Amia Academy the school of mystery!(accepting)

-she heard the bang and looked around and found an emergency hatchet and smacks it at the elevator door and it opens by the last..... WAM! She sees the elevator stuck and gasps-
Nichole climbed up to the emergency door and opened it. she stood and quickly jumped up catching the cord she got horrible rope burns but atleast she was safe...or so she thought. she shimmed up quickly.
-she watched as the elevator fell and saw the girl climbing the wire and stands there, hoping, praying that she wouldn't fall, Help her lord, please She prayed in her head as she stayed there ready to catch the girl in case she fell-
Jay heard a loud bang sound that sounded like a gun shot he then quickly stood up "Ray!, Did you hear that!" Ray slowly got up "Its probably your imagination." she says as she rubbed her eyes Jay then got up and left out the room "I know I heard something." he then went towards the elevator only to see a girl freaking out "Hey what happened!?" he said as he approached the girl.
nichole started to get tired and heared the giggles again. //please lord!// climbing but started losing her grip. she watched eyes wide as the cord unravealed and started snapping. "no no no...WAHH!!" falling. she quickly looked for something to grab when her tie got caught on an opening into the vents. she sighed in relief but couldnt breathe. she quickly got the vent door off and climbed inside.
I don't know I just heard gun shots and saw her stuck in the elevator, and then the elevator dropped and I saw her hanging on the wire -looks up to see Nichole climbing into the vent and sighs and says silently- oh thank the lord! -she sighs with releaf from what she had seen-
nichole stayed in the vent shivering. she started climbing through the air vent when a horrible smell reached her nose something rotten. she froze when she saw a decomposed body and screamed backing up. she fell through a vent and hit the floor with a thud. "owww i hate this school..." rubbing her head. she looked up and some guys blushed. her eyes widened when she noticed where she was. she covered her eyes blushing brightly running out but ran into the door.
Jay saw Nichole go into the air shaft he sighed with relief but then he wondered where did it lead to then Jay got a text from a boy saying that a girl was in the boys shower room "Oh dear god." he then ran towards the room and opened the door "Nichole?!" he then looks down to see that she was on the floor, she must have ran into the door Jay then looks up to see that some of the guys were blushing "Oh hell no she is my girlfriend so back off." Jay then grabbed Nichole and leaded her out of the shower room when they were a good distance he looked at Nichole "Are you ok!?"
"Thank god, what happened?" Jay then sees Nichole blush and it makes him pull her closer and forget everything that he was about to ask he then bends down and kisses her.
Nichole kissed back and smiled. some of the guys in the hall groaned and stomped off to their dorms. "damn shes taken!" Nichole said"huh?" breaking the kiss. "hey no using profanity!" the headmaster came on the intercom. "i want everyone in their dorms i only want to hear a pin drop!" Nichole started panicking the elevator was her only way to her dorm she was screwed!!
Jay could hear the headmaster telling everyone to get back to their dorms, he was actually quite pissed because he had interrupted their kissing then he notices that the elevator was the only way to her dorm he looks at Nichole who was panicking he then grabbed her hand and they headed towards his dorm. Jay had finally gotten his dorm changed so he didn't share one with marvin instead he got his own, when they were inside Jay shut the door and started to laugh a bit "Why were you panicking so much." he say laughing a little.
"Oh of course my little goody-goody." he said teasing her just then Jay phoned rung, he answered, "Hello?" "Were the heck are you!" you could hear Rays voice coming from the phone "I went to the elevator only to find out it was broken!" Jay then took a deep breath "Im with Nichole in my dorm." he says "What! you sly dog." Jay rolled his eyes "Just take the stairs." "But I do-" Jay then hung up the phone "She is so lazy." he mumbled
Nichole giggled and sat down. the skirt slid up and she stood blushing pulling at it. "i swear this has to be one of the headmaster's sick fantasies or something!"
Jay blushed then slightly laughed "Probably is." Jay was happy that the uniforms were like this because everyday he can watch his sister suffer, Ray hated wearing short skirts she was more of a jeans type of person.
Jay saw that Nichole had took out two pistols his eyes widen "Well im not pissing you off anytime soon." he said jokingly just then Ray had barged through the door out of breath "Too...many...STAIRS!" she said in frustration.
Nichole said"yea..."putting them away. she sighed and stood up looking out the window. "~… guess i better cast my spell. dont you worry just you wait everything's gonna be great! just like magic watch and see magical doremi like magic 1…2…3 you and me...~" humming the rest. she blushed deeply she loved that show.
Jay raised an eyebrow as he heard Nichole singing but it made him smile then Ray glomped Nichole causing them both to fall onto the ground "Are you ok! I saw the elevator was broken and I was worried about you!" she then started to squeeze Nichole
this is the expression she had(----> :confused:) Nichole said"other than getting rope burns from the cords and seeing a decomposed body and half naked guys im fine!"
"What?half naked!" Rays eyes went straight to Jay "Not me idiot!" Ray then turned back to nichole "You saw a dead body?".
"Really, you would mention a dead corpse first." said Jay "Oh shut up!" Ray then walked over to the bathroom "You ok?"

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