Ambrose A Vampire Signups

Wait are people are rping with themselves? I mean if the person is fine with it that is okay I guess.
*cheers for new thread names*

Not sure about rping with themselves what little I have caught up on since I was asleep everyone is rping with someone else.
Okay I'm gonna try and reply and read everyone's post I might need to enforce a few rules about posting because I just can't keep up. lol :)
As long as it isn't characters you have to respond to does it really matter? I been reading them all just for fun myself. xD

So far nothing is against what you put out in the base as far as I can see.

*Actually tends to skip to the characters I need to reply too then goes back to read the rest out of enjoyment of the stories so far.*
[MENTION=1136]14hca14[/MENTION] I posted. Do you want me to change my text color so it's easier to find? I think 3 different people are using the same color as me.
No, I'm just reading through all the posts. I literally haven't looked at the postings since early this morning. Just give me a little while :)
Sorry about posting so much, haha. ^^; I was just excited about getting to start. I can slow down for you, 14, if you want. :3
@Kioku I am going to try to write a post for Lily as soon as I can, I'm on mobile so it might take me a bit here.
Its fine, just try don't fill more than five pages because I am going to try and be thorough with this Rp. I want to take my time with each post.

Katherine is no longer joining the rp
[MENTION=1978]KiokuLovesCheesecake[/MENTION] My post is up :) For Lily I used Pink text, no one else has that color yet so it should be easy to locate
Name: Tress

Gender: Male

Age: 16

Species: Human (serf)

History/Personality: Tress had a difficult time in his planatation as he was a bit slow at first and had trouble focusing on things. This was eventually beat out of him and Tress worked hard to focus and do as he was told right away. He has a kind soul and tries to be positive. He always does as he is told and does not fight against it.



Name: Reverie

Gender: Female

Age: 100

Species: Vampire

History/Personality: Reverie has always been known as the extra child in her family. She was seen as somewhat of a failure and so Reverie was usually alone and does not socialize with any of the other vampires too much. She tends to wander around sometimes and does not really talk. When she does, she has this dream-like quality to her voice as if she is not all there. Reverie is a lover of poetry and is always looking for new ones, sometimes forcing people into making up one for her. There is a rumor that she had a lover but whether it is true or not, serf or vampire, no one is sure of.


Okay, here's what I gathered, let me know if I have any mistakes or if I need to update this please


Marcus MV ((Sakura FH -Shiyoumi)) p1

Rosa FH ((Vinnie MV-Lilly Spiritdreamer)) p1

Marque FV ((Cain MH-amdreams)) p1

Bret MH ((Iliana FV-KaitWink)) p1


Ryoma MV((Whisper FH-Lilly Spiritdreamer)) p1

Sakura FH ((Marcus MV-14hca14)) p1

Lilly Spiritdreamer:

Vinnie MV ((Rosa FH-14hca14)) p1

Whisper FH ((Ryoma MV-Shiyoumi)) p1

Lynix MH ((Abram MV-AlwaysChaos)) p5

Alexander MV ((Jennifer FH-Tyra)) p9


Cain MH ((Marque FV-14hca14)) p2


Iliana FV((Bret MH-14hca14)) p2

Lily FH ((Kew FV-KiokuLovesCheesecake)) p5


Amber FH ((Timothy MV-Tyra)) p3

Abram MV ((Lynix MH-Lilly Spiritdreamer)) p5


Jennifer FH ((Alexander MV-Lilly Spiritdreamer)) p4

Timothy MV ((Amber FH-AlwaysChaos)) p4


Kew FV ((Lilly FH-KaitWink)) p8

Xavior MH (( )) p8

PandaaPopsiclee: -To be Approved

Kyra FV (( )) p11



Tress MH (( )) p18

Reverie FV (( )) p18
Lilly and Kaitwink I literally just finished reading the posts and now I have to go but I promise to have a reply when I get back in a few hours. If everybody could keep it slow and not post more than like two pages that would be great I just can't keep up and I want to read everything so that I know each character :)

--- Merged Double Post ---

THanks soooo much Chaos

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