Amia Academy the school of mystery!(accepting)

Ray grabbed the girls hand and walked out the exit door and into the bright sunlight she then looks at the girl with a smile "So, where you wanna eat?" Jay was with them also for "protection" but truth is he was starving to and he just wanted to eat
Name: Yu-Ri Nio Sun-Jung

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Weapon: Dagger, Club, and a Silver Sword, slingshot > :D .

Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/Yubin.jpg.3ff229e92bef1b4563eb803a38f9b6cc.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="232" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/Yubin.jpg.3ff229e92bef1b4563eb803a38f9b6cc.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: She's pretty awesome. She's strong, fast and good aiming. She is irresistible and competitive. Mature, Tomboy, Wise and Smart. She also has anger issues

Bio: She's a transferred student from North Korea. Her mother is American and her father is KoreanShe was taught martial arts from her father since he owns and is a master at a dojo to teach kids fighting skills. Her necklace (Seen on the picture) is from her grandmother and it's actually a sling shot. She is fluent in English, Japanese, and Korean and will hurt anyone with no mercy who will pick on her. Right now she is living with her father and mother and is training everyday.



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"Taco bell it is" Ray linked arms with both of them and headed to taco bell, it wasn't that far of a walk so they had enough time to eat and walk back to school, while they were walking it got akwardly silent and Ray didn't like that atmosphere "Sooo?" she then looked at the girl "What were you two doin-" just then Jay had covered Rays mouth

Jay covered Rays mouth because she was really irritating "Ray, mind your business" he said in a flat tone "Nothing happened" Ray then looked up at him whith eyes saying she doesn't believe them then she mumbles into his hand "If you dont let go I'll lick you" Jay quickly let go of his sisters mouth not wanting to get licked
Jay then looked at Ray "See nothing happened" Ray then pouted "You guys are no fun" Jay then raised an eyebrow "Sorry for disappointing you..?" Jay never understood his sister and that was good he didn't want to know what was in that dirty mind of hers he then sighed, they kept walking and they were finally at taco bell

"Yes" Ray said happy that they were finally at taco bell they walked inside and ordered their food and sat down at a table eating
Roaming around school Yu-Ri didn't know where she was. "UGH!!! MENDOKUSU" She yelled out in Japanese. She didn't even know the time. She sat down and pouted like a child. Noticing she had free time she started practicing her martial arts moves. It calmed her down. "If only there was a fitness room here," Yu-Ri said. She started to continue to roam around the school.
Nichole ordered two doritos loco tacos and got a rootbeer to drink. she noticed some guys eyeing her butt and glared. there was evil laughter behind the black double. nichole suddenly felt pulses in her head and her eyes widened. 
Nichole ordered two doritos loco tacos and got a rootbeer to drink. she noticed some guys eyeing her butt and glared. there was evil laughter behind the black double doors. nichole suddenly felt pulses in her head and her eyes widened.
Yu-Ri found her way out of the school. Hearing her stomach growling she looked for a place to eat. "Father was right, i should have skipped breakfast." Yu-Ri said. Finding a place called Taco-Bell she went inside. She pulled her wallet out of her pocket on her vest, she checked if she had enough money. "Two 10 dolar bills, Four 5 dollar bills, Eight 20 dollar bills, and a few coins That is about 250 dollars which should be enough," Yu-Ri thought in her head.
Jay noticed that boys were eyeing the girls buttt so he then wrapped on of his arm around her hip and pulled her close making it look like they were dating then when they sat down he put his arm around her shoulder

Ray noticed that Jays arm was around the girl "And nothing happened" she said with a grin as she put a dorito into her mouth"Your such a liar Jay" Jay rolled his eyes and when the boys walked out he un wrapped is arm from around her
Yu-Ri saw the 2 couples and smiled. She went to order the Cool Ranch Dorito Loco Taco with a medium cup Seirra Mist Soda. She paid and sat alone. Brushing her bangs to the side she started to eat. She never tasted anything like this before because all she ate was dumplings, dango, and hoddeok. She smiled and continued eating. A guy came and walker over. "So, i see you're alone. Let's ditch this place and come to my place. Whatcha say?" the creeper said and offered his hand. Yu-Ri got up and took his hand. She saw the smile on his face. She ruined his smile by flipping him on the ground. "No thanks," Yu-ri bent over him and sipped her soda.
Ray looked at the girl "Hey I never got to know your name" she then noticed that her face was pink and she looked light headed this only made the smirk on Rays face widen "Awww~" then Ray noticed another girl that looked like she went to there school so she waved at her then she saw that she had flipped a guy over and her jaw dropped in amazement

Jay noticed that Ray had said aww for some reason Jay looked at the girl who's face was pink and she looked like she was going to explode "You ok?" he says raising an eyebrow "Your not sick or anything?"
nichole's eyes snapped open and she stood up walking out in a trance. in her head a voice said"come play come play with me nichole...." she was walking back to the school her lunch forgotten.
The guy was in the way of her leaving. She stepped on top of him and walked out. "I swear.... I'm not an idiot" She spoke to her self leaning against the wall and sipping her drink. Searching in her pocket she for a hair clip. When she found one she clipped her bangs on the top of her head as a mini up-do to keep her bangs out of the way.
Ray looked at the girl as she was leaving "Hey were are you going" she whimpered but she was already gone "Well that sucked" she said slouching in her chair while pouting she didn't know why the girl had left and it kinda made her sad

Jay just sat there "You probably scared away" he says as he drinks his soda Ray then looked at Jay "Just for that your not sleeping in my dorm" she said as she got up "Oh come on I was just joking dont leave me with that kid!" Ray then started to walk out then she looked at the girl who had flipped the guy over "See you at school" she said with a smile then walked out following after the girl, Jay standed up to following after Ray "Oh come on I was kidding!" and he walked out after her
nichole walked up to the black double doors. they opened and there stood a girl with hair red as blood, blue eyes, and very pale skin waving her in. Nichole walked inside and the doors slammed shut.
Yu-Ri looked at the girl who talked to her. "Ummm... See ya, I guess." Yu-Ri continued laying against the wall and looking at the people walking past her. She didn't like being the only Asian person here. She was always annoyed when people would call her Japanese or Chinese. Looking up at the sky, Yu-Ri guessed it was about to rain. She walked away to the school and searched for her dorm.
"Hey wai-" but when Ray turned the next corner the girl was gone she had heard a slam of doors but the only door that were near were the ones that leaded to the darken hallway and Ray was pretty sure she wouldn't have went in there, Ray was confused

Jay had just caught up with Ray "Did you find her?" Jay said as he approached Ray, he noticed a confused look on her face "Whats wrong with you?" he said with concern Ray then looked at him "I-I dont know, she was just right there then poof she just disappeared" Jay raised his eyebrow "People just dont disappear Ray" he had a flat tone in his voice "Maybe she just went to her dorm" Ray looked back at the doors "Yeah maybe your right"
the girl giggled and said"penalty game!!" running over and grabbing nichole. SMASH! Nichole let out a loud scream of pain when she hit the wall. the girl named susan said"fun fun fun!" picking her up and throwing Nichole again.
Yu-Ri founded her room. She unlocked the door and went in it. Leaving her door open, she looked out the window. She didn't get a room mate and she sighed. Hearing her door close by it's self, she turned around. "Ummmmm.. What's going on. This better not be a prank."

She didn't worry about it now but just merged the 2 beds together to form one bed. She was kinda happy that she had a room to herself. Yu-Ri didn't need to worry about a room mate complaining about Yu-Ri practicing her martial arts

((This is her dorm O.o
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/AA_Web_-_Inside_Small_Dorm_Room.jpg.9a68c6144e706dc99c920d688716366f.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="236" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/AA_Web_-_Inside_Small_Dorm_Room.jpg.9a68c6144e706dc99c920d688716366f.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Ray heard a scream coming from the double doors it sounded like the girl Ray then she started to bang on the door "Jay do not tell me you did not hear that!" she says with a panicky voice Jay then pushed Ray out of the way and kicked the door open they then ran it Ray shouted "Are you ok!?"
Nichole was slumped against the wall glass shards in her back and she was battered and bleeding. her eyes were glued to one spot however and she pointed to the one picture that stood it was of susan. Nichole was trembling in fear.
"We gotta get out of here" Jay then picks up the girl and cover her body with her jacket they then started to walk towards Rays dorm when they got in the slammed the door behind them Jay then layed her down on her front so they could clearly see her bloody back "What the hell happened to you" Jay said in fear as he started to take sharp pieces of glass out of her back

Ray walked towards the door " I'll be back" she said in a hurry "Where are you going?" Jay said worried "Im going to go get a first aid kit from the nurse she then ran out the door and shut it behind her

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