Amia Academy the school of mystery!(accepting)

"Yeah, you vomited your lungs out." Ray then looks out the bathroom doorway "Go get her some food will you!" Jay then looks at Ray "Why do I have to get it?" "Because im a girl and this is girl time." Jay sighed and rolled his eyes "Whatever." he then walked out of the room to go get some food for her.
"Yeah and I hate this school." Ray said sitting next to Nichole "So about yesterday what was that all about you just changed into a completely different person."
Nichole said"i dont remember..." siting up. she rubbed her chin in thought. she started singing to herself"~theres a song in your heart! only you can sing and theres no telling what that song will bring! theres a melody inside and its one of a kind....~"
Ray tilted her head she guessed it was a type of anime "Aww~" Ray said squeezing Nichole "Thats is so friggin CUTE!" just then Jay walked in with taco bell and he was sorta out of breath "What happened to you?" Ray said concerned "I ran into Marvin." he says sighing he then handed the food to nichole "Here you go."
"I thought you didn't want to get into trouble." he says with a smirk Ray looks at Jay "Where is he now?" Jay looked away ".....In the dumpster...." Ray then threw a pillow at her brother "Idiot you already on probation!" "He was pissing me off its bad enough ive been holding back for so long." Ray sighed "Whatever." she said rolling her eyes.
"Its a long story." Ray said waving her hand gesturing her to forget about it Jay then sat down on a black spinning chairand started to twirl he then looks at Nichole "Are you sure you are fine?" he said with concern.
Nichole nodded then looked down at her shirt. then noticed something"my necklace its gone!! i-i knew i had it on!"looking through her bag frantically the necklace was special to her!
"Where was the last place you had it." Ray guessed that the necklace was very important to her because she was looking for it frantically.
"Nichole!" Ray and Jay yelled as they ran after her "Its probably in the airvent or something but its to dangerous you just cant go after it!" Ray said concerned
nichole saw her necklace dangling from the chandelier. she sighed and positioned herself at it running then jumped. she used the wall to launch herself and grabbed onto the chandelier. she heard giggles as she grabbed for her necklace. she looked around and the voice said"time..start!" the room turned pitch black and nichole looked around afraid. she put on her necklace and tried to ease herself off the chandelier without falling to her doom. it swung dangerously. she shook her head no.
nichole quickly let go and fell to her feet. she opened her phone but the battery shorted out. she whimpered she hated the dark! she felt something nip her arm and felt blood run down her hand. "huh?" SWIPE! She looked around in fear holding her arm. susan said"you always finish the game..." before she felt something pierce her leg. Nichole cried out in pain falling to one of her knees hissing covering the wound. susan said"fun fun fun!!"
Ray could hear Nichole screaming "Nichole!" Ray went after her "Ray!" Jay yelled as he went after Ray.
nichole looked around before eli said"never go off alone nichole....bad things could happen to such a pretty girl..." whispering in her ear. she backed away and he smirked. "humans are so cute when theyre afraid...." nichole carefully removed the knife from her leg and put pressure on it.
character sheet:

name: Jon (I'm gonna use my rel name because I tend to lose track of the characters I play...=])

age: 16

gender: Male

weapon: A steel Staff

appearance:(pictures or great description):

personality: Creepy, Shy, Quiet, Caring, somewhat antisocial(Only speaks to you if he needs something.), Strange.

bio:(In depth personality.): Shy but outgoing when encouraged, likes to spend his time mostly away from everyone else while hiding in the darkness.. alone. He is loving and caring once he gets used to you, but other than that, he'll push you away until you force yourself onto him.
"Nichole!? where are you." Ray couldn't see a thing everything was pitch black she thought that Jay was near her but when she started to feel around she couldn't feel him "Jay you bastard!" she said harshly to herself.

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