Amia Academy the school of mystery!(accepting)

Ray sighed with relief "What is up with this school." she said leaning her head against the wall that had a window, the moonlight poured into the girls bathroom.
-sees the lights go out and tries to turn on the switch for the lights in her dorm but can't so she goes out into the hallway and sees the girl that the ghosts wanted to torcher. Then she saw another girl come in and take her away somewhere. Rose breaks into a run as she goes after them and then she feels something gripping her arm and then a cold knife splicing into her arm, flesh was showing and she screamed in pain as she let go of the grip and grabbed her arm as she ran, but it slowed her down-
-blood seeped through her hand as she tried to run... all she could do then was walk. She walked to the doors and felt the coldness of the hand one more time.. this time it didn't let go at all when she tried to break free....

(yullen: so this is eli grabbing her and since Nichole won't play I'm thinking they'll have to do the game with someone else.. just an idea kk? if you agree then okay if not then I have another back-up idea ready kk?)
(that'll work rose! ^-^) Nichole said"r-ray we have to help rose!" eli smirked at rose. "time to play..." 
(that'll work rose! ^-^) Nichole said"r-ray we have to help rose!" eli smirked at rose. "time to play..."
-Rose tried to wrench free but couldn't. She was dragging on the floor trying to grasp it with her feet but kept sliding. Her dagger dropped from her pocket and onto the floor and her eyes widened- No! Let me go! Let me go! -she cried out- Help!! -she kept trying to break free as she shed tears.. fearing her life may be on the line of this- 
(kk! ^-^ thx!)
(yw) eli smirked and said"no sorry love you gotta play the game."dragging her to the double doors. nichole's necklace shone some and a ball of light shot out. she said"huh?" the light hit eli and he cursed rubbing his head.
-Rose saw her chance and started to run but slowed down since her arm still was having blood seeping through her flesh and she falls to the ground as she starts to faint from the blood loss since the blood was now seeping quickly-
"You have to stay here I'll go help rose." Ray gently leaned Nichole on the and to go find Rose "Rose!?" then she bumped into someone "I sware i'll kill you Jay!" Jay looked at Ray "Wheres Nichole?" "In the girls bathroom go watch her Ray then started to run off towards Rose then Jay called out "Where are you going?! Ray turned her head towards Jay as she ran "To go find Rose!"
Nichole stood up again and hissed in pain. she walked to the door and groaned. Susan giggled phasing in."hi how ya feeling?" Nichole glared and Susan said"in pain? good!"
-It was pitch black as she slowly woke up to a light above her shorting out (wait a minute is it night time or day time idk {I don't know}). Rose got up and ripped her part of her jeans and wrapped it around her right arm, the own that was seeping and damp with blood. Some blood was drying but it still was all over her arm. Rose's eyes widened and she wrapped the ripped of cloth around her arm as quickly as possible. But as soon as she wrapped it around her arm she fainted again from the blood loss- 
-When she woke up again she saw a glance of Nichole coming to the door and the ghost figure of Susan just a few feet away from her and she slowly faints again-
(morning) nichole said"g-get away from me...." susan pouted and threw a knife at her leg. nichole had quick reflexes and jumped back but landed on her bad leg. she started shouting curses holding it.
Jay could hear Nichole shouting and cursing through the halls and he went towards the noise "Nichole!?"


Ray found Rose passed out on the ground "Rose?!" she bent down next to her and started to gently shake her "Wake up."
Jay turned the next hall and saw Nichole he ran towards her and hugged almost causing them to fall "Oh my god are you ok!?" Jay said while he holded Nichole.
-she wakes up to see Ray- Hurry get us outa here -she says in a whispering voice and she felt pain her her right arm and looks over at it and then looks over at Ray- Hurry! -Rose gets up slowly and walks to the door, needing support with her right arm. She looks at Nichole and pulls her up and away from the door so Susan would not hit her with a knife again. Rose stays in front of Nichole knowing if there was a knife being thrown it would go into her. She stays in front of her the whole time and starts to pass out but tries her hardest to not pass out-
"How about we just Run!" Jay picked up Nichole and started to run Ray picked up Rose who looked like she was about to pass out any second and followed after Jay "Where are we going?!" Ray yelled while holding Rose "Anywhere but over!" they then stopped running once they were near te cafeteria.

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