Amia Academy the school of mystery!(accepting)

-stands completely still, frozen in fear as the scary giggling got louder and the ghost looks at me with a large smirk on it's face while saying, "yay! I hope you are gonna play the penalty game! cuz now you can't leave!" -Rose looks around to see all the doors shut and locked as they bang shut once the ghost says that, Rose runs to a door and bangs on it screaming loud enough for someone to hear while crying since she was really scared- HELP!!!!! HELP!!! -keeps banging on the locked doors as she once in a while tries to open the door by twisting the door nob-
Jay then looked at her "Your in the gymnasium" he says with a nervouse smile "And apparently there is a ghost outside the door who wants to play a penalty game"

Ray noticed whay Jay just said and saw that the girl was awake "Oh thank god!" she said with relief trying not to squeeze her as tightbas she can because of her wounds so she just grabbed her hand "Are ok!?"
-finds a door and tries to open it, opens the door and runs inside and shuts the door quickly behind her, she ran into the auditorium and she pulls out her dagger just in case and looks around her, scared out of her wits she tries to stay calm as she looks around quickly just in case something might happen in that huge auditorium and breaths heavily, gasping for air as her eyes were wide with fright- 
-Rose barely knew how to fight, she never fought anyone and didn't know how to start right now. she always had her dagger but never used it in any way at all. She was scared that she might loose her own life so she stayed alert of the doors and all the walls, from every inch of the room she watched, making sure she was safe-
"Yeah a penalty game" he said rolling his dark brown eyes "I don't even know what the means but the good thing is is that you are alright" he said with a smile then he noticed that she was about to panic again he then looks at Ray who was giving him the death glare "What part of sensitive topic dont you understand!" she said grabbing her and pulling her close to comfort her "Its ok everything is going to be alright" she says as calmly as she can
-her eyes widen and she walks up to the stage in the auditorium and thinks that she is safe and gets on her knees and puts her head in her hands as her scene hair droops above her hands and she sighs and stays alert in her hearing since no one was around in the auditorium but her, and that ghost like figure could be close by, one thing was that she could still hear the faint sound of the scary giggling and she hums to herself Vanilla Twilight by Owl City to calm herself down since there was no one there to comfort her or say it was going to be okay. it was just herself and the ghost at the other end of the door-
Ray holded her tighter "Its ok me and Jay are going to protect you so dont worry" Ray wasn't that good at comforting actually this was her first time ever trying
Eli phased through the door. "excuse me Nichole but you have to complete the game..its the rules..."smirking showing her his blood red eyes.
-stays in the auditorium, shaking horribly. Afraid to exit she stays alert and keeps checking every corner of the room, every little speck of the room she monitored, afraid of what might happen next-
Jay grabbed hold of Rays hand and pushed them both into a corner he then blocked "I will not let you touch either one of them" he says with a serious expression Ray was still holding on to the girl like she was some type of diamond
-thinking she was safe she sits down in one of the front row seats and cries a little and lets it out so later on she wouldn't cry, she felt her warm tears fall down her cheek quickly each time she blinked as she placed her dagger to her side and put her face into her hands once more-
-Rose walks toward the door slowly, and sighs for a second then slowly opens the door, only to see nothing. She walks outside of the auditorium with her dagger gripped in her hand and hears a transparent ghost like voice, this time it sounded like a guy's voice. She walks over to a door, stands there to listen in, then slowly creeks open the door and puts her dagger in front of her just in case (i'm coming into the room where ray, Jay, and Nichole is k guys?)

Ray tighten her grip on her to make sure she went nowhere "No!" she screamed "Just leave her alone" she yelled angrily
(kk)Nichole's eyes darkened and she said"why eli have you forgotten who controls this body? you and susan leave this one alone...she is a friend of mine i will be forced to re-kill you..." her voice was different and her eyes almost a crimson color.
(( Sorry this is soo late >^< * 2x bows* ))

Ray and Jay look at her confused, Ray thought to herself "Re-kill?, she killed someone before!" Ray then looks at Jay who's face is also in shock, you could easily tell they were thinking the same thing. Ray then loosens her grip that she had on Nichole she knew that this wasn't her, it was a different voice and her eyes had turned into a crimson color and Jay noticed to.
(its ok gir ^-^) Nichole stood and walked to eli. "tsk tsk i thought you would've learned from our first encounter...i guess i'll have to teach you again shall i?" eli backed up but Nichole had him by the throat. "you dont!" Bam! "Touch!" Crack! "this child!" CRACK!!!! eli nodded quickly and she let him go. her eyes returned to normal and Nichole fell to her knees.
Ray and Jay went to Nichole who had fallen to her knees Jay then picked her up and slowly started to walk back to Rays dorm "Is she going to be alright?" Ray said concerned as the approached her dorm room Jay then looked at her " She should be, I mean she's still breathing." when they entered Rays room Jay layed her down on the bed "What do we do now, call the cops?" Jay then glared at Ray "If the cops didn't believe of when we were nine they wont believe us now." he said slightly irritated that was a pretty dumb question to ask Ray then looked at her brother "You didn't need to get all defense." Ray then walks towards the door " I'll be back!" she then shuts the door leaving Jay and Nichole alone "Ok then." Hays says slightly confused at his sister action.
(( =w=))

"Really?" Jay said a bit annoyed "All that crap I have just been through trying to protect you and Ray and I get a 'thanks'" Jay then pulls Nichole close grabbing her hand then kisses her.
((Me too and lol xD ))

Jay pulls back a little and smiles "No need to be shy" he says with a smirk and when he was about to kiss her again the door slamed open "Im back!" Ray says with a smile she then looks at Jay who nearly fell off the edge of the bed due to her outburst "What...did I miss something" Ray said a little confused before walking over "Nope not a thing." Jay says nervously and a bit annoyed.

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