Ambrose A Vampire Signups

Thanks Tyra and it isn't really all that hard, its just lengthy.

You could write her opening post describing her getting ready and going to the plantation but you can't really interact with the serf she ends buying because we don't know for sure whom it is yet.
Eek so sorry 14, your post got hidden in all the purple @.@ I just noticed it now. Will do my best to get you a responds before sleep.
Ok, here are my suggestions. ^^

BVAbram- BHLynix

FHAmber- BVTimothy

BHXavier- BVAyiko

FHKhloe- BV or FV

BVAlexander- FHJennifer



BVAbram- BHLynix

FHAmber- BVTimothy

BHXavier- FV or BV

FHKhloe- FVKew

BVAlexander- FHJennifer

FH or BH- BVAyiko

If we can't find another person, though, we might be able to pair both of Kioku's characters with Katherine's but it would be better if we had another person with two more characters.
[MENTION=705]Chaos[/MENTION]: Well, if 14 likes my second suggestion, you could maybe make a serf for Kew. :3 That way Kioku could at least start roleplaying Kew. ^^ We should ask her whether she wants a male or a female serf for Kew.
Can i join in?

--- Merged Double Post ---

Name: Kyra Henson

Gender: Female

Age: 100


History: Kyra is the big sister of the what was a family, Before her mother and father died. She had to take care of the 2 year old boy. One day while she was going to the market, She found an old man lying on the sidewalk. He told her if she would help him, He would give her something great in return. She took care of him, And he turned her into a vampire. She is now living as one.


Other: None..

Name: Xavier

Gender: Male

Age: 18

History: She lived with a poor family and when their house caught on fire he had no choice but to run away. He ran away 2 years ago an now lives in the Plantations taking care ofg himself.

Appearance:,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.,cf.osb&fp=8918dde3527ac5b9&biw=1600&bih=728 The 3rd one.
@Chaos : Hmm, I believe so but we should probably check with 14 first to make sure we can at least start roleplaying Timothy and Amber together. I'm going to post Timothy's first introductory paragraph right now, though. :3

Would you mind changing the name of the your second character? I already have a character with that name. Just a different spelling. Xavior.
And oh! It doesn't matter to me whether she has a male or female serf. Whichever AlwaysChaos prefers. ^^

[MENTION=2323]PandaaPopsiclee[/MENTION] Um... o - o
Sorry, Panda, but your characters have to be approved and matched first by 14hca14. D: She'll hopefully be on soon, though.
Okay, here's what I gathered, let me know if I have any mistakes or if I need to update this please


Marcus MV ((Sakura FH -Shiyoumi))

Rosa FH ((Vinnie MV-Lilly Spiritdreamer))

Marque FV ((Cain MH-amdreams))

Bret MH ((Iliana FV-KaitWink))


Ryoma MV((Whisper FH-Lilly Spiritdreamer))

Sakura FH ((Marcus MV-14hca14))

Lilly Spiritdreamer:

Vinnie MV ((Rosa FH-14hca14))

Whisper FH ((Ryoma MV-Shiyoumi))

Lynix MH ((Abram MV-AlwaysChaos))

Alexander MV ((Jennifer FH-Tyra))


Cain MH ((Marque FV-14hca14))


Iliana FV((Bret MH-14hca14))

Lily FH


Amber FH ((Timothy MV-Tyra))

Abram MV ((Lynix MH-Lilly Spiritdreamer))


Jennifer FH ((Alexander MV-Lilly Spiritdreamer))

Timothy MV ((Amber FH-AlwaysChaos))


Kew FV

Xavior MH

PandaaPopsiclee: -To be Approved

Kyra FV

Looks good! Though Alexander is Sandra; Lilly made Sandra a guy(Alexander) so Jennifer could have a male vampire master. :3
[MENTION=705]Chaos[/MENTION]: I think you should go ahead and create a serf for Kew since Katherine doesn't seem to be responding. :3 It'll also give you something to do, haha. X3

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