Modern Anime Highschool

Rin sat at the Bar,asking the bartender for a bottle of vodka.The bartender looked at her weirdly,but gave her a bottle nonetheless.

She tilts her head; a little confused. "Well...because it's awesome? Right? I was always homeschooled and I lived with my cousin." She squinted her eyes on 'cousin' then went straight back to being goofy. "But then I told me pops to put me in public school! I failed a lot of tests too! In America I failed fourth grade! Can you believe that?"

@Zyra Charlotte
Jean shrugged and nodded. "Yeah. School is awesome." She said but notice the negativity on the word cousin. Jean actually wasn't surprised Suzumaki failed at a grade but played it off like she was surprised. "Wow really? Crazy." Jean said. "So what's up with you and your cousin? Why do you dislike him so much? If you don't mind me asking." Jean asked. @Suzumaki Arakai
Rin drank the vodka,and sulked in in the counter.Deciding she had enough,she asked the bartender if she can bring the half-finished bottle home.She headed to the dorm anyway,not caring if the bartender said no.

She was kicking her feet back and forth while looking around when Jean spoke up and asked about her cousin, "Ah." She looked back up at the ceiling and tilted her head; she didn't really have the words to explain it. "Mah~...he's...how do you put it?"

She then looked at Jean with a smile then proceeded to lifting her pants leg up a little to reveal a couple burn marks on her calf.

After giving Jean a split second to glance at the scars she quickly rolls her leggings back down and gives Jean a goofy thumbs up, "Shishishi, get it?"

she asks, tilting her head to the side in question.

Jucia charges at her sister, knocking her down. She swiftly grabbed her by her shoulders and dragged her outside, throwing her pretty far "Don't eat my cheese cake" she said and walked inside and sat down silently.

Maya sat there wide eyed "well she went easy, shocker" she said and stood up, walking inside and sitting down far from her sister.

Jean stared at the scars surprised. Once Suzumaki covered them again, Jean looked back at Suzumaki. "Ah, yeah I get." Jean said giving Suzumaki the same goofy thumbs up with a little smile. But Jean really want to frown and hug Suzumaki. No one, especially this goofy girl deserves that. @Suzumaki Arakai
Rin sighed and laid down the bed,thinking about today.She smiled a bit,thinking about Jean.She drank the remaining vodka from the bottle and pulled her curl a bit.

She whimpered,upon touching her curl.She knew very well it was sensitive,but pulled it annyway
Jean sneezed. "Hm, guys someone is thinking about me." Jean shrugged and went back to talking to Suzumaki.

Suzumaki was glad to have Jean smile back; the fact that it didn't make her feel bad was good.

"Good!" She continued to kick her feet back and forth then pointed to her back a little, "I have some back there too." Then she pointed to her thighs, "And here." She didn't stop smiling though because she was happy to know that she'd never have to deal with the dumb, brown haired guy titled "cousin" again. "But I got him good I tell ya!" She says with a flex of the arm.

She then stands up and starts fighting the air, "I was like BAM! And then BANG BANG! and I wrapped it all up with a jump, slam and PAPOW!"

Connor walked back to the dorm room obviusly the others would notice he wasn't there anymroe but he wouldn't care. He was getting a bit depressed as he begun to think no one cared Yumi won't ever read that letter thay were all just liers he went into his dorm room and slammed the door. shut. As he then continued to sit on his bed. Again he didn't care if his dorm mate was in there he just wanted to be left alone and nothing else. He got his cd player and begun to listen to more music he plugged his ear phones in just in case he might wake up other students
WakahisaArisu said:
(Hey!! Pretty late, huh? Still got room for another roleplayer?? ^^)
((Yup, just take a look at the rules in the overview tab first, then create a character at the character sign-up, and let someone give you a quick breakdown on what everyone's doing at the moment ^^))
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Aiko sighs as she manages to finish her 6 page essay. All she had to do was 2 but she couldn't sum it up in only 2. She looked around and wondered why no one was singing. "Hm?" She says, eyebrows furrowed as she takes a look around, unsure is she should sing or not. Aiko didn't have the best voice, but it wasn't as if it would make everyone's ears bleed. Aiko smiled at the remembrance of Hajime's singing. She didn't think she'd be the type to be great at singing, but she stood corrected. Aiko sighed and decided she'd go ahead and sing to get the otherse started. She quickly gets on the stage and starts to play the song.

I used to think I was calm

(Is that really true?)

Hey, I’m awake, right?

(Maybe it depends)

It doesn’t feel like I’m dreaming

(That’s right)

This realistic me

These days, just a little

I feel weird

Just (walking) down the long (corridor)

Makes my hearts feel hot

Heart (heart) screaming

In a loud voice (I love you) I love you

As I (think) about you

I open the window, moved to tears

Heart (heart) screaming

There’s (nobody) on the ground

Like I’m the only one in this

Sorrowful romance

People have always said I’m conservative

(Because I hate being noticed)

With such low self-confidence

(Do you like being alone?)

I had no interest in boys

(Like I’m escaping)

I put up barriers

Somewhere, just a little

Maybe I’ve changed

Just (watching) the sinking (sun)

Why does it feel painful?

Heart (heart) swaying

Unable to say (I love you) I love you

Just (speaking) your name

And I freeze in the wind

Heart (heart) swaying

I (can’t) discuss it with anyone

It makes me want to run away, this

Tough romance

Heart (heart) screaming

In a loud voice (I love you) I love you

As I (think) about you

I open the window, moved to tears

Heart (heart) screaming

There’s (nobody) on the ground

Like I’m the only one in this

Sorrowful romance

My first experience

Tough romance
After arriving at the karaoke bar, Matoko sat down on one of the many seats of the room they were assigned for. The place had a comfy touch to it, and the boy found it nice from the employee's to just play along, without making any fuzz about the amount of people that they were, then again, they were the ones making profit out of it.

He heared the others singing in the background, but didn't really put too much attention into it, until it stopped. The male tilted his head up, letting his gaze wander to the stage instead of his phone, and noticed how there wasn't anyone on it at the moment. Matoko thought about maybe joining in, but errased that thought after re-enacting the earlier incident. Even though he told Riika that he would be singing too, he really didn't feel like it anymore, So he was glad when another girl walked up, and dealt with the situation, by taking over herself.

The teen continued browsing through his phone, his gaze swifting over to Riika from time to time, his heart starting to beat a little faster every glimps he took.

@Hobbesisalive @Karaoke peeps
Yumi made sure to fake a smile and look natural as Jethro left, waving her hand as he vanished from sight. 'There's nothing to be afraid of, just calm down. Everything will be okay.' She reassured herself inwardly, glancing up at Ryuzaki.

His comment made her wince. "You really are bad at making jokes, y'know..." Yumi told the taller boy, shaking her head with a sigh. "But yes, I'm sure. I can call Jethro if I need to, and we also have someone here." The brunette shrugged her shoulders before resting her hands behind her back, glancing at the drinks menu. "Besides," green eyes flickered over to Ryuzaki momentarily before studying the menu once more, "I have a feeling you won't do anything to me."

@RyanJXavier @Suzumaki Arakai
As the car pulled up outside the school gates, Claire said her last goodbyes to her family. She got out of the car and went to the trunk, taking out her luggage and closing it again. She watched the car drive off, waving as she did so. She adjusted her bag strap as she began to slowly made her way through the school gates. Taking a deep breath, nervous would be an understament for her current emotion, although she'd never tell anyone that of course. She had a piece of paper with her dorm room on it held tightly in her hands. Her mind drifting off a bit as she wondered if who she was sharing with would be nice or not.

Ryuzaki kind of flinched at her words, "You're really bad at making jokes, y'know..."

He began rubbing the back of his neck and looked away at the menu as though he was going to order something else but then quickly looked back down at her as she spoke with confidence.

It almost looks as though he's pouting, his lower lip stuck out a little at her statement.

"What makes you so confident?"

He asks, returning his hands to his pockets.

@Leaf Fi @RyanJXavier
Yumi turned her attention back to Ryuzaki, a soft giggle passing her lips at the pout on his lips. Dare she say it, he actually looked endearing. With a genuine smile, she tapped her left temple with a finger. "Just a feeling I get." She replied before dropping her hand.

@Suzumaki Arakai

The giggle leaving the girls lips made him furrow his brow as though he was angry; the embarrassment kept hidden.

He pointed towards the menu with his thumb while looking down at Yumi, "...nothin'?" he questions.

After he noticed the man with the manager tag coming back with a Styrofoam cup topped with a black lid he pulled out his wallet and counted out one-hundred and fifty yen. "Tch..."

His mind began to wander off as he took the coffee, he needed to get a new job.

@Leaf Fi @RyanJXavier

Motoharu Jushiro

The man finished making what the tall boy had asked for and headed back towards them, he noticed that the blond student was gone and tilted his head.

"It's a love triangle." Once again he slapped on a smile and spoke up, "Sir! Here is your coffee." He says; placing the coffee down on the counter to take the guys money.

Looking at the girl he leans forward onto the counter, "Can I get you anything little miss?" He asks with a smile.

@Leaf Fi
"Oh come on Kaede. It can't be that bad," Ryu stated rolling his eyes. He had his arms crossed while looking down at his sister. Kaede shook her head to say no. Trying to convince her to go to the karaoke bar was like lifting a 2-ton truck. Impossible.

'Why can't you just go alone?' She typed showing him the message. 'I'll just stay home and sulk over the loss of my basketball game,' she added taking out a carton of her favorite coffee ice cream and scooped a spoonful into her mouth. Ryu looked at her weirdly, determining if she was joking or not. "Basketball game?" He asked. "When was this? Last week?"

Kaede nodded her head and typed on her phone 'Yep! I haven't gotten over it yet.' She focused back on the food in front of her, completely ignoring the groan her brother made.

Ryu gave his sister an are-you-serious look as she munched happily on her ice cream. "Fine. Have it your way. I'll just go alone then," he grumbled going up to his room to change into something that wasn't covered with sweat. He put on a simple tee and some shorts before coming back out of the room. What he saw made him irritated, yet happy. Kaede was standing by the door in a tank and shorts. So I practically begged her to go for no reason.. He thought, annoyed.

She stuck her tongue out at him as he exited. 'What took you so long slowpoke?' She typed, showing me the message. 'I'm driving.' With that, she rushed out the door with his keys. His keys. "Oh hell no," Ryu cursed running after her before she got any closer to his precious car. But, he was too late. Kaede was already behind the wheels.

Kaede snickered as she saw her brother's befallen face. She saw him round towards the passenger seat, muttering something like 'If you get one scratch on my car..'

She just grinned at this before taking off.

Moments later, they were near the woods. Ryu's eyes widen. "Uh Kae, I think you made a wrong turn," he said looking at her, but then regretted that decision. She was pointing a pair of scissors at him. "KAEDE! DON'T TELL ME YOU'RE A PSYCHOTIC KILLER?!" He shrieked like a little girl. Kaede just looked at Ryu with a blank face that say 'really?' She stopped the car as they were almost reaching the end of the streets. She typed on her phone, 'One, I was going through a shortcut and two, I found those scissors lying on the ground on the side of the car door so for precautions, I gave it to you,' she explained with an amused look at her brother.

Ryu just breathed out a sigh of relief. Everything was cleared up now. Suddenly, a glint caught his eye. Kaede was holding a knife in her hand. "WHAT THE HECK?!" He screamed and resumed the pounding of his heart. 'Relax, I just found this on in the car cup holder. What was that doing there?' Kaede typed with a calm expression on her face. Ryu mentally sweat dropped. I can ask you the same thing! That was never there before you got into this car! He thought, but didn't say it out loud.

Moments later, they were at the entrance of the karaoke bar. Ryu had rushed to get out of the car as fast as possible. Who knew what else Kaede could pull from that car? He shook his head as he headed inside the room, watching his classmates. Kaede followed in soon after.

@Karaoke people
"Hmm?" Yumi glanced at the menu his thumb was pointing to and shook her head once more. "No thank you, I'm good." She empathised her point by shaking one of her hands as she took a step away from the menu. Just as she did, the employee came back with Ryuzaki's drink and a charming smile. Yumi watched the exchange between the two before the guy turned her attention to her. "Ah, no thanks. I'm okay for now." She repeated with a polite smile.

@Suzumaki Arakai
Jean was shocked on how Suzumaki was still happy even though she was abused. Jean just smiled and listen as Suzumaki showed where the other scars she had. Jean couldn't help herself but to laugh when Suzumaki started to tell how she fought her cousin. "Really? Sounds like an awesome fight!" Jean said still laughing a bit at her friend's re acting the fight. @Suzumaki Arakai
drummerboi said:
Connor walked back to the dorm room obviusly the others would notice he wasn't there anymroe but he wouldn't care. He was getting a bit depressed as he begun to think no one cared Yumi won't ever read that letter thay were all just liers he went into his dorm room and slammed the door. shut. As he then continued to sit on his bed. Again he didn't care if his dorm mate was in there he just wanted to be left alone and nothing else. He got his cd player and begun to listen to more music he plugged his ear phones in just in case he might wake up other students

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