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Futuristic An Artificial Connection [CLOSED]

Allie was in shock, then she felt Adam's warm lips against her own. Her eyes closed, as if that was the appropriate reaction to being kissed. He held her face so softly and the world melted away. She shyly gave a little bit into the kiss and didn't push him away. This is what she had hoped for, before the night turned into a wicked movie scene. His body was warm against hers, soft, it was just like being with a human. He didn't feel any different, and she had no idea that he was different until he told her. He had trusted her completely with a secret that wasn't safe anywhere at this particular point in history. She let her hand rest against the opposite side of his face, gently along his neck holding him softly. The kiss seemed to last forever, and Allie was okay with it. The butterflies she had in her stomach took flight over her entire body and she was engulfed by the feelings. When it broke, she looked into Adam's eyes, softly biting the bottom of her lip, still trying to conjure up what she should say.

" Adam, I don't even know what to say. You're not human?" She questioned softly. "This cyber thing isn't something I know a lot about.." She desperately tried to convey to him that she had a lot of learning still to do.
Adam looked back at her.

"Then... why don't I show you?" he said. Adam kissed her again, this time more passionately. He parted his lips this time to make his kiss much more inviting to hers. He began to move his jaw, open and closed, repeatedly. Whenever he'd break a kiss, he'd go right back in for another. Adam could feel the world around them fade away, and the two of them grow closer and closer. Adam broke a kiss and whispered directly into her ear.

"We have all the time in the world." He said as he began to kiss Allie's neck, going lower and lower to her shoulders.
Allie's body was consumed with warmth, Adam pouring into her. She was overcome in a good way with desire. Allie allowed herself to lay back against his bed, she knew they should probably be doing anything but what they where. She had so many questions now, and it was interesting how fear turned into love. She ran a hand along his bare back, up his spine, sending shivers across her own. "Adam.." She whispered. Allie's mind was overcome with a beautiful arrangement of colors across the backs of her eyelids and the sensory in her nerves. She felt every ounce of Adam's touches. Adam had been through a hell of a night, and so had she. How does your friend just come out and admit that he wasn't a human, what did this mean for their relationship. He didn't seem to feel any differently, he felt real below her touches. His skin was warm, his kisses wet, his touch soft. She accepted his advances and didn't bat an eye. She was laying in a college dorm with someone she had only know a little over a week and seemed to have more feelings for him than she had ever had before, it was going against everything her parents had told her. Well, apart from the party anyway, they did warn her about that, and the effects of alcohol and other drugs. Allie continued to explore with her hands, the muscles in Adam's back flexed as he held himself up, when she lay back, across his biceps, still muscular. She felt down his chest and across his spine again, entangling him with herself. It was a new world. A very strange, exciting new world for her.
Though Adam did not have any sort of biological urge to reproduce, he could feel his sexual desires welling up inside him. Perhaps his brain patterns replicated human impulses better than he had thought. His goals completely changed: to please the beautiful woman he loved. With every kiss, Adam's senses heightened, his breathing sped up, his heart raced, he could smell Allie's natural scent masked by perfume, he could taste the thin layer of sweat that began to appear on her skin, and hear every faint moan and sigh that escaped Allie's breath. Soon, the sensation that the two of them were becoming one grew more and more intense with each passing second. He even noticed his jeans began to... tighten. It seemed even an android could become aroused. He began to gently rock his body up and down the length of Allie's, pressing his waist against hers, creating a slow passionate rhythm between them while kissing her neck.

"Are you okay?" Adam asked, compassionately. "Want to keep going?"
Allie felt the need for him in her own body grow. She stopped looking at him as he spoke. Her brow furrowed a bit, and she blushed heavily. 

"Umm, Adam. I still have a lot, a lot, of questions. But...umm...uhh...err."

Allie was trying to figure out how to ask him if this was even a possibility for him. She didn't know anything about the recent cyber activity in the world, she never studied this sort of subject. It was not uncommon for college kids to want for each other, and she didn't feel like what they where doing was a bad thing but she also didn't want to ruin the mood.

"I...mean...can you..umm....ya know..."

The blush on Allie's pale skin grew to a dark crimson color and she cast her eyes away from him almost too nervous to even let her ears hear what he would say. Her breathing was rapid, and her voice was raw with emotion.
Adam stopped moving, and looked up at Allie, puzzled.

"What do you mean? Do you want me to stop?" he asked. "Or do you have a question?"

Adam couldn't help but continue to press his hips against hers. He hadn't noticed he was still doing it.
"I'm sorry." Allie sighed, she took his head in her hands and moved his lips back to hers kissing him softly. Her questions could wait, he seemed to know what he was doing, and she was bending to his will anyway. She let the emotions, and feelings flood her body again. Allie encouraged him with her movements, letting the night and everything but their two bodies entwined fade into the darkness. She should beup early  studying for classes in the morning but she didn't want to worry. She silenced her worrying mind. She stopped worrying about what would happen next, and worried about what was happening in the moment.
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Adam took the lead. He leaned back, kneeling over her, with her legs together, between his. He pulled Allie's tank top over her head and tossed it aside. His hands began to explore Allie's body as well, gently skimming the surface of her skin with his fingertips. He held the sides of her abdomen with open hands, moving his palms up and down her stomach. Leaning forwards again, he felt the softness of her breasts and began to kiss them. Then, he continued his rhythmic motions. He was getting worked up, and the two of them began to sweat. Adam was enjoying each second of it, and he could tell Allie was as well.

Adam began to unbutton his jeans and slipped them off, never breaking the kiss between their lips. When they were off as well, he took hold of her hand and placed it on his now-swollen member, over his underwear. Simultaneously, Adam turned his hand around, placing it where he put hers on him. He could feel that she was particularly sensitive down there; putting a little more pressure on it than before made Allie let out a quiet, pleasurable yelp, and twitch her hips.
The sun lights warmth on Allie made her stir. She was still in Adam's dorm. Her body ached with a sweet reminder of what had occurred last night. She looked at him without moving, his chest was still glowing, it was going to be an adjustment. She would have to learn so much to be able to understand Adam. She drew a hand across his chest following the small swirls of color. There wasn't much room to move on the small dorm bed, Allie was still very much against Adam. Her eyes glowing, and her body was warm. She had a small smile on her face and was happy to be waking up with him. She was able to think more clearly than the night before and she hoped Adam would feel better too. She gave him a small kiss on the cheek, laying her head back against the pillow, waiting for him to wake. 
Adam began to stir. Their nude bodies pressed against one another was a welcome feeling. He slowly opened his eyes to see Allie, already awake. He was glad she was still with him. Adam grinned with delight at the sight of her beautiful face.

"Hello! Good morning, gorgeous!" Adam said, smoothly. Allie's body covered his body on one side. He was closest to the wall, and she laid on the outside of the bed. The two of them are covered by a single white sheet. Adam shifted his weight in bed so he could face her more. He leans forward, and gives her a long, passionate kiss. She tasted just as sweet as the night before.

Adam looks down at his still-glowing chest. He's a bit surprised.

"Oh, whoops! Forgot I still had that turned on." Adam closed his eyes and calmly exhaled. As the air leaves his lungs, the lights begin to fade back into his body until they could no longer be seen at all.

"Most people don't have glowing lights inside their bodies. Neither should I."

Adam looked at her lovingly.

"I owe you a lot of answers, don't I?"
Allie chuckled a little bit at his comedic relief so earlyou in the morning. 

" You Do. You do indeed. And I don't even know where to start." Allie knew one thing though, before all this started she wanted another kiss. She pulled him in closely and slowly pressed her lips against his taking her time and feeding the burning desire in her stomach. 
Adam grinned behind pursed lips. His heart skipped a beat when he realized he was on the receiving end this time. She really did love him back. After a long romantic kiss, he placed his hand on the side of her face.

"You are...insatiable!" Adam joked. 
Allie blushed at his comment but giggled she was happy in his presence even if she was still nude in his bed. He was right though, he had a lot of explaining to do. 

"Alright, so where do we start with this stuff you've got going on." She posed her question raising an eyebrow at him. 
"I mean like this is crazy, you understand that right." She was trying to think if a good way to start so she cocked her eyebrow again. "Well, you already answered one question." She smiled brightly as the blush took over her cheeks again. "Maybe tell me more about you like anatomically. I want to understand your life. Like I know my heart is beating and my liver is taking care of toxic stuff. How do you work?" She paused, looking at him, slightly bitting her lower lip. 
Adam sat up placing his elbow on the pillow, resting his head on his hand.

"Well my body is structured exactly like any other human's. Except my body was made in a lab with highly advanced technology. You know, how else, right?"

Adam paused and smiled at her.

"My bones were formed first. Using a machine similar to a 3D printer, it put down tiny layers of a calcium based polymer plastic like material, which formed each bone. Then my organs, with the exception of the central nervous system, were assembled in a similar fashion. The muscles, though, were done differently. They involved a series of protien threads that were woven between each joint. Then my skin was grafted from real human tissue, and given an artificial blood transfusion. But to finish the whole thing off, they needed a brain. It was made from a silicone/gel blend that was able to manipulate its own electric flow at will. This was perfect to emulate a neuron system in a brain. This was used as the brain, since it was the best way to make a brain instead of the normal way."

Allied nodded to him. She understand kind of what he meant but he had to fight against her will to tone him out and gaze into his crystal eyes. He was stunning, her heart pulled for him. "Adam, why did you tell me this?" She paused again, just continuing to let information fill her brain. 
"I couldn't bear lying to you anymore. It felt wrong. I had to. And after the incident with the droid, I was...vulnerable. I needed you. And, well, you were there for me. Thank you!"

Adam gave Allie another passionate kiss. He drank in her taste with his lips.
Allie surrendered to his kiss, silencing her mind yet once more. 

"Adam, you are simply amazing. So what I'm gathering is the only thing that make you a umm, robot is that you where made instead of bred? I also guess that I can't go around telling everyone. So do you have someone you have to answer to all the time?" She spoke softly, tracing a finger along his upper torso. She was enthralled,amazed, and completely in love with the boy sharing the tiny cot with her. She relaxed back against the pillow and waited for his answers. A smile had been on her face all morning and she doubted it would go away. 
"Yeah, you can't tell anyone. Not even your mother. Nobody."

Adam hoped she understood how dire his situation was.

"And I don't actually answer to anyone. My purpose wasn't given to me. I was created to blend in, but it was from my own actions that I decided to try it for myself. I think I'm just genuinely interested in humans. You." Adam paused.

Allied nodded, " Thank you for trusting me. So. Nevermind. It doesn't really matter. I wouldn't expect you to ask me a bunch of questions like this. I'll stop, it's kind of insensitive of me." She said softly. 
"No, please! Ask away! I can't expect you to stop asking questions all about the first completely human-like android. I mean, how could you not? You must have so many questions!"

Adam knew he had plenty of questions as well, but he knew he could get te answers he needs just from watching and observing like he always does.
Allie smiled, "I don't want to treat you differently though, Adam." She hadn't treated him any differently last night and she didn't want to get into the habit of asking him a million questions. She was curious about him but if they where to make a habit of being in each others company she would learn more about him. There was only one thing she was certain. No one could know about him being any different than any other normal college kid. Allie knew she should probably shower but she was enjoying his company, which brought another question up. Did he, could he shower. Swim. Visit the beach. She supposed he could. He wasn't electrical more of just a different body cycle and processing system. 
"I just don't want you to think of me as different. I am different, but fundamentally, I'm just like anyone else."

Adam nestled his head next to Allie's and closed his eyes.

"But my individuality is also important to me. So when we're alone, don't hold back with the questions. I want the both of us to learn all about each other."
Allie smiled, "Well." She stretched to the best of her ability. "We can learn everything about each other but I'm gonna need to freshen up first." She had enough of laying around, it was time to get up and showered and into some clothes for the day. She had some homework to do before classes on Monday but she couldn't help the desire and attraction to spend time with Adam. It was one of those times she was very glad that her dorm was only two buildings down from his and not across the campus. 

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