Amia Academy the school of mystery!(accepting)

nichole blushed deeply. she was so happy barely anyone got up this early! she looked as they ran down the halls. she was looking for a certain door. the file room had to be somewhere! she closed her eyes and tried to remember where it was. she bit her lip thinking as they made it to the cafeteria.
-she held her arm tightly as she was picked up. It felt like the dagger was still piercing in the same spot over and over again. She hissed a little in the pain.- What about outside the school! -she thinks quickly as she blurts out and points to the doors, but as soon as she pointed to the doors they swung shut and locked automatically as she heard whispering in her ears, "there is no stopping the game." The whisper played over and over I her ear and her eyes widen- ahh! 
-They finally made it to the cafeteria and Rose was set down on a table. The pain still throbbing in her right arm.-
nichole's eyes widened."why didnt i think of this before?!"ripping off her cross it was a big cross. she slipped it behind the door handles. eli tried to phase through them but couldnt. "wth?!" nichole quickly pulled out her laptop. "look at this!" showing them the screen.
Ray ripped a piece of her sleeve off and tightly rapped it around Rose's injury "Just keep pressure on it." she said as calmly as possible. Ray looked at the door that the boy could not go through she then looked back at the others "How you do that?" she then walked over to the others who were looking at the laptop
-she looks at the screen from a distance but it was blury, one cuz she was near sided. 2 cuz it was far away. Rose reaches to pull out her dagger but feels for it on her belt. It wasn't there! She then remembers that she dropped it and didn't grab it again when she was being dragged- Oh no! My Dagger! 
-she sighs and holds her arm lightly while sitting up on the table. small drops of blood fell from her arm even though it was covered with a cloth-
nichole said"holy cross..."her eyes skiming the screen as her fingers typed quickly on the keyboard. "eli doesnt remember how he died thats why hes stuck here he cant move on!" her leg was killing her. "no dont remove the jacket from the wound keep it there in case there is more bleeding do not change it it will get infected...elevate the leg if bleeding progresses..."talking to herself.
-she was surprised by this but she kept hold on her hurt arm as she walked over to them and whispers to Nichole- wouldn't you think he would be able to hear you by now? m-maybe we shouldn't say any of this in this place... maybe when he finally leaves us f-for now...
Ray still didn't quite understand what they were talking about maybe she should have listened to her cousin who talked about this stuff constantly.
-Rose felt like she was about to faint and walks over to a table and lies down.... she thought it would help but she faints right as soon as she lies down on the table-
nichole placed her laptop down and elevated her leg. she sighed and looked at the door. then she pulled out something from her bag it was her sketchbook. she flipped through the pages til she came to the picture of eli. she ripped it out and glared at the drawing.
nichole got out of jays arms and crawled to the door. "the lord is my sheperd i shall not want he maketh me to lie down in green pastures he leads me beside the still waters..." the screams got louder. she winced and continued"he retsores my soul he leads me in the path of righteousness for his name sake..for yea thou walk through the valley of the shadow of death...i will fear no evil for thou art with me..." eli said"STOP IT ALREADY!" she was thrown back and hit the wall.
-her eyes widen- Nichole!!!!! -she runs over to her. She shouts at the ghost- YOU MAY NOT TOUCH HER!!! -Rose repeats with anger- YOU MAY NOT TOUCH HER!! -Rose went over to Nichole and picked her up- Are you okay Nichole??
she winced and held the bible continuing"your rod and your staff they comfort me. thou preparest a table before me in the presence of thy enemies thouest anointed my head with oil my cup runeth over surley goodness and mercy shall follow me and i shall drewl in the house of the Lord forver!...." Closing thr bible. she heard the whole school shake and held onto something. powerful voices said"YOU INSOLENT GIRL! LOOK WHAT YOUVE DONE TO US JUST FOR THAT WE TAKE YOUR LIFE!" Nichole screamed and held up her bible and cross as the ghosts went for her. they went into the bible and there were sparks. she quickly placed the cross on top of it and there was one loud scream.Nichole scooted back and there was a light.
nichole covered her eyes and when she opened them she looked at the bible. her bible was sealed by the cross and as she picked it up a voice said"you did well thank daughter..." she looked around looking for where the voice came from. two voices said"thank you...we are sorry for all the trouble we caused!" she looked up it was eli and susan and they were...smiling. they looked toward the light. "goodbye..." walking towards it hand in hand. the light disappeared and nichole smiled weakly before fainting.
-she wakes up shortly after that. Nichole was fainted... but nothing was happening- What happened? -she walked over to Nichole with one arm holding her wound- Nichole?
-looks at her arm and jumps- woah! -she touches her arm where her wound was and moves her arm around as she takes off the piece of cloth to see not even one drop of blood was there and she sighs and smiles- Thank the lord...... -she looks up and then over at the doors and exits the building slowly, while smiling-

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