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Futuristic An Artificial Connection [CLOSED]

Allies laughter filled the library, as she shook his hand for the second time that day. "Thank you. I'm Allie. " She was happy that he had accepted her offer and a wayward apology. She noticed the time and decided to check her schedule and make sure she was still.on time and that she could figure out how to get to her next class. She rolled her eyes at the paper noting that it said "advanced geometry." She envied math, it was the bane of her existance. "I absolutely cannot stand math!" She spoke to Adam quietly. 
"Oh, I think I have that class, too! I'm great at math. Tell you what: if you help me with literature, I'll help out with geometry. Deal?" Any way to spend more time with Allie, he'll take. "Let's go together! I think I know where it is!" he said, cheerily. "This'll be the last class I have today. What about you?"
Allie felt a sense of relief wash over her and she noticed she was sort of crushing on Adam. A little velvety blush showed in her face but she hoped Adam wouldn't notice. 

"Okay deal! I actually have one more class today.  Though it's a split thing, one hour classo and one labs." 

Allie had elected to take a Health Science class about first responders and emergency medicine.  
"Why don't we meet up afterwards? I've got a double room all to myself! We can do homework and get to know each other? How's that sound?" Adam asked her. "My room is number 22 on the third floor of Sagan Hall. You should stop by after your class!"
Allie took his offer. They walked into the math class and she kind of followed him trying to get a seat by him. She had made a friend and she had a feeling they would mesh well and be friends for a while. She pulled her books out and arranged her area the same as the previous class. 
Geometry went by very quickly. Going over the syllabus and meeting the professor took up the whole class period. When they were finished, Adam and Allie parted ways for now. Adam returned to his dorm room and waited for Allie's final class to be over. She'd be there sooner than he'd know it. In the meantime, Adam surfed the web in an effort to continue studying the human condition. He had so many questions, he doubted he would ever get an answer for even half of them. But what troubled him the most are the increased negative views on cybernetic humans in society, many claiming they're "impure" and "an abomination." He's noticed similar patterns in society before, such as same-sex marriage and issues of race relations, but this seemed to be on a whole new level.
Allie was overjoyed in her emergency class, she was studying to be a health professional.  The time flew by and before she knew, she was on her way to meet with Adam. She took a few minutes at his door, controlling her breathing and trying not to blush. Finally, she placed a small knock on the door and waited.  
Adam opened the door and smiled when he saw her. "Hey! Look who it is!" He leaned in for a warm, loving hug. "Please, come in!" He said.

Adam's room was pretty bare, to say the least. He only had his bare essentials: bedsheets, spare clothes, shower supplies, etc. Nothing of luxury, not a single poster or decoration of any kind. He didn't need anything like that, so it never occurred to him. His laptop sat on his desk next to his books underneath the window. His window gave him a decent view of the grassy quad in the center of campus. Students walking by can be seen very often. The spare bed and dresser take up the opposite corner of the room. He hadn't touched anything he didn't need. He would've liked a roommate, but he never got one. 

"So, what do you think?" He asked.
Allie shrugged, "it's great if that's how you like it. It's your room you should be happy with it." She spoke only in an encouraging tonew. She assumed it was okay for her to pull a seat up by the desk so they could study and get their homework done. She had finished her literature work so she pulled out her math, and emergency work and waited to see if Adam had any questions on the literature homework assignment. 
An hour and a half passes as they finish their homework. Adam still struggles to understand the literature, but he is beginning to understand it. He hopes Allie didn't notice, but he's been watching her out of the corner of his eye most of the night. He can't help it; Adam can't take his eyes off her. He dragged his chair closer to hers and asked her a question.

"Hey, Allie? What are your feelings on the Purist movement? The anti-cybernetic and anti-AI group?" He hoped she'd have a kind response.
Allie was caught off guard by the question, it was so random in comparison to what they had been doing all night. Again, she pushed a strand of hair behind her ears. 

"We'll, I guess, I mean, I don't really have much off a view. I don't understand why people think it's bad. I guess they just think that the cyber humans would take over the world. It's scary because ya know they would be stronger than us and that would introduce a new kind of panic if they where doing bad things; such as like robbery and crimes." 

She spoke spoke softly still, Allie hardly ever  raised her voice. She then returned his question because she was very curious where that had came from. 
Adam was glad her response wasn't negative. The attitude towards cybernetic humans and droids isn't the best it could be, but at least Allie is more open-minded than most. Adam sighed softly.

"I keep hearing all this talk from other students. Do people really think droids are  that dangerous?" Adam asked. Though, he remembered he had to be more casual with his questions. "I mean, nothing involving droids has happened, right? Just the other way around, right?"
Allie shrugged, "not that I've heard of Adam.  Why are you so interested in this subject? Thru say if they are going to release into the population it won't be for years yet. We will probably be old by then." She looked up to him. It was very odd that he would just spring this out into the middle of their literature and math studies. 
"Well, I've been thinking about this a lot. It kind of freaks me out. I mean, people that aren't people? Freaky, right?" Adam hated having to lie this way, but he had to, for his own safety.

"Anyways, you're probably right. It's nothing to worry about." He looked up at her and grinned a cheesy smile and laughed. 
Allie realized that everyone has different fears but she wasn't really worried about these cyber humans because she didn't think they would be a thing during her lifetime. She smiled, "Adam, I really enjoyed our day, though its time for me to go." She would be off to her own dorm to rest and reset for the next day. She hugged him shyly again, and then turned to leave the room. She would have to finalize all her work and review then off to bed. Her next day class started at seven instead of eight and she wanted to be  rested for the next day.
"Okay, Allie!" Adam was sad to see her go, but knew he'd see her again tomorrow. "See you tomorrow?" he asked her.
"Of course." She called down the hall as she slipped away into her building. It was only a few buildings down and a very short walk. Unlike, Adam, she had a roommate, that wasn't there much, or at least she hadn't been for the last week they've been on campus. She put her books down and turned on some music. Allie's side of the room was almost completely lavender and white, with a black light lamp. Just like home she mused. Allie reviewed her home work once more and then crawled into bed. It was just a little after ten, Allie joked with herself that she was getting old.

The next morning came as quickly as she drifted off to sleep, Allie grumbled and turned her alarm off. She dressed simply for the day and took off to class. She had literature again today at 8, her morning class was a typing and computer class that for some strange reason only lasted an hour. She found herself daydreaming of the time she had spent with Adam. Allie shook her head, a blush filled her cheeks. She tried to focus on her school work and keep her mind occupied.

Allie almost ran to the literature hall, what was this boy doing to her. Allie had always been the top of her class not doing much else outside of school work. She was nervous to open the door, would he have beat her there, of course, because her schedule over lapped here. She took a giant breath and opened the door, quickly shuffling in without making a lot of noise, she found Adam, but the only seat open was behind him, so she settled for that.
Adam's heart ached. This was different from the throbbing that excited him so much. Seeing her walk down the hallway was a bittersweet feeling. He had the feeling he could trust her with the truth, but he had to be absolutely certain. Much more time with her would be a big help. Was this the beginning of something more? Something Adam hadn't experienced yet?

Adam fell asleep in his plain bed and set his alarm for 6 AM sharp. "Early to bed, early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise." That was a phrase he knew well, but wasn't sure why. He fell asleep thinking only of seeing her again.

The next morning in the lecture hall, Adam overheard about a party being thrown at a fraternity house on Friday. He was sure he'll go. What a great chance to meet even more people! Though in his mind, he only wanted to spend time with one particular person. His heart fluttered a bit at the thought. Allie soon sat behind him in the lecture hall. When she sat down, Adam turned around and smiled at her. 

"Hello! How are you, Allie?" It was good to see her. "Did you hear about the party on Friday? We should go together! Sounds fun, right?"
Lecture was beginning so Allie didn't get much time to respond, but did Adam really think she was a party goer?  Allie let out an audible sigh, the day was just beginning but was already going crazy. The more she thought about the idea of the party the less it sounded bad. She could go for a little while, spend some time with Adam. She diligently took notes, doodling again most of the class. She couldn't wait for the end of class so she could actually speak to Adam again.
After class, Adam met up with Allie.

"So, what do you say? Wanna go with me? I think it'll be fun!" he asked, hopefully. She looked unwilling when he brought it up, but maybe since they're going together, she'll agree!
Allie smiled, and nodded. "Sure. it sounds like fun." Allie could hear her own tone, it was very unconvincing but it would have to do. She was slightly afraid of something happening but Adam was going so she should be safe.
The rest of their week went on as normal. When it came time for the party, Adam wore his nicer clothes; a button-down shirt with the cuffs rolled up, expensive jeans, and a pair of leather cap toe boots. The two of them walked to the venue, enjoying each other's company and the calm autumnal breeze. It was twilight in the night sky. The sun had begun to set, but the moon had not yet appeared. Adam wondered how beautiful she'll look under the light of the stars.

They approach the party's location soon. Hearing the loud bass of the music made the ground itself shudder with every beat. Laughter and shouting came from the house as well. Students holding red solo cups relax on the porch and talk to one another. Quite a few of the women there wore revealing clothes, but it didn't affect Adam like it would with most other men his age. His attention was devoted entirely to Allie. Some of the other partygoers looked on at the two of them and chuckled to themselves. He could read their lips; they remarked at how they were too young to be at a party like this, but nothing would ruin this night (at least for Adam). The porch had string lights hung up and they glowed dimly, and the lights from the inside of the house glowed bright warm colored light.

He looked down at Allie. "Shall we go in?" he asked. He beckoned her to take his hand, and held his hand in front of her.
Allie had dressed herself in a skin tight pair of black skinny jeans and a long white tank top with something printed on the front. She wore her hair up in a bun and converse on her feet. She was dark as some would say but at least she could pull it off. She also decided to put on some make up, making it simple with eyeliner and a deep red lip color. She had met with Adam just outside the party and had a calm smile on her face. She also noticed the people staring at them but decided to ignore them, she was here because Adam asked her to come with him. She took his hand and let him lead her into the party. "Yeah, lets go for it." Allie spoke softly.
Adam smiled. He took Allie's hand and playfully tugged her into the house. Soon, they were surrounded by their peers. Their loud, drunken peers. The music was deafening, but he could still hear just fine. Adam still held on to Allie's hand, and looked back with a grin. He turned and faced her, and stood very close to her. He leaned his head and neck forward so he could speak into her ear.

"Thank you for coming with me, Allie! You don't know how much it means to me that you came!" He could smell her flowery scented shampoo again. The aroma filled his nose, and the heavy-hearted feeling returned. This time, it was strong.

Adam could hear pieces of a conversation nearby. He heard something about "the robot," and how a senior he did not know was going to arrive soon with it.
Allie was intoxicated by her surroundings. She didn't have to drink. The music was so loud her hearing was off, and there where so many people there she felt like she was already lost in a sea of people. She gripped tightly to Adam's hand. When he leaned in to talk to her, she noticed he had been wearing cologne , it was a delicious smell, one she hadn't noticed the other day when she hugged him. Did he do this for her, Allie stopped herself right there and stopped her mind from wondering. Somewhere along the line someone handed Allie a drink. She held tightly to the cup, would she drink it? It couldn't be that bad, could it? Allie held the cup up to Adam, in some way waiting for conformation from him before she would drink. She danced with him and let herself become completely indulged in her surroundings.

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