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Futuristic An Artificial Connection [CLOSED]

"But first...!"

Adam climbed out of bed after Allie, approached her from behind, and held her around her waist. He felt Allie's smooth skin, and stroked her hair. He parted a lock of hair out of the way and seductively kissed, then gently bit her earlobe with his front teeth.

"You know, I know it probably doesn't matter what I think about this, but I think you smell...wild. Down to every last little subtle aroma." Adam breathed in through his nose. "I just can't get enough of you." Adam's hand slowly moved further and further down until he reached Allie's sweet spot. He stopped and waited for her consent.
A soft, sweet moan escaped her mouth. His body pressed against hers was enough for her. She ran a hand up along his upper leg, slowly and pushing her hips back against him. He was behind her and she couldn't move much else, rather enjoying herself. She wasn't sure what to say to him, she rested her head back against his shoulder, Allie was confident with his arm around her she was safe. She had been taken by surprise by his embrace but it was a welcome surprise. 
"Wanna go again?" Adam asked, coyly. He whispered into her ear even softer. "Take me for a spin?"

Adam pressed his hardness against Allie's bottom. At the same time, reached down as far as he could reach and slid a finger along Allie's underside.

"I'm all yours." He told her.
Allie blushed deeply, and smiled turning around to face him. "I'm the one that's insatiable, huh?" She smiled kissing his lips softly, unsure of who's air she was brrathing. Allie reached up, wrapping her arms around his neck, and twirling a bit of hair in her fingers. It was to late to go back now. Allie let her brain wonder, this is something out of dreams.  
Adam chuckled. In that moment, he was enthralled with excitement for Allie. He began to kiss more firmly, just a little at a time. He held her body against his, building the sexual tension with each kiss. That was it. He was in love. Nothing could ever ruin this moment.

Suddenly, Adam dropped to the floor.

"What...?" Adam thought to himself. "Al...lie?"

He could not speak. His arms and legs began to convulse. He could only stare at the ceiling, the floor underneath him felt like it began to vibrate. What was happening to him?
Allie looked down at Adam, a panic spreading through her. It looked like he was having a seizure. She knelt to the ground beside him. He wasn't saying anything rather just staring at the ceiling. "Adam. Adam" She shook him slightly, "Can you look at me.?" Allie didn't know what to do, could she call the cops? No. That probably wasn't the best idea in the world. She did the only thing she knew how. Allie rolled him onto his side and elevated the boys feet. She made sure he could breathe, and put a little pressure on his upper half hoping to help in some way from what was going on. She treated it like a seizure but she didn't know what else today. Allie begged herself to stay calm, and whispered to Adam, hoping that it would stop soon. She ran a hand through his hair, pushing back the tears that formed into her eyes. She was lost, she was at a loss, and had no where to turn.
Adam didn't know what was happening to him. Why now? Adam looked up at Allie when she turned him over. She was a quick thinker. He was seizing, but could feel and perceive everything around him. This was no ordinary seizure. This is something only an android such as himself can experience.

"S-s-so-sorry, A-ah-allie!" Adam struggled to speak to her. He could feel for a moment as if he had regained control, but the instant he tries to stand again, the thrashing begins again. His sensation of control was fleeting.

Suddenly, every fiber in his being began to contract. Every last nerve screaming out in pain, every muscle squeezed as tight as possible. Adam cried out in excruciating pain, motionless, and curled up into a fetal position. He couldn't bear to be in a state like this in front of Allie. She was under enough pressure already. Suddenly, after only a few seconds of seizing, then contracting, Adam 's body loosens up all at once. It was over, but he could feel himself losing consciousness. He was already passed out before he got the chance to see Allie's face again.
Allie was unsure of what to do, or say. Adam was passed out in the floor but she was thankful that he had stopped seizing. She stood, clothing herself and then turning to pick up Adam. Her emergency work, well classes, had prepared her for this but she couldn't do it alone. She hooked her arms under his and pulled him over to the bed. She sat against the bed and pulled with all of her might, getting his torso up to the bed, then she situated his feet, and covered him in the blanket. She found herself a chair and sat down, pulling her knees to her chest she sat watching his body for the tiny rhythmic motion of an alive body. She watched, a pit had formed in her stomach and it felt like her heart dropped every time she took a breath in. What happened? Allie and Adam clearly had a lot left to go over, but now all she could do was pray that he would wake up.
"Adam!" She jumped to his side quickly, she placed a hand on his shoulder, urging him to relax.

"Wh-Why are you ask-king me if I'm okay?" Allie was still a bit shook up and curious about what had happened.

"Adam, it looked like you where having a seizure, I didn't know what to do, I'm sorry." Allies brows furrowed like they always did when she was concentrating or worried.
"Allie...I'm sorry. I don't know what to say. I don't know what happened to me, either."

Adam looked down at his hands. They were trembling.

"I just hope that it doesn't happen again. Though in all likelihood, I'm afraid it might." Adam said, somberly.

"I mean, I'm the culmination of hundreds of years of scientific advancement and medicinal discovery. Humans, on the other hand, had billions of years of evolution to work out these sorts of kinks. And things still happen." Adam looked up at Allie, who was clearly worried about him.

"Don't worry, Allie. I'm not going anywhere." he said, consoling her.
Allie nodded,

"Adam, what should I do? Is-is there s-s-someone i can call?" She was allowing the emotions to take hold of her, her eyes moistened with tears. She was afraid for her lover, and because of his nature she had no idea of what to do.She took his hands in hers, they where trembling slightly, it frightened her greatly. 
Adam let out a brief sigh.

"Well, there is someone that comes to mind, but I doubt it would even be possible to find him..."
Allie was grasping for straws,

"Adam, tell me what to do. I don't know anything about you, other than what little I've learned. I want to help, i just don't know what to do." She was slightly frantic, she needed to find a way to calm herself down, she found herself pulling in a few deep breaths.
Allie must have been really upset. 

"His name is Dr. Montgomery Lau. I guess you could say... he's my father!"

Adam doesn't have many memories with Dr. Lau in them, but the ones he does have seem to be only a little pleasant.
Allie was more than concerned for her friend, she would have rushed anyone else to the nearest hospital.

"Adam, Do we need to find this person? What do YOU want?" She spoke clearly, she didn't want to get him into any trouble, and she only wanted what was best for him. This person sounded interesting but no one could know that Allie knew Adam's secret.
Adam considered his options for a moment.

"I guess we can try and find Dr. Lau? It won't be easy, though. He lives in seclusion and it's virtually impossible to find his lab."
Allie was growing more frustrating by the second.

"Okay." Her voice was dry. She had returned to the same state she was in last night before hormones took over. Panic, confusion, all sorts of different emotions, and thoughts swimming through her brain.
"Allie, don't worry. It's gonna be fine!" Adam said. "We'll just have to stick together!"

Adam said this, but didn't really have any idea on how to find Dr. Lau. But he needed to ease Allie's worries, as well as his own, so he began searching for him in every way he could.

He searched online and sought after clues in e-papers for nearly two weeks. He had almost completely forgot about his studies. He did his homework, but was so preoccupied with his search, he did not attend classes. He knew Allie would worry about him, so he didn't tell her about his reoccurring seizures. They began to become more frequent and more violent, happening at first every three days or so, but towards the end, could expect one every day. They were totally incapacitating. They would last for about twenty minutes, and then he'd black out for about three hours. He even noticed a loss in his fine motor control and memory. Adam feared the worst; that he was dying.

It wasn't until two weeks of constant searching through secret databases and contacting dangerous government-program renegades did he find his father's hidden laboratory: in the distant city of Beijing, China. Adam told Allie as soon as he found out.
Allie had been attending her classes as scheduled, and didn't spend much time with Adam. She knew that he would be buried in his computer searching for his creator. It was a nerve racking feeling to be caught in a state as she was. Unsure of where she and Adam stood, but also confident that she held a place in his heart. Allie was overjoyed that Adam had found his creator, but worried about him being in China. Allie couldn't go, there was no way for her to pay, and she couldn't miss school. Stress, was an overwhelming emotion.

"Adam, that's great. Maybe you can get some answer to what happened that day." She smiled, doing her best to keep her voice calm and reassuring. She waited to hear Adam's voice on the other end of the phone. They had been talking on the phone, but mostly texting for the last little bit of time.

"I'm sure it will be a fun trip for you as well." She spoke energetically into the phone.
Adam sighed into the phone.

"Well, I was sorta hoping you could come with me. I know it's a lot to ask, but if it's the travel costs, you don't have to worry. Money is no object to me. Plus, I miss you. A lot, actually. And..." Adam wasn't sure how to tell her he may never come back from his trip. He knew his condition was much worse than he was letting on.

"I....I...Ughh...!!" Adam dropped the phone. It was happening again, but this time, it skipped the convulsions and went straight to the contractions. He tried to hang up the phone so Allie would not hear what was going on, but could not do it. His hand twisted into a curled-fingered open-palmed mess. Pain rippled through his whole body, starting with that hand.

"AAAAGHH!" Adam cried out in agony. The last convulsions were seven minutes and forty-two seconds. He knew this time, it would be much longer.
Allie had rushed over to his dorm, taking her about ten minutes from the library.  She didn't bother to knock knowing that he didn't have a roomate. There he was, lying on the floor again, his body a crumpled mess on the floor. Her heart hurt for him. She knelt beside him again, hoping he could come out of the sort of seizure soon. She sat quietly and less panicked than last time. She ran a hand through his hair then entire time, either for her or for him but keeping her sanity was important and that help her to remain calm. 
Adam woke from the latest incident a few hours later, whole body aching. That one was rough. Allie was there, watching over him.

"Allie, I'm sorry I didn't tell you how bad this was. I didn't want you to worry so much about me. You deserve better than that."

Adam was ashamed of himself. Not only was he stressing her out to begin with, but now she knows he's in worse shape than before, all because he lied. Adam hated lying to Allie more than anything else.
Allie nodded, " it's okay Adam. You only did what you thought was best." She was just happy that he was awake now and not off in some cyber lala land. She could breathe again. They had a lot to talk about but she didn't want to being anything up until she knew that he was up for it.  
"Allie... I was hoping you could come with me. Because.... I'm afraid I might not come back." Adam said, not looking up at Allie.

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