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Futuristic An Artificial Connection [CLOSED]

Adam danced with Allie in the sea of warmth and bodies. They stayed close to one another, not that they had any choice in the matter. There were so many people there at the same time, it was almost hard to move. When Allie was handed a drink, he was surprised; but the feeling turned to concern. He remembered he had heard college campuses were dangerous, especially at parties just like this one. He'd heard of people handing young women drinks with extra substances in them to make them more vulnerable. Before she took a sip of her own, he took the plastic cup from her hand and shook his head.

"Sorry, I can't let you drink," he told her. "It's not good for you!"

He didn't want to risk her being poisoned with something strange. So he took a chance, and after a moment of consideration, Adam downed the whole thing in one gulp! It was bitter and tasted horrible. How could humans enjoy drinking something so distasteful?
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Allie's mouth dropped open, Adam had told her not to drink it but she never expected he would turn the drink up. "Adam!" She exclaimed with a bit of excitement in her voice. She was glad she had chose to only wear the skimpy top, she was beginning to get hot, there where a lot of bodies in the small house. Adam hardly made a face, so she assumed the drink hadn't tasted bad. Aliie stared at him a huge smile on her face.
"That... was a bad idea!" Adam laughed both because he knew if there were any toxins in the drink, his artificial body would filter it out, and also that he knew that drink would start to take effect very soon. 

The two continued to dance. Adam unbuttoned the two top buttons of his shirt. It was getting very warm, but he was also getting closer and closer to Allie, both physically and emotionally.

But then, after a few more minutes, the music stops, and students towards the door began to cheer and laugh. Someone important had arrived? Adam craned his neck to get a better view. A larger student, wearing a polo and a backwards cap came in. He was muscular and obviously been drinking. Adam saw him once before, yesterday. But underneath his arm stunned Adam: a beaten and helpless droid, with both arms and legs either missing or damaged beyond effective use. Its steel head covered in dents and scuffs. The droid was still operational, anyone could tell this by the flickering blue light coming from its eyes. It turned its head side to side, or at least it tried to, looking around at its surroundings. Adam could swear they made eye contact.

The senior that was carrying the damaged droid waded through the crowd with it, and when he made it to the center of the living room, where everyone had been dancing, he hurled it to the floor with a loud thud! Struggling to move, the damaged droid's motors whirred and clicked, but it was no use. It thrashed slowly and only moved in place. The senior revealed an aluminum baseball bat and exclaimed: "Who wants to go first?!" The crowd around them laughed and cheered, but Adam was silent. He was livid with anger and sorrow for the poor machine. He stared down at the droid, and clenched his fists until his fingernails dug into his skin, not making a sound.
Allie noticed Adam tensing up at the sight of the robot. She took his hand and pulled him away from the crowd and out the nearest door. "Hey, we can go now. I've had a lot of fun, and we can just go if you want." Allie hadn't been able to confirm that Adam was on the cyber side of that argument but his place was clear now, and she didn't mind. She kept hold of his hand trying to make sure he was okay. 

((I'm at work now so it'll be shorter replies for the evening, if that's okay.))
Adam did not budge. He was afraid to watch, but could not look away. A swelling of fear and courage filled his whole being. He had to do something. Something!

"Hey, pal!" another student said to Adam. "You wanna take a swing?"

Adam shook his head in decline.

"Heh, suit yourself." the student replied.

They began to take swings at the robot. With each hit, Adam felt his humanity shrink and shrink, little by little. The crowd shouted words of hate at the droid. It was revealed to Adam that it was fear that motivated them. He had no idea that humans were so cruel that they would to to such lengths to commit such horrible acts (Adam knew the horrible things humanity has done to one another, but never before has he truly understood just how despicable mankind could go). He knew it was only a matter of time until the droid was completely destroyed.

Then, the main senior who brought the droid here in the first place stood in front of him. He held the end of the bat towards Adam, and forcefully put it into his hands.

"I see you watching like dat, man. I know you wanna whack this sorry trashcan. Give 'er a go."

The senior pushed Adam to the front of the crowd, in front of the droid. The machine looked up at Adam in desperation. Its lights were about to go out, its frame completely twisted from before, scraps of steel and bolts litter the floor around it. It lifts a warped and broken hand up at Adam; no doubt begging for mercy. Adam held the grip of the bat down in front of him, the end of the aluminum bat at the floorboards. He held it so tightly, that his knuckles turned white. He began to shiver in fear. Either Adam conceals his secret at the expense of the helpless droid and finishes it off, or follows his conscience and refuses to attack, sparing the droid, but surely the rest of the students will label him a pariah, and turn their bats and fists against him, as well.

Adam turned his head and looked back at Allie, and afraid and worried look in his eyes. He is putting his faith in her for the right thing to do, for he does not know what to do. He does not have the strength to decide on his own.
Allie stepped into the crowd with Adam and placed a hand on the bat. She was upset. Adam's eyes where filled with worry. Her eyes with fury. She spoke up, speaking directly to the boy who had done this. "He said no, he doesn't want to be a part of this and neither do I. We aren't going to be pressured into doing something because you think it's cool. It's not. It's idiotic. There is absolutely no reason behind this." Allie looked to Adam practically begging with her emerald eyes for him to drop the bat and come with her. She didn't care where they went but she knew this was not the place for either of them. 
Adam's eyes began to flood with tears as he dropped the bat to the floor with a clank. He took one last look at the droid, his eyes giving the biggest apology he could. He was truly sorry he could not save it. He took Allie by the hand and followed her out the backdoor. As soon as they were outside behind the house, Adam let go. Tears poured from his eyes and would not stop. He sobbed in despair and turned to Allie for support.

"He...he n-needed my...help! I couldn't do a thing!" Adam cried, as the sound of steel against steel rung out through the windows and doors, followed by shouts and cheers. Adam had never felt so low.
Allies heart ached for Adam. "Adam, please calm down." She kept her voice calm and sweet like so she didn't sound threatening. She wrapped an arm around his waist and gently tugged trying to get him to continue walking with her. He needed to get away. "It's not your fault. You did the right thing by putting the bat down. You are not at fault but unfortunately we cannot control others actions. " 
"But why?" Adam asked while gasping for air through his sobbing. His knees give out and he kneels in the cold soft dirt. He slouches over and huffs in gulps of air, palms in the dirt.

He gets a hold of himself and looks up at Allie.

"He's just like me...!" he stammers. "He knew...!"
Allie was a bit overwhelmed, she was concerned for her new friend as well. 

"Adam, please. What do you mean like you? What did he know?" She was pleading with him for more information. To try and understand what Adam meant and why he was so upset. 
Adam realized he said too much.

"No, I can't! You....can't know!" Adam stood up, legs shaking. "I'm sorry, Allie. There's things about me that you can't know about me. It's dangerous."

Then, he looked over at her with tears beginning to well up again. "I....can't trust you."
Allie herself was beginning to be really concerned for her friend. What was he talking about? Her head was spinning. She crouched down in front of him, gently taking his hand. 

"Adam, look in my eyes. C"mon. Let's get you back to your dorm, in a quiet safe place, please." Allie didn't know if she was trying to convince him or herself at this point. 
Allie's kindness was something Adam had not expected to affect him as much as it had. She stood by him even when he was an emotional wreck! He never had a friend like her before. And he was grateful.

The two of them made it to Adam's room after a few minutes of walking in silence. The whole time, he leaned a bit on Allie's shoulder. He hadn't noticed he was doing it until he leaned off her to open the door. He flopped onto his bed face first, never letting go of Allie's hand. Her hand was smaller and more delicate than his. He turned back over and looked at Allie. He took a deep breath.

"Allie, I.... I'm sorry I said I didn't trust you. That's not true. I need to tell you the truth. It's been bothering me to no end. But you need to understand that this needs to stay a secret. Okay?"
"What? Adam I am so confused what has you so upset?" Allie and Adam had only been friends for a week but she felt her heart growing very fond of him and her feelings for him grew stronger the more time they had spent with each other. She was really concerned for him now, and more concerned about what he may say next. She nodded and urged him to continue. 
"Allie, I mean it. This needs to be kept a secret. It has to. Okay?" Adam looked deep into Allie's eyes. He was taking a huge risk by revealing his greatest secret to her. But he trusted her. He took both her hands.

"Promise me!"
"Fine, fine. Yeah. Secret." Allie voice was harsh from the raw emotions pulsing through her. She was scared, nervous, and uneasy. She just wanted Adam to calm down so they could talk. Allie couldn't remeber the last time she had delt with someone that was this upset. She was trying very hard to stay calm herself.
"Okay. I'm sure you noticed that I'm not really a typical person. I might behave differently. I see things differently. And the whole droid situation tonight got me so worked up when nobody else would have...." Adam held her hands more firmly, rubbing a thumb across her knuckle. He wanted her to feel the warmth from his hands, so she knew he was real.

"My situation is certainly a precedent. I'm the only one of my kind. And not in a 'you're one-in-a-million' kind of way. I mean...."

Adam took a deep breath and looked into her eyes.

"I'm not human." Adam unbuttoned his shirt all the way to fully reveal his bare chest. Suddenly, his heart began to shine and glow the colors of a burning flame with pink and magenta tones; flickering with every heartbeat and obstructed by his ribcage. It fluctuated in intensity with every breath he took.

"I'm an android, like the ones on the news that people are so afraid of, equipped with a highly advanced artificial intelligence. My purpose is to infiltrate society, observe and replicate human behavior, and then blend in, seamlessly. It's not any kind of invasion, or the 'robot apocalypse' or anything. It's just that....I hope I get to tell people the truth, to live in a society where people will see me as real. To be recognized as a person not because of my body, but because of my character, and my individuality. Like you do. I may not have been born, but I am... alive!" Adam took Allie's hands again. "After this past week with you, Allie, I know that for certain."
Allie was unsure of how she wanted to feel. She was very very confused and was unable to find the words she wanted to say. She stared at Adam, his chest glowing underneath his skin. That would explain how his eyes glow so bright all the time. Allie tried to speak but she stammered over her words and quickly shut her mouth. She was very upset, was this real, or was this some sort of sick prank. She began to feel a heat in her eyes, tears, she pushed them back and continued to stare at Adam, the glow was mesmerizing. She raised a hand and felt his body. It was warm, soft, and just like you would expect from anyone else. She finally looked up to Adam, her eyes meeting his.  She still couldn't find the right words, she was afraid she was in shock.
"I understand if you don't want anything to do with me after this. But I tell you the truth because I believe that we have something truly special. I'm sorry if I scared you, but..." Adam places a hand on Allie's, holding her hand to his heart. Adam begins to slowly lean in, closer and closer.

"Allie, you are.... amazing. Fantastic in every way. I've never met anyone quite as lovely as you. And I..." Adam is now inches from Allie, glancing down at her body, watching her rhythmic breathing and her soft, full lips.

"I think I've fallen in love with you!"
Allie was beginning to feel faint, all of this seemed like a dream. She could hear Adam, but it sounded like he was a mile away. Allie kept her eyes locked on his, desperately trying to wrap her head around everything that was happening at the moment. Allie stood up but kept hold of Adam's hand. "I'm sorry, Adam." She took a deep breath  and continued talking.  I-I-I think-k" pull yourself together Allison. "I mean, I have to go, I don't feel well, and I can't think straight." Allie's green eyes where wide and glistening, she was still trying to get it together. She kept her voice calm and hopefully non-judgemental, as she dropped his hand and moved toward the door frame. She needed to be outside, alone, and with time to piece everything together. The cutest guy in the class, just admitted he was in love with her, and she was falling for him but now he's not exactly a he. Allie's brain was hurting, it was a headache like one she hadn't experienced before, was it all the excitement, something she could have got at the party. She wasn't sure why she was feeling this way, the butterflies in her stomach had become so strong she felt like she couldn't talk, she paused by the doorway and looked at Adam before opening the door. She didn't want him to hurt but she needed, at least, a few hours to figure this out. She remained quiet and just looked at him waiting to see that he would be okay if she left. Allie's typical response to something, freeze and run.
"Allie, wait!" Adam leapt for the door, taking her hand as she faced away from him.

"Please stay. I need you now more than ever! You don't have to say anything to me. I just need a friend right now. I don't expect you to understand, but..."

Adam watched her stand in front of him in silence, and he gently let go of her hand. The glow in his chest began to glow a cooler, more somber color; added violets and blues began to appear. He approaches her and places both hands on her shoulders. He whispers into her ear:

"Please don't go."
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Allie was so confused, she noticed the changes in his heart. That was different, well what did she have to judge by.

"Adam, I am so confused. I am lost for words. I don't know what to think."

At this point it was clear that Adam wasn't playing a joke.

"Yo-You-Your, Ugh."

She sighed rubbing her head. Allie was very overwhelmed by her surroundings, by Adam, by her thoughts. How would he expect someone to react to this. She felt her stomach drop as he placed his hands on her shoulder, It was a welcome sensation. It silenced her brain for a moment. Not only could Allie not wrap her head around him being a cyber person, but she had grown strong feelings for him and now they where standing inches apart from each other.

"Adam, I don't feel well, or at least I don't think i feel well. I feel strange, the room won't stop spinning." She spoke softly, did something happen at the party, or was she really that overwhelmed by his news. She placed her hands gently on his arms, for support.
Adam knew Allie must have felt overwhelmed. He held on to her, as she was feeling weak, and he could feel her trembling. Adam pulled Allie closer to him and wrapped his arms around her, placing one hand on her back, the other on the back of her head.

"Are you going to be okay? Do you want to sit down?" he asked her.
Allie nodded, letting Adam take over control for her. She wanted to lay down, but she would settle for sitting.

" Adam, everything is spinning, I'm having trouble. Please can you start over and help me to understand what you are saying."

Allie knew what he had said but she didn't know what that would mean. Did she develop feelings for him for it to go no where. Did he even like her? She had noticed the color in his eyes and how intense it was but she never thought anything of it. It was all starting to come together, the incident in the library, the questionnaire the other day in his dorm. It all lead up to this.
Adam helped Allie over to his bed and the two of them sat down. He still held her around her waist, comforting her. The two of them sat in brief silence for a few minutes that felt like hours. Adam broke the silence.

"Well, I mean to say... that I trust you! And, well...!" Adam was nervous as well. His somber glow began to glow a brilliant pink hue. With every nerve and pulse screaming out in his mind, Adam took what was probably an even bigger risk than revealing his darkest secret.

Adam leaned into Allie, quickly and gently at the same time, and kissed her firmly and lovingly on her soft lips. Adam could not explain it; it was like a powerful impulse he could not fully control. He closed his eyes and placed a warm hand on Allie's cheek, pulling her in even more. He breathed in through his nose, tasting the sweetness of her lips.

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