Amia Academy the school of mystery!(accepting)

Bella quickly unpacked, moat of her clothes were black or purple. Dark clothes as she preffred. She hated to stick out with a bright neon color, no matter how slendious the color was she bypassed the thought. Going to explore the place, she saw the double door's, a russle occured before she noticed Nichole. Usially Bella didn't talk, so she gently kicked the wall. Creating a thud to symbolize her arrival.
Nichole looked up and waved at bella shyly. she looked back at the doors before walking away from them. she wouldn't get in trouble on the first day.
Bella stepped back at her wave, she allowed he hair to cver her eye's. Casing a scary shadow over her face. Once she was sure the girl was gone, she walkedcloser to the doors. Gently curious, she knocked on the door. Placing her hand on it she tapped twice. Bump-Bump.
Ray and Jay took there separate ways, Ray went to the girls dorm and went to her room, she saw that there were some clothes already unpacked on the other side of the room, probably her roomies she thought while she was unpacking she heard he phone ring it was Jay "Hello?" she said wondering why he was calling her already "Please help me, I have a roommate named marvin and he has a collection of bugs and baby teeth" Ray laughed on the phone "And you said I was complaining, well your on your own big bro goodbye~" "Ray wai-" before Jay could finish his sentence Ray had hung up the phone and layed there on her bed

"She hung up on me!" Jay said staring at his phone he then turned around to see marvin starring at him weirdly "Yes?" he said nervously "You have nice teeth he said with awe in his eyes" Jay turned back around never in his life has he been so creeped out "Thanks..?" Jay then quickly headed towards the door and ran out when he finally stopped running he was somewhere near the science lab
OCC: xD Ray and Jay

Bella was taken a back as the door opened lightly. A deep chill swept through the place, she shivered as she peered in. Knowing she would be in some major trouble thats all she though to do. Bella looked into the dark hall. She could barely see, since there was flickering lights. Bella gasped in surprise.
OCC: Just like me and my brother xD

Jay stood there leaning on science door he saw Marvin run out the door chasing him asking if he wanted some baby teeeth,then he hears a slight humming noise then Jay thought "Did Marvin find me!" his eyes went wide and he quickly ran into the science rooming shutting the door behind him but it made a loud shutting noise he slowly backed away from the door

Ray had decided to leave the room and go explore she started to walk around the school aimlessly
Bella opened the door slightly more. Curiousity peekes at the top. She fet sudsenly scared. Although she usially liked dark items, this had creeped her out. She couldn't see five feet infront of her hand.
Jay heard a voice say hello,a girl voice so it couldn't be Marvin he opened the door to see a girl with one eye brow raised then he could hear another voice getting closer "Rooomie~" "Crap!" Jay said in frustration, he pulled the girl inside the lab and shut the door

While Ray was walking she could see a girl peering through the dark door her hair was covering her eyes a bit, Ray then walked up behind the girl and starred with her then whispered into her ear "Did you check on the children"
Nichole yelped as she was pulled in. there was a tap tap coming behind the girls near the door. a picture fell off the wall and shattered.
Bella gasped, her eye's widened as she spun around. Bitting her lip to not release a scream, she stumbled backwards. Knocking the double door's open. She landed on her bum in the darkened hallway. Staring up inocently at the girl who startled her.
there was another crash of a picture or vase. soon there was a giggle a creepy giggle that sends a chill down your spine! nichole said"are you ok?" looking at the guy who pulled her inside the classroom.
Bella turned suddenly at the crashes of the vase and various pictures. All of a sudden, there was the creepiest giggle formed by what seemed to be the air. Bella quickly stood as she peered into the dark hal. Unable to talk, Bella began to closed the door. Leaning er head dosn, before glancing to the girl who had startled her earloer.
"Oh crap! Sorry didn't mean to frighten you" she then quickly shuts the hallway door that leaded to the dark one hoping nobody saw she then held out her hand to the girl who was now on the ground "Ehehe its best if we kept this to ourselves.. you know about opening the door"

James heard the girl yelp and he quickly covered her mouth then a picture frame that was on the wall fell causing the glass to shatter Jay then put his index finger on his signalling the girl to shushh, he could tell that Marvin was outside at the door "Roomie?!" when Marvin was about to open the door a teacher had stopped him "Young man get away from that door" Marvin quickly left then the teacher looked through the window of the door then left relief filled through Jays face and he then uncovered his hand from the girls mouth "My bad!"
Bella stared at the girl as she talked. Bella didn't talk hardly, but she accepted the girls hand. Whic helped her to her feet. Bella nodded as she agreed to keep this to themselve, she knew they were at risk for expulsion. Bella stared at her as she closed the door. Being antisocial it was hard for her to communicate to other's, other than writting.
Nichole said"it-its why were you hiding?"siting on a desk. she groaned smoothing out her skirt. she hated the uniforms its like they want girls kidnapped with how tight the shirts are and how short the skirts are also. //the headmaster must be a pedo..// she stood and looked around. she giggled seeing the skeleton and moved his arms and jaw saying"hello welcome to science class i am your teacher mr.boney bones take a seat.."
"Let me guess your not the social" Ray said with a smile on her face "You dont need to force your self to talk to" Ray then took out a piece of paper that had he phone number on it she then gave it to the girl "For now you can text me if you want, we can take this step by step" she then started to walk towardsthe science wing, she looked back and waved bye to the girl and dashed off

Jay looked at the girl who was playing with the skeleton he laughed a bit, that seemed like something Ray would do he then got up and dusted himself off "Well I was hiding from a weird kid named Marvin who will apparently try to sell his baby teeth to you" he says in a weirded out tone
Nichole said"ewwww..." then an idea popped into her head. she grabbed her sketchbook from her messengerbag and sketched something she darkened it some and smiled. "i saw this in one of my nightmares before...kinda creepy..."it was the boy he was waving smiling innocently until you saw his blood red eyes.
Bella shook her head as she heard the Girl talk. Slowly the girl offered a friendly and a smile. She accepted and nodded, as she watched her walk away. Her face still in her plain expression she barely waved back, glancing at the haunted doors, behind her. Bella walked back to her dorm, where she sat on her bed quietly waiting to meet her new room mate. Bella exaimned the paper before pulling out her phone. "I'm Isabella By the way, Bella For short." She texted the girl she had just met.
(bella accidently opened the door nichole met jay ray met bella and nichole sketched this picture of the boy who appeared in her nightmare also creepy giggles!)

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