Amia Academy the school of mystery!(accepting)

Jay went towards the girl to see the picture it didn't look that scary just an average boy but then he saw his blood red eyes "And what do you dream?" about he says in a questioning tone just then someone had opened the door

Ray felt her phone vibrate, it was an unknown number she then looked at the text it was the girl she just met she then texts My name is Ray nice to meet cha" then Ray opens the door to the science room she then sees Jay and a girl next to eachother "Jay!" she yelled in a shocked tone "On thr first day of school" Jay then looked at Ray "What are you talking abo-" then Jay finally found out what she meant he then went over to Ray and smacked her in the back of the head "Your disgusting!" Ray laughed
(alright) -walks out of the auditorium and sighs as she smiles and sees everyone just either talking or walking to their room, she gets a key to her room and a paper saying who she had as a roommate (who can my roommate be? idk). she opens the door to the room and sees a uniform on the bed that looked a little tight and says aloud to herself- No matter what, I 'm not wearing that! -fixes the bottom of her snow white t-shirt and sits on the fluffy bed- wow this is soft -giggles-
(( Rose you can be mine ))

Bella's hair covered her dark eye's until she felt a slight vibration in her pocket. Her phone had gone off in her back pocket. Lying on her back, she pulled her cell out to see an unknown number she had originally messaged. Bella's plain expression, altered slightly. a Smile tugged at the corner of her mouth. She shrugged it away. Saving the name in her contacts.
Nichole blushed knowing what she meant. She said"oh i dream a lot of stuff but that was felt like he was trying to pull me in with his blood red eyes..." She put the sketchbook away and walked up to the board but tripped over her own feet. (shes super clumsy >.<)
(alright ^-^) -looks at the list to see who her roommate was, it was Isabella Rivers- Isabella Rivers... -thinks and smiles- That's a pretty name -giggles happily as she fixes her black dyed scene hair (I LOVE that kind of hair, it's gorgeous!! :tongue:)
-pulls out her phone and texts one of her old friend that she had in Vermont, "I'm at the new school! It's a little creepy but it's so sweetlz! :tongue:" puts her black and red Verizon phone away and lies down on her bed and hums Still Into You by Paramore-
Bella slowly sat up in her bed. Two bed's one empty, the other her's. They were bunked and she chose the bottom bunk. She occasionally had nightmare's that made her fall out of bed. Isabella walked to her dek, and pulled out a note pad. Carefully drawning a dark figure. The figure you could clearly see his bright Red eye's. He had a drk cloak covering his body, that casted a shadow across his face. His eye's only to be seen. Bella sketched the figure's surrondings. Around him was a cementary. She ended up placing ear buds in her ears to listen to music. In the picture some skeletons were half buried. The moon above was a crmpson red color.
OCC: Lol

Ray laughed "Oh my big brother so naughty and violent~" she then looked at the girl who had just tripped over her own two feet she goes over to her giggling a little bit she the holds out her hand are "You ok there clumsy?" she says with a smile

"Just shut up Ray you irritate me" he then walks out and starts to wonder around the school again being cautious not to bump into Marvin he made a note to himself to make sure if he can get his room changed soon
-looks over at the girl who came in and smiles as she sits down and starts to draw and decides to greet her and introduce herself to the girl- Hi, you must be Isabella -smiles- I 'm Rose -looks down at Isabella's drawing- wow that is REALLY good
Bella looked at the girl named Rose, who had came in. Her expression blank, as though nobody could tell what was on her mind. Rose's expression ws sweet, and caring. As Rose introduced herself, Bella shook her head at the mention of her full name. Bella took a new piece of Paper and wrote broad as day "Bella" Once the girl looked at her drawning she blushed slightly. Feeling her face grow hot, she hid her eye's with her hair. 
Bella looked at the girl named Rose, who had came in. Her expression blank, as though nobody could tell what was on her mind. Rose's expression ws sweet, and caring. As Rose introduced herself, Bella shook her head at the mention of her full name. Bella took a new piece of Paper and wrote broad as day "Bella" Once the girl looked at her drawning she blushed slightly. Feeling her face grow hot, she hid her eye's with her hair.
-looks at the paper- Oh sorry, I didn't mean to. I didn't know you didn't like being called by your name normally. sorry -looks at her apologetically- I really like your drawing though, the background is amazing and so is the character. -smiles-
"My name is Ray and that boy that just walked out is my older brother Jay" she said with a smile as she helps her up she then looks around the classroom she sees a knock down portrait and broken vases she then looks back at the girl with an eyebrow raised "Errr..did I m-" just then Ray words are interrupted by a loud yell the she smiled "Marvin"

"F**CK! Jay screamed into the hallway while running and guess who was chasing after him, Marvin, "Why wont you buy my teeth!" Marvin said while running "Because its disgusting now stop chasing me!" he said while he ran all around the school
Nichole said"nothing like that happened!"blushing. then she sighed popping her knuckles stomping out and tapped marvin on the shoulder. "excuse me may i have a word?"
"Sure nothing" happened she said in a sarcastic tone she then followed behind her as she tapped who she was guessing was Marvin on the shoulder then she saw her pop her knuckles "Ok~" she said gently grabbing Marvin and pushing him away from the girl "Please do leave my brother alone" then she whispers into his ear "We are from the CSI and this is serious case and we dont need you to interfere" she lied she then pushed Marvin away in the opposite direction "Sometimes you have to lie not try to fight people on the first day" she says as she pats the girls hands she then turns to Jay who was hiding behind a wall "He is gone lover boy" she said smirking

James stepped from behind the wall and towards them "Just shut up" he said irritated at his sisters comments he then turns to the girl "Thanks" then he turns to Ray "Im sleeping in your dorm tonight" then he starts to walk away "I object!" Ray says but it was already to late he was gone and out of site
Nichole said"i wasnt gonna fight him i was gonna hit his preasure point..."pouting. she then sighed and her stomach growled. she blushed all she ate that morning was a toaster struddel, a crossiant, and some juice.
Ray heard her stomach growls she raised an eyebrow then laughed "Im guessing your hungry?" she says looking at the girl whith a smile on her face "How about we sneak out the school and get something to eat?"
Ray then raises her eyebrow and stares at her stomach as it rumbles "You hear thats its saying give me some damn food" and on that note Ray grabbed her hand and started to walk towards the exit she then grabbed her phone and texted bella "Wanna get something to eat, you can bring a friend along" she then sent the message
-sees Bella on the phone and leans back onto the top bunk of her bed and lies back down and sighs and goes back to humming Still Into You by Paramore- 
-looks at her phone as she flips through the messages she made about this random conversation about an attack of foods on planet FACEATRON and laughs- 
-pulls out her own drawing book secretly and slowly so Bella wouldn't hear her pulling it out and looks at her drawings and adds a new drawing, of the one dream she had the night before. She dreamed of a beautiful forest going from good to a dark forest and the flowers and vines grew around her, trapping her and she couldn't move and then she woke up, that was all she remembered from the night before.-

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