Amia Academy the school of mystery!(accepting)

Ray raises her eyebrow at Jay "Are you sure I didn't miss something?" she then turns at Nichole who was awake she then jumps on the bed pushing Jay off "Oh my gosh are you ok, does your body hurt, can you see clearly, do you want me to call an ambulance!?" Ray was over exaggerating and freaking out Jay then looks at Ray slightly pissed for interrupting "She is fine she doesn't need an ambulance." Ray then smacks him upside the head "Shut up you dont know that!" she says as she squeezes Nichole tightly.
"Your suffocating her idiot!" Ray then looks at Nichole who was struggling to breathe she then lets go of her "Im so sorry its just that I was so worried that I kinda over exaggerated." she says with a sheepish smile out of embarrassment "Kinda?" Jays says being sarcastic "You call that kinda." he says as he gets up "Oh shut up!" she says to Jay annoyed "You act like you never over exaggerated before!" she says as she sticks out her tongue "Yeah but not as much as you." he replies.
"Thats a nice name" Jay says smiling at nichole Ray then notices the atmosphere and she smiles "And you said I didn't miss anything." she says with a smirk as she looks at Nichole blush Jay then rolls his eyes slightly blushing "Shut up Ray."
"You did what?!" Ray said with her jaw dropped in shock "When did this happen!?" she say curiously "Before you barged in and interrupted!" he said frustrated he then looks at Nichole "Did you not like?" he says with a smirk he then looked away "It just felt like the thing to do at that moment, I mean, im a guy."
"Then you wouldn't mind if I did it again?" he said getting closer Ray then pushed his face away "Not in my dorm boy!" she says as she holds Nichole close, Jay rolled his eyes at his sister "Whatever." he said folding his arms.
Jay slight.y smiled at Nicholes comment "Yeah, we get that alot." he says people had always thought it was funny when Ray and him would argue though he never really got what was so funny about it, Ray looks at Nichole "If he ever tries to touch you call and i'll break his hands off." she whispers into her ear.
Oh my god that was so cute!" Ray said as she tighten her grip on Nichole "Your so freaking adorable!" Jay then turned to Ray "Your suffocating her again Ray!" he says worried Ray then let go of her "Oh, oops, sorry" she said with a nervous smile.
"Whaaat." said Ray quite disappointed "Were are you going?" 
"Whaaaat." Ray said quite disappointed "Where are you going?" Ray asked.
-she walks otu of the doorway, confused of what happened and calms down, puts her dagger away, and walks slowly to her dorm and then hears the bell ring and sighs as she makes her way to class but once again bumps into a girl (Nichole) and looks up at her- oops! I'm so sorry -looks down at the floor to see that she (rose did) dropped her drawing book, and it was flipped to the page with a flower drawn on it and she bends over slightly and pick it up- again, I'm sorry i bumped into you -she giggles a little in her speech- So ummm..... Hi my name is Rose -she smiles and looks at the girl with kindness-
Nichole said"gotta go to my dorm sorry..."looking down. it was almost time for curfew. "i'll see you tomorrow!"smiling weakly. Nichole stumbled and said"its ok hi rose um classes start tomorrow its almost curfew.."
Oh okay -she giggles a little and fixes her black scene hair- Oh, I haven't known that, I'm so stupid -she smiles and then looks at the hallway, a little creeped out by it and then walks back to her dorm feeling stupid and starts to blush when she starts walking away. I really I am stupid! She thought and puts her hand on her face a little and sighs-
Jay slightly blushed when Nichole kissed him on the cheek "Goodnight" he says smiling then Ray pushed his face out of the way "Goodnight!" she said energetically like her usual self Jay and Ray then laid down and went to sleep.
-she walks slowly to her dorm thinking, "I wish I had my old friends here, it's so hard making new friends. That one girl is nice, I mean she is nice to me. Am I overnice to her? hmm I wonder if that is even possible." she sighs and jumps onto her bunk and puts on her pajamas and goes to sleep-
Nichole hummed and went to the elevator. but when she got on however the lights flickered and it got jammed. "help anyone?!"beating on the door. the elevator swung some and she heard a giggle"always finish the game..." before the cord snapped. she screamed and quickly tried to open the door in the roof.
-she hears a scream near the elevator and the same creepy giggling and runs to it and tries to go into the elevator but sees it was jammed and freaks out knowing someone was in there-
Nichole started hyperventilating and quickly tried to kick the door on the roof open. she then got out her gun and aimed but the elevator tilted. BANG! She ducked dodging the bullet.

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