Amia Academy the school of mystery!(accepting)

Yu-Ri heard people run pass the door. "People are running out.. why?" Yu-Ri thought. She tried to open the door but it was stuck. "Stupid door... open up now." She kept trying to open the door. She gave up opening it and kicked the door down. Yu-Ri walked out. "Dammit...." She wasn't in the mood. Carrying her weapons out the door she saw people and a girl screaming. "Shut your mouth... screaming won't help. It will make it worst."
Jay quickly covered her mouth "Dont scream or someone will come" he says as calmly as he can "Just bite the pillow or something" he then continues to remove the glass from her back and places them on a little dresser that was next to Rays bed each shard had a maroon color of blood
Yu-Ri facepalm while she watched Nichole crying. She took out her club and smashed the wall. "I swear... I will tear this place down soon." She mumbled
When Jay was done taking out the glass Ray walked in with a first aid kit she then got out the alcohol and poured it on her back making a sizzling noise, she covered her mouth so she wouldn't scream, fear was in Rays eyes, what could have done this to her she then looked back at Jay she could tell that he was thinking the same thing she then mouthed "Dont talk about it" Jay nodds in agreement, he also knew that this was going to be a sensitive topic for her so they had to wait for the right time
"Maybe helping them so they can stop screaming so loudly," Yu-Ri thought aloud. Opening the door in the front she went in. She started to search for them. She started to smash some walls as a print to show she was here.
nichole soon passed out and there was a loud creepy giggle in the room. "aw my playmate is out for now...i'll have to use one of you then..." papers flew around the room as susan showed herself.
Ray saw the girl pass out followed by creepy giggles then some women popped up before them "Who the hell is that!" she said terrified she then leaned her body against the girl to protect her, Ray was shaking she didnot know what was going on

Jays first instinct was to protect, Ray he put his body over her and the girl creating some type of wall so she couldn't go near them
Yu-Ri gave up searching the people and just layed down on the floor. "UGHHH! Why is moving to another place so difficult." She whined. She just looked up at the ceiling. "Why are people even yelling... i swear. There is nothing to be scared about." She rolled her eyes.
susan chuckled and said"yay more playmates! penatly game!! who wants to play first?!" the ghost smirked. (nichole went into the hall and got attacked by susan the girl who got killed)
-hears the crying and the ghostly voice and gets up off her bed and runs towards it to see a girl in pain what looks like siblings, a girl and a guy, shielding her and her eyes widen as she sees a figure that seemed that she looked like the legend, susan and the figure was a figure you could look right through and still it at the same time and Rose runs to the girl and the ghost sees her (kk thx) and Rose screams a little bit by the ghost smirking, papers flying, and creepy giggling echoing in the hallways-
-Rose screams and then quickly pulls out her sharp dagger for protection and forgets that it won't do anything to a ghost and she holds her head with her hands- 
-Rose grabs the girl and boy that looks like siblings, and the hurt girl's hands- Run!! -she pulls them with her as she runs through the hallway trying to get to the main part of the building-
Yu-Ri still laying on the floor and heard people screaming and running. "Ugh.. what is it now" She groaned. She was still relaxed and layed there humming a song. Still hearing the scream getting louder she yelled "Urusai!" meaning shut up.
-they reach the main part of the building but the ghost, susan, is still there throwing papers around and giggling creepily and Rose is scared out of her wits with her eyes widened and her legs shaking severely as she tried to hold back from screaming by biting her lip-
Jay was suprised when a girl had barged inand pulled them out of there Jay carried the injured girl as they ran then he looked back at his sister who eyes were full of shock and terror and she was shaking "Ray!" he said loudly trying to snap her back to reality

Ray eyes went wide when she had heard her brother call her "I-I" Ray couldn't get her words out she was to shocked, all those time that she would make fun of her cousin for believing in ghost now she just felt guilty
susan said"aww come back i wanna play!" stomping her foot. "teehee hey jackson!" eli, the one who killed her, said"what?" she pouted and said"they wont play the penalty game with me!" eli said"thats why you make them!" flipping his black hair.
Are you guys okay?! -she freaks out and jumps a little as she still hears the faint creepy giggling- I thought ghosts weren't real! Oh my goodness -her eyes widen and then she looks at the two siblings- Why is that , that, that..-studders a little then says in a little bit of a higher voice and more scared voice- thing! doing here!?! -her legs shake really badly as she can't control her fear of the ghostly figure- 
-hears stomping thinking it is a human and then looks at the hall way they came out of to see the ghost, susan and a ghost, eli and she screams but can't move from her paranioa and being scared out of her wits from the figure just coming out of the hallway, since all she saw in t.v. shows was the ghost only able to stay in one room, but that was not real life- 
(wait is eli a ghost or no?)
Yu-Ri got up and walked to her dorm. Looking out the window she thought people gone mad. She opened her window to smell the fresh air. So frustrated she screamed out her window "Dammit people! Ghost don't exist! So calm the hell down!!" She flopped on her bed and layed down. She pulled out her dagger and sharpened it. "I swear... people and their imagination"
Jay covers the girl mouth "Screaming is not gonna help the situation" he whispers harshly he then grabs the girls hand and Rays and starts to run toward the gym when the got there he locked the doors behind them and leaned against the door out of breathe from running while he was carrying a body he then looked back at her sister "Ray you ok"

Ray nodded "Yeah im fine she said out of breath, her lungs were burning like someone had set them on fire with a torch "What the heck is going on at this school!?"

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