Amia Academy the school of mystery!(accepting)

Robin chuckled and playfully punched his shoulder,"Youre always so high strung! Relax a bit, dont get so upset so much and loosen up." Robin nagged.
Sage scowled, but then quickly changed it into a pout. "I am not high strung." he whined. He stuffed his hands into his pockets, his face still set in a pout.
"suuuuuureeee" Robin grinned evily,"You get upset all the time! xD ...N-no offence....just saying..." He added.

" hungry? i can cook up something at my dorm?" He questioned trying to change the subject.
Sage perked up at the mention of food. "You cook?" he asked, his face lighting up in a grin. "Sure! I mean, I am hungry." He turned to face the school building again.
Robin rubbed his neck,"Sure i can cook something...usually Paige is the one to cook :/ " he glanced at Sage to see his reaction to that but didnt want to wait,"B-But Ill cook! Im not bad!" he smiled.
Sage laughed and shook his head. "It's cool, dude. I'll eat basically anything that's edible." he said, shrugging. "So it doesn't really matter to me whether or not you're a good cook."
"Alright then its settled!" He playfully slapped Sages back then started to walk to his dorm. Through the stairs and corridors they went, and finally his room! He turned the knob and headed straight for the kitchen. He pulled out certain things from the fridge then lioked at Sage, "feel free to make yourself at home." He gestured tothe couch and tv in the living room.
Sage walked into the room and looked around. He noticed Paige's things on one side of the room and tilted his head to the side before looking over at Robin. He studied his friend for a moment, noticing that there was a slight resemblance to Paige. Shaking his head, he walked to the couch and let himself fall onto it, landing face-down. Making himself comfortable, Sage turned to look at Robin. "What are you going to make?" he asked curiously.

(Huzzah! I never saw the alert for this. llD)
Robin stopped grabbing ingrediants for a moment," you like chicken?" He looked at Sage as he layed on the couch. Robin washed his hands.
( shoots self in the head x.x )

Rima sighed she couldnt believe that Ray just left out like that "Great now we have to wait for her.." she mumbled to herself but she knew that she wasnt going to do that "Lets just go." she said as she grabbed Nicholes arm and left out the gym "Anyway while we wait for Ray what do you want do?"

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