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Realistic or Modern Anime Highschool


She shrugged. "I... don't have that many..." she admitted, sitting there for a few moments. "And I'm just out here... enjoying the weather anyways." she lied. In reality, she was hunting for the Perfect Guy, but he didn't precisely need to know that, considering he was a teacher and all. He seemed like a nice enough sort of teacher from what she could tell.

((Sorry for not responding, I've been busy))
Claire stretched and gave a sigh of relief as she unpacked the rest of her stuff. "That took longer than I thought" she muttered to herself as she fixed her hair a little and put in a jacket, deciding to go on a little walk to get familiar with the area.

After he took his drink he watched as Yumi politely refused any refreshments.

He began to crave a cigarette and once again pointed with his thumb while looking at her; just at the door this time.

"I'm steppin' outside." He said with a nonchalant expression.

"Doubt she'll follow."

"Wait...what? Why would I 'want' her to follow?"

The girl probably knew what he was going to do but he said no more and waited for a reaction.

@Leaf Fi


After her awesome moves were shown to Jean, Suzumaki sat back down with a laugh.

She then stood straight back up and faced Jean, "You want a drink?" She said while pointing towards the phone on the wall.

"I do! I'll call...room service." For some random reason she said that last part in English.


Miyamura Sato

Miyamura listened as the young girl spoke and nodded, he placed his stack of papers to the side and leaned forward; staring out at the scenery.

"I noticed your classmates went off somewhere. You should have joined them."

He said with a smile, not taking his eyes off of whatever he was staring at.

Jean sighed happily after the good laugh. Jean shook her head. "No I'm not really thirsty. Does this place have food?" Jean asked. She was starting to get hungry. @Suzumaki Arakai
By the time Aiko finished her song, her face was bright red and she left the room quickly, running to the girls bathroom to calm herself down.

Hajime saw this and followed after, wanting to make sure she'll be okay. When he exited the room, he accidentally bumped into someone and fell, "Watch it!" He said, frowning as he got up and looked around, but couldn't figure out where Aiko went. He sighed and rand his hand through his hair and glanced over at Jet, "Why're you standing in the doorway?" He asked. He didn't mean for it to sound as aggressive as it sounded.


Suzumaki nodded quickly and spin around, "I'll order food for everyone!" She said this as the ran towards the phone, leaving Jean by her lonesome.

She picked up the phone and a man answered, before he could asked anything she began spewing out requests.

"Seven large pizzas! Two liters of coke, two of pepsi, two of mountain dew, and one pitcher of ORANGE JUICE!"

Right as she was about to hang up she spoke again, "And cheese sticks."

And now she hung up; returning to Jean she gave a smile and a thumbs up.

"It's settled."


Motoharu Jushiro

Jushiro was watching the two teens as they conversed when the phone rang, he answered quickly and was about to question the customer with the same words he used for every other customer but then a girl began shooting things out at him like it was war.

Quickly he jotted it all down on a notepad and was a bout to tell the girl to prepare the money for when he gets there but she had already hung up.


He let out a sigh and walked into the back.

@Aero @Leaf Fi
Yumi's brows furrowed in confusion. "What? How come?" He couldn't he leaving yet, right? Everyone had just arrived, after all, and they all still had plenty of time left in their karaoke session. The teen began to think, trying to come to a logical conclusion as to why he would be leaving so suddenly, and then it hit her.

"Ooh no. No way." The green eyed girl's lips pulled downwards into a frown, and her hand automatically went up, palm facing upwards, just like the other times. But then she paused, remembering what happened both times when she remained in that position, and she quickly drew the hand into her chest, blush rising. "Give me the cigarettes, Ryuzaki."

@Suzumaki Arakai
Corgi said:
Aiko sighs as she manages to finish her 6 page essay. All she had to do was 2 but she couldn't sum it up in only 2. She looked around and wondered why no one was singing. "Hm?" She says, eyebrows furrowed as she takes a look around, unsure is she should sing or not. Aiko didn't have the best voice, but it wasn't as if it would make everyone's ears bleed. Aiko smiled at the remembrance of Hajime's singing. She didn't think she'd be the type to be great at singing, but she stood corrected. Aiko sighed and decided she'd go ahead and sing to get the others started. She quickly gets on the stage and starts to play the song.

I used to think I was calm

(Is that really true?)

Hey, I’m awake, right?

(Maybe it depends)

It doesn’t feel like I’m dreaming

(That’s right)

This realistic me

These days, just a little

I feel weird

Just (walking) down the long (corridor)

Makes my hearts feel hot

Heart (heart) screaming

In a loud voice (I love you) I love you

As I (think) about you

I open the window, moved to tears

Heart (heart) screaming

There’s (nobody) on the ground

Like I’m the only one in this

Sorrowful romance

People have always said I’m conservative

(Because I hate being noticed)

With such low self-confidence

(Do you like being alone?)

I had no interest in boys

(Like I’m escaping)

I put up barriers

Somewhere, just a little

Maybe I’ve changed

Just (watching) the sinking (sun)

Why does it feel painful?

Heart (heart) swaying

Unable to say (I love you) I love you

Just (speaking) your name

And I freeze in the wind

Heart (heart) swaying

I (can’t) discuss it with anyone

It makes me want to run away, this

Tough romance

Heart (heart) screaming

In a loud voice (I love you) I love you

As I (think) about you

I open the window, moved to tears

Heart (heart) screaming

There’s (nobody) on the ground

Like I’m the only one in this

Sorrowful romance

My first experience

Tough romance

Koichi was amused with Aiko's singing, for someone who said that couldn't sing well her abilities were pretty great. The boy didn't expected her to go away so suddenly like that, and decided to follow her, "W-why am i doing this? She's my friend and all but i don't know...". He obviously wouldn't enter the feminine bathroom so he stayed by the door and screamed "Aiko-chan! You did great! Mind to sing one more with me? It will be fun i swear~"
Jean blinked, when Suzumaki left. Though it wasn't hard for to hear what Suzumaki was ordering since she screamed the order. Jean watched Suzumaki come back. "Are you sure we can eat all of that food?" Jean asked still surprised about how much food she ordered. @Suzumaki Arakai

Ryuzaki watched as her hand pushed forward then retreated, he raised a brow at this then remembered the kiss.

"Oh yeah." He refrained from letting a laugh escape his mouth and looked down at her, "I'm of age you know?"

He said as he dangled the pack of cigarettes in the air barely out of the girls reach.

@Leaf Fi

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/57a8c30f95d0b_TanakaRyuzaki.jpg.1dcd70c185dbefb4c3569450b0f51495.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="59073" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/57a8c30f95d0b_TanakaRyuzaki.jpg.1dcd70c185dbefb4c3569450b0f51495.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Suzumaki looked a little confused at Jean's question and tilted her head, "Why couldn't we." She looked around and saw that some people left and began counting her fingers, "I'm sure some of us got large tummies!" She leaned back and patted her stomach with a boasting grin, "I'll finish off whatever doesn't get eaten."




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This is pathetic. Jethro thought to himself while hearing Ryuzaki and Yumi talk with one another. She should be fine. With that thought, the teen walked back into the group's karaoke room, and sat back in his place. Might as well get to know the people we're in here with. He thought before looking over at Hajime. His appearance was familiar. After a few moments, Jet was able to come to the conclusion that Hajime was the one who glared at him earlier. Oh yeah, what was that about? His thoughts ran through his mind as he moved over and sat next to that guy instead. "You going to sing?" Jet asked momentarily glancing at Hajime.

Yumi scowled at not only what Ryuzaki had said- age wasn't the point, after all- but the fact that he was teasingly dangling the packet just out of reach. "I couldn't care if you were old enough or not, it's the fact that you're gonna get caught by a teacher if you continue." Yumi went up on her tiptoes in an attempt to try and grab the damn cigarettes.

@Suzumaki Arakai
Wataru said:
Koichi was amused with Aiko's singing, for someone who said that couldn't sing well her abilities were pretty great. The boy didn't expected her to go away so suddenly like that, and decided to follow her, "W-why am i doing this? She's my friend and all but i don't know...". He obviously wouldn't enter the feminine bathroom so he stayed by the door and screamed "Aiko-chan! You did great! Mind to sing one more with me? It will be fun i swear~"
Aiko hears Koichi's voice outside the door and started to freak out. 'What?! Another song?! Wait... A DUET?!' She thought, slightly panicking. She splashed some water on her face, wiped it off with a paper towel, and exited the bathroom to face him. "I-I suppose s-so.." She said, barely above a whisper. Her face was still red but just a brighter shade than usual and she was looking down at the ground.
RyanJXavier said:
This is pathetic. Jethro thought to himself while hearing Ryuzaki and Yumi talk with one another. She should be fine. With that thought, the teen walked back into the group's karaoke room, and sat back in his place. Might as well get to know the people we're in here with. He thought before looking over at Hajime. His appearance was familiar. After a few moments, Jet was able to come to the conclusion that Hajime was the one who glared at him earlier. Oh yeah, what was that about? His thoughts ran through his mind as he moved over and sat next to that guy instead. "You going to sing?" Jet asked momentarily glancing at Hajime.
Hajime looked over at him. "No." He said, showing no interest in continuing with the conversation, though he didn't want to be extremly rude so he said, "You?"

Ryuzaki looked over and covered his face, letting out a spurt of a laugh.

As he laughed he accidentally let his guard down, lowering the pack of cigarettes without thinking.

"Doesn't she realize? We're not even at school." He thought jokingly to himself.

@Leaf Fi


Suzumaki paused at Jean's words then pulled her wallet from her pocket and opened it up, leaning towards Jean she made it to where they could both look blankly down into Suzumaki's coin filled wallet.

"Hmm. Looks about...." She clamps her wallet closed and stands up on the table.

"Minna-san!! Kochira!!!" She says while pointing to herself with both hands, "Pitch in on the price of the seven pizzas, two liters of coke, pepsi, mountain dew, and ORANGE JUICE!" She continued to dance around on the table.

Jethro shook his head at Hajime, "Nah, I'm not much of a singer". The teen leaned back onto the seat before deciding to bring up the question, "Why'd you glare at me earlier?" He wasn't really one to skip around the topic. Most of the time Jet was a straightforward person. Jet kept his gaze on Hajime so as to study the guy's reaction. He hasn't gotten into any trouble yet. Why would Hajime just randomly glare at him?

RyanJXavier said:
Jethro shook his head at Hajime, "Nah, I'm not much of a singer". The teen leaned back onto the seat before deciding to bring up the question, "Why'd you glare at me earlier?" He wasn't really one to skip around the topic. Most of the time Jet was a straightforward person. Jet kept his gaze on Hajime so as to study the guy's reaction. He hasn't gotten into any trouble yet. Why would Hajime just randomly glare at him?
Hajime nodded, not really caring much until about he asked his next question. "I glare at everyone." He simply stated, keeping a pretty straight face. He looked over at him. "You're that Jet person, right?" He asked, resting his head on his hand, "Don't bother Aiko too much. I'll have to get involved if she's bothered in any way." He said a bit threatening, looking back the looking around.
Jethro nodded at Hajime's question regarding his name. "I have no interest in bothering her. Only interacted with her once and that was in front of you. She was the one who called me afterward" He replied while looking at Hajime. This guy seems rock solid. Hm, challenge accepted. Jet thought to himself. What? There was nothing else for him to do at that moment anyway.

Yumi's eyes narrowed into a glare as soon as Ryuzaki burst into laughter. Luckily for her though, he distracted himself with that laugh, and had unconsciously lowered the packet of cigarettes. "Ah-ha!" She ripped the cigarettes from his grasp, smiling in triumph, before she placed them behind her back. Her free hand was used as a guard as she placed it in on top of the other, giggling. "There. Now you can't get them."

@Suzumaki Arakai
RyanJXavier said:
Jethro nodded at Hajime's question regarding his name. "I have no interest in bothering her. Only interacted with her once and that was in front of you. She was the one who called me afterward" He replied while looking at Hajime. This guy seems rock solid. Hm, challenge accepted. Jet thought to himself. What? There was nothing else for him to do at that moment anyway.
Hajime's eye slightly twotched at the thought of Aiko having his number. "Cool." He said, his voice staying the same. 'Is he trying to piss me off or os he just stating these.. Facts?' He thought, glancing over at Jet again.
Corgi said:
Aiko hears Koichi's voice outside the door and started to freak out. 'What?! Another song?! Wait... A DUET?!' She thought, slightly panicking. She splashed some water on her face, wiped it off with a paper towel, and exited the bathroom to face him. "I-I suppose s-so.." She said, barely above a whisper. Her face was still red but just a brighter shade than usual and she was looking down at the ground.
"Yay! Let's go already!" Koichi said energetically, looking forward to sing with the girl. "Eehh! Why am i feeling like this once again? but it feels strangely good" but he still needed to call everyone "HEY EVERYONE! LET'S GO BACK TO THE KARAOKE BOOTH". When he arrived there alongside Aiko, they noticed that the music was yet to be decided, after a fast look at the musics Koichi suggested "Aiko-chan, how about 'Spirited Away By Your Smile' ?"
"Never got your name by the way" Jethro stated before letting his green eyes wander around the room. Hajime would be like a bro pretty soon. He could sense it. Jet drank his drink as he waited for Hajime's response. Has a chill character. Why not. The teen thought to himself.

Jean laughed and got out her wallet from her bookbag. She took out enough yen to cover two people. "There. That's enough to cover me and you." Jean said and put her wallet back into her bookbag. She started to wish her parents gave her more money so she could just pay for the whole school. @Suzumaki Arakai

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