Amia Academy the school of mystery!(accepting)

(I'm not sure what was going on with Nichole, Ray, Rima, and Jay, but Alex threw a paper out the window and it ended up flying to Griffin. He picked it up and opened it then read it. Sage is being all awkward around Paige. xD )
(okay.. I'll just go to a restaurant...... In a little bit, maybe the next post x3)

-Rose walks to her dorm alone now since Griffin walked away anyways. She brushed her hair and then straightened it so it could be the choppy and black scene hair she always keeps.-
(And then I magically appear.*magic dust* Not a lot is really happening so that's why everybody disappeared)

Alex sat on one of the benches and stared at the small garden next to her. She spotted some roses and violets.She smiled, those two flowers were her favorite. She looked away from the flowers and at the ground, her thoughts flying off somewhere.
(so when can Alex and Rose meet and where? just asking ^-^) -Rose hummed Here We Go Again by Paramore as she picked up her locket, put it around her neck, and walked out the door and to dairy queen, not far from taco bell, to get some double fudge cookie dough ice cream.-
(Ummm. They can meet at school in the courtyard and whenever you want them to.Also Here We Go Again is my favorite song ^^)

Alex blinked and looked back at the flowers. She smiled and looked at all the stairs. She took out her guns from her jacket and stared at them.
(alright) -Rose walked outside of the building and to the courtyard. She smelled the air and the flowers mixing in a beautiful fragrance. She walked over to a tree and pulled out her drawing book so she could draw it.-
-Rose felt eyes on her and looked around but her vision blurred a little. She returned to the tree. She pulled out a sharp pencil and starting drawing. After 5 minutes when she was close to done she put some shading in it.-
Alex looked away from the girl. She thought about the girl's appearance, but quickly let that thought fly away.She looked down at her boots and brushed some dirt off of them.
-Rose quickly finished up her drawing of the tree. Then Rose looked over to see a girl brushing dirt off her shoe. Rose thought that those were the eyes that had been looking at her but she had no idea, so to be friendly she smiled and waved at her.- Hi
(We're the only two active on this...)

Alex smiled and shook the girl's hand."My name is Alex, nice to meet you Rose" she said. 'So now I met two people here' she thought to herself.
-Rose smiled as the girl shook Alex's hand.- Nice to meet you Alex. -Rose sat down next to Alex and then looked at the trees before looking back at Alex. She seemed like a nice girl to talk to, or maybe as a friend.- So how long have you been here?

(@~Hidden~: happens to me all the time)
Alex looked over at Rose "Not very long" she said.She ran her hand through her choppy scene hair and looked up at the sky."I've only met two people here.I would like to meet more but, it's so empty here" she added.

(My prom is in three hours.Since I made the dress it's now finished.)
-Rose fixed her black, choppy scene hair quickly and then flipped her hair to the right and smiled at Alex.- I've been here for at least a week or two. Yeah, lots of people just don't like coming out and saying hello or rather being nice to anyone. Trust me I ran into some people through the past week. -Rose laughed a little then sighed, a smile sticking on her face and her light blue eyes glistening in the sun.-

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